Sitemap - 2024 - Jenna’s Side

Moderna's $Multimillion Participation Trophy

Death of a Snake Oil Salesman

It's No Longer Up for Debate

Tales of a Fourth Grade Dissident

Conspiracy Theorism Spreading Faster than Bird Flu

The Book of Lies: A History Lesson

The War on Women Just Got Literal

The Ugly Truth

On Sawdust and Brownie Songs

It's a 'hole' new world

Court determines that COVID vaccines are not in fact vaccines

The Spin Doctor is back

Pop quiz: WHO's not giving up?

What Happened to The Science™?

WHO do you think you are?

The X Files: A Primer on the Next Plandemic

Need to lose weight? Try Nobrainsatol!

Is That a Fact?

Completely Benign Covid Variant of Interest™ Spreading at the Speed of Science®

It turns out we didn't have to mask, social distance, or lock down after all.

Flying Pig Caught on Film

Who Had Cholera on Their Pandemic Bingo Card This Week?

The New York Times story that broke the internet

Apocalypse... Now?

How Many Conspiracy Theorists Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?

Getting a Job Is Hard Work

Some People Have Discovered Something Terrifying About the Climate

Can Someone Please Call CPS on the Biden Administration?

Winging It

Did I Offend?

It’s Not Easy Being Green

The Smart Money Would Not Have Been on Me

Friday Flashback

Nothing New Under the Sun

Scientists Warn of Deadly New Virus

What DOESN'T cause strokes anymore?

Don't Call Me Right-Wing

I Forgive You*

The Itty Bitty Case Against Diddy

I Dislike Chocolate. Where's My Parade?

Seriously, Where is Kate?

Happy Birthday, Misinformation!

Much Ado About Nothing

I Identify as Pissed Off

Vaccines vs. Vitamins: You'll Never Guess Which One "They" Say is Safer

Math is hard. We should leave it to the experts.

This Just In: COVID Is Basically the Flu

A Lesson in False Advertising

Anti-Vaxxer Dies After Tragic Karaoke Mishap

Breaking News: Now They Want to Outlaw... Memes

What's Up with Blood?

That Screeching Sound You Hear? Oh, Just the Media Backpedaling HARD.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Pandemic

Here's to the Next Fight

Biden: Lying By the Seat of His Pants

Breaking News: Clowns Are Calling All the Shots

Here’s a Thought: What if Covid Was Actually a Gift?

Are You a Conspiracy Theorist With Something (Positive) to Say?

Is Suing the WHO a Thing You Can Do?

T-Swizzle Is NOT a Government Asset, Okay?

Coming to America (*Not Just an Old Eddie Murphy Movie)

How Often Do You Want It?

Could DEI Be Deadly?

You're Not the Boss of Me

I'm Voting for a Change

You thought bug bars were bad? Wait until turd burgers are on the menu.

The X Files: A Primer on the Next Plandemic

A Love Letter to the WEF

I Will (Probably Not) Survive

The Critical Masses

Careful or You'll Wind Up in One of My Books

Is That a Fact?

Divided We Fall