Who Had Cholera on Their Pandemic Bingo Card This Week?
(You'll NEVER GUESS the most terrifying thing about this particular disease.)
If you’ve ever watched a single episode of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, you’ve heard of cholera. For my millennial readers (hi Sophie and Emma!), cholera is an old-timey bacterial infection that spreads through contaminated water and is most commonly found in areas with wretched sanitation. (We’re talking way worse than a teenage boy’s bathroom, even.) It is generally not transmissible from person to person. Outside of war or a natural disaster that severely compromises an area’s clean water supply or disrupts its ability to process sewage, cholera basically ranks somewhere below having to outrun a wooly mammoth and running out of mimeograph ink on the modern-day first world worry list.
But—and you’re not even going to believe this, it’s so shocking and unexpected—cases are surging around the world. Health experts insist that you stop what you’re doing and panic immediately because—and you’re not even going to believe this, it’s so shocking and unexpected—THERE MAY NOT BE ENOUGH VACCINES TO GO AROUND.
According to Dr. Renuga Vivekanandan, assistant dean and professor at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Nebraska and a skilled panic-inducer, dehydration is the biggest concern with cholera (on account of the diarrhea; sorry), and rehydration is the most important treatment. Obviously we need to throw Ukraine-level funding at this thing to make sure we can inject every arm in every potentially at-risk locale on earth if we’re going to try to nip this literal shitstorm in the butt bud.
Sure, we could focus on building wells and filtration systems and improving sanitation infrastructures and sewage systems globally. We could organize and implement an international hygiene education program. We could FedEx them all that hand sanitizer nobody here wants anymore. Or we could just keep funding the dirty, rotten, murderous, money-grubbing Pharma machine. You know, whatever’s easiest, really.
You’ll never guess what Vivekanandan, cholera’s strung-out spokesperson, is voting for.
Financial and other resources? I have an idea! I’d like to personally nominate Drs. Fauci and Walensky and that pharma shill Jeremy Faust—who couldn’t wait to vaccinate his 4-year-old and told everyone else “the sooner you have your kid vaccinated, the better”—to serve as other resources we can ship abroad to help haul clean water to the needy and muck their filthy sewers.
You’ll also never guess what’s to blame for this most concerning choleric development.
You guessed, didn’t you?
(Is there, like, a news-story checklist that reporters have to run through before submitting their articles anymore? “Terror-inducing headline? Check! Unrelenting push for vaccines? Of course! The words alarm, warn, fatal, and global risk? You know it! Blame it all on climate change? Done and DONE.” Your piece is approved!)
According to the CDC, cholera was prevalent in the US in the 1800s but has mostly been eliminated by modern water and sewage treatment systems. (Weird that there’s no mention of the vaccines that have been around for more than a hundred years, right?)
There’s an entire page dedicated to the sixty-three-year-old cholera pandemic in the vomitously titled “VaccinesWork series” on the GAVI website.
Cholera must not have had a very good PR team if we’ve been in a global pandemic for longer than I’ve been alive and I had no idea. And what about the seasonal flu? Hundreds of thousands of people die of influenza ever year around the world, and yet when your buddy tells you he’s got it, you’re not calling in the God Squad or drafting his eulogy. “Bummer, dude. Feel better,” you tell him, because it is and he almost certainly will.
Where are all the flu pandemic headlines? Oh, right. They’re over there in the Why Bother folder. What’s the point? The flu’s not “novel” and thus not likely to have us cowering beneath our beds. We’ve lived with it forever and we know that for the most part it’s an annoying cold that takes out people who are already seriously unwell. But we’re not going to do anything to try to make them well—that would be ridiculous! In fact, we’re going to tell them to shun sunshine and its life-giving Vitamin D, strap filthy scraps of fabric to their germy faces, avoid human contact and connection—never mind that the risk of death due to lack of social support and interaction has been compared to smoking 15 cigarettes a day and pounding alcohol—encourage them to stuff their fat pieholes with processed frankenfoods that are banned around the world, and destroy their innately perfect, God-given immune systems with a chemical cocktail that’s going to make a bunch of rich guys even richer.
I laugh at the weekly panic-demic headlines. From Disease X to bird flu to reading-about-what-can-cause-a-stroke-can-cause-a-stroke, every last one is designed to ratchet the collective anxiety level up another notch. Which isn’t good because anxiety, wouldn’t you know, can increase your risk of stroke.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, fear is the real pandemic. It’s highly contagious and nearly 100% of confirmed cases are transmitted by the media. There is no vaccine for fear; you were either born with a critically thinking brain (which confers robust, lifelong immunity), or you weren’t. Once you’ve contracted fear, the only known treatment is to turn off your TV, delete Apple news from your phone, do the exact opposite of anything the government and “health authorities” tell you to do, and spend as much time as you can in nature with an uplifting book and your best conspiracy theorist friends.
Who’s in?

Oh, for pity sake! Cholera is easily treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline and electrolytes. If people are really worried, get water purification tablets to treat your water if there’s a compromised water system. In this country, Cholera most often occurs when water filtration plants are overwhelmed by contaminated water, such as during floods. I’ve seen cholera first hand growing up in 3rd world countries and was vaccinated for it over 60 years ago, along with typhoid, etc. My mother boiled water each day for us, treated it with water purification tablets and told us to keep the water out of our eyes and mouth when we bathed. Folks in this country are getting to the point that they’re afraid of every single sneeze and hiccup. If they’re so worried about all these “horrifying” diseases, they might try closing our borders!
(Edited to add: no matter what “horrible deadly” disease they start quacking about, I will never take another one of their so called vaccines ever again!)
I’m in 100% and have been (trying) to live my life this way for the last 4 years, no MSM or radio (except K-LOVE 💕), gardening, beach, volunteering, exercise, friends on the same page, good books and substack articles:) finding more creative outlets AND speaking the truth always!