Death of a Snake Oil Salesman
In a world filled with opposition, how much of it is controlled?
Elon Musk. Alex Jones. Candace Owens. Joe Rogan. Russel Brand. Robert Malone. David Martin. Donald Trump. Tucker Carlson. Bobby Kennedy. Ben Shapiro. Jordan Peterson. Julian Assange. To hear *some Substackers* say it, just about everyone who is out there shining even a lackluster light on the corruption, censorship, democide, and darkness all around us is, in fact, controlled opposition. You know, part of a secret cabal of manipulators, marauders, and murderers pretending to expose a different cabal of manipulators, marauders, and murderers, which is the very same cabal of manipulators, marauders, and murderers they secretly belong to. Or something. I know, it can be fuzzy. The whole thing makes my head hurt, to be honest.
From cockily sporting kabbalah bracelets and Freemasonry tattoos to flip-flopping one’s position on climate change, “proof” of our purported allies’ puppetry frequently gets trotted out as a red alert for so-called truthers. Oftentimes said evidence is convincing enough to make you question your own judgment or sanity. Is there no one we can trust? Is everyone actually evil? “No one’s coming to save you,” your *actual* saviors insist. And you believe them because, well, you know no one is. But does that almost certain fact automatically imply that every person promising or pretending to save you is actually coming to get you?

The one argument that’s undeniably stronger than all the others is that those who repeatedly expose evil must be controlled opposition by virtue of the simple fact that they’re not dead. Think about that for a second: There is an actual, deeply held and not all that wacky belief that if you say something anti-government loudly or often enough, you will one hundred percent be murdered. By our government. The government that ostensibly exists to protect the rights of the people, one of which is freedom of speech.
I’m not gonna lie, it’s a hard stance to argue. I mean, if you blow the whistle on Boeing, apparently you have to take your own life the very next day (which is weird because you literally wrote a personalized letter to thirty-seven people (and later made a public video) insisting that if anything tragic should happen to you it was definitely not suicide but I guess you changed your mind?). Breathe the same air as the Clintons for more than a week? Maybe don’t get on an airplane or turn your back on another human being ever again. (The Clinton Body Count Conspiracy Theory even has its own Wikipedia page, which means clearly it’s just a serendipitous figment of a bunch of right-wingers’ imaginations.) You can’t just go around calling the Hollywood elite a bunch of blood-thirsty pedophiles or your final earthly curtain will promptly fall. Coincidentally, of course. But still.
But what if… and I’m just spitballing here… the idea of controlled opposition is the controlled opposition? What if the Controlled Opposition Police are the sowers of doubt, the spreaders of distrust, the scatterers of discontent, the seekers of division? I’m not saying that everyone who claims to be righteous and good is necessarily either of those things, but isn’t it at least possible—dare I say, likely—that some of them are? And that there are at least a handful of hustlers out there who’d love nothing more than to cast aspersions on the actual do-gooders like so much birdseed on a bride to further their own subversive agenda (be it for props, power, perceived prestige, or paid subscriptions, or out of rage, revenge, or maybe nothing more than an urge to stir the pot)?
“Look, I know. I thought for a minute David Martin was on a mission to expose the murderous mRNA agenda, too. But he’s actually one of them. And I’m obviously not, because I’m exposing him right here. You can trust me. But only me, and only if you agree not to trust him.”
Let’s say every soul on that list—and I’m sure there are hundreds more—is actually gainfully employed by the Rothefellers or the Rockschilds or whoever’s pulling the strings up there. Joe Rogan goes home every night after recording a three-hour podcast with Peter McCullough, lights a fat cigar, and takes a cold plunge while FaceTiming Klaus Schwab and the two have a hearty laugh at us useless eaters. Alex Jones and Candace Owens grab an Uber Pool over to Bill Gates’s weekend chalet where they take turns dreaming up ways to get more sheeple to buy into the next pandemic, maybe inject their new lab-grown pathogen into a few kittens to see what happens. Perhaps they all sold their proverbial souls and now they’re on some billionaire’s payroll, in positions where they are “allowed” to drop atom bombs of truth on the world to lure the most gullible into their lairs… and then do what with them, exactly? When Martin or Malone bring the receipts on Pharma’s deadly, ongoing criminality, and millions of people are now privy to this information, remind me again how unilaterally discrediting them is any less of a psyop than censoring or silencing them in the first place?
If the self-styled saviors aren’t controlled ops, then they’re obviously grifters. Charlatans. Straight-up frauds. Peter McCullough sells supplements. Elon Musk wants to put a chip in your brain. Pierre Kory is getting rich off book sales and ivermectin prescriptions hahahahahaha. Trump is constantly throwing illuminati hand signs. Bobby Kennedy is a raging anti-Semite. Candace Owens took a photo on a checkered floor. The blasphemy is both blatant and shameless, and the implication is that you’re just not quite smart enough to see it on your own.
I can already predict at least some of the comments this post will generate, and let me say plainly that I know that controlled opposition exists. And I’ll remind my gentle readers that its purpose is to infiltrate and weaken a group by causing internal discord.
[Reread that last sentence.]
Obviously, it’s never a bad idea to thoughtfully consider the source of any bit of information you’re consuming, and to be mindful of potential conflicts of interest that supposed Samaritans may have. But pretty please, can the secret collective agenda not be exposing the secret collective agenda of literally every activist on the planet? TIA.
*Let the lashings commence.

You mean.....(gulp)....I should think for myself??!?! But....what should I think?!??! Without someone online telling me what's true, I don't have any idea how to live. 🤣
Ronnie was right, so was FDR: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Franklin D. Roosevelt