A mom walks into the room and sees her favorite Tiffany lamp on the floor in pieces. She calmly confronts her notoriously clumsy child who is juggling lobsters nearby on roller skates. “Fauntleroy, do you by any chance know how that lamp got broken?”
(Little known fact: Correlation does not equal causation.)
Fauntleroy has a pretty good idea how that lamp got broken. He also very much wants to continue juggling lobsters and roller skating and maybe even go to GameStop later… so he quickly concocts a plan.
Step 1 (feign absolute ignorance): “Wait, we have a lamp?”
Step 2 (present vague exculpatory evidence): “Oh, that lamp. It got broken?”
Step 3 (limited admission): “Now that you mention it, I did see some broken glass in the corner.”
Step 4 (cross examination): “What do you think happened?”
Step 5 (concede partial disclosure): “I was playing over there earlier, but I didn’t touch the lamp.”
Step 6 (plausible deniability): “I mean, I might have accidentally bumped the table, but I didn’t see anything fall.”
Step 7 (selective disclosure): “Actually, I think I did hear something break.”
Step 8 (acknowledgement of fact): “You know what? I bet it was your lamp!”
Step 9 (leading the witness): “I hope you find out who broke it.”
Step 10 (apology without admission of guilt): “I’m sorry you’re sad about your broken lamp. You’re the best mom ever. You’re really pretty, too. Have you lost weight?”
ICYMI, either the dam actually is breaking as Jeff Childers suggests (I’m not quite as hopeful as Jeff, TBH), or the New York Times is somewhere around Step 7 or 8 in Fauntleroy’s Limited Hangout Limbo. In a post that allegedly broke the internet for at least a few minutes, the left leaning lying old Gray Lady actually admitted that thousands of people have been harmed by Covid vaccines.
Well, they acknowledged that thousands of people believe they’ve been harmed by Covid vaccines. (These people also believe they’ve been ignored. It’s important to note, however, that this has not in fact been proven in any rigorous, double-blind, placebo controlled trials.) It’s weird these people would even bring up their injuries at all, because everyone knows that all vaccines have side effects. Nobody ever said they didn’t! Okay, maybe some people did say that, but they were obviously doing the best they could with the information they had at the time. Or something like that.
By now you’ve probably read the article. If you haven’t, allow me to summarize it for you: Some people are claiming terrible, horrible, no good, very bad things happened after getting a Covid vaccine, which is “a triumph of science and public health estimated to have prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths” [not counting the millions they caused] and which was administered to “hundreds of millions of people [countless of whom are now irreparably injured or dead] under the most intense safety monitoring in US history.” [Literally, none.] Unfortunately, there’s just no real way to identify potential vaccine side effects, you see, on account of “the nation’s fragmented health care system” and its “understaffed compensation fund.”
Have they been diligently working to fix that splintery health care system? Nope, nada, nein, non, nej, nah. Tried to figure out a possible solution to that pesky lack of manpower problem? Yeah, not really. Instead, they all but admitted they’ve been actively sweeping vaccine injuries under a proverbial rug the size of Siberia because they just knew that us fringy right-wingers would use stories of injured people as proof that people have been injured. The fringy, right-wing nerve!
"Vaccine supporters, including federal officials, worry that even a whisper of possible side effects feeds into misinformation spread by a vitriolic anti-vaccine movement."
Also from the POS, I mean piece:
Among the hundreds of millions of Americans who were immunized for Covid, some number would have had heart attacks or strokes anyway. Some women would have miscarried. How to distinguish those caused by the vaccine from those that are coincidences? The only way to resolve the question is intense research.
I wonder when someone’s going to start studying coinciditis. Maybe that’s the “next pandemic” they keep promising us.
Interestingly, the article was not behind the typical NYT paywall, and comments—for a while—were allowed. They’ve since been turned off, but naturally I perused a decent chunk of the 1.9K they let stand. Many, as anticipated in the very article, were angry at the Times for adding fuel to the “crackpot” anti-vax fire.

And as you’d expect, it didn’t take long for Trump Derangement Syndrome to rear it’s ugly, orange head.
In an appalling but not at all surprising lack of empathy, there was a rousing chorus of that catchy little ditty known as Suck It Up, Buttercup throughout.

In a solid turnout, Team Denial weighed in with their favorite memorized maxims, gratuitous gaslighting, and shocking displays of cognitive dissonance.

Overwhelmingly, though, the comments were written by vaccine injured folks sharing their heartbreaking stories.
In general, the Times article is the literal embodiment of way too little, far too late. It’s also not unlike the half-assed “admissions” and “apologies” we’ve seen before that have half the conspiracy theorists dancing on tables and the other half calling for public executions. Me, I’m squarely in the middle. On one hand, although any acknowledgement of the carnage, sadly, feels like a win… I won’t be happy until it’s actually illegal to use the word rare to modify the phrase side effect, and you can’t call anything “safe and effective” until you’ve definitively proven it to be both. On the other hand, the only way we’ll ever get to full disclosure is through a slow, careful, controlled trickle of truth. It’s not like they could come out tomorrow and say
Scientists and Federal Agencies Admit Millions Have Been Injured or Killed by COVID Vaccines (and That They Actually Had Undeniable Proof of This All Along, Whoops)
That’s just not going to happen. For now, we’re going to have to be content being a bunch of butcher shop puppies settling for scraps. But sooner or later, that meat cutter’s going to turn his back—and between the whole hungry lot of us, we’ll pull that fat carcass down and enjoy an epic feast.
I’ll bring the Syrah.

It’s fuckstrating to read these stories. After getting my chin off the floor, I have no words. I know so many people who’ve gotten the shots and had multiple reactions from cancer, tinnitus and blood clots but still don’t make the connection. Needless to say, I pretty much avoid these people and they think I’m a bit crazy for refusing the jab. All for the “greater good.”
I am 62 and live in the U.K. I knew the covid nonsense was a scam from the moment I heard about it (probably heard a little later than most people as I don’t watch or read MSM). I loathe the UK’s NHS and all the mostly fat, stupid/arrogant people who work for it and so the idea of submitting myself to one of those fat, stupid nhs nurses to be ‘vaccinated’ actually made me feel sick to my stomach. Honestly, how idiotic would you have to be…? I truly believe that most people are extremely easily brainwashed through tv, radio and newspapers, and by their ‘friends’ on social media. Does that make most people stupid? Naive? Are most just silly sheep? I don’t know, but nowadays I hold most people in serious contempt for all their moronic mask wearing, their queuing up outside derelict shops and in carparks to be injected by said fatties who are undoubtedly as dumb as rocks. Everyone I know took at least one poison jab, (I think my daughter had to take the bloody thing - she lives in France, but I can’t bring myself to question her about it as it’s too painful and worrying). I worry everyday and just have to push the worry aside - I certainly never voice my fears - what would be the point. One of my brothers regrets that he took his one jab and all I can do is reassure him that he’ll be ok. My sister in law, a retired nurse, thinks the jabs are great and that I read too much and should stop reading…Nurses, eh? My husband’s twin brother was staying with us over Christmas and I found the bandaid on the bathroom floor that had covered his jab site (he told me he’d been ‘vaccinated’. He now has kidney cancer and was extremely ill and near death in February - recovered enough now to have his kidney removed next week.
I am slowly coming to terms with what has happened these past four years. However, there are people I can no longer bring myself to be civil to, people I will never talk to again and will cross the road to avoid them because of their moronic behaviour over ‘Covid’. I am not proud to be so full of hate and anger, but it is what it is. I think of 2019 as the before times. The present times are just a world of evil and lies - I focus on my family and garden. As for my wholly naive, wholly moronic compatriots, they can take as many poison jabs as they like: Paul stupid games, win stupid prizes. Too few of them stood up for what is right, too many still believe the lies.