As deranged leftists watch their electoral dreams circle the presidential bowl, the snarling is getting louder and uglier. (Be kind; it’s what cornered animals do.)
Case in point: Once considered sophisticated and culturally relevant, Esquire published a sniveling bit of drivel this week lamenting the “Nazi rally” that was Trump’s Madison Square Garden meet-up. (You know, the one that was populated with people from all faiths and all walks of life, where they sang “Hallelujah” on stage while Megan Thee Stallion was twerking for free concert junkies Harris supporters?) The Esquire piece is so poorly written, so utterly nonsensical, so fraught with irony (“they are burlesque authoritarians”) and mixed metaphors (“the opening round in a Republican attempt to ratf*ck the certification process”) and hyperbole (“You could feel the world turning toward darkness”) that I struggled to come up with an apt analogy. (I think I finally nailed it though: If this article were a lasagna, it would have been baked by a toddler using pool noodles, expired ketchup, grated cat litter, and a bunch of plastic vegetables from his play kitchen. To borrow from the author itself, it was awful.)
I presume Esquire assumes that people no longer actually read their articles, hence the dumbed-down headline. (I wonder why they don’t just title them all TRUMP IS THE DEVIL and save the writers some time?) In keeping with the media’s recent Hitler obsession, the ranting, rambling diatribe flip-flops from Nazi Germany to present and is packed with snippets of linguistic brilliance like this: “The former president’s speech was hate radio on scan. It was mendacity surrendered to foul, endless cliché, embedded in our politics for the foreseeable future. It was in fact not the banality of evil but rather the evil of banality.”
Mendacity surrendered to foul? Somebody had his thesaurus nearby.
While liberals are whining and moaning and rhapsodizing and slinging insults (somebody might want to check on Jimmy Kimmel, BTW), determined conservatives are spending the pre-election home stretch voting hard—and gloating about it. I gotta admit, it’s pretty glorious.
#TooBigToRig is currently trending on X, and let’s just say you don’t see a lot of I’m-With-Her rings in the posters’ bios. When I dared to search the top Harris hashtag—the especially clever #KalamaHarris, good God the left really can’t meme—ninety-nine out of a hundred of them looked like this (and yes I realize X is overwhelmingly conservative, on account of that free speech business that liberals loathe):
And this:
And this:

And notably, this:
Mind you, this is what you see when you actively go looking for Harris supporters. I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and scrolled to find one that actually seemed to be on Team Terrible Blue:
Rigging may be de rigueur for dems anymore, but this time around at least, the “silent majority” know what we’re up against. #TooBigToRig isn’t just a rallying cry or a catchy slogan; it’s a reminder that as good as things may look—and I’ll tiptoe out on a limb here and say they do look good at the moment—it ain’t over until the official @POTUS account gets transferred back to the mean tweeter.
In other words, don’t let graphics like this one make you giddy. (Fine, they can make you giddy… just don’t let them make you complacent.)
Skeptics are snarling “they think they can outvote the deep state,” and maybe we can’t… but what other option do we have? For at least the next week, keep flying your MAGA and MAHA flags proudly… make one last effort (or a hundred) to help friends and family who might be suffering from TDS see through the media-generated and perpetuated propaganda… volunteer at your local polling place… maybe light a candle and say a little prayer… and for the literal love of liberty, please… get out and vote.
Have you been to the ballot box yet? (Not you, Vee. Obvs.) How cautiously optimistic are you feeling right now? LMK in the comments.
p.s. I’m still in the running in that other election—the one where voting daily is LEGAL AND ENCOURAGED. It takes ten seconds but unfortunately, you need a fakebook account to vote. Not my rules.

Sorry, but gotta post another comment. I’ll be posting this on Jeff Childers as soon as his stack drops this morning.
In case anyone here is under the impression that “they” are listening to us, let me remove any doubt.
Was walking with a friend yesterday. We had our iPhones in our pockets, but she was wearing an Apple watch.
I was recalling something I had heard where someone used the “N” word.
But I didn’t say, “N”. I said the abhorrent word aloud.
Immediately after quoting verbatim what I had heard this person say, I said, “I HATE using that word” to which my friend said, “Yes, so do I”.
Not even two minutes later, my friend received a phone call that appeared on her phone as “Technical Support”. The number showed up on the detail in the call log as 800-922-0204 which is officially linked to Verizon but it is being reported that scammers have been using it.
She answered and the person on the other end said that my friend had called Verizon Technical Support – to which my friend said, “I did not call you”.
This person from Verizon said to my friend that she had heard our conversation and to be “mindful of the language you use”. Unfortunately, my friend was so taken aback that she didn’t think to say, “did you hear the words immediately spoken after hearing the “N” word?”.
Needless to say, it was a very short conversation that rattled my friend, but I think she is still under the impression that her phone accidentally called Technical Support. It’s too disturbing to think otherwise. She knows I am a dissident and knows all about the embalmer clots that I write about, so I’m sure this incident is still rolling around in her mind.
Her call log showed that three other numbers were called within the same timeframe that she did not place. They showed up on her phone as “#BAL”, “#MIN” and “Directory Assistance”. My guess was this was to make it look like her phone was randomly calling numbers.
Yeah, that pesky First Amendment keeps getting in the way. Neither of us have been hauled off to the gulag (yet).