The Deadly Rise of a Vaccine Scientist
It's *weird* how we went a hundred years without a global pandemic and now these guys can predict exactly when the next one will hit. [Spoiler: soon!]
The latest “expert” to call COVID-19 “just the warm-up act” and to absolutely promise us another pandemic before the decade is out—just in time for Agenda 2030, how surprising and serendipitous!—is none other than abominable “vaccine scientist” Dr. Peter Hotez.
The not-so-good doctor, who recently wrote a book lamenting the “deadly rise of anti-science” which I am only linking here so you can enjoy some of the scathing one-star reviews, is now basically demanding the NWO hurry up and install itself, and make sure it has a powerful security arm while it’s at it, so they can start tamping down, roughing rounding up, and otherwise silencing conspiracy theorists like you and me.
“The health sector can't solve this on its own,” Hotez bemoaned in a recent interview. “We're going to have to bring in Homeland Security, Commerce Department, Justice Department, to help us understand how to do this. I met with doctor Tedros last month in Geneva, the [WHO] director general to say, ‘I don't know that the World Health Organization can solve this on our own. We need the other United Nations Agencies, NATO…’ This is a security problem because it's no longer a theoretical construct or some arcane academic exercise. Two hundred thousand Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression, anti-science aggression. And so this is now a lethal force. And now I feel as a pediatric vaccine scientist, just as it's important for me to make new vaccines to save lives, the other side of saving lives is countering this anti-vaccine aggression.”
TL/DR: Homeland Security. Justice Department. NATO. Security problem. Lethal force. Anti-vaccine aggression. NBD.
Also? The cornerstone of NATO’s mission is collective defense, manifested in the belief that an attack against a member country is considered an attack against them all. Think about that in this context for a sec.
Inexplicably, Hotez has nearly a half million followers on X, a site he seems to visit daily to trot out the latest scarient and blow his public health horn. For some *cough* weird reason, the prolific professor only allows folks he follows to comment on his jab-happy posts…
But apparently he hasn’t figured out how to turn off comments on YouTube, where his detractors hold very little back.
Hotez, you may or may not be aware, holds several vaccine-related patents. (He also helped develop India’s Corbevax COVID-19 vaccine, which is authorized for emergency use *of course! it’s just so emergent out there!* and is being given for free to low-income regions, thanks Peter!) At the risk of insulting any of my critically thinking readers’ exceptional intelligence, that means the schlock doc has a vested financial interest in promoting them. HE MAKES MONEY WHEN WE COMPLY, voluntarily or not. How incredibly convenient—and lucrative—would it be for P-Ho if there was, say, a newly minted division of NATO that would make vaccine hesitancy punishable by, for example, massive fines, or better yet, imprisonment? That would boost uptake a bit, don’tcha think? Cha-ching!
What’s that phrase for when someone has a personal or financial stake that could unduly influence their decisions or actions? Oh, yeah. Conflict of interest. Think a financial advisor who gets a commission on every transaction they initiate whether the client makes or loses money, or a doctor who accepts lavish gifts and pricy trips in exchange for prescribing a certain (possibly mediocre or even dangerous) medication over the competition *it literally happens all day every day but don’t worry they get a slap on the wrist almost every time they get caught. Give me a better example of a conflict of interest than already overpaid “health experts” who don’t merely want to suggest or recommend but mandate medical treatments that they make money from.
I’ll wait.
Here’s some “anti-vaccine science” I’d love the bespectacled vaccinologist medical murderer to address: Why is it that in a pediatric practice with thousands of patients, the unvaccinated children don’t get sick? In fact, the more vaccines the children have, the worse they fare. From what orifice did he pull that ‘COVID vaccines stop 90% of asymptomatic transmission’ BS? Oh, wait. Hotez doesn’t defend his claims. Not even for six seven figures he could donate to Books for Crooks or another charity of his choice.

Twenty-something years ago, craft queen Martha Stewart went to jail for a suspicious stock sale. Snoop’s unlikely sidekick wasn’t charged with insider trading per se; her crime was making a boatload of money off something she knew that most people didn’t. The FBI, the SEC, and the US Attorney’s Office all worked swiftly and harmoniously to bring down and then lock up Kmart’s most beloved brand ambassador.
Maybe they could look into Hotez? (When they’re done with Fauci, Collins, Birx, and Walensky, I mean.) Just a suggestion.
Yankee Doodle Soup is getting some love (insert happy-weepy emoji here). Check it out here if you haven’t already!

"P-Ho" -- hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha
As for the ‘COVID vaccines stop 90% of asymptomatic transmission’ -- You know the asymptomatic transmission is invisible. Invisible transmission of asymptomatic to asymptomatic people who are just eaten up with covid. Believe me, it's hard to measure. One must watch carefully and if you see nothing going on, you've found it! If no one is sick, then that stuff is flying all over the place, through the air, in the water . . . . Be Scared Be Very Scared.
Hotez has the scary, toothy smile of a baby-faced man who’s made a career out of sticking bad things into children. This dude wears his inner creep on the outside.
Not today, Peter Pedo Pricker.