Anyone who’s heard RFK Jr speak, even once, would be inclined to contend that he’s a whip smart, deeply studied man of integrity. He’s articulate, unafraid, and passionate about promoting health and protecting children. If you’re a wildly unpopular deep state puppet desperate to hide your wild unpopularity while you try to cheat your way into campaign for the highest political position in the land, the only thing you fear more than discovering Epstein is still alive and just negotiated a plea deal is a whip smart, deeply studied man of integrity (henceforth to be known as WSDSMOI).
Of course, if you own the media, you can order and amplify a nonstop litany of hit pieces on your nemesis, the WSDSMOI. You can have newscasters around the world singing a simultaneous chorus of Smells Like Weird Spirit while they highlight a parade of New York Times headlines suggesting that Kennedy is completely off his rocker. (Too bad you don’t have any secret recordings of a young intern detailing their affair or anything. I guess the whale head thing will have to suffice.)
A right-now Google search *you guys already know I’m a Yandex fan; I only use Google when I want to see what the sheeple are seeing* of WSDSMOI turns up a tickertape of doom, gloom, and woe-is-he.
TL; DR: Kennedy is losing lawsuits left and right. He wanted on the ballot, now he wants off the ballot? Hahahaha too bad, sucker. Guess you should have thought that through a little better. Lifelong chums don’t even recognize him anymore. Oh, and that rich guy who supported him five minutes ago just dropped him faster than Target stock tumbled after they launched their “inclusive” line of tuck-friendly swimwear. The guy’s basically a pariah. You’d be wise to steer clear.
Compare that messaging with the coverage consistently enjoyed by media darling Hahaharris. Despite the fact that she has zero policy positions, hides from reporters, is prone to constantly cackling like a drunken hyena at karaoke night, and still hasn’t held a press conference since pilfering her party’s nomination, from a media perspective, she’s practically the political incarnation of Tay-Tay.
TL; DR: Unlike the Mean Tweeting Cheeto, Kamala loves Mother Earth and will save us all from being baked alive (by taking away our cars and our stoves and our meat and our access to air travel, but whatev. It’s for the planet)! She’s also incredibly generous, sharing millions of donated dollars with down-ballot campaigns (who will then be beholden to her agenda, sure, but she’s just doing it because she’s nice). Oh, and the military? They worship her. Really. Our nation’s strongest, bravest, most disciplined and patriotic citizens want nothing more than the lady who gets North and South Korea confused as their commander-in-chief. Stop laughing, it’s true. The Hill says so.
In a matter of just a few weeks, WSDSMOI has gone from being a silly anti-vax conspiracy theorist that nobody takes seriously anyway (how else do you discredit the guy who brutally exposed Fauci and whose research threatens to slit the neck of your kajillion dollar vaccine cash cow?) to being a dangerous, unhinged degenerate who’s even crazier than you might think.
See, WSDSMOI is crazy for claiming that cell phone radiation can cause cancerous tumors—a claim based on scientific studies he’s used to represent hundreds of patients with just such tumors. He’s insane for suggesting 5G is a government surveillance apparatus and that chemicals in our food and water could be affecting sexual development and mental health. “We should look at the chemical exposures to see what their impact is on public health, on depression, on endocrine disruptors, and on alteration,” that lunatic whack job actually said.
A reader *fine you all know it’s Vee but I do have other readers and they do send me things* shared a compelling stack yesterday. The author, Miri AF, believes that Trump is completely full of it (he didn’t drain the swamp or build the wall!) and that WSDSMOI is even worse. In fact, they’re both actors on the infamous world stage (Kennedy’s married to an actual Hollywood screen star, for crying out loud!), pretending to be heroes and saviors so us right-wing rebels will pipe down and quit being so rebellious and right-wingy. Miri writes:
We're seeing a changing of the guard meant to lure dissidents - in particular the newly "awake" who lost faith in the establishment during Covid - back into the fold. The establishment wants to make you feel heard, represented, validated... because then your vigilance drops and you're much easier to manipulate and control.
See? Compelling. Miri continues:
"If Kennedy finally exposes on the world stage the enormous harm these toxic adjuvants have undoubtedly done, and continue to do, he will be rightfully hailed as a hero... But look at the timing: the damage has already been done."
WSDSMOI has in fact been trying to raise awareness of the harms of vaccines for ages. But because people didn’t listen and Pharma is so powerful, they instead branded him an anti-vax conspiracy theorist while they continued to peddle and push their toxic poisons, so he’s clearly no hero? That's like being on a sinking ship and running around looking for life jackets and then you finally find them but you "only" save the last ten passengers. What a loser.
People on social media will insist that if “they” wanted Trump dead, he’d be dead. (I’m pretty sure they tried and failed, but okay. And no, I don’t think that was a one-and-done attempt.) That any and everything they “let” us see is intentional; scripted. That only “their” pre-approved candidates will ever make it to an election, and they make it there because they can be controlled and made to further to the agenda.
And all of that might very well be true. Nothing—not even the existence of a shape-shifting reptilian underworld where right now Elvis, Marilyn, Kobe, Michael Jackson, Princess Di, Jim Morrison, and John John are partying and planning their earthly returns—would surprise me anymore.
I admit I waffle on all of this (and I’ve already addressed “everyone is controlled opposition”), but here’s what I believe today: Trump was a mistake. A disruptor. He wasn’t supposed to win. They trusted their own polls and believed their own propaganda and they thought they were safe; there was no way he could win. But somehow he twisted the script and now they’re terrified he’ll do it again, hence the lawfare and the censorship and the lopsided media coverage and whatever this year’s guaranteed-to-be-staggering October surprise turns out to be. And if WSDSMOI has the potential to pull even one Harris supporter to the dark and deplorable MAGA side—and indeed, I believe he does—he needs to be taken down, too.
Vee would say, “You dumbass, that’s exactly what they want you to believe!”
I guess we’ll have to wait and see. What do you guys think?

Brilliant article. You know how they say. “Show me you’ve done no research without telling me you’ve done no research.” Any time I get into any discussion about RFK with someone, usually on the left, I am dumbfounded by their ignorance. They literally know nothing about him, have done no research, and believe the BS that the Dems have spent millions trying to discredit him with, trying to convince us that he’s “weird.” But I and my family, ardent Democrats who campaign tirelessly for Dems in the past, have been red-pilled. I also understand that the depth of the deception and corruption is so overwhelming that most people can’t begin to grasp it and so think you are crazy. Thank you, Jenna, for once again, eloquently sharing what little bit of truth is left in the political arena.❤️
The Witchmer has her eyes on the White House , she will do anything to get there. Not to insult anyone but she sat in the front row in 4th grade , constantly raising her hand , while the rest of us sat in the back throwing those tiny paper spit balls . Ok I’m exaggerating but she wants badly to be in Washington