Remember last year when Dilbert creator Scott Adams brazenly declared the antivaxxers clearly are the winners? “They feel better,” the boosted cartoonist said. “The thing they’re not worrying about is what I have to worry about, which is ‘I wonder if that vaccination five years from now [points finger at temple gun-style]...’”
It was an audacious, highly controversial assertion—you know, that people who hadn’t put poison in their bodies might be, shockingly, in a better position than those who had—for which he was promptly cancelled. PolitiFact earnestly “rated the statement False,” the fact-checking equivalent of letting the CEO’s kid decide who gets a Christmas bonus.
Apparently, Adams had it all figured out why some of us had been able to dodge that lethal Pharma bullet. Was it because we’d spent hours a day researching, studying, digging, questioning, analyzing, scrutinizing, and using our actual brains? Don’t be silly. Could it have been that sweeping liability immunity the vaccine makers conveniently enjoy? Not a chance. The systematic silencing of any and every scientific or medical opinion that deviated even slightly from the single-track MSM narrative? Please. The lack of safety testing and informed consent? Not in a million years. Was it because we are students of history who’ve seen the profits-before-people model in action enough times to spot a repeat offense when we see one? How insulting.
“The antivaxxers were really just distrustful of big companies and big government,” Adams declared in the viral video. “That’s never wrong… So if you just took the position ‘let’s just distrust everything the government did,’ well, you won. I did not end up in the right place. The right place would be natural immunity, no vaccination. You should take victory and I should take defeat.”
That likely well-intended [except for the derogatory and repeated ‘antivaxxers’ bit] but naïve, tone deaf, and ridiculously simplistic assessment came to mind this week as I watched the latest media circus act starring bombastic talking head Chris Cuomo. First, the formerly rabid jabvocate casually admitted to suffering vaccine side effects himself in an interview with vax-injured nurse practitioner Sean Barcavage. (Facing intense fallout, he took to X to backpedal that revelation—“I have LONG COVID! Could it be the vaccine? Sure, maybe. But I DID NOT SAY I WAS INJURED!”—but nobody with functioning neurons is buying it.)
I was still reeling from that sideshow when Cuomo jumped back into the ring, this time walking an especially precarious tightrope.
“I am taking a… what do they call it? Like a regular dose… of ivermectin,” the contortionist confessed on the PBD podcast.
Yeah, the drug I mocked and disparaged daily during the period when it could have saved countless lives. NBD.
“Ivermectin was a boogeyman early on in Covid. That was wrong. We were given bad info about ivermectin.”
Yes, Chris. “We” were given bad information about ivermectin. BY YOU. Millions of people died unnecessarily and took a toxic experimental injection BECAUSE OF YOU.
“You talk about cancel culture and who to shame?” Cuomo famously quipped to co-propagandist Don Lemon. “Ivermectin? A dewormer? They need to be shamed. They need to be called out and shamed, brother.”
In his latest the-opposite-of-apologetic turnabout, Cuomo tried to feign sincerity but he was too busy honking his clown nose for anybody to notice.
“Everyone’s gonna say, Joe Rogan was right. No, Joe Rogan was saying… yeah, he was right… but that’s not what matters.”
Hahahahahaha it’s not? Isn’t it in fact the very thing that matters most? No? Well then what does matter? Do tell!
“What matters is the entire clinical community knew that ivermectin couldn’t hurt you. They knew it. I know they knew. How do I know? Because now I’m doing nothing but talking to these clinicians, who at the time were overwhelmed by Covid, and they weren’t saying anything. Not that they were hiding it [emphasis mine]… they were wrong to play scared on that. Didn’t know that at the time, know it now, admit it now, reporting on it now.”
The big, fat, impudent lie: “The very nanosecond I heard even a whisper of possible injury associated with the vaccines [approximately three years too late] I jumped online to alert the masses. I’m using my power and influence to share this belated bit of news about a could-have-been-lifesaving medication. Just like you, I sure wish we’d known about this sooner.”
The elephantine, evident, egregious truth: “They knew it all along, I had no idea until I was injured myself, and now I’m a convenient, sympathetic pawn to help them walk back the lies.”
Earlier this week I wasn’t so sure, but today I feel as if maybe the dam actually is breaking. It has to be. Chris Cuomo is bragging about taking ivermectin. Vaccine injuries are being openly discussed. The AstraZeneca vaccine has been pulled from the European market. The Arizona Republican Party declared Covid-19 injections “biological and technological weapons” and passed a resolution to ban them. Governor DeSantis signed a ban on lab-grown meat to save his state from the “global elite.”
It would appear that the plandemic perpetrators simply can no longer hold back the flood of injuries, the deluge of proof, and the torrent of truth that’s been pushing against that thing for years now.
Like Adams, Cuomo is trying to pin his alleged ignorance on an inherent trust of the establishment. “[People say] ‘Oh, I knew it at the time,’” the hypocrite lamented. “No you didn’t. What you knew is that there were people telling you to be resistant to what the government is telling you to do.”
Is that what happened, Chris? How astute and insightful of you to figure that out for folks! The irony is, governmental resistance isn’t the cause of vaccine hesitancy for most people I know; it’s the result. Because like a lot of my fringy new conspiracy theory friends, I did trust our leadership at one time. I did what I was told when I was told to do it. I believed that “FDA-approved” meant something meaningful, and that the Centers for Disease Control actually existed to control disease.
And then they blew it. They got cocky, sloppy, reckless. The lies got too big to believe, the cracks in the story too wide to ignore. But only some of us saw it. Only some of us were willing to risk the isolation and condemnation that came with seeing it and then saying it out loud. They tried to shut us up and push us down, and in doing so, they unwittingly ignited a mass awakening.
We tried to tell you. We really did. And you blamed and belittled and used every trick in the book to silence and slander us. You puffed up your smug, self-righteous chests and pointed pompous fingers at anyone who refused to make the same mortal mistakes as you.
And now you regret it.
Unlike you, we don’t gloat over your suffering. (Much.) We genuinely wish you well. (Most of you, most of the time.) But make no mistake: We will never forget what you did, or what your arrogance cost us all. It’s called learning from history. You should try it next time.
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Excellent article, Jenna! We cannot mock people like Cuomo enough. It’s one thing to forgive those who were duped; it’s entirely another for the talking heads who spewed the Big Pharma pack of lies and ridiculed all scientific discussion. They lied and people died. If they were anything even remotely like a journalist, they would have been aware of the truth, or at least questioned the narrative. Cuomo just admitted how stupid he really is!
My thing about the Cuomo interview re:ivermectin is his ‘scared’ comment. They were NOT afraid of Ivermectin because they thought it might be harmful. Lord, give me a freaking break. They KNEW it would destroy their EUA and purposely set out to dismantle our ability to get it for Covid and doctor’s ability to prescribe it. There was no fear, it was just an attack so they could get their vaccine into every stinking arm. Another bit of utter bullshit from Cuomo and co. And yet another thing I will neither forgive nor forget.