Greetings faithful, patient Jenna’s Side subscribers! Thank you for giving me the space and the grace to have a whole blessed week to myself and my girls and my sanity. It was magical (even the Commiefornia part, I’m relieved to report) and I am refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to kick some serious Substack ass. Let’s do this!
In only the biggest news to break since pig yoga made its debut in Massachusetts, just this past glorious holiday weekend, the infamous World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Preparedness Treaty”—the one that would have eliminated national sovereignty and guaranteed travel restrictions, unprecedented surveillance, and most likely my very own spot in the grimmest FEMA camp imaginable—bit the proverbial dust.
As they are wont to do, the WHO had attempted to package the pandemic treaty in trendy inclusiveness-themed paper and tie it up with a pretty, politically correct, socially sensitive, kumbaya-colored bow. The treaty’s impetus, the story goes, is that we can’t expect the most affluent, industrialized nations to behave fairly and to not stockpile all of those safe-and-effective vaccines for themselves. It’s about equity, you see. Spreading the love. Being diligent, thoughtful global citizens. Caring selflessly for others and saving the planet and ensuring racial parity and probably something about preserving LGBTQ+ rights and possibly protecting baby seals.
For those unfamiliar with its origins, the WHO was created by the UN during World War II with the goal of establishing complete planetary control… a one world government… a “global body to coordinate international health efforts.” The decision-making arm of the WHO is the World Health Assembly (WHA), which is comprised of representatives from all 194 member states, including the US. The first WHA convened in 1948 in (where else?) Switzerland, which is famously neutral and therefore unlikely to host routine meetings of megalomaniacs hell bent on governing the entire globe’s populace or anything. Thanks for the impartiality, Switzerland!

The WHO’s autocratic, unscrupulous, unelected leaders believe that they and they alone are competent and capable enough of orchestrating a coordinated world-wide response to the next pandemic, the one they are right this minute arranging they’ve all but guaranteed us. The nefarious Treaty That Tanked (A Midwestern Doctor penned a brilliant detailing of the miserable thing which I highly recommend reading) would have granted these goons the power to not only “prevent, detect, and respond to pandemics,” but to determine what constitutes a pandemic in the first place.
*Cue the climate change catastrophe headlines*
It’s worth noting that even non-communicable diseases—think cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory and cardiovascular disorders—can be declared pandemics. It’s also curious that the WHO has forecast a 77% increase in new cancer cases by 2050 I wonder why. Wouldn’t it be terrifically convenient if they had the authority to lock us all up for a disease they caused? The ramifications of such sweeping powers make The Shining look like a G-rated Pixar flick.
The WHO is not giving up, of course. According to the organization’s Chief Tyrant Tedros Ghebreyesus, the treaty’s colossal flop shocking unpopularity is merely an annoying speed bump on the superhighway to hell.
"This is not a failure," Ghebreyesus insisted. "We will try everything — believing that anything is possible — and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty.”
Dr. Rima Laibow believes the problem isn’t merely the WHO, which is an agency of the UN, but the entire United Nations. (Her website,, is a wealth of info.) To her point, the UN is busily prepping for this September’s Summit of the Future (tagline: multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow *someone’s crying, Lord, kumbaya*), a “high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future.” (Sound familiar?) The UN’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development looms just five and a half freedom-filled years away—and if you haven’t gone down that dystopian rabbit hole, I’ll just say if you’re a nudist, vegan hermit, you have nothing at all to worry about.

Laibow is no fringy conspiracy theorist not that there’s anything wrong with those. Many others agree—including Dan Astin-Gregory, who has organized the Road To Geneva convoy (May 30 - June 1), a pandemic-star-studded event (featured speakers include Aseem Malhotra, Ryan Cole, Brett Weinstein, Jessica Rose, Andrew Bridgen, Steve Kirsch, Mikki Willis, and more) to protest the WHO and its unelected bureaucrats. Take that, Switzerland.
If I hadn’t just gotten back from Commiefornia, and I didn’t have a day job, and I wasn’t supporting two nearly adult children in two of the most expensive states in the US and could afford to jet off to The Peace Capital on a well-intended whim, I’d be there with a megaphone and loud, annoying, bedazzled bells on.
Every day, people ask me, so what can we do? Dr. Laibow’s website has a robust menu of messages (organized by country) that readers can send directly to their lawmakers to encourage them to exit the UN, halt vaccine passports, stop the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments, and demand transparency in anything relating to the WHO. Simply enter your contact info and the site takes you to auto-populated letters ready to send to your specific representatives. It takes a few quick minutes, and although it’s not quite as satisfying as I imagine flipping an angry dozen middle fingers in Tedros Ghebreyesus’s face would be, it’s a start. Do it. And then share the link with everyone you know. Seriously. It’ll likely take millions of messages to make an impact—do not let that stop you—but it’s something. And something is always better than nothing.

Good to have you back!
I think we need to kick the UN out of that fancy NY building and use it for apartments for bus loads of them NICE "terrorist immigrants' they are sheltering.
As for them Swiss "global watch makers" that overwound their spring, can't they make that Davos real estate into another one of those hundreds of CIA experimental research labs?
The genocidal maniacs can be their own lab rats that way. It would save the planet from wasted return jet fuel exhaust.
What an insanely sick world we have!
Glad you’re back! So glad to hear you had a nice relaxing week with the girls in Commiefornia (where sadly I still am, at least out in the country). 😋
I love how you showed us the WHO flag in case we want to “make it our FB profile picture,” thanks for that. LOL 😂 I love Noor Bin Laden’s (yes the niece of the scum bag, but an admirable investigative journalist on OUR side) version, where she has the sides as drug capsules, the center spike as a vaccine syringe, and WHO means We Harm People. 😝
President Trump got us out of the WHO, we used to be their biggest funder then it was slimeball Gates when we were out of it, then as soon as Biden came in he nixed that and put us back in and went back to being their largest funder. We need to kick them to the curb again along with the UN. It’s a temporary victory to defeat the WHO “treaty,” but we know they won’t give up, they will keep using other clandestine tactics to eventually get some form of it to abolish national sovereignty, the New World Order wants us all to be their slaves. At least we had 49 Senators rejecting it, as well as many Governors and state AG’s, all on board telling Biden in writing to get out, but we know Biden is in bed with them and the CCP, unfortunately, and he’s not big on American sovereignty, obviously. 👿 DO NOT COMPLY !!
Anyway glad you’re back adding a little levity to our lives, keep it up, we appreciate you! 😁