Why Is the Media Suddenly Cool on Kamala?
Some thoughts on the press princess's meteoric fall
Until literally last week, spotting a pro-Trump headline (or even one minus the words racist, felon, unhinged, xenophobic, demagogue, or dangerous rhetoric) on lamestream media was harder than finding a salad vendor at the Mississippi State Fair.
Something’s changed.

While MSM isn’t exactly glorifying Trump, they seem to be taking a break from relentlessly, rabidly vilifying him. Not only that, many left-leaning outlets are actually calling Harris out as the insincere, underqualified, hypocritical, flip-flopping, word salad-tossing human hot air balloon that she is (a notable shift from just a few days ago when alleged journalists dubbed her cringy appearance on the raunchy “Call Her Daddy” podcast a “smart move”).
Axios, CNN, and Politico all covered Kackala’s disastrous sit-down on “The View,” where she insisted “not a thing comes to mind” when asked if there was anything she would have done differently than Biden. [*Cue the sound of Building 7 collapsing in on itself.*] Newsweek reported on the embarrassing teleprompter glitch that caused her to repeat the same lines multiple times. The New York Post blew the whistle on Harris’s “clumsy attempt to be discreet” when she was caught on a hot mic whispering, “It’s a live broadcast” as she was clearly being fed questions during a briefing. Everyone and their uncle documented the scandalous editing of the VEEP’s ‘60 Minutes’ interview to make her sound halfway competent and coherent; some even covered Trump’s indignant response to the spit-shined clip.
Like most of you, I don’t rely on corporate media for anything resembling “news,” but I do peruse it frequently to see what the other half is being fed. And it seems to me, today’s menu features a heaping helping of Dashed Democratic Dreams with a side of Extra Spicy MAGAnificence.
FWIW, per the above article, the “four reasons” Harris is losing are her personality, her record, she’s not Trump, and the state of the economy. As reasons go, I’d call those spectacularly solid.
Even notoriously liberal SNL can’t seem to resist poking hilarious fun at the current administration, mocking everything from Harris’s middle-class-family-mundanity to Biden’s rambling dementia and Walz’s bumbling Midwestern buffoonery. (Sure, they’ll lampoon Trump’s inflated ego and his habit of wandering off topic, too, but dems are the undeniable butt of the late night joke.)
And the media is covering it.
What gives? I find it hard to believe the collective mockingbird media agreed overnight to actually do their jobs and report unbiased facts instead of opinion-swaying fallacies. Similarly, a gentle attempt to alert lefties to what’s [hopefully] about to transpire seems foolishly optimistic. Perhaps the goal is to lure conservatives into a stuporous state of complacency; a “too big to rig” (thanks for the phrase, KatWarrior!) mentality that will allow the fraudsters to pull off another coup.
Enjoy the sea change, sailors, but stay sharp. It ain’t over ‘til one of the candidates demands a recount.
I restacked SimulationCommander’s “doom loop” explanation for Harris’ slip from spotlight to stage left yesterday but if you missed it, it’s definitely worth a read.
What do you think is behind the narrative shift? LMK in the comments.

I don’t know why the media has decided to go after Harris at this point in the campaign, but when they all act in concert, we need to pay attention since there is clearly an agenda in play. Is it merely a lowering of expectations or is it a move to get out the vote?
My favorite meme of the month: Dancing around a question without ever answering it is now called The Harris Waltz