Don't look now, but Biden's floating the idea of pardoning The Science™
“I’m excited to meet with Mrs. Buppert today,” I told my youngest daughter Sasha the morning of her second-grade parent-teacher conference.
Sasha grimaced slightly. “Okay, yeah, but just remember, if she says anything bad about me, it wasn’t me.”
(Surprisingly, Sasha did not choose a career in politics.)
You may find this shocking, but my sweet, perfectly behaved, utterly blameless child is not the first or only person to try to get out of trouble she wasn’t even in. Before the flames of the Hunter Biden Pardon Fire could be even partially extinguished, word broke yesterday that some advisors to the Big Guy are pushing for a whole host of sweeping preemptive pardons for sleazeballs people who—although undeniably, demonstrably degenerate—have not been convicted of a single crime.
Among the “wasn’t me” crowd are media-dubbed Trump enemies Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff, and Anthony Fauci. According to the folks who get paid to lie about this stuff, it’s not that these upstanding, unfairly targeted individuals have done anything wrong. Heavens, no. They’re dedicated public servants how dare you even suggest otherwise. The problem is that 47 is a vengeful SOB who’ll legally assault his political opponents and high-profile detractors out of spite and to flex his bulging executive power. Biden doesn’t really have a choice; he’s simply protecting a few defenseless, innocent weaklings from a big, mean bully.

Just so we’re clear, the man facing 91 felony charges brought by three prosecutors in multiple states stemming from repeated investigations resulting in unclear allegations, unprecedented judicial action, and politically motivated prosecution is the one who’s going to illegitimately weaponize the legal system against his enemies. Really.
Schiff, of course, is the guy who championed the whole (later disproven) “Russia collusion” story and led Trump’s first impeachment trial, and Cheney served as the vice chair of the J6 Committee that ultimately accused Trump of inciting an insurrection (for which he has never been charged by the DOJ). I probably shouldn’t say this, but I don’t give a fiddler’s stick what happens to either one of them, TBH—although I pray Trump promptly pardons the J6 detainees (plus Assange and Snowden, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, TIA) on Day One.
But Fauci? The slippery, self-serving, gain-of-function fanatic who’s been playing the role of a so-called expert for decades and declaring himself synonymous with The Science™ while simultaneously manipulating it, prioritizing his Pharma ties over people, and misleading the public for financial gain and political power? If that guy gets a lifetime hall pass, people [*waves both hands maniacally*] are gonna be pissed.
Recall, if you will, that Anthony Fauci confidently and casually announced just as Trump was about to take office the first time that “there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease—and we have certainly a large burden of that—but also there will be a surprise outbreak.”
Wait… what? Why would a global plague be a challenge to the coming administration specifically? Wouldn’t it be a challenge to the entire world, regardless of who was America’s president? And how exactly does one unequivocally forecast a ‘surprise outbreak,’ which by its very literal definition, nobody would see coming?
America’s Fraudster Doctor is no stranger to scrutiny—and (thankfully) the probing shows no sign of slowing. Per FOX, also yesterday:
Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is under renewed scrutiny this week in light of the over 500-page final report dropped by the House subcommittee that has been investigating government response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report — which found that COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China — supported how Fauci "played a critical role in disparaging the lab-leak theory" among top scientific circles early in 2020 and later to the public. His congressional testimony to Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., the report states, misled the public regarding National Institute of Health funding of gain-of-function research at coronavirus labs.
It goes on to cite how Fauci testified that the six-foot social distancing rule imposed on Americans "sort of just appeared" and did not support quality scientific standards, when he was grilled on what studies he and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had reviewed before announcing the policy. He also gave similarly vague testimony when asked what science supported K-12 public school mask mandates.
Factor in RFK Jr.’s probable position in the new administration and his public, prolific, painstakingly researched disdain for the pint-sized parasite, and one can delight in only imagine the squirming the worm in question is currently enduring. After all, a presidential pardon doesn’t protect against state-level investigations or prosecutions or international criminal charges. So there’s that.
All of this makes this writer wonder if dirty, deeply-conflicted vaccine peddler Peter Hotez is going to be getting himself one of those spiffy clean-slate coupons after making a similar(ly terrifying) prophetic declaration. "We have some big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st," Hotez said this week in an interview on MSNBC, going on to mention Zika and mosquito-transmitted viruses, H5N1, dengue, yellow fever, whooping cough, measles, polio, and “another major coronavirus likely brewing in Asia.” Hotez ended the segment by repeating his oddly specific prediction: “All of that’s going to come crashing down on January 21st on the Trump Administration.”
Does anyone else find it remarkable that Hotez somehow knows precisely not only when The Next Deadly Pandemic is going to strike—but that it will incontrovertibly coincide with Trump’s first day in office? I mean, what are the odds?

The Hill reports that Schiff has rejected the pardon, saying he doesn’t need or want one. (Remarkably, Schiff also called Biden’s sweeping exoneration of his son Hunter a “bad precedent.” I mean, you think?) No word yet from Cheney or Fauci on the proposed forgiveness plan, although in light of Schiff’s decision, I’ll point out they’ll look damningly sus if they don’t follow suit.
How irate will you be if Fauci never feels the business end of karma’s broom?
I know you’ll LMK in the comments. :)

Of course, the blob has to announce to the world exactly what it’s planning. Thanks so much Hotez. Cat’s now out of the bag!
There is no such thing called a pandemic! It’s propaganda on steroids. One doesn’t “spread” toxic poisoning.
Are they planning another “event” of toxic poisoning? Probably, most likely. But, we know it’s coming, so prepare for the fear propaganda and have all your detoxification shit in order to counter the onslaught.
As for the pardons of the lizards, it’s most unfortunate, but they were just the overpaid puppets. We likely won’t get the satisfaction of revenge. Sad. God gets that privilege and His is for all of eternity, so there’s that!
So, what do we get? We get the ultimate fight! So let’s fecking fight these bastards and win the next battle and onwards to winning the damn fecking war!
Courage is contagious 💯🙏🔥💜💥👍👋
Fauci should be roped and quartered in the public square for his crimes against humanity. In all likelihood he is still working behind the scenes to usher in the next phase of his genocidal agenda. In my opinion we have only scratched the surface of what this cockroach has done. He should be tried before an international criminal court, ideally resurrecting the creative torture methods of the Spanish Inquisition. Other than that I have no strong feelings about the situation.