RFKjr helped me shed my lingering respect for the medical industry by his book on Fauci. There's no way to read that book and not conclude that the emperor has no clothes, and that Fauci should be in prison. I think Trump got played by Fauci, and now with (God-willing) Kennedy on board nothing like that will happen this time around.
I had the luck of having a step mother, an RN, who introduced me to Adele Davis. Then I learned that doctors could tell us to do stupid and even dangerous things. Then I read Kennedy's Fauci book and I'm so over these people. Here's one recent lesson: the substance DMSO (a substance that comes from tree lignin) was a popular treatment and even a cure for a whole host of conditions until Pharma and the FDA ghosted it back in the 60s. I had never heard of it until about 2 weeks ago through Robert Yoho, A Midwestern Doctor, and Unbekoming here on Substack.
This book is a great resource (for dmso and clo2 uses) if you can find a copy. I have it in pdf if you would like it. I am not sure if that is acceptable, but I do have a copy.
Isn't it odd that most of us never heard of DMSO until just within the last month or so?
Also check out the "Unbekoming" Substack. The author covers lots of diseases and syndromes and conditions, usually providing a common sense way of treating/curing them. He also offers free books in pdf form.
The way I see it is that we all have to help each other find this information; I'm at the point where unless I have a broken bone, I will not visit a doctor's office or hospital.
Isn't it odd that most of us never heard of DMSO until just within the last month or so?
Obviously, we (Jenna's followers) are in a vacuum of sorts. Understandably since our trust in medicine and our govt, etc has been eradicated because we believe they intentionally lied to us to harm us while enriching themselves with power. There is too much evidence to deny this claim and I refuse to be called a 'conspiracy theorist'. However, I wonder if we (me included) are being reprogramed in a different way...substack collects the data (I refuse to give my time to X) and the companies selling all the 'remedies' are simply duping us (me). I have perfect health (truly a gift from God) in my mid-60s, yet I bought all the supplements and find I can't keep up with all the recommendations. I have also purchased and began using DMSO for vanity purposes (little skin tags, moles, etc that have actually disappeared with use!). Midwestern Doctor, Things Hidden in Complexity, and Unbekoming are my go-to substackers and source of indescribable wisdom. Or so I think.
Subscribe (free) to Dr. Mercola’s daily newsletters via email. The search dmso. Always good info. Always download the pdf for any articles you want to save.
I’ve followed Dr Mercola for maybe twenty years. I’m getting a little fed up with his more recent posts. Lots of scaremongering. A Midwestern Doctor has a lot of good posts, but he needs an editor. And his posts on DMSO never offer advice on how to use it—I read through one of his interminable articles on the subject and then hit the paywall just before the important part. Pretty sleazy.
I've been wondering if we are all being reprogramed...see my previous post. It's seems all to contrived at this point. Data scooping? I have been calling on Wisdom, He is Faithful.
I would also love a copy; can you email it to me? I'm at caton@pitt.edu Thank you a million times. I checked Amazon and Thriftbooks and it didn't come up.
Dmso....I was so excited to try it after reading about it of A Midwestern Doctor's substack (actually became a paid subscriber over it). I've been freaking over my knees because I blew them out in a dance class when I was a kid and I don't want to have knee replacement ever (esp given the crap they give fat patients over it--I injured myself as a thin kid and had blowouts of the injury all my life at all weights, I have lost weight 4 times only to gain more than I lost back no matter what I did and am done with that bs, and I have no intention of submitting to stomach amputation or taking Ozempic.)
I have been using it for a couple weeks on only my worst knee, and it has been improving lot! Its a lot easier to do things and it doesn't keep me up at night anymore. Which is great, I have every intention of getting exercise and eating healthier food, just not with weight loss as a goal anymore, and I don't need old injuries messing me up and making it hard to move!
Also been putting it on my worst wrist (severe tendinitis from 20 years prior from data entry work, still causes problems and flare ups). I feel that is also improving but harder to tell since my wrist issues aren't as common.
My Mom had Adele Davis's book. We grew up with it in the bookcase and did not realize what an influence she had on our whole family to think about holistic health. I'm so grateful to my Mom and to Adele Davis for this!
That coffee idea was Davis' great solution to getting your kids to hate soda and thus never trying to drink it again. And I remember that Davis said never to use margarine because the factories that make it emit black smoke. The neat thing about her was that she didn't always know the science behind our awful food supply, but she nonetheless understood it is toxic.
"I can't believe it's not butter" ads for margarine in 1970s convinced me (then, a teenager) to NEVER EVER eat fake food. My non-scientific, yet inquisitive brain could not wrap my head around how fake food could be better than the real thing?
Over and over, the govt has condemned eggs, meat, dairy, etc and pushed factory food. 'They' told me I HAD to eat 3 times a day (now they've added 'snacks'). I have naturally 'fasted' (allow my body to rest from digesting food) since I was in my early teens. I've never had a weight problem (except when I self-medicated with alcohol during a difficult divorce, something I am not proud of but grateful for since I now have compassion).
I have not heard of Davis but will look it up. Thank you. And Happy New year to all.
My daughter has both lupus and scleroderma; at the moment, both are well in control, however, when I texted her yesterday about what I've learned about DMSO, she replied saying that DMSO is neither standard treatment nor is it effective. I pushed back and told her what I've learned. She hasn't replied. Obviously her doctor has told her that DMSO is something she should stay away from. My daughter ALWAYS believes the doctors in the medical establishment. That's why she got vaccinated and boosted. And I've often wondered if the vaccine might not be the cause of her lupis and scleroderma.
DMSO has some interesting uses. It's remarkably nonpoisonous, in itself. But use requires caution. As a liquid, it's a magnet for toxins in the immediate environment. Educate yourself about the hazards and precautions. It isn't a drug, but it can some make drugs--not just mind-altering--more powerful in effect. You need to to live fairly clean to use DMSO properly, in both your body and your household.
This is the family lab of one of the original American pioneers in DMSO research, Stanley W. Jacob. MD. Purity of manufacture is very important for DMSO. They're also in the position to inform to about some of the possible hazards associated with the peculiar properties of the substance. https://jacoblab.com/?v=0b3b97fa6688
I have NO financial interest in that link at all. I would not have posted it I hadn't coincidentally read the thread to this post. I just want to caution that DMSO requires some knowledge and preparation to use properly. I have seen it work well on osteoarthritis, probably best with early onset. Doesn't help with rheumatoid arthritis.
Bill gates talked him out of working with RFK jr during the last term well talked threatened .. not sure which. That I witnessed plus a couple of other moments
do you believe he was not? The list is too long to go into but you found your way to substack, so I suspect you have heard of a few (Fauci, Birx, Bourla, Gates... and the RINOs surrounding him during his term, as mentioned by @Juju.
Really it is. You wont read it in one sitting. But take your time bite size chunks and mull it over. Over 2,00 references to back up what he says if you wish to check them out.
The HPV vaccine only protects against around 11 strains of the virus. There are over 200 strains of the virus. And it’s also been shown to be quite harmful. But they keep pushing it don’t they. It’s a worthless vaccine and it was only put out to make money pretty much like most of the other vaccines. my OB/GYN office there are posters in every exam room and all over the walls encouraging pregnant women to get the Covid vaccine and booster. Oh yeah, every time I’ve been there I rip them down and throw them in the trash.
When I refused it for my son (when he was TEN!!), the doctor argued with me that they're now seeing mouth cancers in men in their 40's and they believe the HPV vaccine could have prevented that. I looked right at my son and said "dont' have sex until you're married". There - problem solved! She then told me that because the vaccine was a combo with others, they would have to toss his dose out and lose that money. Sorry honey - not my problem. Don't mix vaccines and you wont have these issues. Every single time we were in that office after that visit, she tried to get me to vaccinate him for it. I finally told her to put in his file that he will NEVER get it. Period. And she can stop harassing me about it. I was livid.
Starting when I got Medicare insurance at age 65 all manner of ‘vaccinations’ were pushed on me. (I never had health insurance up until then, always paid cash for any medical care, got my diagnostic blood work from online blood testing websites.) I told the PCP assistant to note in my medical record, that I was getting NO vaccinations. Nor would I be doing further colonoscopies, mammograms, bone density scans, or any other BS ‘diagnostic testing’, they also push on you.
At about 1:08 in the video an RN talks about the consent form people are required to sign before surgery. In that consent form, you agree to various necessary things, including the use of biogenics. Biogenics is apparently a sneaky code for any necessary vaccines and who knows what else, so while you’re getting your knee replaced you also get vaccinated without your knowledge. Apparently you actually have to write in NO VACCINES.
Right? I avoid doctors like the plague, but my husband had a broken leg recently that required surgery. I wish I had known this then, but will be prepared in the future if unavoidable medical attention is required.
I've shared this before, but a badass friend started this "hospital hostage hotline" and has created FREE paperwork you can print and take to the hospital (it must be notarized in advance, so it's ready to go in an emergency) to MAKE SURE they don't give you anything without your consent. Dr. Mercola has interviewed her; she's a force--and her site walks you through the process! It's a MUST IMO. :) https://www.protocolkills.com/
Thank you for the information. My husband does not have the same loathing as I do for the medical profession (he has a few casual buddies who are MD’s) and seems to end up having some procedure every year, so this will be helpful if I can get him to pay attention to me.
I lost a ton of respect for her after that. She also pissed me off when I learned about the black box warning on Singulair. When I asked her about it, she had no clue and despite the warning she still insisted that it had no side effects!
Oh the one about psychosis and other mental health issues with it? That one? What is she living under a rock FFS? These ppl have no clue about the crap they pawn off on unsuspecting innocents. Do yourself and your kids a huge favor and get off of any and all pharmaceuticals ASAP. Go natural and lots of Vit D,home cooked meals, sunshine and exercise and stay the hell away from the doctor and the pharmacy. (Except for the vitamins and bandaids of course 😉🤫)
Yes! That one! And even after I pointed out side effects that my son experienced (as did I - I was also on this med!), she insisted it's a coincidence that we both experienced them while on this horrible med. Then said "well I've never had any other patient complain of any side effects". That's because who would ever expect suicidal ideations to be brought on by a freaken asthma medicine?!!
I left my cardiologist after she spent my whole appointment trying to get me to take the Covid vaccine—after I had Alpha and had just had my immunity tested. I find it sickening that the medical field will spend billions on the hpv vaccine with its risks and nothing on abstinence education.
Good! Daughter had autoimmune problem develop after HPV; all AI testing was negative and (visible) sx finally resolved after 5+ years. Sorry to say, we only figured this out in hindsight.
And if you happen to be infected with one of the vaccine strains at the time of injection, you INCREASE your risk of cancer. 😡
Yet doctors are never told this very important bit of information.
And never mind that as an STI, HPV is completely preventable by certain behavioral measures. But our public health industry seems bent on never telling people that maybe they ought not indulge their every desire. Fruit Loops included because how on earth are those colored bits of manufactured substance even considered legitimate food.
Couldn’t get incentive photo to post (can email though), but Jenna McCarthy’s post lists Anthem compensation examples. Definite conflict of interest. And yes, corporations continue to encourage despite the evidence of harm!
Yeah, what's it like? I cut firewood because it's there. Occasionally, I cut into an ant colony (but I don't shoot them in the face nor do I run around trying to cut each one in half...). However, what is immediately apparent is that ants go apesh*t when their former comfortable home is disrupted. (Considering that _I_ came into _their_ world, as "the disruptor," I do tend not to take every single piece, but instead leave a smallish stack for them to try to put their lives back together. I'm not an entomologist and I've never gone back to check on the health of the colonies, so it may only be virtue-signaling.)
The point is that, "Their world will never be the same. They used to have an entire fallen tree as their oyster, and now it's gone, gone, gone (whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh), except for a hollow shell (typically) of its former self."
That's what MSM reminds me of now. Except maybe they're not going to get a "smallish stack."
Now that the danger of them taking over the world is (almost) over, it’s no longer scary. Just amusing. The Wizard of Oz’ “man behind the curtain.” It’s like sending Himmler back to his chicken farm.
I left a message on X for the "Committee to Protect" (protect themselves, I take it) and a message on Paul Offit's Substack. In both cases, I advised them to find anything at all that is incorrect in any of Kennedy's books; I advised them to get out of the way b/c they had their day and we're now moving on; and reminded them that one need not have a medical or science degree in order to know what poison is.
I love RFKJr AND I love the Judgemental RFKJr memes - because they are hilarious!!! And because we all know we need an RFKJr angel on our shoulder to Cillian Murphy stare down the Starbucks/Jimmy John’s/Insert Quick and Easy Carb Here Devil that is constantly on our other shoulder. He is that angel sent from above to help bolster our willpower and resolve to be the Moms and Wives we want to be!!😅😅😅 God bless RFKJr’s loving judgement and DJT’s integrity to keep the campaign promise that put him over the top more than any other. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #WeGotThis
Everyone call your Senators and tell them they better not screw this up; WE WANT RFKJr and everything he’s bringing with him!!!
I agree, but I think he needs to be a bit more careful or he is going to start alienating a lot of people. For instance, he tweeted that he was going to bankrupt processed food companies. I’m not sure that will go over too well with the almost 2 million people that rely on jobs in this industry for their livelihood. Whereas if he said he was going to make them take demonstrably harmful ingredients out of processed foods, that would be a lot less threatening. Even that is a slippery slope because sugar could fall into that category. Are we going to ban the sale of sugar?
I think we need to be careful that this pendulum does not swing way too far the other way. You can’t make people make healthy choices and people should be allowed choices. Banning harmful chemicals, dyes, pesticides and unnatural preservatives is one thing, however, if I want to make the choice to drink a coke, I don’t want the government telling me I can’t. The key is moderation in all things.
That “tweet” of him saying he would bankrupt companies was totally fake — not his words at all. Seems we have to be very careful of our media consumption as well as our food consumption!
After watching Tucker Carlson's interview with Dr. Casey Means and then reading her book (ok my husband read it but he read so many passages of it out loud to me that I feel like I read it too), we have been completely turned around in teh whole processed food debacle. I love love love the idea of RFK Jr. coming in and fixing our horribly broken, poisonous food system.
Side note - if you don't have the app Yuka, I highly recommend downloading it. We went through the supermarket and scanned a bunch of foods with it. Yikes. Foods we thought were "good" were loaded with additives. Yuck.
I assume you mean Yuka? If so I'm addicted! FWIW it's not perfect; it will rate things like almonds and coconut milk poor for "being too caloric" or having "too much fat," but overall it's an eyeopener! :)
Terrific, thanks! For the first time in my life, family needs those extra calories (low carb diet for migraine prevention; it works, but not an easy fix).
Ugh. Yes. I have no idea where the Z came from. I edited it to fix the ridiculous error.
And yes I agree that sometimes it's a little off (yes, I know nuts have a lot of fat in them. That's the point) so we use it mostly to look for the additives. I made my 15 year old son download it too. He was shocked at some of the crap he was eating.
The opposition tries to make this about RFK Jr saying "you can't eat that", when it really is more of a "you can eat that, I just want to take the poisons out of it".
Big difference. One is telling people what they can/can't do, the other is making industry responsible and forced to make healthy 'food' again.
That letter just reinforces the loathing I have for the “medical community”. After all the COVID bullshit you foisted on us, maybe STFU and rethink what you do. There should be no forgiveness, no excuses. Doctors and NPs and PAs and nurses can think, evaluate and choose what they do, what they prescribe; using their old training to excuse them from agency is ridiculous.
The Biden guy running HHS is a career pol, with a BS in Econ and a law degree. How is he qualified? RFKJr has made it his life’s mission to restore health to our most precious. God has him!
Turned down the HPV shot for my daughter, and then later my son when they decided to try to cash in on the boys. Once you look up side effects of the HPV ‘vaccine’, you notice how suppressed any info on side effects and / or deaths from it has been. All I needed to see was that it could trigger UNKNOWN and severe autoimmune conditions that they don’t know how to treat and that was not a risk I was willing to take for my children. Not to mention the deaths that have occurred and then hidden. Big pharma is a sick industry.
Not surprised at the pushback surrounding Bobby Kennedy. The first thing they write about him is “he’s an antivaxxer.” Such BS if they actually listened to him. I think that Pharma has so many of Congress members in their pockets that it will be difficult to get him confirmed. I hope I’m wrong as it would be great for him to shake things up and redefine healthcare not disease care.
"It makes me violently sick to admit it, but I can see why physicians might be lining up to to circulate and sign a petition to keep that anti-vaxxer out of the White House. Because the minute he gets in there, the cash cow is heading to the butcher.
It’s so far beyond disgraceful that I struggle to come up with a fitting descriptor. (I’ve used abhorrent to describe toilet paper and heinous to summarize slow restaurant service. This calls for a word that doesn’t even exist yet, like repugnastrophic or malifesterous. Please drop your best epithet in the comments.)"
XXXXOk Ok Jenna; Looked up some good ones from Perplexity.Ai; Immoral, Despicable, Vile, Unconscionable, Unethical, Base, Contemptible, Reprehensible, heinous, corrupt. And so on and so on.
These brainwashed latte capucchino fools spout their nonsense and foolishness everywhere.
[Last night while watching :Lioness" on Paramount plus (written by Taylor Sheridan ( who is absolutely sensational), he summed this up very nicely; he had one of the shows stars state: 5% of the people are good; 5% of the people are pure EVIL; 90% of the people are Sheep)
The buffoons who write that garbage are either very very EVIL or are sheep; or very very sheepish.
Listening to their verbal diarrhea, or reading it is an exercise in futility and frustration.
The thing that riled me, was physicians have a check list of symptoms and treatments. They've been using that method for ever. So how in the world did they justify NO treatment when patients were exhibiting symptoms of flu and pneumonia?? So what there's a new bug out there! But, no. They ignored symptoms, put off treatment, sending patients home until their illness had advanced to a degree normal treatment wasn't effective.
Happy Monday! We don't need a new word. Evil is accurate enough to describe a doctor's willingness to be bought out by big pharma to inject their patients with an experimental drug.
I still hope you are right about RFK Jr, Jenna, but I'm not holding my breath. Have a great week!
An excellent way to spot unashamed shills for Big Pharma, though many will also be anxious about their sinecures, barring the occasional smear job. They don't want people's health to improve, of course, and are still sticking (with fingers crossed) to the "safe and effective" and "from nature" nonsense, so these are the real deplorables. How many should be in jail is moot - at the moment.
RFKjr helped me shed my lingering respect for the medical industry by his book on Fauci. There's no way to read that book and not conclude that the emperor has no clothes, and that Fauci should be in prison. I think Trump got played by Fauci, and now with (God-willing) Kennedy on board nothing like that will happen this time around.
I had the luck of having a step mother, an RN, who introduced me to Adele Davis. Then I learned that doctors could tell us to do stupid and even dangerous things. Then I read Kennedy's Fauci book and I'm so over these people. Here's one recent lesson: the substance DMSO (a substance that comes from tree lignin) was a popular treatment and even a cure for a whole host of conditions until Pharma and the FDA ghosted it back in the 60s. I had never heard of it until about 2 weeks ago through Robert Yoho, A Midwestern Doctor, and Unbekoming here on Substack.
This book is a great resource (for dmso and clo2 uses) if you can find a copy. I have it in pdf if you would like it. I am not sure if that is acceptable, but I do have a copy.
MMS Health
Recovery Guidebook
Jim Humble
with Cari Lloy
I would love a copy if you can email it to me? 😊Jenna@jennamccarthy.com
Good article on DSMO: https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2024/November/PDF/dimethyl-sulfoxide-dmso-benefits-side-effects-pdf.pdf
Thanks Dena. Another fantastic source of truth.
There is also a book, "Healing with DMSO" by Amandha Vollmer, available on Amazon Kindle, unlike most of the older books which are not.
DMSO isn't just for pain relief; apparently it acts on scleroderma and lupus, two notoriously difficult to treat diseases.
Thanks for the information Mary Ann. 😊
Isn't it odd that most of us never heard of DMSO until just within the last month or so?
Also check out the "Unbekoming" Substack. The author covers lots of diseases and syndromes and conditions, usually providing a common sense way of treating/curing them. He also offers free books in pdf form.
The way I see it is that we all have to help each other find this information; I'm at the point where unless I have a broken bone, I will not visit a doctor's office or hospital.
Isn't it odd that most of us never heard of DMSO until just within the last month or so?
Obviously, we (Jenna's followers) are in a vacuum of sorts. Understandably since our trust in medicine and our govt, etc has been eradicated because we believe they intentionally lied to us to harm us while enriching themselves with power. There is too much evidence to deny this claim and I refuse to be called a 'conspiracy theorist'. However, I wonder if we (me included) are being reprogramed in a different way...substack collects the data (I refuse to give my time to X) and the companies selling all the 'remedies' are simply duping us (me). I have perfect health (truly a gift from God) in my mid-60s, yet I bought all the supplements and find I can't keep up with all the recommendations. I have also purchased and began using DMSO for vanity purposes (little skin tags, moles, etc that have actually disappeared with use!). Midwestern Doctor, Things Hidden in Complexity, and Unbekoming are my go-to substackers and source of indescribable wisdom. Or so I think.
https://bluejaybooks.co/ - this is the site I ordered my MMS Health Recovery Guidebook.
Here's a site to download a free copy of Jim Humble's book on ClO2/MMS
DMSO info in here, as well.
I would love to get a copy of that PDF!
Subscribe (free) to Dr. Mercola’s daily newsletters via email. The search dmso. Always good info. Always download the pdf for any articles you want to save.
I’ve followed Dr Mercola for maybe twenty years. I’m getting a little fed up with his more recent posts. Lots of scaremongering. A Midwestern Doctor has a lot of good posts, but he needs an editor. And his posts on DMSO never offer advice on how to use it—I read through one of his interminable articles on the subject and then hit the paywall just before the important part. Pretty sleazy.
Like everything we have to use discernment to separate out the scaremongering from good advice to trust
I've been wondering if we are all being reprogramed...see my previous post. It's seems all to contrived at this point. Data scooping? I have been calling on Wisdom, He is Faithful.
send me your email
I'd appreciate, sport_26_1@proton.me
thanks but understand if you're exhausted by now.
Thank you!
I would love a copy as well-
Many thanks.
Jeff, if you're still game... I'm at mary@poindextermclaughlin.com. Thank you so very much!! 🙏
add me to the mailing list, please? hbpeggy @ gmail.com no spaces :) thank you <3
I would also love a copy; can you email it to me? I'm at caton@pitt.edu Thank you a million times. I checked Amazon and Thriftbooks and it didn't come up.
I would love a copy as well! njgsan@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance, if you’re able to share!
Can you email to me? Adventureswitheks@gmail.com
Dmso....I was so excited to try it after reading about it of A Midwestern Doctor's substack (actually became a paid subscriber over it). I've been freaking over my knees because I blew them out in a dance class when I was a kid and I don't want to have knee replacement ever (esp given the crap they give fat patients over it--I injured myself as a thin kid and had blowouts of the injury all my life at all weights, I have lost weight 4 times only to gain more than I lost back no matter what I did and am done with that bs, and I have no intention of submitting to stomach amputation or taking Ozempic.)
I have been using it for a couple weeks on only my worst knee, and it has been improving lot! Its a lot easier to do things and it doesn't keep me up at night anymore. Which is great, I have every intention of getting exercise and eating healthier food, just not with weight loss as a goal anymore, and I don't need old injuries messing me up and making it hard to move!
Also been putting it on my worst wrist (severe tendinitis from 20 years prior from data entry work, still causes problems and flare ups). I feel that is also improving but harder to tell since my wrist issues aren't as common.
My Mom had Adele Davis's book. We grew up with it in the bookcase and did not realize what an influence she had on our whole family to think about holistic health. I'm so grateful to my Mom and to Adele Davis for this!
Did your mom pour out the soda in the Coke bottle and replace it with cold black coffee?
🤣No she didn’t do that butt she loved her coffee!
That coffee idea was Davis' great solution to getting your kids to hate soda and thus never trying to drink it again. And I remember that Davis said never to use margarine because the factories that make it emit black smoke. The neat thing about her was that she didn't always know the science behind our awful food supply, but she nonetheless understood it is toxic.
"I can't believe it's not butter" ads for margarine in 1970s convinced me (then, a teenager) to NEVER EVER eat fake food. My non-scientific, yet inquisitive brain could not wrap my head around how fake food could be better than the real thing?
Over and over, the govt has condemned eggs, meat, dairy, etc and pushed factory food. 'They' told me I HAD to eat 3 times a day (now they've added 'snacks'). I have naturally 'fasted' (allow my body to rest from digesting food) since I was in my early teens. I've never had a weight problem (except when I self-medicated with alcohol during a difficult divorce, something I am not proud of but grateful for since I now have compassion).
I have not heard of Davis but will look it up. Thank you. And Happy New year to all.
LOVE YOHO and we use DMSO a good bit. Great stuff. Lives up
to the hype.
I've used DMSO for several years. Along with MMS it comprises my health tools.
My daughter has both lupus and scleroderma; at the moment, both are well in control, however, when I texted her yesterday about what I've learned about DMSO, she replied saying that DMSO is neither standard treatment nor is it effective. I pushed back and told her what I've learned. She hasn't replied. Obviously her doctor has told her that DMSO is something she should stay away from. My daughter ALWAYS believes the doctors in the medical establishment. That's why she got vaccinated and boosted. And I've often wondered if the vaccine might not be the cause of her lupis and scleroderma.
DMSO has some interesting uses. It's remarkably nonpoisonous, in itself. But use requires caution. As a liquid, it's a magnet for toxins in the immediate environment. Educate yourself about the hazards and precautions. It isn't a drug, but it can some make drugs--not just mind-altering--more powerful in effect. You need to to live fairly clean to use DMSO properly, in both your body and your household.
This is the family lab of one of the original American pioneers in DMSO research, Stanley W. Jacob. MD. Purity of manufacture is very important for DMSO. They're also in the position to inform to about some of the possible hazards associated with the peculiar properties of the substance. https://jacoblab.com/?v=0b3b97fa6688
I have NO financial interest in that link at all. I would not have posted it I hadn't coincidentally read the thread to this post. I just want to caution that DMSO requires some knowledge and preparation to use properly. I have seen it work well on osteoarthritis, probably best with early onset. Doesn't help with rheumatoid arthritis.
yes he did. PDJT is a kind man and he was played
Just curious -- by whom was DJT played?
Bill gates talked him out of working with RFK jr during the last term well talked threatened .. not sure which. That I witnessed plus a couple of other moments
by whom? really? The Swamp in general.
By all the RINOs around him that he didn’t yet know were untrustworthy.
do you believe he was not? The list is too long to go into but you found your way to substack, so I suspect you have heard of a few (Fauci, Birx, Bourla, Gates... and the RINOs surrounding him during his term, as mentioned by @Juju.
Whoever he was “played” by, how do people not realize that demonstrates him to be a follower and NOT a leader?
I have that book and haven't read it yet. With is recent nomination, I think it's time to take it out.
It's worth a read. Don't be dissuaded by its size--it can be read in small (healthy!) chunks.
And no one yet has disputed any of his findings. Not one.
You are correct. However if you just read the introduction, you have enough information to be “ red pilled”
Really it is. You wont read it in one sitting. But take your time bite size chunks and mull it over. Over 2,00 references to back up what he says if you wish to check them out.
Patti I have a copy too.
I saw a few copies while at a thrift store…… In the SF Bay Area…. They seem to know all the science there so it made its way to the Goodwill
Some parts of the country he is just not going to make headway
Bought one and about to start on it
Should of purchased all 3 and used as Xmas presents to a couple family members who say they’ve never heard of RFK
Which I really don’t believe.
One thought he was a reality star (always trying to get a rise out of me)
That’s fine keep taking your 🧟♂️ jabs
I read all 469 pages, TWICE. With 3 colors of highlighters.
Had I studied even 3 of my
college textbooks as throughly as I studied THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI,
I may have made Dean’s List.
FUN FACT: If it weren’t TRUE, they’d have fallen all over themselves suing RFK, Jr.
It’s true. Every word.
I read his book a while back, when the fear mongering was at it’s worst. It’s horrifically eye opening.
The HPV vaccine only protects against around 11 strains of the virus. There are over 200 strains of the virus. And it’s also been shown to be quite harmful. But they keep pushing it don’t they. It’s a worthless vaccine and it was only put out to make money pretty much like most of the other vaccines. my OB/GYN office there are posters in every exam room and all over the walls encouraging pregnant women to get the Covid vaccine and booster. Oh yeah, every time I’ve been there I rip them down and throw them in the trash.
When I refused it for my son (when he was TEN!!), the doctor argued with me that they're now seeing mouth cancers in men in their 40's and they believe the HPV vaccine could have prevented that. I looked right at my son and said "dont' have sex until you're married". There - problem solved! She then told me that because the vaccine was a combo with others, they would have to toss his dose out and lose that money. Sorry honey - not my problem. Don't mix vaccines and you wont have these issues. Every single time we were in that office after that visit, she tried to get me to vaccinate him for it. I finally told her to put in his file that he will NEVER get it. Period. And she can stop harassing me about it. I was livid.
Starting when I got Medicare insurance at age 65 all manner of ‘vaccinations’ were pushed on me. (I never had health insurance up until then, always paid cash for any medical care, got my diagnostic blood work from online blood testing websites.) I told the PCP assistant to note in my medical record, that I was getting NO vaccinations. Nor would I be doing further colonoscopies, mammograms, bone density scans, or any other BS ‘diagnostic testing’, they also push on you.
Frontera, tell me more about how to get my "diagnostic blood work from online blood testing websites."
I can't figure out where to insert it, but my computer may be too old.
(I couldn't resist the stupid joke, but I am serious about wanting to know how. Thank you.)
🤣 but seriously we use Life Extension, you can order any test and also their supplements are top notch!!!
But seriously, how do you draw your own blood?
Or do you just wait for when it's there anyway already?
And what do you send it in, in?
Can I just give myself a nosebleed and sop some up?
thanks for asking, found this: https://www.lifeextension.com/vitamins-supplements/blood-tests/faq
I don’t have Medicare but don’t look forward to when they start harassing me in a few years
No jabs ever
Not one
And I won’t be starting at 65.
Good for you!
Something you might be interested in that I ran across in a Substack Note https://substack.com/@alchemistdream/note/c-76090364?r=3gip4t&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action
At about 1:08 in the video an RN talks about the consent form people are required to sign before surgery. In that consent form, you agree to various necessary things, including the use of biogenics. Biogenics is apparently a sneaky code for any necessary vaccines and who knows what else, so while you’re getting your knee replaced you also get vaccinated without your knowledge. Apparently you actually have to write in NO VACCINES.
Good Lord that's freaken horrifying!
Right? I avoid doctors like the plague, but my husband had a broken leg recently that required surgery. I wish I had known this then, but will be prepared in the future if unavoidable medical attention is required.
I've shared this before, but a badass friend started this "hospital hostage hotline" and has created FREE paperwork you can print and take to the hospital (it must be notarized in advance, so it's ready to go in an emergency) to MAKE SURE they don't give you anything without your consent. Dr. Mercola has interviewed her; she's a force--and her site walks you through the process! It's a MUST IMO. :) https://www.protocolkills.com/
whoa! Some heavy info on this site. I may be here all day... thanks!
Thank you for the information. My husband does not have the same loathing as I do for the medical profession (he has a few casual buddies who are MD’s) and seems to end up having some procedure every year, so this will be helpful if I can get him to pay attention to me.
During early Covid, read a post from Australia instructing docs and staff to take advantage of “opportunities” such as when undergoing surgery. 🤬😖🤯
The nerve of this doctor! What part of “no” does she not understand? My doc knows better than to even bring up the topic of vaccines.
I lost a ton of respect for her after that. She also pissed me off when I learned about the black box warning on Singulair. When I asked her about it, she had no clue and despite the warning she still insisted that it had no side effects!
Oh the one about psychosis and other mental health issues with it? That one? What is she living under a rock FFS? These ppl have no clue about the crap they pawn off on unsuspecting innocents. Do yourself and your kids a huge favor and get off of any and all pharmaceuticals ASAP. Go natural and lots of Vit D,home cooked meals, sunshine and exercise and stay the hell away from the doctor and the pharmacy. (Except for the vitamins and bandaids of course 😉🤫)
Yes! That one! And even after I pointed out side effects that my son experienced (as did I - I was also on this med!), she insisted it's a coincidence that we both experienced them while on this horrible med. Then said "well I've never had any other patient complain of any side effects". That's because who would ever expect suicidal ideations to be brought on by a freaken asthma medicine?!!
did it EVER help with your allergies? It never did mine yet they still insist on me taking it.
Wasn't the psychosis what we were going after?
(Seriously: yes, you are right, you have to examine everything and say no multiple times. Sheesh...)
I was prescribed it and quit taking it.
Mine never asks me either Never asks me if I’d like the latest greatest poison shot. She knows better.
I left my cardiologist after she spent my whole appointment trying to get me to take the Covid vaccine—after I had Alpha and had just had my immunity tested. I find it sickening that the medical field will spend billions on the hpv vaccine with its risks and nothing on abstinence education.
Good! Daughter had autoimmune problem develop after HPV; all AI testing was negative and (visible) sx finally resolved after 5+ years. Sorry to say, we only figured this out in hindsight.
And if you happen to be infected with one of the vaccine strains at the time of injection, you INCREASE your risk of cancer. 😡
Yet doctors are never told this very important bit of information.
And never mind that as an STI, HPV is completely preventable by certain behavioral measures. But our public health industry seems bent on never telling people that maybe they ought not indulge their every desire. Fruit Loops included because how on earth are those colored bits of manufactured substance even considered legitimate food.
Are we friends?? Did we just become best friends?!? 😍😍😍
ooooh, you are a rebel! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Kids have died as a result of having received the HPV vax. Check out Vaxxed, Vaxxed 2 and Vaxxed 3. You will cry.
I believe it was “For the Greater Good” that covered the HPV jab, which ruined the life of the young girl who was featured.
Couldn’t get incentive photo to post (can email though), but Jenna McCarthy’s post lists Anthem compensation examples. Definite conflict of interest. And yes, corporations continue to encourage despite the evidence of harm!
On RFKJr. “His appointment is a direct threat to the safety of our patients and the public at large.”
When in actuality he is a direct threat to big pharma. And they are shaking in their boots/💩their pants.
Isn’t this glorious to watch???!!!!!
Please pass the organic popcorn with an extra dose of grass fed organic butter.
Since the election, watching MSM has been a totally different experience!!!
Yeah, what's it like? I cut firewood because it's there. Occasionally, I cut into an ant colony (but I don't shoot them in the face nor do I run around trying to cut each one in half...). However, what is immediately apparent is that ants go apesh*t when their former comfortable home is disrupted. (Considering that _I_ came into _their_ world, as "the disruptor," I do tend not to take every single piece, but instead leave a smallish stack for them to try to put their lives back together. I'm not an entomologist and I've never gone back to check on the health of the colonies, so it may only be virtue-signaling.)
The point is that, "Their world will never be the same. They used to have an entire fallen tree as their oyster, and now it's gone, gone, gone (whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh), except for a hollow shell (typically) of its former self."
That's what MSM reminds me of now. Except maybe they're not going to get a "smallish stack."
Love this!
How so Andy? Can’t stand to watch, so wouldn’t notice a change. Less hatred?
Now that the danger of them taking over the world is (almost) over, it’s no longer scary. Just amusing. The Wizard of Oz’ “man behind the curtain.” It’s like sending Himmler back to his chicken farm.
It just makes me furious. I keep hearing the question: “What’s the biggest threat to America?
“You’re lookin’ at it!” The one asking the question is the one trying to spread fear.
I got cut off before I finished. The rest of that would have been “the main stream media”.
I left a message on X for the "Committee to Protect" (protect themselves, I take it) and a message on Paul Offit's Substack. In both cases, I advised them to find anything at all that is incorrect in any of Kennedy's books; I advised them to get out of the way b/c they had their day and we're now moving on; and reminded them that one need not have a medical or science degree in order to know what poison is.
I LOVE IT!!!!!
Rock Star!!! Way to go
I love RFKJr AND I love the Judgemental RFKJr memes - because they are hilarious!!! And because we all know we need an RFKJr angel on our shoulder to Cillian Murphy stare down the Starbucks/Jimmy John’s/Insert Quick and Easy Carb Here Devil that is constantly on our other shoulder. He is that angel sent from above to help bolster our willpower and resolve to be the Moms and Wives we want to be!!😅😅😅 God bless RFKJr’s loving judgement and DJT’s integrity to keep the campaign promise that put him over the top more than any other. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #WeGotThis
Everyone call your Senators and tell them they better not screw this up; WE WANT RFKJr and everything he’s bringing with him!!!
I agree, but I think he needs to be a bit more careful or he is going to start alienating a lot of people. For instance, he tweeted that he was going to bankrupt processed food companies. I’m not sure that will go over too well with the almost 2 million people that rely on jobs in this industry for their livelihood. Whereas if he said he was going to make them take demonstrably harmful ingredients out of processed foods, that would be a lot less threatening. Even that is a slippery slope because sugar could fall into that category. Are we going to ban the sale of sugar?
I think we need to be careful that this pendulum does not swing way too far the other way. You can’t make people make healthy choices and people should be allowed choices. Banning harmful chemicals, dyes, pesticides and unnatural preservatives is one thing, however, if I want to make the choice to drink a coke, I don’t want the government telling me I can’t. The key is moderation in all things.
That “tweet” of him saying he would bankrupt companies was totally fake — not his words at all. Seems we have to be very careful of our media consumption as well as our food consumption!
Excellent!!! Totally agree! PDT needs to heed the same advice IMHO.
After watching Tucker Carlson's interview with Dr. Casey Means and then reading her book (ok my husband read it but he read so many passages of it out loud to me that I feel like I read it too), we have been completely turned around in teh whole processed food debacle. I love love love the idea of RFK Jr. coming in and fixing our horribly broken, poisonous food system.
Side note - if you don't have the app Yuka, I highly recommend downloading it. We went through the supermarket and scanned a bunch of foods with it. Yikes. Foods we thought were "good" were loaded with additives. Yuck.
I assume you mean Yuka? If so I'm addicted! FWIW it's not perfect; it will rate things like almonds and coconut milk poor for "being too caloric" or having "too much fat," but overall it's an eyeopener! :)
There's also an app which tracks restaurants that use seed oils. Can't think of its name right now.
Yes, it's called Seed Oil Scout:Healthy Dining
Too much fat? Hahahaha! Bring on the Good Fats!
Terrific, thanks! For the first time in my life, family needs those extra calories (low carb diet for migraine prevention; it works, but not an easy fix).
Ugh. Yes. I have no idea where the Z came from. I edited it to fix the ridiculous error.
And yes I agree that sometimes it's a little off (yes, I know nuts have a lot of fat in them. That's the point) so we use it mostly to look for the additives. I made my 15 year old son download it too. He was shocked at some of the crap he was eating.
The opposition tries to make this about RFK Jr saying "you can't eat that", when it really is more of a "you can eat that, I just want to take the poisons out of it".
Big difference. One is telling people what they can/can't do, the other is making industry responsible and forced to make healthy 'food' again.
That letter just reinforces the loathing I have for the “medical community”. After all the COVID bullshit you foisted on us, maybe STFU and rethink what you do. There should be no forgiveness, no excuses. Doctors and NPs and PAs and nurses can think, evaluate and choose what they do, what they prescribe; using their old training to excuse them from agency is ridiculous.
The Biden guy running HHS is a career pol, with a BS in Econ and a law degree. How is he qualified? RFKJr has made it his life’s mission to restore health to our most precious. God has him!
Turned down the HPV shot for my daughter, and then later my son when they decided to try to cash in on the boys. Once you look up side effects of the HPV ‘vaccine’, you notice how suppressed any info on side effects and / or deaths from it has been. All I needed to see was that it could trigger UNKNOWN and severe autoimmune conditions that they don’t know how to treat and that was not a risk I was willing to take for my children. Not to mention the deaths that have occurred and then hidden. Big pharma is a sick industry.
My niece is permanently disabled due to the HPV vaccination at 33...
This breaks my heart.
Not surprised at the pushback surrounding Bobby Kennedy. The first thing they write about him is “he’s an antivaxxer.” Such BS if they actually listened to him. I think that Pharma has so many of Congress members in their pockets that it will be difficult to get him confirmed. I hope I’m wrong as it would be great for him to shake things up and redefine healthcare not disease care.
"It makes me violently sick to admit it, but I can see why physicians might be lining up to to circulate and sign a petition to keep that anti-vaxxer out of the White House. Because the minute he gets in there, the cash cow is heading to the butcher.
It’s so far beyond disgraceful that I struggle to come up with a fitting descriptor. (I’ve used abhorrent to describe toilet paper and heinous to summarize slow restaurant service. This calls for a word that doesn’t even exist yet, like repugnastrophic or malifesterous. Please drop your best epithet in the comments.)"
XXXXOk Ok Jenna; Looked up some good ones from Perplexity.Ai; Immoral, Despicable, Vile, Unconscionable, Unethical, Base, Contemptible, Reprehensible, heinous, corrupt. And so on and so on.
These brainwashed latte capucchino fools spout their nonsense and foolishness everywhere.
[Last night while watching :Lioness" on Paramount plus (written by Taylor Sheridan ( who is absolutely sensational), he summed this up very nicely; he had one of the shows stars state: 5% of the people are good; 5% of the people are pure EVIL; 90% of the people are Sheep)
The buffoons who write that garbage are either very very EVIL or are sheep; or very very sheepish.
Listening to their verbal diarrhea, or reading it is an exercise in futility and frustration.
Enough said.
The thing that riled me, was physicians have a check list of symptoms and treatments. They've been using that method for ever. So how in the world did they justify NO treatment when patients were exhibiting symptoms of flu and pneumonia?? So what there's a new bug out there! But, no. They ignored symptoms, put off treatment, sending patients home until their illness had advanced to a degree normal treatment wasn't effective.
How do these people live with themselves?
"How do these people live with themselves?" Indeed!
Thank you for helping me stay sane ...and hilariously pissed off! LOL
Have a great trip - hopefully I can catch up on your essays I haven't read yet. :)
Happy Monday! We don't need a new word. Evil is accurate enough to describe a doctor's willingness to be bought out by big pharma to inject their patients with an experimental drug.
I still hope you are right about RFK Jr, Jenna, but I'm not holding my breath. Have a great week!
An excellent way to spot unashamed shills for Big Pharma, though many will also be anxious about their sinecures, barring the occasional smear job. They don't want people's health to improve, of course, and are still sticking (with fingers crossed) to the "safe and effective" and "from nature" nonsense, so these are the real deplorables. How many should be in jail is moot - at the moment.
Enjoy your time off. Appreciate your posts as they inform and humor me.
Thank you, Sir! :)