Good to have you back!

I think we need to kick the UN out of that fancy NY building and use it for apartments for bus loads of them NICE "terrorist immigrants' they are sheltering.

As for them Swiss "global watch makers" that overwound their spring, can't they make that Davos real estate into another one of those hundreds of CIA experimental research labs?

The genocidal maniacs can be their own lab rats that way. It would save the planet from wasted return jet fuel exhaust.

What an insanely sick world we have!

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Please don’t make any suggestions to the Suisse for repurposing their real estate or we may end up with another CERN!

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Glad you’re back! So glad to hear you had a nice relaxing week with the girls in Commiefornia (where sadly I still am, at least out in the country). 😋

I love how you showed us the WHO flag in case we want to “make it our FB profile picture,” thanks for that. LOL 😂 I love Noor Bin Laden’s (yes the niece of the scum bag, but an admirable investigative journalist on OUR side) version, where she has the sides as drug capsules, the center spike as a vaccine syringe, and WHO means We Harm People. 😝

President Trump got us out of the WHO, we used to be their biggest funder then it was slimeball Gates when we were out of it, then as soon as Biden came in he nixed that and put us back in and went back to being their largest funder. We need to kick them to the curb again along with the UN. It’s a temporary victory to defeat the WHO “treaty,” but we know they won’t give up, they will keep using other clandestine tactics to eventually get some form of it to abolish national sovereignty, the New World Order wants us all to be their slaves. At least we had 49 Senators rejecting it, as well as many Governors and state AG’s, all on board telling Biden in writing to get out, but we know Biden is in bed with them and the CCP, unfortunately, and he’s not big on American sovereignty, obviously. 👿 DO NOT COMPLY !!

Anyway glad you’re back adding a little levity to our lives, keep it up, we appreciate you! 😁

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Thank you for the kind words, and YES to all of this!👏👏👏

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Welcome back! So happy you are well rested and ready to carry on the fight!

We just found out that my 26 year old is one of the 77% increase in cancer cases. 😭He ran a half marathon a few weekends ago and was diagnosed with an exceedingly rare (as in less than 50 documented cases in the medical literature) form of medullary thyroid cancer the week after the race. He is not jabbed but he works on the business side of an assisted living facility where all the residents have been vaccinated and boosted x infinity. He interacts with them all daily and I cannot help but wonder about vax shedding. Of course I mentioned that to my family and now they all think I really am certifiably crazy. I didn’t say that is what caused his cancer, I am simply curious about it. It’s just that we have zero cancer in our family so this is truly stunning.

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Oh, Ree, I am heartbroken to hear this. I presume you follow 2nd smartest guy in the world? He features cancer success stories CONSTANTLY and almost always includes the "Joe Tippens Protocol" in his stacks. Here are a few great/recent ones:




Do you think your won will be open to "alternative" treatments? Please keep me posted and know your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you so much for the link! Yes, I think he will be open to alternative treatments. He has another appointment with the oncologist next week. The doctor is presenting his case to the cancer board next week and then he will let us know their recommendation. From what we’ve been told, chemo and radiation are not an option for this type of cancer. I am a nurse and I have read every paper that’s been written about this rare cancer. There is just so much unknown at this time. My hope is that the surgeon got it all when he did the thyroidectomy. 🙏🏻 I appreciate your prayers and the links!

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Thanks for the follow-up, and my pleasure. Please keep me posted? You're a good mama. Prayers incoming. XO

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I will keep you posted❣️

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Halle-f*ing-lujah! So few people were even aware of what was taking place with this “treaty”! My understanding is that in order for the US to implement this treaty it would have had to be ratified by Congress. Given the pathetic state of that body, it just might have passed if it got that far. The only saving grace is there are still enough (corrupt) politicians out there, in the US and worldwide, who don’t want to cede their power to any one else. I guess we should be thankful for that, at least!

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

So happy to have you back Jenna! And so very happy you had a wonderful time 🥰

Oh how I wish we could meet up in Switzerland! Praying they have something like this we can drive to.

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Glad you’re back!

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oooo how delightful! Just like South Korea is less commie like than the North! It sounds like a great place to get some much needed and deserved R&R.

Now that you're back home (and completely off topic), have you ever thought about putting your name in the bucket at Kill Tony? If you've never heard of it, it's a great place for amateur comics to learn, grow, and hopefully make it big. If your name gets picked randomly by the creator of the show, Tony Hinchcliffe, you get a full minute to do a bit. I have a good feeling that you would kill it and maybe even drop some truth bombs in a world where more truth bombs need to be dropped!

Here is a good example of a show that starts at about 7 minutes: https://youtu.be/NmPPjcJi5E0

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OK I watched that and that seems brutal… Specifically, the not knowing whether or not you will be picked! If I was guaranteed my minute, I would do it and knock it out of the park… But to sit there sweating and waiting and never be called would be torturous! 🤣

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So brutal, but so rewarding if you get picked! It's a weekly thing in Austin so I have admit that I've daydreamed about you sneaking your way in there to be that local George Carlin truth bombing comic that sends out shockwaves of reality through an unsuspecting crowd. One thing leads to another and boom, you find yourself on the Joe Rogan Experience to send out truth tsunamis!! *Shakes my head and wakes up*

Even if you don't get picked, you'll get to laugh your pants off on a weekly basis haha. This is my wife and I's new guilty weekly pleasure to unwind during the work week. I had a feeling you would appreciate it. Thanks for checking it out! I hope that my daydream becomes a reality one day! 😁

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Welcome back Jenna! Was Commefornia more or less crazy than you expected?

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Well, I stayed in San Diego and Huntington (which are always less awful than LA or SFO) and hung out in fancy places like La Jolla and Newport Beach (and the weather was PER-FECT, a nice respite from the hundred-plus-humid-degrees I left in Texas) so I cannot complain, much as I would like to... ;)

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It’s been a bitch here! Considering our area is semi-arid right now, how is it so damn humid!? It’s not like we’ve had that much rain lately. Gotta love Texas weather!

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May 29Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It will remain my suspicion that though the formal agreement of this treaty has seemingly gone by the wayside, that the intention and practice of its contents will still be put into play. I shan’t soon forget all of the barbaric, twists, and terms from the recent deception called the Covid-19 pandemic. The wheels of production have now been greased, the accounts payable department of every nation is well versed in its new pathways, and everyone responsible for marketing fear is well rehearsed. I observe many repeat performances and test commercials for H5N1 . A while, everybody may be more careful they are not without practice…. My warpaint is on and it is not coming off.

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I agree 1000% that this is far from over and that we need to stay alert... but I'm still celebrating this as a win for now. :)

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Great way to come back, Jenna! The WHO "treaty" was and is a nightmare - so glad the good guys won round 1. "Defund the UN and WHO" should be our next battlecry!

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I'd give you infinite stars, but Substack's user interface isn't up to it!

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Massachusetts pig yoga…my state is ridiculous. Just read that MA, VT and one other state, according to polls, still want Biden as president. I can’t even

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I saw at least a dozen clips today of Robert De Niro talking about how important it was to vote for Biden🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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May 29Liked by Jenna McCarthy

He’s a disgrace

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

They are who funds them. Bill gates and the ccp

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Yes, we can do it! Great post.

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Good morning glory...

Well I am not such a savvy chicken as so many others...

however, I listened to a current talk BY Meryl Nass, M.D. & John Corbett both relentless

study persons and they both warned what just happened is a delay...and that al the mishmash is still

there. It was on CHD.

Just something to add to the morning glory picture.

Tell me I am wrong. Please.

If I understood it, it is not time to celebrate. Really I hope I am wrong.


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You're not wrong; we won one battle; we still have a war to fight! (Although Meryl DID say we're allowed to celebrate this one: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/the-whos-pandemic-preparedness-agenda/comments)

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy


I thought that perhaps the 24 state governors who have voiced and made some laws against this WHO takeover might have carried the day...

at the very least, the states that have said this WHO is not binding in their state is a celebration...like sand bags on a rising tide.

Thx for all you do and all you write.


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Love that hedgehog, Jenna! Welcome back to Substackland.

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May 28Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Welcome back Jenna!

Another positive note ole Klaus is stepping down as the leader of WEF. He is just going to be a board member. I read an article that we can expect them to go after smaller countries now and it will be more subtle than what Klaus has done in his approach.

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