I feel better after your take. I trust RFK Jr completely and I know he’s not throwing anybody under the bus.

I’m 67 years old though, my siblings and friends all had measles, mumps and chicken pox and I don’t remember anyone dying or getting seriously ill. I also know my immune system is better than my kids and way better than my grandkids! The people that I know who never received any vaccines are waaaay healthier!

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I had most of the childhood diseases and can distinctly remember measles, chicken pox, and mumps. The one that I felt sickest with was measles. BUT I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had the flu. In my adult life I’ve only had head colds that occasionally developed a secondary infection like a sinus infection, and I’ve never had covid even though I work with the public. So maybe, for healthy kids, building a robust immune system and actually fighting some diseases when young is an investment in adult health. Just my opinion.

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I never had the flu until we moved to Wisconsin, where it is the state bird. What I tell people about the flu is that it's three days of misery. The first day you're afraid you're going to die. The second day, you're afraid you're not... Third day, dawn breaks...

The experience drove me to be first-in-line for annual flu vaccines--back then, remember?, when we used to _trust_ "healthcare-providers." When they started "monkeying" around with vaccines during Covid, dawn of another color started to break.

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Flu Vaccine is the biggest scam until the Covid vaccine. I call the State Health Agencies The Flu Vaccine Promotion Agencies.

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When California no longer jabs 1 hour old newborns,and,schools bring back exemptions and the ability to pick and choose any shots WE AS PARENTS decide our children need,then I will feel we are finally being heard and our rights,restored 🙏

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ditto here, Lori!

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I agree. I'm 67 also, just back from a visit with kids. The adults have been so sick with all kinds of 'flu' since being forced to jab! the grandkids are always sick,,, and they are all compliantly vaccinated against all the EVIL diseases out there!!!!!

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Exactly…Lori….. 🎯

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I'm 60 and yes my siblings and I had the mumps, measles, and chicken pox too. I even exposed my daughter to chicken pox via "party" and all my kids got it. A little warning though, I would not trust anybody completely. We need to continue to do our own due diligence!! RFKj is the best thing that has happened in a while health wise but he's a politician and we the people need to keep him focused.

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Agree that complete trust in any person is not appropriate. However, RFK is not a pol, he is an activist

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RFK Jr’s op ed is PERFECT, as is Elon’s analogy, and your article is BRILLIANT (in every sense of that word)!

It’s quite astonishing that the nay-sayers can’t realize how incredibly fortunate we are to have leaders like RFK Jr navigating the minefield that is our bureaucratic Deep State and lamestream media, all engineered and funded by a cartel of psychopathic billionaires.

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The author of that article is exactly one of the nay-sayers who doesn’t to appreciate how incredibly fortunate we are to have leaders like RFK Jr navigating the minefield. I think it’s great to point out the facts in his article; it’s not necessary to also snipe at RFK Jr, which shows an astonishing lack of appreciation for all that he’s done in the past as well as all that he’s doing now as Secy of the HHS.

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He is selling stuff … I take his posts w a grain of salt

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Also “2ndsmartestguyintheworld” might like to consider that wisdom is also important.

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I personally was thrilled with his statement and completely agree with you. All those people blowing up against RFK for not immediately pulling every vaccine from the market are naive or seriously misunderstood his position or projected their wishes onto him instead of understanding him (just like those in the vaccine cult, I must say). These folks must have believed that every time he said (hundreds of times) "I am not anti vaccine, I am pro science" that he was lying (wink, wink). Such people don't understand politics, don't understand RFK, and they distort and damage the movement for freedom and transparency in medicine.

He's moving the Overton Window. Like how to treat a measles infection; never before been published in major media. Wasn't allowed. Yet here we are. After 25 years of hard fought battles, mostly lost, I am overjoyed. Come on people, take a win when you get it!

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Right. The window must be moved slowly

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The voice of reason. Thank you.

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I second that Eleanor.

Bravo Jenna.

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I third it. Well done, Jenna.

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In my duel role as a physician and conspiracy theorist I agree 100% with RFK,jr, and you, Jenna.

The issues are not all black, nor all white. It's a bit more complicated than that. RFK honors our freedom and our intelligence. That is risky, and uncomfortable for some, but to me it's refreshing.

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I agree and appreciate your professional perspective!

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How do I find a physician/conspiracy theorist? That’s the provider I want!!

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me too!

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So true that RFK Jr’s op ed honors both our freedom and our intelligence, and how refreshing that is. Thanks for making that important point!

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This is a social struggle similar to the one we have over retirement: half want "An All-Knowing Government to Take Care of It" (and MAKE everyone participate), and another half wants "To Be Left Alone to Do It Themselves)."

But with freedom comes responsibility, for mistakes.

Those who want (the illusion of) "no mistakes" (and realistically only "someone to blame") ultimately are "uncomfortable" having freedom. ("No, NO! TAKE it AWAY! It's TOO HARD! MAKE ME do the right thing! And TELL ME WHAT THAT IS!")

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The ultimate solution would be a peaceful partition, with these two diametrically opposed points of view agreeing to "split their inheritance" and divide the USA into two parts, with one government following the current trendy slouch towards socialism--and slavery, and the other reaffirming its attachment to the Constitution. Each should get "a coast," and half the military, and the rest can be divided according to negotiation. Conservatives should allow the ones who prefer the government-teat to choose first: in the end, they will foul their nest anyway, while their counterparts will make even deserts bloom.

It's interesting to contemplate what sorts of international treaties the two, now different and diverging, governments would make to "protect themselves" from each other's encroachment. (Prediction: after the slothful class gobbles everything in sight, it will turn enviously on its more prudent and productive neighbor.)

Come to think of it, maybe Jefferson was probably right "... that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." A rebellion to purify this government, and no talk of "fairness" with the Tories; if they want to live under socialism, they've plenty of choices. Venezuela would welcome them with open claws.

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People can’t handle that RFK isn’t dealing with this like a bull in a china shop.

My take is,

Bobby is a heck of a lot smarter than average so if he’s more like a heron by the bay or whatever other stealth creature that gets the job done, it’s with good reason.

READ his books and LISTEN to him speak. He is no turncoat nor is he a fool.

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Spot on!

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You summed it up perfectly!

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really not a flip flop considering he was NEVER anti vaccine. its sure is successfully being marketed as one. I'm exhausted to the extreme and I don't even pay attention to the corporate media. bleeee

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Exactly! That was the point I was trying to make. I'm pretty tired, too.

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thank you, thank you, thank you, for writing this, Jenna!! hopefully people like Ahmad Malik will read this and decide to take a deep breath and do a little critical thinking of his own and NOT put us into a basket of unreasonable 'hero worshipers'.

I know that you are not an 'autism mom' but can I make you an honorary sister?

we have been gas lit and disrespected for decades and now we are supposed to hate on RFK jr, according to the newly awakened pundits.

(loving the 'Calgon' reference! keep doing whatever you're doing cuz you sure don't look old enough to remember THAT ad campaign, lol. I need a 'Calgon' month!)

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We might need to update the Calgon thing. How often these last few years might you have said, "Calgon take him/her away." Quite often for me!

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dudes deserve a jacuzzi break ;) come on in, the water's fine :)

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100% with you, Warrior Mom! I may have to watch more videos on tomato trellising, homestead scale composting, and the benefits of having a family dairy cow. Oh, wait, that's exactly what I've been doing for the last few days! Sanity and low blood pressure are high on my list of priorities, so more gardening and homesteading videos are definitely in my future.

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The "FOR ALL THOSE WHO WANT THEM" was immediately evidently to me when I read the parts that were being thrown around in hysteria. I was like...HE SAID IT. He said not everyone has to have them. HE SAID IT RIGHT THERE.

I hadn't read the rest - thank you for highlighting it all, Jenna!! This was my favorite (including your commentary, because it's perfect):


“Tens of thousands died with, or of, measles annually in 19th Century America. By 1960—before the vaccine’s introduction—improvements in sanitation and nutrition had eliminated 98% of measles deaths.” In case that one slipped by you, the nation’s top public health official just pointed out that the measles vaccine was and is not the game-changing, lifesaving miracle it has historically been made out to be.


I'm honestly surprised the left didn't JUMP on that. How DAAAAAAAAARE he imply it hadn't saved us all.

I'm staying hopeful about this...

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The left hopes no one notices that sentence. They aren’t going to draw attention to it.

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Exactly. Shhhhh….don’t say that part out loud.

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Wait, I thought he didn't write it.

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I’m so glad you published this and as fast as you did. Many MAGA journalists and influencers are falling into the trap of reflexively reacting to the titles and subtitles only. Then, in our day of “can’t slow down to read carefully,” they skim too fast and miss the necessary context or subtleties, which often are completely skewed if only skimming.

Hopefully your article will help many.

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heck, I've seen people actually seem to read it carefully and STILL come out with guns blazing, hating on Bobby! maybe its kind of a good thing, cuz they showing us who they really are? idk, looking for a silver lining I guess

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Of all the groups who should know MSM lies and deceives at every turn, it’s the anti-vaxxers. Or as I prefer to refer to myself, the PRO-researchers.

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I'm 'vaccine risk aware'. anti vaxxer is a pharma-sponsored pejorative ;)

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Oh I like that one. Gonna use it

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'Vaccine skeptic' here.

When asked, I will cite FOIA information re: Pharma's convictions on shortcutting and lying about their products.

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or as Jimmy Dore says: research? we used to call it READING.

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If you read the whole op-ed, you get a completely different perspective than the poorly written headline and sub headline but the outrage machine doesn’t read beyond the headline. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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The headline and sub headline were likely written by the New York Slimes’ staff, not by RFKjr himself.

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Oops - I see it was Fox News, not the Slimes. Six of one, half-dozen of the other…

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RFK, Jr. didn’t spend his career as a terrific and effective litigator only to waste all that experience fighting Big Pharma, those who foul our waters, and those whose products poison us only to forget how to win. He knows the first rule of warfare is to know your enemy better than they know themselves. First, we need to let him go about his work, and second, learn from him how winning happens. He will set traps and the corrupt public health mentality will fall into them. I’m talking to you, Paul Offit and Peter Hotez.

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Mary Ann, agreed: "betrayal" is when RFKjr "mandates" me to get a jab.

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Well done Jenna. This measles outbreak is a trap in which the deep state is trying to set for Bobby so they can through their MSM henchmen say, “ See! We told you he’s an Anti-Vaxxer! Impeach the SOB now before he puts YOUR CHILDREN at risk!”

But Bobby did not fall for it knowing full well he was caught between a rock and a hard place. And he’s learned over the years a few things from his new boss. Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.

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100% ^^ of course we can't prove it, but the timing of a free (live virus) vaccine campaign that scooped up unhealthy illegals, just might of contributed...?

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"Meanwhile, back in the 3rd World, ..."

what WAS the status of measles outbreaks during 2024, when so many people were bent on crossing the border illegally?

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So grateful to read this. It’s what I have said about Bobby and each of the high level appointments. Give them an opportunity. They work for ALL the people, not just those of us who worked hard and prayed hard to get them in office. It’s important for them not to come off like how many crazed social media folks want them to. IMO he is perfectly playing the “room”. You said it so well. Thank you for educating the crowds with your unique style. It touches my heart.

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This got me a little verklempt. 🥹

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What does verklempt mean? 🤔

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Teary eyed.

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Unable to form words - Jenna, that could never happen to you ❤️

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Jenna. That is a very astute analysis of his op ed. Some people are over reacting, this early, 19 days into an administration, to signs of disloyalty.

However you and many other purveyor's of reason point out that, just as the left puts out cryptic messages every day, sometimes the people on the correct (not right) side of issues, have to explain in a more simple manner to the other people how to possibly interpret the messages.

You have a knack of doing that. Thank you.

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Another BRILLIANT article, Jenna, thank you! I admit I've been a bit concerned over this with RFK Jr but I figured I'd wait to see what unfolded in next few days before I came to any conclusions; and then your article appeared and did a great job of explaining what was going on and I totally agree! There are too many people who would jump off the cliff if suddenly told we don't need vaxes!

One thing I must add though is this:

My husband has 50 yrs as virologist/immunologist, worked for Public Health Dept. for years, advising public/doctors/govt on how to manage disease. He also used to help develops jabs. He knows very well that MMR (measles jab they use now) is EXTREMELY dangerous. It is NOT safe and should be made illegal. Far better to allow yourself to get measles (unless you have impaired immune system) then to risk your life with this jab it has killed lots of people, I mean LOTS. Just a couple days ago, MSM news tried to tell us someone died of measles - you don't die from measles, just like you don't die from flu unless you have very, very old or have impaired immune system. Sadly, too many young people now have impaired immune systems due to all the jabs. Back in 1970s when my husband was helping to develop jabs, he found out they were putting cancer cells in the jabs and that's when he quit making jabs. This is documented in the excellent book "Dr. Mary's Monkey" as well. There is also mercury and aluminum in these jabs, NONE of which is safe. I imagine RFK Jr. will at some point let us know MMR jabs are very dangerous, when he has evidence and when public finds out they are dangerous. As you say, Jenna, things like this must be handled carefully, otherwise we'd have a whole lot of heart attacks from the public. Great article, excellent viewpoints, thank you!!!

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Thanks for this comment! :)

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Glad you liked it!

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Critical thinking skills folks. Thanks Jenna! We can’t run with a headline. Read deep. I have so many good conservative emails to read! You did it again Jenna. When will people get back to using their brains to sift through?

I agree that at 78 I have better immunity to all those childhood diseases and don’t remember a schoolmate dying. My antibody titers were high at almost 62 when my hospital closed in 2008 and I wasn’t ready to retire so moved to another hospital for 5 more years. Everyone knew what to do in the 50s. Fear didn’t rage like it does today. Trust in God was the bottom line. Too poor to run to the Dr! I am so grateful for that. They used to say “cleanliness is next to godliness” for a reason. Poor but good hygiene!!!

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Margaret, you called to mind "Don't Run With SCISSORS!"

Dangerous to run with a headline too, in front of critical readers.

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I remember that warning! Thanks to my 99 year old Mom!!!!

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