You are the very best satirical writer ever. I look forward to your messages every day. You write with the most intellectual insight. It is so entertaining. Thank you for all that you do. God Bless you.
Well he actually hit hard in US, UK, AUS, NZ with the jab that is still going strong and still hasn’t ended 5 years later with still no testing and Bill still making billions off the profit on both the frontside and back side of the “vaccine”.
I was supposed to be sarcastic. Bad. He is just evil and gross. And I wonder if anyone has gotten rid of the jab mandate to enter the USA legally? Like Riley Gaines has been talking about with her British husband...?
Ugh! Gates, Fauci and Offit. Axis of evil. Gates is such a weasel and a hypocrite. Going to watch the inquisition of RFK Jr. What a sh*tshow. Praying that he gets confirmed. Also agree that you’re a great satirist!
Did you see the video that troll Caroline Kennedy released? I went to bed FUMING. Am going to try to watch as much as I can today, too. Praying sanity prevails. (And thank you!)
The Dem go-to tactic is always sexual predator, assault, or pedophile. With a dash of Epstein, if they can manage it. And Bill Clinton is their senior politician. And Kamala's husband was considered prime First Gentleman material. Evidently "irony" is something the maid does.
On Candace Owens podcast yesterday she made fun of her saying that she wanted the blender Bobby used to "chop up mice(and other animals)" It was laugh out loud funny!
Also, look forward to your writing! It is the first thing I read. So whimsical yet serious all at the same time. Don’t those “philanthropic”billionaires know they could solve so many problems by just giving away some of their money?
Wow, I never thought it possible for anyone to say anything that could get me relate to Bill Gates... Thanks, Pastor Mike. So THAT's what I have... THAT's what Bill and I have. Together. I'm going to call him today.
It's like watching NFL (although mere) millionaires playing each other. If we were to try to get between them and try to persuade them that they should really try to get along--and "ties" are nice too--we'd get cremola'd.
Jenna, couldn’t stop laughing after reading your post! I think it fitting these billionaires are fighting. The irony is blatant! I really DO think Billy boy is that stupid! I flash back to when he was deposed back in the90’s, rocking back and for, like an autistic child! Very rich people (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Soros, Billy boys daddy to name a few) have been influencing people, economies, academia and governments for decades! Wake up Billy boy! If you can’t play in the sand box without complaining, GO HOME!
I love reading your emails. Thank you all the way from down under. Your intelligence and humour are invaluable in the crazy world we live in. Thank you!
Louise! (My middle name BTW!) This made me almost weep. I am genuinely so touched when people take the time to comment. I'm glad you're here and appreciate you. :)
AMWD hasn’t revealed their gender, and has been secret about it even with Dr. Pierre Kory. Therefore, I assumed AMWD is female, since women tend to not need the glory. Do you know something for sure Jenna?
Yes, I too assume shes female. Just an intuitive hit I get by the style, depth of detail, impeccable research, and genuine compassion all rolled into one. (Not to say by any means that men are not so tho!)
You are the very best satirical writer ever. I look forward to your messages every day. You write with the most intellectual insight. It is so entertaining. Thank you for all that you do. God Bless you.
Day officially made! Thank you kindly. :)
I agree. For this generation anyway. (Mark Twain and Johnathan Swift, to name two, were pretty good, too!)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Funny that Gates acts as though he’s not buying off the world and killing people with his money.
#FunnyNotFunny 😭
It's okay, because he only hits hard in 3rd world countries. And Switzerland.
Well he actually hit hard in US, UK, AUS, NZ with the jab that is still going strong and still hasn’t ended 5 years later with still no testing and Bill still making billions off the profit on both the frontside and back side of the “vaccine”.
I was supposed to be sarcastic. Bad. He is just evil and gross. And I wonder if anyone has gotten rid of the jab mandate to enter the USA legally? Like Riley Gaines has been talking about with her British husband...?
Ugh! Gates, Fauci and Offit. Axis of evil. Gates is such a weasel and a hypocrite. Going to watch the inquisition of RFK Jr. What a sh*tshow. Praying that he gets confirmed. Also agree that you’re a great satirist!
Did you see the video that troll Caroline Kennedy released? I went to bed FUMING. Am going to try to watch as much as I can today, too. Praying sanity prevails. (And thank you!)
Ugh. Caroline K. 🤢
“…he himself (Bobby) is a predator,” said the ugly duckling.
They’ll stop at nothing. Brutal, self-immolation.
every msm outlet was ready to step up and pass it around , ‘predator’ was plastered everywhere , she is vile
She’s shameful..full of cheap shots….
My fury was somewhat soothed by Sasha Stone’s piece yesterday.
The Dem go-to tactic is always sexual predator, assault, or pedophile. With a dash of Epstein, if they can manage it. And Bill Clinton is their senior politician. And Kamala's husband was considered prime First Gentleman material. Evidently "irony" is something the maid does.
Caroline is heavily invested in Big pHARMa.
On Candace Owens podcast yesterday she made fun of her saying that she wanted the blender Bobby used to "chop up mice(and other animals)" It was laugh out loud funny!
Jenna - I couldn’t bring myself to watch it. 😡
Yes I did! Infuriating 👿
Also, look forward to your writing! It is the first thing I read. So whimsical yet serious all at the same time. Don’t those “philanthropic”billionaires know they could solve so many problems by just giving away some of their money?
It’s not complicated 🤣
Or at least SLOW THE SPREAD of problems by NOT spending it!
You need to get a White House press pass.
Can you imagine? I'd KILL it hahahahaha! ;)
You would sooo choke in front of Peter Doocy... ;^) <smitten>
“Martha, do you even HEAR yourself?,” said Vance to Radditz, but could have just as easily substituted “Bill.”
Lower tier Envy, when it's looking up at those above it, is so sad to watch.
Wow, I never thought it possible for anyone to say anything that could get me relate to Bill Gates... Thanks, Pastor Mike. So THAT's what I have... THAT's what Bill and I have. Together. I'm going to call him today.
Here’s my thought! Who is calling the kettle black? One billionaire to another billionaire! Influencers? 🙄
It's like watching NFL (although mere) millionaires playing each other. If we were to try to get between them and try to persuade them that they should really try to get along--and "ties" are nice too--we'd get cremola'd.
Is this real life?! It's Billionaire 90210! I really hope that most people can see through this hypocrisy.
Question: how much would the US benefit if we just locked both of these billionaires up and used their billions to fix our messed up country?
Infinity times three, *roughly
Jenna, couldn’t stop laughing after reading your post! I think it fitting these billionaires are fighting. The irony is blatant! I really DO think Billy boy is that stupid! I flash back to when he was deposed back in the90’s, rocking back and for, like an autistic child! Very rich people (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Soros, Billy boys daddy to name a few) have been influencing people, economies, academia and governments for decades! Wake up Billy boy! If you can’t play in the sand box without complaining, GO HOME!
Glad you enjoyed! It really was one big SMH moment. ;)
I love reading your emails. Thank you all the way from down under. Your intelligence and humour are invaluable in the crazy world we live in. Thank you!
Louise! (My middle name BTW!) This made me almost weep. I am genuinely so touched when people take the time to comment. I'm glad you're here and appreciate you. :)
Unsure, but might interest.
LOVE AMD and always trust his research (and conclusions--which align pretty nicely with mine from earlier this week Thanks for sharing!
AMWD hasn’t revealed their gender, and has been secret about it even with Dr. Pierre Kory. Therefore, I assumed AMWD is female, since women tend to not need the glory. Do you know something for sure Jenna?
Yes, I too assume shes female. Just an intuitive hit I get by the style, depth of detail, impeccable research, and genuine compassion all rolled into one. (Not to say by any means that men are not so tho!)
Cal him out Jenna!
To new, elderly non-hip, visitors to these pages, you'll want to bookmark this:
Sometimes it can be 'zaustin' trying to catch/keep up.
Thank you for the list. Quite a few I never heard/ saw before..
However,I always thought SMH meant “Smack my head”…not, “Shake my head”….I suppose they are kinda interchangeable..
My original take was "Something My Hiney."
Love the meme…covert vs overt. I always prefer the latter 😜.
Musk “who loves a public feud more than cats love knocking things off tables.”