When I lived in New York City in the ‘90s, a clever crime ring was making its way across Manhattan, casually robbing people blind in broad daylight. Their only weapons? A couple of shirts.
Clad in official-looking tees emblazoned with Vinny’s Window Repair on the back, the shameless thieves would stand right out on the street prying open people’s panes and then letting themselves casually inside—where they would proceed to change into their Big Apple Movers button-downs before walking out the front door with friendly smiles and boxloads of burgled goods.
I said it was clever.
Anyway, recently the lamestream media has been breathless over the “more than 17,000 doctors” who have signed a petition urging the Senate to reject RFK Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services. You know, because Kennedy is an unqualified kook. A brain worm-infested danger. A bear-killing, whale-slaying, science-denying anti-vaxxer with a personal vendetta against the honorable Saint Fauci! A. Menace. Who. Must. Be. Stopped.
The “17,000 doctors claim” comes from the official-sounding Committee to Protect Healthcare, a group of alleged medical professionals who came together over their shared overwhelming horror at the thought of RFK Jr.’s HHS appointment. (You may recall I called them out in November—and was promptly blocked *blushes*—but if you missed that post or have forgotten the gist, I urge you to take a quick detour back in time, as it’s sort of critical to understand the depth of the deception this shady syndicate is pushing.)
The funny part is, not one of these “17,000 doctors” had to buy a fake set of scrubs or a single plastic stethoscope. All they had to do was fill out a brief online form with their “official doctor name” and—boom!—petition officially inked. I know because I signed it. As Dr. Pepper. (And I don’t know if you guys know this, but I am not actually a medical professional. Half the time I can’t tell a bruise from a birthmark and I once fainted during a mammogram, true story.)
Alex Jones signed it (a couple of times), too. So did fitness guru and brilliantly red-pilled media personality Jillian Michaels (also more than once). As did probably 16,782 other not-doctors. But CBS, NBC, The Guardian, The Hill, and even The British Medical Journal felt zero obligation to verify the credentials or identities of the signatories of this petition. Literally every single outlet took the “17,000 doctors signed it” sound bite at face value and ran with it nearly verbatim.
It’s a terrifying time to be alive if you’re mostly braindead and actually get your “news” from the so-called media.
To be clear, the fact that a bunch of fake doctors are trying to keep Kennedy out of the White House isn’t the new-news here. It’s who’s behind the illustrious “Committee to Protect Healthcare” that [likely won’t surprise you in the least but] will make you madder than a cat in a bathtub and have you cursing in languages you didn’t know you spoke.
Jillian Michaels did a deep dive into the Committee, specifically who’s financing it. Turns out our buddy Bill Gates—the same murderous snake who recently boasted about his “intriguing” visit with POTUS at Mar-a-Lago that left him “frankly impressed” by Trump’s interest in global health after “they both got pretty excited” about vaccine innovation—has his filthy fingers all over the Committee, by quietly funding the primary networks and organizations that support it.
I mean, that’s what Gates does: anonymously throw his bottomless dough at the people and causes he thinks will further his diabolical agendas. It’s why he tried to privately bankroll Kamala Harris. It’s why he’s given more than five billion to the WHO. It’s why he’s a top donor to the Clinton Foundation (whose mission is to “immunize as many children as possible by creating dramatic and sustainable improvements to vaccine markets”) and also the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (the UK body responsible for ensuring vaccines meet certain safety standards *ahem*). It’s why he finances fake fauxlanthropies that in turn fund [and thus infiltrate] the media. It’s why he poured hundreds of millions of dollars into efforts to destroy Twitter after Elon Musk promised to restore free speech to the platform. (Gates does not like that pesky First Amendment.)
It’s worth noting that in the Twitter case, Gates’ “donations” went to eleven dark money organizations—ones that operate legally but suspiciously under certain tax-exempt statuses that do not require them to disclose their funding sources—that coincidentally signed an open letter urging advertisers to boycott the company.
Why does that sound so eerily familiar?
Gates has made it clear that he would and will do anything in his power to protect the SHOVEIT (Surveillance, Health Oversight, Vaccination, Eradication & Indoctrination Taskforce™) he dreams of dominating. And not a single idea, movement, force, or figure threatens SHOVEIT more than Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Kennedy’s two confirmation hearings are scheduled for this Wednesday and Thursday. As one might imagine, legacy media [brought to you by Pfizer—to which surely just by happenstance the Gates Foundation has committed $100 million for vaccine development] is out there not only perpetuating the 17,000 doctors lie but embarrassing themselves trying to spin a paper cut into a global health crisis.
What can we do? I’m so glad you asked!
Click here to quickly (literally, it takes less than 60 seconds) and easily (the message is written for you) email your senators asking them to support RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary. Then click here to just as swiftly sign the IMA Action Letter endorsing his nomination. You can also contact every single member of the two committees (the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Health Education Labor & Pensions) holding the confirmation hearings and tell them precisely why you think Bobby is the best and only choice for the position. (DM me if you need help drafting those emails. I’m serious.)
Political commentator Liz Wheeler went off on X, calling the efforts to block RFK Jr. “an all out war between Big Pharma and you.”
“MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD,” Wheeler continued.
“Harness that feeling of elated hope that buoyed your soul when RFK Jr. endorsed Trump, when they shook hands on stage and married MAGA & MAHA.
“Big Pharma is a $600B industry in the U.S., profiting off hurting you & keeping you sick.
“RFK Jr. is our last chance to save ourselves from Big Pharma’s choking, abusive grip.
“Bobby says he prayed to God begging God to give him the chance to save our children from the chronic disease epidemic.
“Pharma is going to pull out all their dirty, nasty tricks to derail RFK Jr.’s confirmation to HHS Secretary.
“The secret weapon to defeat this monstrosity is you. Your voice. Your stories. Your strength. Your willingness to inform your Senator in no uncertain terms that he or she will be politically destroyed if they dare vote against RFK Jr.
“Call. Email. Tag your Senator on X.
“Do it now. As loud as you can.
“Demand your Senator vote to confirm RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary.
“We must Make America Healthy Again.”
Will one or two phone calls or emails change the course of history? Probably not. Could thousands? Without a doubt. As Japanese writer Ryunosuke Satoro said, "Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."
Let’s drown those SOBs. :)
p.s. A quick observation on the Gates/Trump dinner at Mar-a-Lago. Yes, it was both unnerving and infuriating to hear Gates boasting about the meeting and putting vaccine-related words into Trump’s mouth. It should be noted, however, that the only thing POTUS has said about the rendezvous is that it wasn’t his idea… before announcing his intention to pull the US out of the WHO—of which the Gates Foundation is the largest private donor. So, I’d call that #winning.

Some points to include when you call the senators (personalize as you wish):
Kennedy has an army of supporters who helped elect Trump. They can swing elections and will remember how you vote on this question.
The US is sicker than all other developed nations, by far, and this situation is bankrupting our country and causing untold suffering, disability and mortality.
We have an epidemic of chronic disease that is now affecting children with illnesses that children have historically never had.
This is an emergency situation, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the single most qualified person in the world to turn it around, due to his long history of studying and fighting this problem. He knows that this problem is fundamentally due to corruption in our regulatory agencies because of their capture by the industries they are supposed to be regulating.
Please ignore the smears against Kennedy that are made by the pharmaceutical and monied special interests whose profits and power he is challenging. They have run amok with our country and it is time to stop listening to them and fix our problem instead. Kennedy will do this.
This is not a partisan issue. Get on the right side of history before it's too late for our country.
Thank you for your insight, Dr. Pepper! I just wrote my Senator, Rick Scott to encourage him to vote for RFK in spite of the money he’s taken from Pharma (which I pointed out in my letter). I think RFK Jr needs to take a LARGE and easily seen list of how much each Senator has taken from Pharma into his hearing so that it’s available for everyone to see.