Ugh! Gates, Fauci and Offit. Axis of evil. Gates is such a weasel and a hypocrite. Going to watch the inquisition of RFK Jr. What a sh*tshow. Praying that he gets confirmed. Also agree that you’re a great satirist!
Ugh! Gates, Fauci and Offit. Axis of evil. Gates is such a weasel and a hypocrite. Going to watch the inquisition of RFK Jr. What a sh*tshow. Praying that he gets confirmed. Also agree that you’re a great satirist!
Did you see the video that troll Caroline Kennedy released? I went to bed FUMING. Am going to try to watch as much as I can today, too. Praying sanity prevails. (And thank you!)
The Dem go-to tactic is always sexual predator, assault, or pedophile. With a dash of Epstein, if they can manage it. And Bill Clinton is their senior politician. And Kamala's husband was considered prime First Gentleman material. Evidently "irony" is something the maid does.
On Candace Owens podcast yesterday she made fun of her saying that she wanted the blender Bobby used to "chop up mice(and other animals)" It was laugh out loud funny!
Ugh! Gates, Fauci and Offit. Axis of evil. Gates is such a weasel and a hypocrite. Going to watch the inquisition of RFK Jr. What a sh*tshow. Praying that he gets confirmed. Also agree that you’re a great satirist!
Did you see the video that troll Caroline Kennedy released? I went to bed FUMING. Am going to try to watch as much as I can today, too. Praying sanity prevails. (And thank you!)
Ugh. Caroline K. 🤢
“…he himself (Bobby) is a predator,” said the ugly duckling.
They’ll stop at nothing. Brutal, self-immolation.
every msm outlet was ready to step up and pass it around , ‘predator’ was plastered everywhere , she is vile
She’s shameful..full of cheap shots….
My fury was somewhat soothed by Sasha Stone’s piece yesterday.
The Dem go-to tactic is always sexual predator, assault, or pedophile. With a dash of Epstein, if they can manage it. And Bill Clinton is their senior politician. And Kamala's husband was considered prime First Gentleman material. Evidently "irony" is something the maid does.
Caroline is heavily invested in Big pHARMa.
On Candace Owens podcast yesterday she made fun of her saying that she wanted the blender Bobby used to "chop up mice(and other animals)" It was laugh out loud funny!
Jenna - I couldn’t bring myself to watch it. 😡
Yes I did! Infuriating 👿