You mean.....(gulp)....I should think for myself??!?! But....what should I think?!??! Without someone online telling me what's true, I don't have any idea how to live. 🤣

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Ronnie was right, so was FDR: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Franklin D. Roosevelt

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just finished a booklet from 1971, No one dare call it conspiracy. That quote was in it as well.

Someone posted a pic of a number of people and instances on the payroll of that same company of which McCullough seems to be the main face. Epoch times, Babylon Bee, Russell Brand, Catturd, JP Sears, Naomi, and several others I recognized from face but could not put a name on. Surprised, but not completely- it is hard to surprise me anymore lately.

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Surprised but healthily sceptical, I hope.

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So what Roosevelt was saying is that the original Pearl Harbour was indeed planned....

And also the new one.......

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It was not only planned but expected, having been reported in the Honolulu paper a week earlier as a possibility.

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If politics (politicians) are so efficient, why are all government agencies so inefficient?

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Who said politicians are efficient didn't pres Reagan say if the government says we're here to help start running

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Reagan also promised to close down the federal Department of Education and did so by tripling its budget.

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So he was correct

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Or, just as crooked as any other president.

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Politicians have very little to do with the bureaucrats that run government agencies.

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But then again, quotes can act as 'controlled opposition.' It's a great quote, and it would be nice if FDR said that, but as far as I can tell it's misappropriated to him so unless one can actually reference a quote via print or video or a speech transcript, the internet age is chock-full-a handy quotes from important figures that wind up being "fact-checked", and unfortunately those checks are often correct when it comes to the attribution of quotes. Mark Twain is the prime example, as he's quoted for just about everything witty and poignant but what gets attributed to him often cannot be proven with him as the original source.

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Meaning that your bar on controlled opposition is set with a coin toss or a dice toss?

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I guess you just don't get it-- perhaps you can refrain from petty comments in the future?

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There is no reason for me to refrain from petty comments until you stop posting gibberish.

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The program that was most successful in producing a faux pandemic was the program to silence would-be dissenters. Many of the key potential "influencers" were specifically targeted for censor. However, most every-day citizens quickly learned to "self censor." They didn't want to be cast out of the safety of their herds. With the controlled opposition gambit, some of these would-be dissenters now pause before they hit "send" on posts, thinking they might be attacked for being "controlled opposition."

This is censorship and bullying of a different variety ... but produces the same effect - people are afraid to say what they really believe.

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The pandemic was faux--but there was a democide in the US, according to the official mortality data, which show 500k+ extra all-cause deaths in 2020, and 500k+ extra in 2021. There really is no dispute about this, since everyone who does the same search in the database will get exactly the same results.

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Exactly. It wasn't a novel virus that killed and injured tens of millions of people - It was the government's RESPONSE that did this. And, I agree, this is text book "democide." The real scandals haven't been exposed and probably never will be (at least in our lifetimes).

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Regardless, a democide is by definition an intentional killing. Normally, we think of iatrogenic effects as being unintentional adverse effects of treatments or protocols intended to heal. So I think we need to be clear--the sheer numbers, and the patterns of death, point to intentional mass murder.

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You/we might also want to better define the word "intentional." If nurses and doctors prescribe remdesivir over and over when they see the large numbers of people who die after receiving it, is that a death that was "intentionally" produced?

The same with putting people on ventilators, where something like 90 percent (in some hospitals) died after this happened.

Over-prescribing morphine and midazolam (sp?) and denying liquids and foods must have the result of killing people and this must have been known by some smart doctors ... who nonetheless kept doing this.

There have been studies that show that patient advocates (family members) being present prevents deaths in many admitted patients. This option was taken away ... so someone must have known this change in hospital protocols would produce more deaths.

Not prescribing antibiotics at the same rate doctors once had for respiratory or pneumonia cases would produce increased mortality.

(Unfounded) fear and panic cause stress that produces more deaths.

Etc. Etc with more examples I haven't provided.

Our healthcare professionals either didn't know they were implementing treatment protocols that were more likely to produce deaths ... or they knew this and didn't care. I'd also argue large numbers of these deaths meet plausible definitions of "intentional."

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Also, our rulers "intentionally" censored messages that would have saved countless lives if this speech had not been censored.

One example: They knew the vaccines did NOT prevent infection nor spread ... and they intentionally suppressed this finding.

They intentionally caused people to get a vaccine they didn't need. And they must have known that no vaccine is 100-percent "safe." They knew these shots would cause deaths that otherwise would not have occurred.

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Not really what I meant. According to the official mortality data, there was a huge local death spike in the NYC metro area in spring 2020, which killed 50k people in 25 counties over 8 weeks, after which deaths returned to normal in that region. You are claiming that these same treatment protocols were terminated in NYC metro, but were-introduced in other states in summer 2020, resulting in another death wave, as well as in winter 2020-2021, again resulting in another death wave. For a total of 500k+ excess deaths in 2020 alone. Right?

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Basically, something like that, yes. The deaths clearly happened. I don't think a new lethal respiratory virus caused all of these excess deaths ... so some non-virus factors (many contributors) caused those deaths.

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Virginia, What's your theory on what caused this spike in excess deaths?

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The characteristics of the mortality data are not consistent with toxic treatment or response protocols being the primary cause, based on the data I've seen--it is more consistent with a mass-poisoning. For example, the deaths came in waves--which would require the toxic treatments to be stopped and started. No evidence this occurred as far as I've seen, and no attempts to gather any evidence from the mortality data, as far as I've seen.

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The deaths did come in waves - largely and oddly, in just a few major urban hospitals and nursing homes - roughly from late March 2020 through April and May 2020. Then the deaths spiked again in the second year of "Covid" - in the second cold and flu season (November 2020 - February 2021). The deaths correlate with an increase in PCR-defined "cases." The more "cases," the more toxic iatrogenic protocols administered = "far more 'covid' deaths."

One can use the process of elimination to rule out the possibility that any novel new contagious and deadly virus caused these deaths ... if one simply believes that this virus was spreading months before the "Wuhan outbreak" of mid-December 2019.

That is, there was NO spike of deaths anywhere in the world even though this contagious virus had left the barn many months earlier.

There's five or so months of evidence showing that this virus was NOT killing people in any conspicuous or noticeable numbers. If the virus wasn't killing people between September 2019 and early March 2020, it wouldn't suddenly have started killing huge numbers of people after March 2020. That leaves only "iatrogenic" and "lockdown collateral damage deaths" to explain the huge spike of deaths in the Spring (!) of 2020.

Did the "treatment" protocols change dramatically with the lockdown orders of mid-March 2020? Yes, they clearly did. Also, panic ensued and so did unnecessary fear and anxiety on the part of citizens and healthcare providers. That led to extra deaths as well.

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I just published a reference book on US mortality data--it contains no opinions, just the raw data. You can find a lot of content previews at this link. If you want to read about the death waves without buying the book, I'd suggest the link the shows the first page of every chapter. https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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That's fantastic, thanks for sharing!

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That's fantastic data and research. I might write an article or two on the things that jump out to me from this data. Look how much deaths in NY increased between weeks 11 and 14 of 2020. Amazing. How is this possible?

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No lashing here, Jenna. I've tried to make the same points in a few Reader Comments' sparring matches. I remember one posting battle where I tried to argue that Tucker Carlson probably WASN'T controlled opposition. If he was "controlled opposition," the Deep State Guys he was really working for must have decided he went a little too far in his assigned task - because they got him fired from Fox News. Apparently, his controlled opposition segments went a Monologue Too Far.

I guess one could say that this was part of the plan - get him fired ... so he could do his controlled opposition work on his X podcasts (which attract even larger audiences). Tucker's doubled down on his efforts to attack the Military Industrial Complex, Science Industrial Complex, the Intelligence Agencies, Big Pharma, etc.

Apparently everyone who supports the growth of these complexes wants Tucker to attack them even harder ... which is odd ... or 5-D chess that's way beyond the comprehension of those of us who play regular geopolitical chess.

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I can see why the likes of Trump or Kennedy would want to pretend to be one thing while being another--get voted into power and then pull the old bait-and-switch hahahaha suckers!--but what's in it for Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson? Millions of dollars? Oh yeah, they already make that. *scratches head*

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The people who do speak "truth to power" are actually doing great. Tucker must be the wealthiest and most influential journalist in U.S. history. It seems to me there IS a huge "market" for journalism or commentary that tries to debunk the authorized narratives.

The Deep State's controlled opposition plays are being stuffed at the line of scrimmage. Or, maybe, they are working a little bit. The bigger point is an important one: We need to support the people who are attacking all the right people and organizations.

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Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

I've got a feeling that the phenomenon ultimately does center around 1) fear and 2) looking for some ultimate Savior (and the only thing that's stopping me from capslocking this is my secret pledge to the Inebriati to never capslock on pain of being expelled). Anyone who got one thing right, stood up for some regular people, drew attention to a glaring wrong (like vax injuries) must be a Savior, right? He or she must have all the answers and always be right and never fart in public.

This distracts people from the *evidence* and *ideas* that matter and makes them hone in on *personalities.* So the moment the Saintly Savior (who wasn't auditioning for the role) makes a joke they don't like or turns out to be selling something or whatever, the Saintly Public (who never makes a mistake and lives virtuous lives) treats the Savior as a heretic, iconoclast and all around apostate.

And what do we do with heretics?

Burn, baby, burn.

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A warm thank you for not using capslock, that makes me queezy and people seem not sane 😉

Also, I agree.

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Well articulated Iris, agree! I mostly dismiss the controlled opposition policing as, in most cases, abused people having natural reactions to being abused - you start being suspicious of everyone. “They” want us fighting with each other. It’s hard to watch pro-med-freedom folks I’ve been following since 2020 go after each other. But humans gonna human.

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“a dizzying intellect” I saw what you did there. ❤️👍👏

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Cue the “Jenna is controlled opposition” comments! How dare she point this out!?!? Imma come back in an hour and read all the funny comments! Here’s my prediction though…there will be way more in agreement than in opposition to your post. And I credit the discerning eye and thoughtful intellect of your readers!

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Food for thought. I feel that one should read all sides of the coin. Ultimately you need all the information to complete the puzzle as without it you are flying blind.

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I ❤️ your comment…

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The only person I fully trust is myself at this point. I will read, and take-in information from many people who “may be” controlled opposition but in the end I'll make my own decisions using critical thinking skills.

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I remember watching a short film by Mikki Willis where he talked about “infighting”.

It truly will be the death of us. 😢

This is one of the many reasons why I won’t open my stack to paid subscriptions. I don’t want to be accused of money being a motivator for posting the nasty clot pics. Everyone must see them and know they are indeed real. I’m sure Hamish won’t like this comment. 😀

Brilliant writing as always dear Jenna. 😘❤️

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I don't know anyone who is trying to raise awareness of the "embalmers clots" who is trying to make money from this knowledge. On the other hand, every person and group that is trying to block awareness of this phenomena is making billions of dollars on the products that caused the clots.

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Well said Bill. I know for a fact that Richard Hirschman and Tom Haviland have done nothing but SPEND money on the effort to get the truth out. So have I.

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And that's no trivial anecdote. The people trying to save lives are losing money and/or have nobody "backing" them.

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Thank you! That is indeed important,horrific information that people need to know! And,

“United we stand. Divided we fall.”

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Amen Tonee.

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Thanks Laura K 🙏💞⚔️

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Loved this. Thank you.

There are, in fact, many truth seekers also suffering from mass formation psychosis. It’s always a safe bet to avoid large herds.

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A mindboggling subject. My way of dealing is usually, the more heavily you are censored or defamed, the closer to the truth you are. Sometimes killing is not an option, as to not to create a martyr. I don't even care if Musk (very probably), Malone (defintely), Jones (don't think so), Brand (undecided), Yeadon (no way in hell) and so forth are indeed controlled opposition. They still inform and wake people up. They can't divide, because the sheep won't listen anyway. They are haram 😉

In the end, all we have is each other and the grace of God, if we can accept Jesus as our savior. Personally, I am convined, you don't even need to be christian for that, you just need the spirit of the light.

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I frequently say, before you listen to WHAT someone tells you, determine WHY they're telling you.

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Well said, Jenna. A lot of the "controlled opposition" dialogue seem to stem from ideological differences and potential conflicts of interest. A big source of this is the "virus/no virus" question.

Some very respected voices in the MFM either support the virus notion or prefer not to address it; some of the "no virus" people are very vocal that they must therefore must be controlled opposition.

The core question seems to be: was there ever a Covid virus, or was the whole thing a huge psyop?

I acknowledge the validity of the arguments presented by the "no virus" crowd showing that virology does not prove the existence of viruses at all, but that doesn't prove they don't exist. TPTB are taking grotesque, unfair advantage of their inside information on that subject and all others, so we can't know some things for sure.

What we do know is that the shots are a genocide and I greatly appreciate everyone who is trying to make that known and acted upon. I'll let others worry about the "controlled opposition" aspect of it.

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A cold is a virus. Colds are supposedly caused by Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses. Covid 19 no longer exists due to mutation. Do viruses cause colds? Or are the little packets of DNA that are found when someone has one, some sort of waste product from your body doing some regularly scheduled self cleaning? No one really knows. Correlation does not prove causation. I am an RN and worked through the whole pandemic in a nursing home in NJ. I saw the shot kill people first hand without question. Covid was a huge psyop in my humble opinion.

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I've learned to not believe 100% of what anyone says. Most people I trust get ~90% correct. (Tucker, Candice, Dave Smith, Jenna, etc.) When they drop to the 50-60% range I look at everything they're saying with a skeptical eye. (Trump, VDH, the public education system) Okay, I would blindly follow Thomas Sowell but he's the exception to my rule.

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Sooo,how do you determine what is “truth”? How do you know someone is 90% correct? Or,that they are now only 50% correct? I’m truly curious,because,other then my feeble discernment, I do not know where the truth really is,unless I see it with my own eyes,in real time. 🤷‍♀️ Thank you!

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For me, I determine the truth from my life experiences. I agree, I have to see with my own eyes. I have yet to see anyone get the truth right 100% of the time.

I've spent 63 years on this Third Rock from the Sun. I've made a lot of decisions in that time; some worked out well, some were flat out wrong.

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

Will Rogers

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Well said, when controlled opposition calls out opposition, it's impossible to know how far from the tree the apple has fallen. Trust your own eyes, thoughts, experience and compare that to opinions of others.

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One of the best most cogent recitations of our world today. Thank you Jenna.

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One of my great awakenings in our New Abnormal is that there are no "adults in the room," smart and principled leaders who are going to make everything right and expose all the criminals and conspirators.

Well, there are a few adults in the room - but they aren't in the "mainstream" room!

I eventually decided I might be one of the adults in the room - so I better speak up.

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I have to say that of all of the players, Putin has exhibited restraint and said some very astute truths that the USA hasn’t been able to even hear much less consider that there are 2 sides to every story.

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It would be so ironic if that communist government that comprised the Soviet Union could be the ray of light for putting things in proper order!

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I would have just given a “like “, But,The “heart” button is broken,for me,so,I have to write to all you smart people who say things I like…it’s ok..

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Love appears in the most unexpected of places!

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True Gemma

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