Ask Sarah how the Amish are faring without their "vaccines." Ask her if she knows that excess deaths have exploded in more than 100 nations ... after the vaccine that was supposed to prevent all Covid deaths. Why is this? How is this possible? Is it possible she doesn't know this? If not, why not?

Thanks for a great summary of the "arguments" we've all encountered. You also gave your readers some telling anecdotes about doctors and nurses. I don't know if they are ALL obtuse, but at least 98 percent of them must be.

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Excellent questions, Bill! Thank you kindly. :)

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This was a good project or worthwhile article. Someone needs to document for posterity the non-sensical shrapnel that was flying all around us.

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One bit of nonsensical shrapnel that I encountered was similar to the "Fox News" accusation thrown at Jenna. I was in front of the post office gathering signatures on a petition designed to push back against the government's overreaching "covid mitigation" edicts. A man drove up and scolded me for my efforts, and accused me of getting my information from "right-wing sources." (Oh, the horror! Right-wing sources!) When I told him I got info from the CDC and medical journals, he shouted at me "right-wing sources!" and drove off.

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They really need a few more weapons in their arsenal, don't they bahahahahaha!

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Bill, while I take your point, I have to inform you that some Amish, mostly the younger ones, are starting to vaccinate! I live in rural central Ohio and started driving them over a year ago. I like being around them as I am hoping their low key way will somehow rub off on me and I will learn alternative medicine from them (retired RN here). Anyway, was I wrong! My very first time driving them was for a traveling nurse who was vaccinating their babies, then they had me stop at McDonalds so they could grab lunch, then we proceeded to Walmart where they bought loads and loads of junk food. When I dropped them off, the one woman’s husband was spraying their weeds with Roundup!! I wish this weren’t true, but I saw it with my own eyes. I fear they are being targeted because “they” certainly don’t want a control group.

Jenna, I got all anxious and sweaty reading these. 😂😂 You’re a much better person than I am! Good LORT this woman is dense.

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Man, that's disturbing front-line intelligence most people wouldn't know about. I think you are absolutely right - the goal here is to do away with the "placebo" group. If we lose the Amish ...

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I tried so hard to gently inform them that perhaps their old ways are, infact far superior than the trappings of Western medicine, but they have definitely been infiltrated. It was shocking. They also run diesel engines almost nonstop for electricity. So while their houses aren’t electrified, they have large deep freezers on their porches and run extension cords for lights. Their children have scooters and plastic junk toys. It was shocking to me. Needless to say I no longer feel they are going to impart any nuggets of wisdom on how to live a healthier life closer to nature!

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Wow, sad to hear. I used to think of them as the back up copy for humanity in case of a system wide crash where everything goes south and people have to go back to basics.

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I just want to jump in here with a different experience with the Amish. Before we left NYS and moved to FL, we became friendly with Joe, an Amish man who put a metal roof on our house and later, barn. He is as hale a human being as you'll ever meet. Strong, solid, with a bright white smile of perfect teeth.

He did the barn roof in 2021, and when my husband asked him about covid, he laughed and said the whole thing was ridiculous, and that everyone in his community was unjabbed and that they did what they always do to recover from illness: rest, eat well, get plenty of time in the sun. None of them even considered getting vaccinated.

Every Amish community has a different level of "commitment" to their faith and their culture; even though some have drifted, my experience indicates there are still others who ARE a back up copy for humanity, god bless them!

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Whew. I'm glad to hear that anecdote!

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They are invaluable as a control group for the Big Pharma/Medicine Industrial Complex.

Think about the Covid "vaccine" trials - they did away with the placebo group as fast as they could.

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Yeah, that bothered me at the time. If the true analysis had been available I would have refused to take the jab. As soon as the public list of adverse events started to show in early 2021 I was quite happy to remain in the global control group.

I am irritated by the fact that the CSS and the javascript at SubStack is so broken that it fails on any even remotely older browser. My admin page is a mess and I cannot press the like button.

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Me too! I know their communities can vary, along with the Mennonites, but from what they told me the way they live is quite common.

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This is a topic for a serious story - the Amish are being captured!

I wonder if it's the same in Pennsylvania?

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That would be an amazing story. and a VERY sad one.

McDONALD'S? It is very hard for me to believe this, based on the PA Amish I've encountered, but I guess all areas are different. That's staggering.

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Very disappointed to hear that:(

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Anxious and sweaty! Me too. Ugh.

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This is so sad to hear...

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Great call with the Amish. I was also wondering if Sarah had ever heard of all cause mortality or Edward Dowd. Or if perhaps she could explain the obscene financial incentives for hospitals (remdesivir, covid diagnosis, and death come to mind, but there may have been others).

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"Follow. The. Money."

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My aging father told me his doc admitted that he could not not recommend the vax or he would lose his license; but said this proudly, like it made him trust that doctor more?! I tried to point out he just admitted he lies to you when under pharma / big brother pressure and you should never trust him again. Our attempts to find an honest doctor, or even one that would at least look at the data instead of parroting the CDC narrative were as eye opening as they were frustrating.

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Sad, isn't it? A wink and a nod?!

I wonder what happened to to buy billboard space around medical centers that say "1st, do no harm". What are these doctors smoking? A wink and a nod! Sheesh!

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And a great majority of the homeless, alive and well and unvaccinated.

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You have way more patience than I have. I was exhausted reading her posts to you.

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That was absolutely my feelings,too. Exhausted reading Sarah’s blather..

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Blood clots

Death from blood clots



Heart issues (a-fib, heart attack, etc)


Sudden, rare cancers

Permanent migraine for the past 3 years.....

This isn't a comprehensive list, and these aren't random Internet stories - these are people in my own circles. This absolutely IS NOT NORMAL!!!!

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I am so incredibly sorry, and I have a similar list. Not sure how the Sarahs of the world inhabit the same planet we do and still don't see it...

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I know, right?

Oh and I forgot to list one where a guy had a physical done, no heart problems, got the shots, went to the ICU for congestive heart failure. "But correlation doesn't equal causation" 🙄🤦 (to clarify, that wasn't said by the guy and I'm not mocking him - I'm mocking that general "argument")

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I could say just the same.

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Sarah needs to spend 60 minutes reading transcripts from your Substack. Just pick four at random and start reading.

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If I do say so myself, I quite agree.

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It's not you saying these things - it's private citizens from all walks of life reporting these details. And they weren't doing this for monetary reasons either. In fact, becoming a whistleblower is often not a very smart career move.

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This is why I've done so many transcripts-- the authority of multiples. It's one thing to read about some man in New Zealand who got neurological injuries after his jab, and its another to read about other men in NZ, women in NZ, people in Australia, the UK, Ireland, Canada, and all over the US, and South Africa and Israel, none of whom know each other, all describing similar neurological injuries.

Ditto cardiac injuries. Ditto many other types of injuries.

And I'm only transcribing videos in English.

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I have an acquaintance who's a professor who has a lot of ppl in her circle who've died and was commenting early on about the number of students who'd been out due to deaths in their family and i'm like....AAAAAAND?

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They are steeped in the model of "bad diseases just happen to people sometimes," and if they have noticed an uptick, they blame it on fallout from "covid," not the shots.

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Literally. Every. Time.

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I have a friend like that. She actually is one who didn't abandon me over Covid because she believes people are entitled to their opinions. I really value her and am grateful for that. We try and talk about other things. My daughter was true to me, too. She would have me over sort of secretly on holidays when I was supposed to be shunned.

My old friends from the expat days in India, the intellectuals, the Buddhists and so forth, they were the worst. I am still not over it. My sangha wanted a download of a vaccine certificate if I were to show up in person. The now elderly old acquaintances and friends from India on Facebook were quite vicious in their comments. They are all a lot quieter now, actually.

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Oh, my, I hear you. The "intellectuals, the [spiritual people], and so forth, they were the worst." I, too, experienced that and was shocked. Now that I think of it, I consider myself intellectual and spiritual which is why I know and interact and "follow" so many such folks. Even people I know who practice or teach yoga and spend an inordinate amount of time in nature were completely propagandized. Blew me away. I found that down-to-earth people without an "education" were more likely to be able to think for themselves.

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I know several people personally who had previously shunned some or all vaccines for themselves and/or their children who got the covid shots. Part of the reason was TDS, I'm almost certain, even though the shots were developed and first deployed under Trump.

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Oh, wow, that's pathetic. Thank goodness we also saw the reverse: people who had never thought to question vaccines had their ears perk up when they were being assaulted from every angle to get them. I 100% felt like I was in a sick movie and would simply check out when I saw road signs that said "Stay Home, Stay Safe" and billboards promoting the narrative and coupons for free donuts with proof of vax. Unfortunately, I couldn't ignore the children wearing masks while on their bicycles or playing volleyball - I had to stop and cry over those.

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I was particularly pissed off at the Buddhists.

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I get it. I would be too if that had been more my world, but I was busy being thoroughly disgusted by my yoga teacher colleagues who required masks and continued to say the breath is the most important teaching in yoga. My god, the mind f*ckery that has to happen for such mental blocks.

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Yes, the yoga people were particularly disappointing.

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Agree with you 100% about the yogis. The studio I had attended went berserko over the nonsense (Zoom classes only, face diapers which they probably wore during those Zoom classes, and finally no jab/no permission to enter.) The studio owner worshipped Fauci. I had to disconnect from them all. As a side note I was astounded the acupuncturist I loved and saw for years got the jabs along with her husband. And then they both started getting medical issues. Did they connect the dots? Not that I know.

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Wow. You have a LOT more patience than I do. I would have blocked Sarah LONG before your final argument with her. She's completely brainwashed and nothing will change that.

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Still, it's a good exercise in psychology and sociology to try to learn how these people think ... and can't change their views in the face of overwhelming counter-evidence.

I often try to bait journalists into responding to my critical emails. Many quickly learn to not engage with the dissenters. If and when they do, you can just report their comments on Substack!

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Sometimes I argue with Karen not because I want to change her mind, but because someone else might read her brainwashed drivel and think it's correct.

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Excellent point. Dan Bongino has said that many times on his podcast. He ran for office and would be talking to someone like Sarah with the intention that others overhearing the conversation would be enlightened.

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I think "Senseless Subjugated Sarah" should be the new term for the Karens out there.

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Love that, I do the same on NewsBreak. I know there are pro- Covid vaccine trolls that are paid to defend it. I will “ SARAH” them all day long because I know others are reading it. 🏆 Good for you! I can squash every stupid comment they make. Now I’ve noticed others joining in to call these losers out. It’s pretty entertaining & satisfying to educate this way. Soros pays these people, I’m sure of it. Who defends poison that kills, without getting paid?

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Aug 5Edited


I don't know, Jenna. It seems like you might secretly enjoy these types of exchanges with sheeple like Sarah. 🤣🤣🤣

Whatever you do, don't block her unless she's causing you some serious issues. Censorship is never the answer. I recently experienced being blocked by a substack author that I have always highly respected for having a dissenting opinion. It's not an exaggeration to say that it shook me to my core being blocked by someone that has never advocated for censorship, especially someone who is supposedly a truth seeker.

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I agree!!! I have blocked two people total and both for attacking my other friends/supporters brutally. (One went to amazon and gave all of my books and a friend's books scathing one-star reviews... that was IT.) For better or for worse, I will engage in the debate--as respectfully as I can--with anyone at any time. BRING IT, B*TCHES!!! ;)

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I was banned in three minutes for expressing a taboo opinion about Biden's dementia and the fact that Kamala Harris must have known this for years. I was banned by a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist and OPINION columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle.

I think I got the last laugh, though, by exposing this sanctimonious buffoon and opinion bully.


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Literally nothing better or more satisfying than exposing the buffoons!!! ;)

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I'm aware! Thank you for exposing this tool. I was blocked for suggesting that the Trump assassination attempt was potentially staged, but that seems to be a very contentious idea these days; even in this substack. I know Jenna would never block me though. 🤞🤣

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The antidote to speech one might not like is ... more speech. Let people debate the issue in the Comments Sections! May the strongest arguments win.

Even if the best arguments don't flip everyone, they might influence some people. If "No free speech is allowed" nobody's opinion is ever going to be changed.

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Amen! The ruling class would disagree though. They need to protect us from all the misinformation and disinformation being peddled by the very well financed anti-vaxxer lobby!

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They fear only one thing - the truth being exposed. They HAVE to stifle dissent and embrace ever-expanding censorship ... or they'll be toast ... and they know it.

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100%. I am astounded how the left and right just seemingly flipped with their stance on censorship. It's crazy how easy it is to manipulate people in mass.

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I realized only recently that "disinformation" is a military term, used to discuss counteracting propaganda. This really is a war.

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Do you mean that you think Trump himself was potentially in on it?

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Yes, I do. This didn't felt right in the very beginning and the more I watched it, the more it felt staged.

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I felt the response was staged, not necessarily the “ act of being shot.” It was like watching the Keystone Kops in an old movie. Then watching the entire investigation? It doesn’t make sense but we aren’t suppose to question? What a joke. I still feel that there may have been more than one shooter. Why was there 3 shots slow, 4 rapid fire, and the last one that most likely killed kid on roof?

Did you hear about cell phone records that indicated Crookes may have visited the FBI office in DC? It’s definitely a weird event.

It made me feel like Jan. 6th. Things weren’t adding up and everything looked very orchestrated & surreal. ( until people were shot & died, & others eventually went to jail)

Bottom line: I love free speech! They HAVE to take it away eventually because we are WAY too smart when we come together. ✌🏼

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Dr. Mercola blocked me. I guess the ghost that he is now communicating with didn't agree with my ideas on heavy metal detox.

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That is not suprising given his recent history. What has happened to Dr. Mercola is stranger than fiction.

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Wait … what did I miss on Dr. Mercola? Can someone give me the Reader’s Digest version or point me to a link or something?

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Thanks for trying. It says “SSL Handshake failed” when I click the link or type it in. Darn.

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He always gave perfectly terrible advice re heavy metal detox.

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Right? It's very, very telling. I had this happen early on. It was late 2020 and an intellectual, an author and rebel truth-teller in the yoga world was publishing blather from an absolutely ignorant point of view. As an intellectual, I knew he would appreciate research and independent reports so I sent him a long and organized list - like this: https://birdseyeview.xyz/research-and-testimony-library/covid-19-virus-a-summary-of-independent-reports-on-the-virus-governments-response-to-it/lockdowns-distancing-masking-mandates-treatment-policies/

His reply was stunning in its aggression. He told me to never contact him again and as was an email exchange, he removed me from his newsletter list. It took me quite a while to recover from the sickening shock, but it became my teaching and I saw many, many folks who showed their true colors, which is of course, helpful.

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You could really condense all this to a few sentences. We're all supposed to COMPLY with authorities and "experts." We're all supposed to trust the government ... and the corporate press ... and Big Pharma. Oh yeah, Censorship is for our own good and saves people. Free speech is very, very bad. Dangerous stuff.

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I always 'politely indulge' but never in DM, always in public so others can learn from the discussion. The PsyOps are strong and some very good people otherwise are being misled. It isn't completely their fault that they are being tricked. At some point, they may realize but they never will if people don't reach out across the divides that society is fractured into.

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That's an excellent point. I've stopped posting on FB (like I said, only my stories populate there from IG), but even back when I DID post, she never commented publicly. It was always and only through DM. (But your point is exactly why I almost never blocked or unfriended the haters; I wanted them to comment so my tribe could weigh in...)

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I find most people in the medical professions to be boring and one-dimensional. They are easily the least well-informed of any professional class. I avoid interacting with them whenever possible.

Life's too short for us to waste time building lasting relationships with people who get paid to prescribe poison to us.

Back in the day, when I was on Twitter, I was surprised by how many med-bots I interacted with. There are thousands of bot accounts that use AI to engage in pharma apologetics. These bots sound like real people and even engage in back and forth messaging. They were deployed in force to defend vaccines, lockdowns and state-sponsored tyranny.

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Love your comment about the medical professional being one dimensional and boring. I am a doctor and I am appalled by my colleagues who just instantly took the c19 vax….being first on line for these experimental vaccines …forgetting it takes about seven to ten years to develop a vaccine and you don’t vaccinate during a pandemic! I was ridiculed upfront by a medschool classmate and I could easily imagine what they said about me. A friend told me she will never trust doctors again and I replied…So do I and I am a doctor.!!!!!

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Thank God we still have some doctors like yourself. Are you accepting new patients?

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In our family, we don't trust doctors at all. I haven't seen a doctor in 6 years because I'm concerned that they'll "find" something that needs to be "tested" and that test will ultimately result in putting me on the cancer conveyor belt where everything I own is sold to pay for someone to slowly kill me. I watched in horror as family members including my mother, father, stepfather, aunt and uncle lost their lives in the "care" of medical professionals. Some of those professionals were buying their 2nd and 3rd homes as my family members mortgaged theirs to pay for the "care" that prematurely ended their lives.

Is it true that many doctors are basically prevented from practicing actual health care by insurance companies, pharma companies and governing institutions? I can't imagine anyone goes into medicine with the goal of making people sicker.

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Right on! I haven't seen a doctor in decades for the same reason. When my kids were little, I had an outstanding naturopathic doctor who was not only a true ally with excellent resources who could resolve anything, but also a guide, someone whose advice empowered me to do more for my family myself.

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How tragic for your family! And to make matters even worse, their deaths (I'm assuming) were probably blamed on "cancer," which will perpetuate the "early screening" leading to more people receiving "treatments" and ultimately dying. But before they die, some of them will be "saved" by the treatments for a while, then the cancer will "come back" and kill them.

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Heheh true Gia Yan boggles my mind

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I wish I could find a doctor like you… is it possible you work in California?

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So well-said! This has been exactly my experience and finding as well - beginning in the late 90s when my young child got sick. I moved on quickly, not wasting time with their ignorance.

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I don’t argue with the Sarah’s of the world, i just ask them if they’re up to date with their boosters, and if not (why not?), to be sure to do so immediately.

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I dust off my sandals and move on to those that are not terrified of their entire world view exploding.

I plant seeds wherever and whenever I can.

A new effort is placing stickers with a QR code to this book and the verbiage “A MUST READ” in restrooms:

The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond - What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us

Another recent planting was with an old HS classmate who is an interventional radiologist. I sent him a video of a cath lab whistleblower talking about blood clots - same as what the embalmers are finding.

I got no reply after that, but I did receive a read receipt. His silence speaks volumes.

Here is what I sent him:


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Thank you for your service.

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You go Laura Kasner 🥰

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Laura, thank you for the link. I had not heard this being reported other than jabbed friends “suddenly” getting clots in their legs and lungs.

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The fact that she is still reading your posts means a part of her wants to wake up but the fear of what the truth means is too overwhelming to her. You’re fighting the good fight, Jenna. One of these days a crack of light will break through and Sarah will be one of your biggest supporters and will even help in the fight for good and truth. Bless you!

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LOL I love your optimism! :)

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I would love to sit down with you in person over a strong cuppa- you are my soul sister in print 🤣 I too became the crazy lady with her hair on fire trying to “educate and earn” the overly obedient as to the benefits of an immune system and the lurking danger of the clot shot. What a good laugh we could have of watching the multi-jabbed suffer through multiple Covid bouts and frustratingly bemoaning “Why is this the fifth time I have Covid ? I’ve had all 8 Shots!!” My husband’s answer to these people is “That’s why they call it a Covid shot- it gives you Covid”. Thanks for making me laugh and letting me know I’m not the only one who tilts at windmills.

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OMG BITSY54!!! My one friend who made a dramatic display of unfriending (and then blocking) me sent me this long DM about how she couldn't believe my husband and kids were letting me "go off the rails like this" and that she *had* to unfriend me for her mental health but that she was relieved that I was merely "tilting at windmills" SUCH A TRIGGER NOW hahahahahahaha.

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I moved to a 55+ community in August 2020 where 98% of the residents, many of them waaay past their expiration dates, were so happy to be jabbed. I started a rebel group to share information and offer old fashioned friendship. We called our group The NOVAs, sounded like a benign group of stock investors so no one was outed. We remain in touch and healthy. 🥰

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Wow, I never heard that figure of speech before so looked it up. I was shocked by the ONLY example of use the Merriam Webster dictionary gave:

“The good news is, while the antivaxxers tilt at windmills, there are scientists out there trying to find out the roots of autism.

—Phil Plait, Discover Magazine, 7 Dec. 2010” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

It’s sad how far the propaganda goes when it even permeates our dictionaries. How hard it is to fight something that is so ingrained in our society in every way. There really is no example of usage before Covid? Out of over 300-400 years of usage?

The phrase derives from the 1600s Don Quixote, and one of the first modern day quotes using it was in 1870 in The New York Times, “They [Western Republicans] have not thus far had sufficient of an organization behind them to make their opposition to the Committee’s bill anything more than tilting at windmills.” I would think that’s a less contentious and more fair minded way to show an example of usage than the only one that Merriam Webster gives today.

Just thought this was interesting, albeit a sad reflection of clown world.

I think I’ll buy a new coat rack in the shape of a windmill to hang my tinfoil tiara and shiny new jousting stick on.

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Excellent sleuthing/observation. The gaslighting is so complete and so coordinated.🤦‍♀️

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Confession: I am old (70) and a former HS English Teacher. Hence antique references 😁 A friend, who is also old, is still teaching history in a college. He has shared with me that the college library has purged many books written before 2008 because they are “outdated”. Changing definitions, banning books, ripping down historic statues and rewriting history are all hallmarks of Communism that our blinded young cannot see.

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Jenna's substack is definitely one of my favorite support groups. It's therapeutic to see that so many others have had similar experiences with friends, family, and randos online in the "social media" space. Thank you Jenna and thank you to all of those that share their stories!

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It's a mental disease and there is no mRNA poison yet available from Pfizer. We're on our own down here and I prefer it that way. One by one each of our traditionally revered institutions is being exposed as corrupt, incompetent, and evil. Better to know than not to know. You are a voice of Reason and Sanity, Jenna. And also very entertaining. Thank you for you!

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I think almost all the new "vaccines" are mRNA vaccines ... and they never stop coming up with new "vaccines." All of them might be deadly or dangerous and be producing the "embalmers clots" - aka the Life-threatening Substances That Can't be Mentioned.

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Yes. The new mRNA-based rabies vaccine is being promoted by an op ed in the New York Times about a couple and their encounter with a bat.

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I attempt to do the same thing you do. With actual research by well known and respected drs. I show them articles about Nurses and Drs and regular PRO vaccine folks who were badly injured or died. I think some ar paid Pharma shills, some are just brainwashed into regurgitating vaccine nonsense. I show them Videos by the Brilliant Dr Susan humphries, she has several great videos on vaccine research. She has a timeline of eradication or a slow down of disease and introduction of vaccines. Sherry Tenpenny, Robert Malone, Peter Mccullough also have good research. I took NO vaccines while my friends who excitedly took them so they could go on a cruise, only to find out the still had to wear a mask and then canceled cruise, have been sick, over and over again and again. I bowl with a lot of these folks all fully vaxxed and here it is 90 degree weather and theyn are getting sick. Middle of summer!!!!! Since when does anyone get sick in summer??? Well when you have thousands of virus's created from all of the vaccines and you have weakened and destroyed immune systems, thats what happens. I use zinc to stop replication of virus, vit C to fight infections, D3 to modulate immune system and quercitin to shuttle zinc inot the cell. In the end times pharmakea. Some are just reliant on drugs, i rely on immune system, God given immune system. Build it up and live fearlessly

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I rely heavily on the FARMacy rather than Big pHARMa.

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