I tried so hard to gently inform them that perhaps their old ways are, infact far superior than the trappings of Western medicine, but they have definitely been infiltrated. It was shocking. They also run diesel engines almost nonstop for electricity. So while their houses aren’t electrified, they have large deep freezers on their porche…
I tried so hard to gently inform them that perhaps their old ways are, infact far superior than the trappings of Western medicine, but they have definitely been infiltrated. It was shocking. They also run diesel engines almost nonstop for electricity. So while their houses aren’t electrified, they have large deep freezers on their porches and run extension cords for lights. Their children have scooters and plastic junk toys. It was shocking to me. Needless to say I no longer feel they are going to impart any nuggets of wisdom on how to live a healthier life closer to nature!
Wow, sad to hear. I used to think of them as the back up copy for humanity in case of a system wide crash where everything goes south and people have to go back to basics.
I just want to jump in here with a different experience with the Amish. Before we left NYS and moved to FL, we became friendly with Joe, an Amish man who put a metal roof on our house and later, barn. He is as hale a human being as you'll ever meet. Strong, solid, with a bright white smile of perfect teeth.
He did the barn roof in 2021, and when my husband asked him about covid, he laughed and said the whole thing was ridiculous, and that everyone in his community was unjabbed and that they did what they always do to recover from illness: rest, eat well, get plenty of time in the sun. None of them even considered getting vaccinated.
Every Amish community has a different level of "commitment" to their faith and their culture; even though some have drifted, my experience indicates there are still others who ARE a back up copy for humanity, god bless them!
Yeah, that bothered me at the time. If the true analysis had been available I would have refused to take the jab. As soon as the public list of adverse events started to show in early 2021 I was quite happy to remain in the global control group.
I am irritated by the fact that the CSS and the javascript at SubStack is so broken that it fails on any even remotely older browser. My admin page is a mess and I cannot press the like button.
Me too!! And the spell check line doesn't work either. I have come to depend on that thing. Can't ♥ nuttin. I thought it was just Brave that was failing me.
Me to SS: "YOU HAD ONE JOB." I have another (paid) subscriber who was able to like and comment UNTIL SHE UPGRADED TO PAID. We went back and forth with SS "customer service" a hundred times and they kept blaming it on her older model iPad. I was like, "that doesn't explain why she could like and comment BEFORE but literally not the day she upgraded?!?!" She's been lovely and gracious about it but it makes absolutely no sense... are they TRYING to discourage subscribers? I pray this doesn't happen to you (and thank you again most sincerely for subscribing)!!! :)
I can ♥ something if someone comments on my comment that I have commented to on another’s comment but can’t ♥ a comment on the comment section to someone elses comment. It is beyond “weird”. I can’t ♥ stuff on C&C or anywhere, paid or not.
Just spent an unrewarding 5 minutes with the SS chatbot that passes for customer service. Very eloquent and (self) effacing but does not sign the cheques or make policy.
However if everyone who reads this connects with the chatbot and says the broken like feature functions on other platforms just fine and is only broken on substack and is causing serious loss of engagement that translates directly to writer and substack earnings it may start to escalate. You also need to ask the chatbot to forward the complaint to the relevant department because it will not do it without human request.
I have the same problem. I don’t have another computer to try… interesting that I COULD press the “like” button , (older iPad )BEFORE I became a paid subscriber to Jenna….
I tried so hard to gently inform them that perhaps their old ways are, infact far superior than the trappings of Western medicine, but they have definitely been infiltrated. It was shocking. They also run diesel engines almost nonstop for electricity. So while their houses aren’t electrified, they have large deep freezers on their porches and run extension cords for lights. Their children have scooters and plastic junk toys. It was shocking to me. Needless to say I no longer feel they are going to impart any nuggets of wisdom on how to live a healthier life closer to nature!
Wow, sad to hear. I used to think of them as the back up copy for humanity in case of a system wide crash where everything goes south and people have to go back to basics.
I just want to jump in here with a different experience with the Amish. Before we left NYS and moved to FL, we became friendly with Joe, an Amish man who put a metal roof on our house and later, barn. He is as hale a human being as you'll ever meet. Strong, solid, with a bright white smile of perfect teeth.
He did the barn roof in 2021, and when my husband asked him about covid, he laughed and said the whole thing was ridiculous, and that everyone in his community was unjabbed and that they did what they always do to recover from illness: rest, eat well, get plenty of time in the sun. None of them even considered getting vaccinated.
Every Amish community has a different level of "commitment" to their faith and their culture; even though some have drifted, my experience indicates there are still others who ARE a back up copy for humanity, god bless them!
Whew. I'm glad to hear that anecdote!
They are invaluable as a control group for the Big Pharma/Medicine Industrial Complex.
Think about the Covid "vaccine" trials - they did away with the placebo group as fast as they could.
Yeah, that bothered me at the time. If the true analysis had been available I would have refused to take the jab. As soon as the public list of adverse events started to show in early 2021 I was quite happy to remain in the global control group.
I am irritated by the fact that the CSS and the javascript at SubStack is so broken that it fails on any even remotely older browser. My admin page is a mess and I cannot press the like button.
Me too!! And the spell check line doesn't work either. I have come to depend on that thing. Can't ♥ nuttin. I thought it was just Brave that was failing me.
Me to SS: "YOU HAD ONE JOB." I have another (paid) subscriber who was able to like and comment UNTIL SHE UPGRADED TO PAID. We went back and forth with SS "customer service" a hundred times and they kept blaming it on her older model iPad. I was like, "that doesn't explain why she could like and comment BEFORE but literally not the day she upgraded?!?!" She's been lovely and gracious about it but it makes absolutely no sense... are they TRYING to discourage subscribers? I pray this doesn't happen to you (and thank you again most sincerely for subscribing)!!! :)
I can ♥ something if someone comments on my comment that I have commented to on another’s comment but can’t ♥ a comment on the comment section to someone elses comment. It is beyond “weird”. I can’t ♥ stuff on C&C or anywhere, paid or not.
OMG LOL that is crazy and makes NO sense and I'm sooooooo sorry!!!
I am pretty sure it is NOT your fault. But, I will look into it and get back to you. It is probably Trumps fault. Sigh.
Just spent an unrewarding 5 minutes with the SS chatbot that passes for customer service. Very eloquent and (self) effacing but does not sign the cheques or make policy.
However if everyone who reads this connects with the chatbot and says the broken like feature functions on other platforms just fine and is only broken on substack and is causing serious loss of engagement that translates directly to writer and substack earnings it may start to escalate. You also need to ask the chatbot to forward the complaint to the relevant department because it will not do it without human request.
I have the same problem. I don’t have another computer to try… interesting that I COULD press the “like” button , (older iPad )BEFORE I became a paid subscriber to Jenna….
Me too! I know their communities can vary, along with the Mennonites, but from what they told me the way they live is quite common.
This is a topic for a serious story - the Amish are being captured!
I wonder if it's the same in Pennsylvania?
That would be an amazing story. and a VERY sad one.
McDONALD'S? It is very hard for me to believe this, based on the PA Amish I've encountered, but I guess all areas are different. That's staggering.