Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna - you mentioned the chemtrails. We had a cloudless blue sky on Sunday. When I went outside Monday morning to prepare for our friends to arrive for our eclipse party, I noticed dozens of chentrails. But thankfully they didn’t hinder our viewing of totality which was truly breathtaking to witness. We did have one friend who felt very strange during the 3 minutes of totality, but we are all still alive and well!

But we should all be girding up our loins for what’s to come. I go from feeling like my hair is on fire to feeling like what a time to be alive!

We are all here - right now - for such a time as this. Pray that our Lord shows you what your role is. Be kind, loving and compassionate in the process and repent when you fall short - which most assuredly will happen, especially when we deal with evil people.

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Could it simply be that there are more flights on Mondays than Sundays since the weekend is over and its back to work for most folks?

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I don’t think it is passenger planes that are spraying our skies.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

I didn't mention anything about passenger planes per se.

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All sorts of planes, including passenger planes, are spraying chemtrails.

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Here in SoCal they literally spray huge X’s in the sky. And if you watch a normal contrail, it disasters quickly. Then if you watch a chem trail, it’s stays and gets wider & wider until it turns into a cloud. When they spray here they’re all over the sky! Also, you can pretty much associate chem trails with rain coming soon. At least from my humble observations..

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Apr 11Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It was supposed to say dissipates quickly instead of disasters. 🙄

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Disasters was rather apropos🤣

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

In northern California, routine chemtrail spraying switches to nighttime-only during the summer (rainless, no-clouds skies). I think this is because the chemtrail bosses want plausible deniability. Usually switches back in mid to late September, when the skies cloud up naturally.

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My son drove to an area that was in totality . I noticed in some of his pictures of taking pictures, that there were chemtrails. As for my area- not in totality- perfect blue skies, for a change. Hmmm- lots of folks traveled to “the path”. 🧐

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

A chiropractic footnote here: looking up that long with a reversed curve (it curves the wrong way) in your spine (neck) can certainly make you nauseous.

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fair! ;)

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I don't see why looking up would reverse the curve in your neck. Seems like looking up would exaggerate the normal curve. But yeah, the first thing I thought about people having strange symptoms during and after the eclipse was that looking up like that could do a number on your autonomic nervous system. I know somebody with a diagnosis of Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder which gives her a problem called Cervical-Cranial Instability and any old neck movement can give her nausea and other weird symptoms. Hypermobility is on the rise, incidentally. Often occurs along with ASD (autism). I think both of these are iatrogenic epigenetic disorders...

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

Maybe I did not write that clearly - If you already have a reversed curve in your neck and then look up for an extended amount of time you can be dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous.

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Now I get it...yes, that makes sense!

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I can attest to that. If I’m painting a room & have to tilt my head up while I’m rolling on the high spots I get nauseous & some vertigo.

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My youngest son has learned to preface his observations of all things sky-related with "Mom, don't look up, but..." because ever since I was in a car accident (with a related concussion), I usually develop significant dizziness, and consequently lose my balance - when I look directly up. IDK why I still automatically look up without thinking - maybe because I did it without any problems... not even nausea, for over 50 years. I knew not to look at the sun the other day, though. 😆

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This CERN stuff really worries me. What if they create a black hole, and it starts sucking everything in?! I don't want to go to CERN. I don't even have a passport. What's the weather like there? What should I wear? Oh wait, all of my stuff will be going with me. Never mind.

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If the sun winked out, we wouldn't know about it for 8 minutes, after which it would get pretty cold pretty fast. Black holes are as fictional as the Big Bang and anthropocentric climate change.

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It CERNly worreze me! What if itz at nite when I sleep naked?

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Exellent tuxedo cat model on your book cover. I did field research on their hunting stategies. They have developed the technique of sneaking up on field mice disguised as far away holstien cows.

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seems legit hahahahaha

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That's so smart! And I always thought dogs were better...

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I believe the use of emergency powers were the reason for part of the hype. So many decisions and funding can happen without the procedural oversight when it is an emergency. It reminds me of giving my teenager a credit card to buy only the things “they need” at the mall. Yeah that will happen, they don’t pay the bill. The other item to mention was the sudden and intense weather changes that created so much thick cloud cover. If you have not mentioned the documentary, The Dimming, that is a data-driven presentation of the 50+ years of patents on weather control technology. Again, not a conspiracy and sadly has been happening beyond my lifetime. I promise once you understand the chem trails you cannot unsee the evidence in the sky, on the ground, on plants and trees. I also now can see how it impacts sensitive people’s breathing and allergies.

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm calling it the "boy who cried wolf" psy-op. Conspiracists keep trying to predict what's next, sounding alarm and nothing happens. Soon many will give up and that's when they put the hammer down. I think there's a similar strategy in war theater, but I'm not sure what it's called.

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“… the super high-tech, rigorously tested and inspected protective eyewear that made this completely safe. The ones made out of cardboard and tinted saran wrap that we bought on Amazon for $7.99”

After I stopped laughing I remembered that I *had*wondered about the value of the paper glasses. Used ‘em anyway. :)

I LOVE the new cover for the book, Jenna! I love that the “Uplifting Collection” phrase is up top and that your name is more prominent. You are, after all, the force [of light] behind its creation.

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Well, thank you kindly for THAT lovely comment!! So glad you like. :)

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Amen to C.S. Lewis and you, Sister! I might add - ... or gloved and masked (even when driving alone) in fear of a virus that is less deadly than any flu that we have already had and recovered from!

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Amen to CS Lewis! Besides Jenna’s great humor, that struck me the deepest.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Wow, I didn’t even think that those super safe and effective glasses from Amazon might not be (I didn’t look anyway, ‘cuz we weren’t in “the path.”) 😎

But here’s the thing. On eclipse day, the chemtrails were on steroids drawing tick-tack-toe marks in the sky, ruining the normally gorgeous blue sky with their foul emanations, and bumming me out because I had planned a nice walk later in the day. ✈️ 🌫️

So some conspiracies come true, some don’t. But at least we get a great Substack from you about them all! 🌑 🌒🌓🌔🌝

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I saw the solar eclipse as a visible sign that Almighty God, the creator of Heaven and earth and everything in it, was displaying His sovereignty and His control over this broken world. It was magnificent to me!

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Amen Julie Ann. 🥰🙏🙏🙏

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Some interesting investigation into end times prophecy on this guys channel - Return of The King

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Apr 11Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Love CS Lewis and this quote:

As CS Lewis said in 1948 of living in an atomic age, “If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs.”


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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

As I've mentioned, I don't scroll on social media or watch the news. I get my news from Jenna. Ha ha. Don't judge me. I've decided to become blissfully unaware of the horse dung that is going on in the world.

So I knew nothing about the eclipse, to the chagrin of others. My kid bought me glasses off of Amazon so I didn't look into the light. And I felt nauseous. So did a colleague as we all collected ourselves outside of the office for half an hour.

There was something there. Who knows what. And I did see a chemtrail. The whole thing was kind of eerie.

And now it's time to move on. I'm glad humanity didn't end. I have a few good trips coming up.

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LOL! :)

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Well, that made me laugh out loud! All of this just goes to prove, they have accomplished their goal….WE ARE ALL ADDICTED TO FEAR PORN!

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There were more glasses available than covid jabs. I find mouseketeer ears equally safe and effective. Those glasses may be the latest 😍therapy for gullibility.

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Chicken Little is upset because he thought the world ending would save him from catching that dreaded bird flu! Now he has to keep losing sleep and worrying.

Now EVERYBODY, don't throw your tin foil hat away quite yet! I just read on another Substack this morning that there might be some kind of travel restrictions coming around June 6 where you can return home but can't leave home to go anyplace. This ain't nothing to do with that fella talking about the Merikan Spress card nohow neither!

They want y'all social distancin along waze!

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jay - was it this one?


My friend received the email Sasha mentioned. The comments sure are interesting (the date). 6/6/24. Add 2 and 4. Hmmmmm

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That wuz it,!

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Apr 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Those same glasses were $10 at the Dallas Airport weekend before the eclipse.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 11Liked by Jenna McCarthy

[Smirk] [Chuckle] Made me remember advice I got from my oldest brother when I was ten: "Don't ever buy anything at an airport." He was smart and knew all sorts of things I didn't. I took what he said very seriously and have remembered it "forever." ("Forever" is 61 years so far.)

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