Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Brilliant article. You know how they say. “Show me you’ve done no research without telling me you’ve done no research.” Any time I get into any discussion about RFK with someone, usually on the left, I am dumbfounded by their ignorance. They literally know nothing about him, have done no research, and believe the BS that the Dems have spent millions trying to discredit him with, trying to convince us that he’s “weird.” But I and my family, ardent Democrats who campaign tirelessly for Dems in the past, have been red-pilled. I also understand that the depth of the deception and corruption is so overwhelming that most people can’t begin to grasp it and so think you are crazy. Thank you, Jenna, for once again, eloquently sharing what little bit of truth is left in the political arena.❤️

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THANK YOU, Isabel. Your comment gives me hope (and happiness). :)

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Me too!

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Hear! Hear!, Jenna, Jenna!

I love the whole column, but especially this truism: “only “their” pre-approved candidates will ever make it to an election, and they make it there because they can be controlled and made to further to the agenda.”

I wrote a piece a while back pointing out that RFK, Jr. might be the most accomplished “wacko” and “nutcase” I’ve observed in the last 25 years. His problem is the areas he focusses on piss off all the wrong organizations and corporations.


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Great post (and Vax-Unvax is another RFK tour de force)! I agree with all of your pros and your very few cons as well. Like someone said earlier, most of us are relatively purple so that makes sense...

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

Nice article Bill! Thank you. I agree with your views about Kennedy’s Pros and Cons. What few “cons” I hear from radical republicans really don’t seem that bad at all. 😂 I can live with them and compromise because he is on the same page as me about what is most important. Sure helps to have the current democrat horrors to compare to, doesn’t it! They are who are holding ALL the real cons that I cannot compromise with. How on earth do you find consensus over censorship?? Over using lawfare? Over grooming young children that aren’t yours? Over sending ALL our tax dollars to other countries and wars before taking care of your own citizens? Over flooding America with illegal immigrants and giving them so much while denying those same things to your own citizens?

Kennedy’s alliance with Trump will work well. And that’s how our government was meant to work: multiple different views coming together and diligently finding consensus while remaining aware they are employed by the people for the people, not for themselves.

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Thanks for reading that piece, Juju. It looks like you could have written the same type article ... but even better!

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

True for me too - was part of collecting signatures to get him on the ballot in my state and was appalled by people's ignorance and credulousness. AND how many people weren't even registered to vote!!!

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The Witchmer has her eyes on the White House , she will do anything to get there. Not to insult anyone but she sat in the front row in 4th grade , constantly raising her hand , while the rest of us sat in the back throwing those tiny paper spit balls . Ok I’m exaggerating but she wants badly to be in Washington

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While I was talking to my “neighbor” and getting in trouble for talking too much. 😩

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Never enough fearless warrior Laura Kasner … 😘🌻🙌🏼https://laurakasner.substack.com/

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Me, too!

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That miscreant most definitely sucked up (and I mean it in every which way) to her teachers and was despised by her classmates. NOT A DOUBT!

Oh, and we used Bic pens to send those spit balls projectiles at rejects like her!

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The intel, State, Defense, corporate greed crowd, and feckless media have cooperated to run the world since the end of WWII. That's coming to and end, and were moving from a bipolar to multi polar world system. The Blob is desperate to control that and Kamala is just a figurehead to that end. Trump got played/distracted in his first administration but is unlikely to be derailed in his second and last. So he has nothing to loose and Kennedy will only add synergistic knowledge on how to take on the blob because that's what's he's done his entire life. The Blob is growing increasingly desperate, and will lie, cheat, and steal to win. There is a significant number of people who vote their illusions and have been hoodwinked sufficiently to fall for the Blob's crap. There is also a growing number (maybe a majority) who have woken up to the lie and won't comply. Their narrative is coming unwound and every Substack author who pulls at the strings is helping. I to am finally hopeful.

Dick Minnis


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Chills. I hope you are correct! :)

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Sep 4·edited Sep 7Liked by Jenna McCarthy

~ ~ ~ SEE UPDATE BELOW ~ ~ ~

So true, Dick! And just to be crystal clear, RFK Jr has NOT dropped out of the Presidential election.

Here's what Robert Kennedy Jr is suggesting:

VOTE for RFK Jr in all-red or all-blue states. Vote for Trump in battleground swing states. If RFK Jr gets 5% of the popular vote, he can form an independent party in 2025 and have ballot and debate access in 2028 for the Presidential run, and be eligible for campaign funding.

Everyone's vote matters! Spread the word and get out the vote!

(And if Harris or Trump fail to get 270 electoral votes, RFK could still be in the running and end up in the White House. So, again, please get out and vote.)

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Jenna McCarthy

UPDATE: NEW INFO FROM RFK Jr – he emphasized this week that rapidly increasing censorship and totalitarianism, which is suddenly sweeping the globe, represents the biggest threat, for if we lose free speech, all other goals evaporate. (See Jenna McCarthy's latest post for a list of examples of this rapidly-increasing menace to humanity and life as we know it. https://jennasside.rocks/p/rfk-jr-wants-everyone-to-vote-for)

RFK Jr released a statement Sep 5 urging EVERYONE TO VOTE FOR TRUMP as the best and only way now to advance RFK's goals and their shared goals. Trump needs a landslide victory in both the popular vote AND the Electoral College in order for it to not be contested and challenged. A close vote would be disastrous.

Please trust RFK Jr's instincts, integrity, and ability to see the big, big picture, as well as his agility in responding to the ever-changing current situation. We must be agile as well and let go of our initial hopes for how this campaign should go.

Keep in mind that the mainstream media has been biased for a long time, manipulating our opinions and thoughts and suppressing important truths. If we realize that this bias was strong regarding the pandemic, we ought to also realize it's been biased regarding President Trump during his first administration. Let's ask ourselves how much of our opinion about him has been shaped by media manipulation.

The DNC and its masters sabotaged RFK and his campaign at every turn, but we must unify and show that we are stronger. A wholly new, unprecedented alliance has emerged with three former democrats – Trump, Kennedy, Gabbard – and we'd better join them en masse to save us from going over a totalitarian cliff. They need our active support, before it's too late. As RFK has said, no-one ever complied their way out of totalitarianism, and throughout history, those who censored were never the good guys. Do what you can to spread the word to vote Trump.

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Well said sir. I too feel the way you do and am constantly praying that you are correct. This 🐂💩 cannot continue. We’ve got a lifetime of work to complete in too short a time.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Amen Dick!

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

Trump has been repetitive and very clear that his first allegiance stands with Israel. I just wonder how you justify the president of the USA pronounce Conflict of Interest and still receive votes from Americans. Is being second in line good enough in their own country? No, Kamala is not an option.

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Of course the roaches come out from under the rat chewed baseboards to denounce RFK. I was sitting in 3rd grade when JFK was assassinated. Mrs, Blake, my old school teacher sobbed when she received the news from that old wall phone. The whole of the United States seemed to cry.

If we listen closely, we may very well hear JFK whispering, "Good job Bobby, I'm proud of you!"

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*gets all weepy*

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I'm with you, Jenna, as I wrote in this:


An excerpt that dovetails with your piece:

"Celia Farber says: "Cynical Smart Set wants you to worship them because they see how dark everybody who seems like a good guy really is. And they peddle the Trust Nobody grift, their collections of dots.”

I’m just not interested in joining the Cynical Smart Set. (Not that they’d have me.) I don’t function well from a place of complete cynicism, and I don’t think society as a whole does, either. Cynicism has its place — it’s a good idea to question motives and narratives, especially of those in power — but if it’s not tempered with hope, life is bleak and pretty much not worth living, IMHO.

By the way, when I use the term hope, I’m using it in the way Vaclav Havel defined it: “an orientation of the spirit.” I think of it as an attitude of pure possibility, a state of positive curiosity, an opening to ALL potentialities.

That’s the kind of hope that Bobby’s father and uncle were able to inspire in the hearts of Americans from all walks of life."

People can call me brainless and naive, that's fine. Everything we ALL believe is supposition. We're all guessing at what's going on, even though we may present it as fact.

And one last thing... it may be that our entire government system is as inherently corrupt and unsalvageable as some say it is. If it needs to crumble, it will. Having hope, as Havel defined it, won't prevent that from happening; it just maintains the field of ALL possibilities, including, perhaps, that the goodness of a few can prevail.

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SO well said (the comment and the stack!), and I am with you. I'm not interested in joining the CSS either, nor would they have me. Thanks for sharing!

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Crystal clear. The media are a bunch of blood sucking, inept dolts, with the credibility of a cackling buffon ( oops we already have one). The spin is so obvious for anyone with just a smidgeon of brain ( oops that would exclude all the Demofools). RFK Jr is right and I am glad he is now on the side of what is right for Americans ( His relatives are weak sniveling fools). We live in a free society protected by the 1st amendment; vote to keep it that way; or suffer the evil consequences ( as they have sadly found out in Brazil, Europe and around the world.)



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The left is always shocked and surprised when they lose at anything because they know they have lied and cheated to the best of their ability. They always have and always will labor under the assumption that they are in charge. God throwing Trump in the mix has them running in circles and they have no clue why. They will never figure it out.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

'..Harris is ready to lead our military.' Are they @!#$%ing high? I know just a few military vets and there is no support for her. You become a leader of men (or women - take it easy) when you have respect and have proven you have a clue about what you're doing. Anyone recall the Afghanistan exit? WTAF

Oh, I forgot she hasn't traveled much...I should take it easy on her.

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Bahahahahahaha all around.

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I’d wager It’s pretty much the military men who are now military women who support her.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

So spot on- including Russian Yandex as the browser of choice. I have been spreading the idea that we are not electing a President, simply making a Selection of a Direction. By taking names out of the discussion- I refer to them as Avitors- I can sidestep some of the Trump/Kennedy Derangement Syndrome and mention ideas like energy independence which brings lower gas and electric costs; border security which brings safety to families; election integrity which gives all who vote validation their candidate was honestly elected, etc. If you want more tracking/tracing/spying, higher taxes, more unvaxxed and unvetted unemployed illegals living amongst your family, more fun with pronouns and confused kids, more pandemics called by the WHO and movement toward total government/big business/tech control over your life then choose Direction D- for Dystopian Doom. If you want your medical, financial and personal freedom and laws that apply equally to everybody then choose direction R- for Return to Bill of Rights and Constitution.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes, I do believe you're not controlled. Oh, you meant politically.

As best as I can remember, the 2016 election was also rigged, but one of the swing states unexpectedly used paper ballots, so Trump won fair and square. The planned cheating was why HRC was so sure she'd win. The second Obama election was reportedly also rigged.

I can't vouch for any of that, but you're out of control, so sauce for the goose, as they say. Hillary's confidence, and her angst at losing were genuine. Gloat-worthy, even.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Her loss was a genuine surprise because she knows the steal was on in 2016. Guaranteed to win. It makes me smile to think of her suffering that surprise defeat. I bet Bill made sure he was out of town until she cooled down.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

How dare you! I would never call you such a thing Jenna!

We're not doomed. There is a lot of hope, but the hope is within us and our local communities, not with the ruling class that is paraded in front of us every four years. It's a show and we need to stop giving it so much of our attention and time.

I think one of the most important takeaways from Miri's substack article is the following:

"Of course, the coverage the establishment media gives to Kennedy and Trump is often negative, because they're building their credentials as "anti-establishment heroes". If the legacy press was nice about them, obviously they'd have no credibility in this regard.

Yet the reality is, if they were actually anti-establishment, or in any way threatening to the agenda, they would be completely ignored - starved of the vital lifeblood of publicity they need to reach people - not given daily coverage all across the world's top mainstream press vehicles. (Comically, Kennedy's brother Max has written a piece entitled 'Ignore My Brother Bobby'... and then published it in one of the highest-circulation publications in the world.)

If ignoring somehow didn't work (although it almost always does), they would be killed, as per one of the few mainstream politicians who publicly called out Covid as a hoax was (whilst our Overton window boys are only allowed to say "the threat was exaggerated" or "the response was disproportionate" - not the truth: that it didn't exist at all)."

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Vee, you are my favorite person on the planet to disagree with! Thanks for always being respectful and kind and making me think (often things I don't want to). :)

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I’m puzzled by people who think “living local” is somehow the magic solution to the problems we’re faced with today. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s a bad thing, but I also don’t think it’s some magic bullet. It appears you believe there is a Controller(s) who is so powerful that they literally control EVERYONE in the so-called “ruling class”, but yet contend “We're not doomed. There is a lot of hope”. That appears to be a case of cognitive dissonance. If what you believe about the all powerful people is true, those who live in small towns contentedly going about living their local life may be safe for a while, but whoever is in control is coming for you eventually and they have a lot more firepower than your local sheriff. You’re not going to escape their notice and they’re not going to be content to leave you alone to your idyllic life.

I’m reserving judgment for now. To me the Democrats reek of a “weird” desperation.. Why would that be if Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are just two sides of the same coin? Why did they have to cheat to “win” the 2020 election? Why would they even allow such an unpopular person as Kamala to run? Why are states refusing to remove RFK from the ballot? My guess is you’ll tell me it’s all a performance for our benefit. If that’s your response, please don’t bother because I don’t find that to be an even slightly convincing argument.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Particularly if your local sheriff is not a “constitutional sheriff” - which mine is not. 😡

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Mine either. The clueless in my county voted to let the executive on the county board select our sheriff. No more elections. Of course he handpicked a DEI hire who has donated to his campaigns the las 10 years. We’re screwed if the shtf, 2A especially important in blue counties / states.

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To answer why they're refusing to remove him from battleground swing states:

RFK Jr promised he'd never be a spoiler. He had a clear path to victory in the beginning. But after relentless media shunning and being locked out of debates, combined with endless hit pieces, as well as relentless legal warfare attacks from the DNC, suing him in state after state to keep him off the ballots and draining his funds and keeping him in the courtroom instead of campaigning, his clear path to victory was no longer evident. And after the hard-fought battle to get on all 50 ballots, RFK Jr and his team analyzed the situation and discovered that he could inadvertently be helping to elect Harris by taking fewer votes from her than Trump. Harris has no interest in RFK Jr's causes or those of the majority of Americans, but Trump, by contrast, is aligned on the most existential issues: ending the endless wars of choice, stopping the government-run censorship and surveillance regime, securing the border, and reversing the chronic disease epidemic of children and adults which is now costing us five times the military budget and causing untold disability and death, especially concerning American children who are the sickest children on Earth.

So, in yet another attack, the DNC and its allies are trying to deny his request to be taken off battleground swing states.

Bear in mind that RFK hasn't given up, he's switched gears.

He's asking that we VOTE KENNEDY in all-red or all-blue states, and vote for Trump in battleground swing states. If RFK Jr gets 5% of the popular vote, he can form an independent party in 2025 and have ballot and debate access in 2028 for the Presidential run, and be eligible for campaign funding. This would be a seismic shift away from the two-party duopoly and a major milestone for independent politics.

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Here's an excellent interview with Dr Phil in which RFK explains all of this:


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I agree with everything but … I changed my mind a month ago about a third party. I don’t think he should do that. After watching the Europe nonsense elections where there were something like 6 different parties, the winner had less than 20% of the popular vote. I for one would absolutely HATE 20% ruling the remaining 80%. And in our country’s present state, none of us would accept any president with less than 50% of the vote.

Our founding fathers foresaw this problem and that’s why they instilled a two-party system so that the ruling party would always be a majority. (>50%). And each was also meant to represent multiple political views, more than just two, who come together to find consensus. But the deep state had worked for decades to use our two party system to divide us because a country divided is easier to control. A third party would simply make another fissure and make the problem even worse. Instead, what needed to happen was figuring out how to change one of the parties from within. That’s what this year is doing for the first time in half a century. Changing one of the parties to reflect what both parties were always supposed to be. Various different views working together for the benefit of the public they work for. Since this election has changed the Republican Party so thoroughly already, there is no need for an Independent 3rd party. The new Republican Party embraces all the current Independents, so much so they will let one of them represent their party in the future as president as much as they would let a Republican.

I really hope Kennedy realizes this and doesn’t push for that 5%

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This administration has demonstrated their total disregard for states rights, so relying on “local” won’t work anymore.

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I don't think living locally is a magic solution. There is no magic solution, but it is a very real solution that most people can start doing today. The major issue today is that absolutely almost everything is centralized. EVERYTHING. We outsource all of our responsibilities to these giant corporations that we have no real connections with, so the obvious solution to centralization is decentralization. From the water that we drink, the food that we eat, the products that we buy, the services that we consume, and the relationships that we have with our immediate surroundings.

I do not believe the ruling class is all so powerful that they literally control everyone, so there is no cognitive dissonance. That's just not possible. They do however control large swaths of the bureaucracy and the vast majority of politicians and people of power are being controlled by blackmail through the intelligence agencies (Check out Whitney Webb's book "One Nation Under Blackmail" for the details).

Did you get a chance to read the piece by Miri AF (https://miri.substack.com/p/curb-your-enthusiasm)? I provided the following quote in my response to Jenna on this substack article and it also answers your questions about why this and why that:

"We have to continually remember that the establishment never makes any individual a household name unless that person is a thoroughly owned and controlled asset, because household names have the capacity for such immense power and influence (again, that is why top actors are paid so much money).

Of course, the coverage the establishment media gives to Kennedy and Trump is often negative, because they're building their credentials as "anti-establishment heroes". If the legacy press was nice about them, obviously they'd have no credibility in this regard.

Yet the reality is, if they were actually anti-establishment, or in any way threatening to the agenda, they would be completely ignored - starved of the vital lifeblood of publicity they need to reach people - not given daily coverage all across the world's top mainstream press vehicles. (Comically, Kennedy's brother Max has written a piece entitled 'Ignore My Brother Bobby'... and then published it in one of the highest-circulation publications in the world.)

If ignoring somehow didn't work (although it almost always does), they would be killed, as per one of the few mainstream politicians who publicly called out Covid as a hoax was (whilst our Overton window boys are only allowed to say "the threat was exaggerated" or "the response was disproportionate" - not the truth: that it didn't exist at all)."

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That’s why Trump has “mean tweets”. They throw the libtards into admitting frenzy and keep him from being ignored.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Slam dunk we know we're being lied to about everything. We have had so many students lose their jobs we were in a panic, my husband is having to take a reg job at a music school because of the numbers, taking almost 3/4's less in pay but it may get the credits cards down that we have been living on. I have enough singing (just enough) coming in to handle the $4,440 rent that should be 2,500!!!!!!! People all over the US are struggling to get by with the hiked up rent to GREEDY landLORDS taking advantage of Black Rocks and the Chinese who should not even be allowed to BUY US land/houses because they are NOT citizens! THIS IS A PART OF THE PLAN, BRING THE FORMER MID CLASS TO THEIR KNEES and make them lower class. IF cameltoe were to get in we will leave the country. We are praying Trump gets in, it's our only hope.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Did you know there is a force of those who are making great efforts to support the swing states for RFK? Yep. There ya have it. The independent supporters are taking this up on their own.

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Sep 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

If they do that it could end up getting Harris elected. I saw one today on X proclaim she hates Trump and isn’t afraid of Harris winning, so she’s gonna vote for RFK in her swing state because he told them to vote with their conscience.

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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Time For a brainworm, bear, goat, omelette!

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Okay Jenna, reason with me... There is lots of evidence to suggest the Trump very much did beat the algorithm in 2016, especially when you hear retired U.N. execs making statements like, Covid was supposed to happen in 2016, the first year of Killary's presidency, but Trump disrupted the plans and so Covid's purpose needed to be expanded four years later. I could even look past Trump's previous commitment to the Democrat Party (not that it really matters - #twopartyillusion). But there are two GLARING facts that illustrate either he has changed, or he was always part of the plan. First, he still is taking credit for the death shots, and is calling for the use of mRNA technology to be expanded (there is no way mRNA technology, in combating any disease, will not create AIDS. That is the purpose - see Arn Burhardt's final interview by Taylor Hudak.) Second, he is NOW clearly bought and paid for by the Globalists/Zionists. Just refer to his recent speech (rally?) glorifying Miriam Adelson. Isn't it treasonous to say you will give power over Congress to Israel? Then there is the missing scar from a 3200 fps bullet that supposedly put a two centimeter hole in his ear... Give me the deets on his plastic surgeon. Can he raise the dead? I am still not certain. Is it possible they found his price? Do you have a price? I ask myself this question frequently. What if "they" came to me and said they would kill everyone I love if i didn't go along... What if the lie was small? What if they said that future generations of me would be secure, financially, if i didn't say anything? Surely VERY FEW do not have a price. Do you have one? Do i have one? What if the first great purpose of Trump was to create a rift so great within U.S. society, that civil war world then be a logical conclusion for the ignorant masses? Check. That indeed did happen, whether intentional or not. But that magic bullet that left a wound so great that no scar had a chance did do one thing for sure: vaunted Trump to "God's President" status (is there anywhere in the New Testament where the Lord endorsed government?) and made him the great "selection". What am i missing? Thank you for your awesome work!

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Thanks for the very thoughtful comment. I just found and am watching the Arn Burhardt interview, but I don't think it'll take the 2.5 hours to convince me of the heinousness of mRNA tech. And your question is profound; I think about that all the time. It's so easy to say NOTHING COULD EVER MAKE ME COMPROMISE MY MORALS--and I genuinely (arrogantly?) want to believe that about myself... but your examples are the exact ones I imagine. So to your point, I agree that anyone at that level is at risk of and likely being controlled by some sort of threat or pressure. How do you get around that? It's almost worse to imagine the person who WOULDN'T cave if his or her children were on the block.

Frankly I don't think you're missing anything (I'm not looking at any ears closely enough to comment on that). The system is fucked for sure. It is and always has been the lesser of evils. In my lifetime, I have never been patently EXCITED about any candidate. Never. What's the answer?

Appreciate you taking the time to share.

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Sep 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

By the way Jenna, the safe and thoughtful space you provide here is among the very few where one can ask legitimate questions, as well as point out glaring truths that MSM obfuscates from, or blatantly lies concerning (commonplace), and the wolves do not immediately start to attack. Thank you for all you do.

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I’m honored and touched by that. I’ve only had to block ONE person (which is against my nature—I welcome a challenge and LOVE a debate and hope I’ve made it abundantly clear that I am willing to be wrong—but this person was a troll and attacking my followers and NOBODY MESSES WITH A MAMA BEAR.🐻). Thanks for being here. 😊

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May I share this comment? 😊

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Sep 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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Sep 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Unedited thoughts

re DJT and his Zionism :

Suggestion : Review the Godfather movies to recall the don’s power plays: “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer ..,” strategy

maybe DJT is letting the anti Israel / pro Gaza liberals (plus paid protesters) do that dirty work for the war -

he has 60,000 irregular soldiers to draw from for that sort of thing This new branch was reported in Newsweek 2021 (?) Maybe trump is still CIC I think so

(It’s proven & explained by rumble / Rattletrap 1776 aka Derek johnson expert in military law and COG

And maybe Trump is playing a “role”There’s much powerful and Good support behind him Maybe DJT is

the chosen “thug” who was asked to be the tip of a mighty spear and he -and his family -agreed knowing they would be protected to the highest degree possible

sometimes he is in safe hiding and doubles play DJT or maybe we were seeing a psyop assassination to bring psy-ops into the conversation …

no scar on his ear / was it all faked?

perhaps there was a real planned assassination attempt on DJT (Easy enough to believe )

but it was foiled

then psyop-ed later to expose psy-ops trickery is very real ( 911 truth sites have volumes on this topic )

(E g 911scholars.ning.truth)

And expose the govt system “flaws” and corruptions and psyops (Pearl Harbor even )

—- yes it’s so crazy but so is the enemy and so is this war It’s possible

Waking up people from the social engineering stupor & idiocy steered by methods of the Tavistock institute and executed by fully infiltrated & cooperating politicians, philanthropaths, media and education & three letter agencies and NGO’s etc —-plus food, air, land, & drug poisonings has altered our capacities to think clearly or see clearly

Fluoride has calcified our pineal glands to block our connection to our higher selves



so much of this “show” is to wake up more folks and perhaps prevent a civil war as future events unfold

Clearly I’m in the peanut gallery and can’t judge this war plan with any confidence

But It is a war

An irregular war

And it’s ongoing

I’m hopeful … tired & Weary but hopeful

Time will tell

We’re all evolving rapidly so it’s Hard to predict outcomes dependent on a constantly changing factor ..

May we all be blessed

Thanks be to Jenna for her keen intelligence, honesty, love of life, sense of humor, and her amazing work

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I love this comment so much! May you be correct, and may we all be blessed indeed. And sincere thanks for the generous compliments. Readers like you are why I pour my heart and soul into this. :)

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

in my above comment the website included is inaccurate

I should be -

911scholars.ning.com -

Hope that works for any curious to visit it

It was provided by jim

Fetzer phd

a leader in the 9-11 truth exposure field (A field w a high degree of intentional controversy ) below :

(Taken From a poster found at rumbles


Revisiting 9/11 )

Quote :

Perception Management

When you can't argue with the evidence...

- insert doubt at every possible opportunity

- call evidence a 'theory'

- discuss 9/11 in terms of belief, ideas, theories and speculation rather than evidence, facts, truth and knowledge

- keep changing or derailing the subject

- characterize knowledge derived from evidence as 'opinion'

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Sep 7Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I literally read that not 10 minutes ago!!! Probable next stack. (Not that it's shocking to me in any way--some of us have been saying that for years! But to ADMIT it? Sheesh!)

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Sep 7Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Right?! 🤓

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