I had my baby in 1972. My best friend at the time had three children, and she breastfed them all, so I just decided that's what I would do. After all, what is easier - all the machinations involved in formula, or just unbuttoning my top. My mother-in-law was aghast. I was not bounteously endowed, so therefore I would starve my baby to death. Ironically, she was so well-endowed that she could not nurse. At the hospital, I had to constantly remind the nurses that I did not want the shot they give you that actually dries up that inconvenient milk. I had a note pinned to my gown. I told my doctor. I was paranoid. There was something else about me having O negative blood, but I forget what. After I gave birth, my baby was whisked away, swaddled like a little mummy, and presented to me for feeding at intervals. He would not nurse, I was frustrated and angry, which did not help. And then one of the nurses/sisters told me she thought the nursery ladies were slipping my baby some sugar water or whatever, so he would not "starve". I made a fuss, and voila!
He was six weeks early, weighed five pounds when I brought him home, but in no time was fat and happy and healthy. My mother-in-law came to visit; she brought a scale so I could weigh my son before and after feeding, which would show me how little food he was getting. FFS, he had those little fat bracelets by then. So nope.
Nursing instead of breastfeeding was actively and almost forcefully discouraged. In 1972. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of cancer, gives a baby a great start for the immune system, and reduces the occurrence of obesity.
I did not get The Jab, because everything seemed, well, skeevy, red flags, even if only visible to me. I no longer think the medical business is there to help me.
I am so proud of you for holding your own with your baby!! I was able to feed both my sons with an “A cup”, getting almost to a “B cup” before feedings. My body could provide and so did yours.
I had a friend who helped me get started in 1972 also. My doctor thought it was great. Kiddo was an Adele Davis kid too. The faces she made at the cod liver oil I gave her were priceless. Made my own baby food and when school started she was the healthiest of the lot. It didn’t help with her later obesity but she has been working on that.
Ugh... My mother was a believer in cod liver oil. I thought there were few things more vile than cod liver oil and oysters (we had a plentiful and FREE oyster bed in the river, within 15-20 ft of our dinner table), but out came MINT-flavored Cod liver oil!!! My two brothers and I made our mother know how repellent we found the MINT-flavored version, however we were stuck with it until the very last teaspoon. NOTHING went to waste in my house. Not free oysters, not chicken livers (each one saved, frozen, and eventually defrosted for a "special" casserole when Dad was out of town), and certainly not mint-flavored cod liver oil.
Laughing so hard at your well-endowed mother being unable to breastfeed. 🤣 warning, TMI incoming!: I am very well endowed. I’m a small boned, 5’2” thing. Think Dolly Parton. When we were learning about how to breastfeed to be ready for our first baby my husband would tease me that my areolas were the size of dinner plates. He wasn’t wrong. 🤣 They scared even me in and after pregnancy. They taught that the whole areola has to go into the baby’s mouth and well you can imagine our horror at that thought. 😆 Well when our baby arrived the first two weeks was really frustrating for both of us as she struggled to latch on. Luckily I bought a pump and we bottle fed her my own milk until I could resolve the issues. Boy oh boy - I could feed the world! One pumping session would fill two to three large bottles easily. My freezer was stock full. 🤣 And you couldn’t touch me, and I couldn’t accidentally bump up against anything, or it was like a raging car wash absolutely everywhere. That’s when we realized it was too powerful for the baby. 😂😂 I had to pump half what was in me BEFORE feeding her. Then she latched on with no problem. I had so much milk I had to donate it to the la leche league.
But after 6 months I suddenly dried up. I didn’t have enough to feed her. I was so distraught about it because I wanted to feed her for her first full year. Luckily I still had quite a lot in my freezer to use for a couple more months, but then I had to start using formula when that ran out. I was so turned off by the smell of it. It was not natural smelling at all. My baby drank it just fine though, but I cried the first time I fed it to her. I wish I had not donated so much of my milk because I could have fed her through her first year with the amount I had donated.
I never produced that much milk with my second two though. Enough to feed them their first 6 months and then I’d dry up again, but didn’t have any in the freezer to go longer. I’ve always wondered why I dried up at the six month mark. Lord knows I was a milk machine with my first! So I had to use formula with my second and third more than I would have liked.
My babies got all the vaccines because I didn’t know any better. I regret it every day of my life too now that I know what I do today. All three developed disabilities literally overnight after one of their vaccines. In those years (90s) it was like 7 shots? 10? Not like today, but still. I hope that six months of breast feeding benefitted them in some other way given the damage the vaccines did to them. 😢
I have a friend who still wears a mask when she flies, has gotten every single booster shot, and has never missed a flu shot in her adult life. She thinks Ivermectin truly is horse medicine and anyone who says otherwise is clearly an unintelligent buffoon. Needless to say, we don't talk about much beyond the weather. Oh wait. We're even losing that topic now too. Because she recently posted something about how anyone that could possibly believe the lines in the sky are anything other than exhaust is clearly losing their minds. So yeah. We don't talk much any more. There's just nothing to talk about.
It's not worth the effort. Those are all conspiracy theories in her mind. The vaccine is safe and saved millions of lives. She and her family would all be dead from it today if they didn't all get vaccinated. She's truly completely brainwashed.
Robin (aka Elainerb) – I am completely motivated to reply on this unkind post in regards to my twin sister, Laura Kasner.
If you’ve been alive long enough, you realize that our lives change – our friends change. The wheat gets separated from the chaff.
When I think of my sister, I am reminded of Moses. He was involved in a battle – a war. As long as Moses held his arms up, Israel prevailed. When his arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur came alongside him to help – one on one side of Moses and one on the other.
Those of us that are awake know we are in a war between good and evil. Those that are on the front lines of this war, like my sister Laura, need those who are ALL IN to defend and assist in this fight, in this war between good and evil.
People have revealed themselves. If you are not with us, you are against us.
As far as putting Laura on a pedestal – you DAMN betcha. Laura went toe to toe with the ass Ohio Attorney General (to think she was the shy one).
Laura speaks for the vax injured. She speaks for the dead.
God does not call the equipped. He equips the called. God prepared Laura years ago when she worked with medical institutions for furthering education.
The church thingy. Baptism doesn’t make you a Christian. Baptism is an act of obedience to the Lord and what He did with His son Jesus for us. Church is a hospital for us sinners – who are messed up and in need of a Savior. It’s a place of like-minded people who love, support and spur one another on - who don’t retaliate towards one another. That’s exactly what Laura’s church is.
To forgive people doesn’t mean we accept their behavior or trust them again. It means we forgive them for ourselves so we can let go and move on with our lives.
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
I hope this provides clarification for you Robin, and you let go and move on with your life and be the best person you can be – because that’s exactly what my sister and I are doing.
This, I have come to believe, is Nature's way of sifting the idiots out of the gene pool. Based on how their silly gullible brains function, they'll all be gone in about ten years.
So grateful I was able to nurse both of my babies. For two years each. I’ve encouraged so many new moms to do the same. Most want to give up after a couple weeks because “ I’m so tired. It’s exhausting…”. Yeah. It sure is. But do you want your baby to have a healthy natural diet or do you want to shove chemicals down his/her throat and hope for the best? The answer seems simple enough. Put on your big girl panties and suck it up mama!!
I was tired nursing my 3 kiddos. Still, I always thought heading to the grocer, lugging in all that formula, mixing, washing and drying and putting away alll those bottles, taking out all the extra trash that goes with those cans… Plus kissing our hard earned money away (well, I was a stay home mom but…) seemed far more exhausting than than simply popping out the perfect temperature …vessel… and letting her rip.
The ease and less work added to the joy and bonding of the whole thing. I wasn’t working either but me and my husband thought this would be best. We have always been able to live on one paycheck with just normal jobs or we adjusted.
I’ll add that it doesn’t have to be exhausting. Contrary to conventional wisdom, co-sleeping (admittedly in carefully considered situations) is safe, and allows parents and newborns to get much needed rest.
This is such a class based issue and a callous narcissistic post. Women who don't have maternity leave, women on medications they can't go off of, women whose milk never comes in and the baby is in danger of starving... go tell them to suck it up. We all wish we could be as great as you Donna.
Yes, of course there are exceptions. But actively discouraging breastfeeding because it is inconvenient is a very bad thing. I was speaking of my own experience with that. I had fallen down hard and went into labor six weeks early and it seemed that there were so many obstacles. How that is narcissistic is very obscure. Also, when I went back to work, I used a breast pump to store milk, and so did another woman I shared an office/cubicle with when she had a baby. Sometimes I went to the babysitter's place at lunch to breastfeed. Are you saying if everybody cannot breastfeed, then nobody should breastfeed? Again, this is a thread about obstacles deliberately put in place, not the obstacles that you listed.
She obviously wasn’t speaking to the mothers who have a significant reason why they can’t breastfeed. She was telling the moms that complained they were just “too tired” with no other obstacles to suck it up. We ALL were too tired but if we COULD do it we did. The only callous comment here is yours.
"Are you saying if everybody cannot breastfeed, then nobody should breastfeed?:"
Nope, did not say that at all, but thanks for not replying at all to my comments and making it all about yourself. You are AWESOME and totally a rock star.
Oh, and I am not great, I am massively stubborn, whatever your actual name is.
Also, where I worked, "maternity leave" consisted of having to leave at seven months and then they held the job open until after the baby was born and daycare was arranged. With NO PAY. This all had to happen in four months time period Again, with no pay.
Please don’t EVEN feel the need to justify your stance! I didn’t see it like that…& anyone who isn’t supportive of one another here “has issues” as far as I’m concerned and is nursing a grudge! (OH MY GAWD!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I couldn’t have made a better pun!)
Thanks - but I was replying to a post that was not addressed to me, the drop-downs get confusing. My stance still stands, though, and I feel very badly for those who want to breastfeed and cannot.
Wow, just thanks for proving my point. About 90% of "materinity leave" in the US is ONE WEEK. Oh.. you were talking about rich people leave. Yeah, because you are little rich narcs.
You're so right! If everyone can't breastfeed, then no one should be allowed to. In the same vain, I am very jealous of those with good singing voices as I am not one of them. Therefore, singing should be outlawed. And so should art for the same reason.
As I just posted above, I was replying to a post not meant for me, the drop-downs are confusing. My stance is the same. I feel bad for those who want to breastfeed but cannot. We all should lean on each other.
Umm... where did I say this? Nice psychotic break there. This is why Harris lost by the way in every demo BUT rich white people. Total white rich bitches like you respondiong to black women who have waitressing leave who can't breastfeed as "not allowing".
🤣 You need to take your anger issues elsewhere. 1) most people on this Substack voted for Trump, and 2) most are not “rich.” Especially since many of us chose to be stay at home moms, while others had to pay steep childcare costs. 🤣🤣 While I have two degrees and am educated, (contrary to the accusations made by the democrats,) I struggle to make it paycheck to paycheck these days as I cannot return to my career after 25 years away from it raising my kids. So you are the only narcissist here being WAYYYY off on your prejudiced assumptions. You have some serious anger issues.
I see I replied to a comment not meant for me. But my feelings on this still stand. And I did know women who actually asked me why I was going to so much trouble. One woman stopped because her milk would come in when she was out having dinner and it was embarrassing. On the other hand, back then we pretty much knew zip about nutrition, breastfeeding was seen as an eccentric choice, fostered by advertising.
Lack of maternity leave is terrible, but even then, BF can be done. I know, did so for 2 years for 2 babies in a crazy busy job. Milk will come in if baby continues to nurse; in the meantime, the tiny amounts of colostrum are incredibly valuable. Few medications are contraindicated, and some have viable substitutions. My sincere sympathy for those undergoing treatments like chemotherapy who have no alternatives. P.S. Your snark at the end was unnecessary IMO.
Never having had offspring (in this life, at least), I have no idea about breastfeeding or formula, but my gut tells me breast is best. But I, also, have had COVID and recovered, and have not had it since--all without benefit of a COVID jab I will never take. My ultra vaccinated sister, however, keeps getting COVID. Hmmmm....
Im currently on a college tour road trip with my daughter and one of her buddies, typing this from a surprisingly clean and lovely hotel hot tub. Yesterday we spent 9 hours in the truck together. As I had a captive audience I took the opportunity to pop on the Tucker Carlson/Casey & Calley Means podcast from a few months ago. “Dad, it’s 2 hours and 15 min long, sheesh!” They were both blown away and didn’t want it to end. From the back seat her buddy said, “oh what a conspiracy theory”. I saw the sarcastic look on her face when she said it. There’s hope for the next generation after all!
If any of you readers have not seen it yet, as your doctor I am writing you an immediate prescription.
Jrod- i listened to that entire 2+ hour podcast of Tucker and the Means. It was excellent and I bought their book. But it concerns me that this will take the focus away from the childhood vaccine schedule and put the blame solely on our garbage food supply. Which of course is an issue, but in my opinion, the vaccines are the major cause of disease in children as well as adults.
Yep. Mainstream DuhMerukuh was already bitching about the fluoride thing just hours after DJT announced RFK Jr. as his pick for HHS. Now imagine the kind of PR that'd come from NPR should he jump into the vaccine topic at this point... ain't gonna happen, though The Holy Absolutists who are Always Right About Everything are certainly screaming already-- YEEEESH, kiddies-- get a GRIP~!!
And....as in questioning everything these days. Where did they come from anyway? Just appeared out of the blue one day. I only trust myself these days. I will listen and make my choices.
Well they are actually very, very young. That’s why they seemed to have come out of no where. They were just getting started in their careers. She just finished her residency as a surgeon when she outright quit. He had spent his short time in his career as a lobbyist, but because they are both so incredibly brilliant they learned a LOT and fast, and were quite successful. They were also well raised. There wouldn’t have been any time or reason to have heard from them sooner. She started to speak up the minute she was certain things were very wrong. It took him a bit longer for her to wake him up and for him to connect the dots.
It is a legit question. They do bring up such good points. If anything, they will double handedly cause a famine because everyone will be reading labels and not buying Cheetos and Mt. Dew anymore. We should totally boycott Big Fooda. That would teach them.
We listened to it and then immediately ordered Dr. Means' book. We've been in the process ever since of completely cleaning out our pantry of toxic food. It was an eye opening experience for sure!
As a doctor of chiropractic, I worked with many babies and mommas over the years. One which stands out was Brandon. He was constipated. I asked her to bring in his special formula.
Right there on the ingredient list- iron. Known for the side effects of constipation due to the inferior type of iron used.
I asked, “is he anemic?” Mom replied, “no.”
Changed him to a formula with no iron. And he could poop again!
However, most of my baby patients were breastfed, birthed outside of a hospital, and unvaccinated.
so much to chew on , to use a phrase , vaxxes , nursing , scamdemic, (m)admen , but i would once again like to take this opportunity to let everyone know that one of the single biggest influences on all of the positive health outcomes of my two children was the childbirth instructor my ex and i had , she was recommended by the midwife clinic that used to be in englewood nj, she taught a class for two or three months called the bradley method ( of husband coached natural childbirth) and tho it was 1986 (ironically the year the vax manufactures got released from liability for their nefarious product) , she was already far far ahead of the curve , she was an informed to the teeth , pro natural , anti synthetic , pro breastfeeding, anti formula, anti epidural, anti sonogram , and very extremely anti childhood vaccine , we had to join a special church to get the kids into school without them, and to this day i thank the powers above for ms lorene cox for her contribution to those healthy and vibrant children of mine
Thank you for the - as usual - entertaining and informative rant.
Alas, I regret to inform that glyphosate is not banned in Europe. There is a big debate but in 2023 it got another 10 year license, but with individual countries at liberty to have their own rules. Some central European countries - eg France and Germany - have partial bans. No EU country has a full ban, as far as I know. Not sure if there are any restrictions in Italy.
Anyway, glyphosate aside, food production here generally better than US, especially meats where growth hormones are strictly verboten.
But Chianti can clean up any glyphosate residue in pasta (I just made that up but hope it's true).
Enjoyed this article! Amazing that now with the congressional report on COVID, it is now clear they (we taxpayers) spent just shy of $1 billion dollars on advertising/PR/propaganda!! That is a lot of money for a safe and effective solution delivered at warp speed for the scariest pandemic in history. Pretty incredible to link new findings with these previous published perspectives. We knew it did not make sense. Like breastfeeding your child where the body adjusts what is delivered on the milk automatically based on the age of the baby, you cannot even buy that custom formula cocktail! I enjoy your writing soooo much!!
An early red flag for me was when I found a page on a government website that listed the means of coercion that the advertising folks said would work on we masses. Shame, everybody else is doing it, save grandma, celebrity endorsements, etc. It was ridiculous. And, IMO, condescending and demeaning.
Long before I became a parent (and my wife breast fed, bc wtf else would do?), I learned of Nestle's notoriety in the Third World, convincing native folks (!) who'd only known nursing as The Way (Duh) for ever, that their powdered formulated crap was the only sane way to go.
It was one of many turning points as an awakening college kid that the world was a cautionary tale to live through, and I'd have to Pay Attention if I didn't want to be damaged.
Am I a starry eyed optimist to think college kids today are similarly seeing the reality I picked up on back in the 70's? Gads, I hope not…
Did you really know what sex was (or that it even existed?) at 9 years old? I'm still waiting for "the talk," and as Mom and Dad are both gone I suppose that ship has sailed. I got a rough idea what goes on in my teens.
When I was a Freshman in 1979, I had NO idea what the kids were talking about when the dirty jokes started coming on. BJ? No idea. That is the way it should be.
I literally went to college completely naive. They liked to make fun of my naivety all the time. Once at a party someone brought up oral sex and they all started shushing because I wouldn’t know what it was. I immediately and proudly announced that I did! They didn’t believe me, so they made me prove it by telling everyone. So I proudly said, “you know, it’s when you talk about it out loud, say what you’re doing - orally. It’s like, ya know, verbal sex.” 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ I was sooooooo naive. I’ve never heard louder laughter in my life. One friend who was endlessly kind took me in another room and kindly explained what it was. I was red for weeks. And grossed out. 🤣🤣
This is just one more thing that I had not even thought about regarding the capture of our nation and everything in it. Ugh. I did breastfeed for as long as I could until the girls gave out, but 4 months was better than nothing. But those were the days when I thought the formula people were on my side, just like the doctors. I just slap my head now. How could I have been so captured? I don't know. I just seriously don't know. I am wide awake now and won't let 'them' touch me. Seriously, we need to start up Common Sense Clinics and Classes for the Masses and Asses.
"A widely-ignored-by-MSM Israeli study found that “the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher [than in those with acquired immunity].” Instead of spreading this hopeful, helpful bit of news, the media collectively decided instead that the horse-dewormer narrative was a far better ratings-booster. So you can save your mystery juice for folks who are still buying your hype, and quit wasting your energy, efforts, and incentives trying to get me to roll up my sleeve. There’s not enough free beer, pizza, crinkle cut fries, Krispy Kreme donuts, or Girl Scout cookies on the planet to make me change my mind."
Love this.. So very very very true. The jabs are highly highly profitable; but not for you. Take them art your descretion but know this; They may not be the best solution for you. Proceed cautionsly.
I dig it. My Mom (this was 1950’s) was overweight and gained more while pregnant with me. So the wise OBGYN had her start smoking. Parliament or Marlboros. With that being all good, I was three weeks premature, breech, and birthed by C-section. Then, probably because Dad was a Pharmacist, I was always formula fed. Never breast fed. So once I knew all of this, I had a built-in excuses for my behavior, grades, etc. It became the family joke. The six toes and tail were removed surgically earl in my life, so I never had to endure childhood torture over them. Good times.
I had my baby in 1972. My best friend at the time had three children, and she breastfed them all, so I just decided that's what I would do. After all, what is easier - all the machinations involved in formula, or just unbuttoning my top. My mother-in-law was aghast. I was not bounteously endowed, so therefore I would starve my baby to death. Ironically, she was so well-endowed that she could not nurse. At the hospital, I had to constantly remind the nurses that I did not want the shot they give you that actually dries up that inconvenient milk. I had a note pinned to my gown. I told my doctor. I was paranoid. There was something else about me having O negative blood, but I forget what. After I gave birth, my baby was whisked away, swaddled like a little mummy, and presented to me for feeding at intervals. He would not nurse, I was frustrated and angry, which did not help. And then one of the nurses/sisters told me she thought the nursery ladies were slipping my baby some sugar water or whatever, so he would not "starve". I made a fuss, and voila!
He was six weeks early, weighed five pounds when I brought him home, but in no time was fat and happy and healthy. My mother-in-law came to visit; she brought a scale so I could weigh my son before and after feeding, which would show me how little food he was getting. FFS, he had those little fat bracelets by then. So nope.
Nursing instead of breastfeeding was actively and almost forcefully discouraged. In 1972. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of cancer, gives a baby a great start for the immune system, and reduces the occurrence of obesity.
I did not get The Jab, because everything seemed, well, skeevy, red flags, even if only visible to me. I no longer think the medical business is there to help me.
Once you pull back the
curtain on the rest of the vaccines, you’ll stop them ALL.
Babies not pets enter the world pharmaceutically deficient— no matter what Bourla, CDC, FDA, WHO or Billy (from the) Gates (of hell) says.
I am so proud of you for holding your own with your baby!! I was able to feed both my sons with an “A cup”, getting almost to a “B cup” before feedings. My body could provide and so did yours.
I had a friend who helped me get started in 1972 also. My doctor thought it was great. Kiddo was an Adele Davis kid too. The faces she made at the cod liver oil I gave her were priceless. Made my own baby food and when school started she was the healthiest of the lot. It didn’t help with her later obesity but she has been working on that.
Ugh... My mother was a believer in cod liver oil. I thought there were few things more vile than cod liver oil and oysters (we had a plentiful and FREE oyster bed in the river, within 15-20 ft of our dinner table), but out came MINT-flavored Cod liver oil!!! My two brothers and I made our mother know how repellent we found the MINT-flavored version, however we were stuck with it until the very last teaspoon. NOTHING went to waste in my house. Not free oysters, not chicken livers (each one saved, frozen, and eventually defrosted for a "special" casserole when Dad was out of town), and certainly not mint-flavored cod liver oil.
🤣🤣. Of course I never did the CLO myself. I never ate sn oyster until I was 70 yo. Fresh from the sea in France. With plenty of wine.
Laughing so hard at your well-endowed mother being unable to breastfeed. 🤣 warning, TMI incoming!: I am very well endowed. I’m a small boned, 5’2” thing. Think Dolly Parton. When we were learning about how to breastfeed to be ready for our first baby my husband would tease me that my areolas were the size of dinner plates. He wasn’t wrong. 🤣 They scared even me in and after pregnancy. They taught that the whole areola has to go into the baby’s mouth and well you can imagine our horror at that thought. 😆 Well when our baby arrived the first two weeks was really frustrating for both of us as she struggled to latch on. Luckily I bought a pump and we bottle fed her my own milk until I could resolve the issues. Boy oh boy - I could feed the world! One pumping session would fill two to three large bottles easily. My freezer was stock full. 🤣 And you couldn’t touch me, and I couldn’t accidentally bump up against anything, or it was like a raging car wash absolutely everywhere. That’s when we realized it was too powerful for the baby. 😂😂 I had to pump half what was in me BEFORE feeding her. Then she latched on with no problem. I had so much milk I had to donate it to the la leche league.
But after 6 months I suddenly dried up. I didn’t have enough to feed her. I was so distraught about it because I wanted to feed her for her first full year. Luckily I still had quite a lot in my freezer to use for a couple more months, but then I had to start using formula when that ran out. I was so turned off by the smell of it. It was not natural smelling at all. My baby drank it just fine though, but I cried the first time I fed it to her. I wish I had not donated so much of my milk because I could have fed her through her first year with the amount I had donated.
I never produced that much milk with my second two though. Enough to feed them their first 6 months and then I’d dry up again, but didn’t have any in the freezer to go longer. I’ve always wondered why I dried up at the six month mark. Lord knows I was a milk machine with my first! So I had to use formula with my second and third more than I would have liked.
My babies got all the vaccines because I didn’t know any better. I regret it every day of my life too now that I know what I do today. All three developed disabilities literally overnight after one of their vaccines. In those years (90s) it was like 7 shots? 10? Not like today, but still. I hope that six months of breast feeding benefitted them in some other way given the damage the vaccines did to them. 😢
I have a friend who still wears a mask when she flies, has gotten every single booster shot, and has never missed a flu shot in her adult life. She thinks Ivermectin truly is horse medicine and anyone who says otherwise is clearly an unintelligent buffoon. Needless to say, we don't talk about much beyond the weather. Oh wait. We're even losing that topic now too. Because she recently posted something about how anyone that could possibly believe the lines in the sky are anything other than exhaust is clearly losing their minds. So yeah. We don't talk much any more. There's just nothing to talk about.
Patti - I too have had relationships like this that I had to just walk away from. It’s painful. 😢
Send her one of my substack articles. Although you will mostly hear crickets in response.
It's not worth the effort. Those are all conspiracy theories in her mind. The vaccine is safe and saved millions of lives. She and her family would all be dead from it today if they didn't all get vaccinated. She's truly completely brainwashed.
Send em one picture Patti 😉
Robin (aka Elainerb) – I am completely motivated to reply on this unkind post in regards to my twin sister, Laura Kasner.
If you’ve been alive long enough, you realize that our lives change – our friends change. The wheat gets separated from the chaff.
When I think of my sister, I am reminded of Moses. He was involved in a battle – a war. As long as Moses held his arms up, Israel prevailed. When his arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur came alongside him to help – one on one side of Moses and one on the other.
Those of us that are awake know we are in a war between good and evil. Those that are on the front lines of this war, like my sister Laura, need those who are ALL IN to defend and assist in this fight, in this war between good and evil.
People have revealed themselves. If you are not with us, you are against us.
As far as putting Laura on a pedestal – you DAMN betcha. Laura went toe to toe with the ass Ohio Attorney General (to think she was the shy one).
Laura speaks for the vax injured. She speaks for the dead.
God does not call the equipped. He equips the called. God prepared Laura years ago when she worked with medical institutions for furthering education.
The church thingy. Baptism doesn’t make you a Christian. Baptism is an act of obedience to the Lord and what He did with His son Jesus for us. Church is a hospital for us sinners – who are messed up and in need of a Savior. It’s a place of like-minded people who love, support and spur one another on - who don’t retaliate towards one another. That’s exactly what Laura’s church is.
To forgive people doesn’t mean we accept their behavior or trust them again. It means we forgive them for ourselves so we can let go and move on with our lives.
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
I hope this provides clarification for you Robin, and you let go and move on with your life and be the best person you can be – because that’s exactly what my sister and I are doing.
I love you sissy. God has truly blessed me with a twin. A biological sister in Christ who helps me hold up my arms. 🥰😘❤️
It boggles the mind how some people have have no deductive reasoning.
This, I have come to believe, is Nature's way of sifting the idiots out of the gene pool. Based on how their silly gullible brains function, they'll all be gone in about ten years.
You gotta let go. You won’t miss them, I guarantee.
So grateful I was able to nurse both of my babies. For two years each. I’ve encouraged so many new moms to do the same. Most want to give up after a couple weeks because “ I’m so tired. It’s exhausting…”. Yeah. It sure is. But do you want your baby to have a healthy natural diet or do you want to shove chemicals down his/her throat and hope for the best? The answer seems simple enough. Put on your big girl panties and suck it up mama!!
I was tired nursing my 3 kiddos. Still, I always thought heading to the grocer, lugging in all that formula, mixing, washing and drying and putting away alll those bottles, taking out all the extra trash that goes with those cans… Plus kissing our hard earned money away (well, I was a stay home mom but…) seemed far more exhausting than than simply popping out the perfect temperature …vessel… and letting her rip.
The ease and less work added to the joy and bonding of the whole thing. I wasn’t working either but me and my husband thought this would be best. We have always been able to live on one paycheck with just normal jobs or we adjusted.
I’ll add that it doesn’t have to be exhausting. Contrary to conventional wisdom, co-sleeping (admittedly in carefully considered situations) is safe, and allows parents and newborns to get much needed rest.
I did this
This is such a class based issue and a callous narcissistic post. Women who don't have maternity leave, women on medications they can't go off of, women whose milk never comes in and the baby is in danger of starving... go tell them to suck it up. We all wish we could be as great as you Donna.
Yes, of course there are exceptions. But actively discouraging breastfeeding because it is inconvenient is a very bad thing. I was speaking of my own experience with that. I had fallen down hard and went into labor six weeks early and it seemed that there were so many obstacles. How that is narcissistic is very obscure. Also, when I went back to work, I used a breast pump to store milk, and so did another woman I shared an office/cubicle with when she had a baby. Sometimes I went to the babysitter's place at lunch to breastfeed. Are you saying if everybody cannot breastfeed, then nobody should breastfeed? Again, this is a thread about obstacles deliberately put in place, not the obstacles that you listed.
It wasn't. You're fine. Ignore. I did NOT breastfeed my 1989 born son and regret it insanely. I loved your comment.
She obviously wasn’t speaking to the mothers who have a significant reason why they can’t breastfeed. She was telling the moms that complained they were just “too tired” with no other obstacles to suck it up. We ALL were too tired but if we COULD do it we did. The only callous comment here is yours.
"Are you saying if everybody cannot breastfeed, then nobody should breastfeed?:"
Nope, did not say that at all, but thanks for not replying at all to my comments and making it all about yourself. You are AWESOME and totally a rock star.
Oh, and I am not great, I am massively stubborn, whatever your actual name is.
Also, where I worked, "maternity leave" consisted of having to leave at seven months and then they held the job open until after the baby was born and daycare was arranged. With NO PAY. This all had to happen in four months time period Again, with no pay.
Please don’t EVEN feel the need to justify your stance! I didn’t see it like that…& anyone who isn’t supportive of one another here “has issues” as far as I’m concerned and is nursing a grudge! (OH MY GAWD!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I couldn’t have made a better pun!)
Thanks - but I was replying to a post that was not addressed to me, the drop-downs get confusing. My stance still stands, though, and I feel very badly for those who want to breastfeed and cannot.
Wow, just thanks for proving my point. About 90% of "materinity leave" in the US is ONE WEEK. Oh.. you were talking about rich people leave. Yeah, because you are little rich narcs.
You're so right! If everyone can't breastfeed, then no one should be allowed to. In the same vain, I am very jealous of those with good singing voices as I am not one of them. Therefore, singing should be outlawed. And so should art for the same reason.
As I just posted above, I was replying to a post not meant for me, the drop-downs are confusing. My stance is the same. I feel bad for those who want to breastfeed but cannot. We all should lean on each other.
Umm... where did I say this? Nice psychotic break there. This is why Harris lost by the way in every demo BUT rich white people. Total white rich bitches like you respondiong to black women who have waitressing leave who can't breastfeed as "not allowing".
🤣 You need to take your anger issues elsewhere. 1) most people on this Substack voted for Trump, and 2) most are not “rich.” Especially since many of us chose to be stay at home moms, while others had to pay steep childcare costs. 🤣🤣 While I have two degrees and am educated, (contrary to the accusations made by the democrats,) I struggle to make it paycheck to paycheck these days as I cannot return to my career after 25 years away from it raising my kids. So you are the only narcissist here being WAYYYY off on your prejudiced assumptions. You have some serious anger issues.
I see I replied to a comment not meant for me. But my feelings on this still stand. And I did know women who actually asked me why I was going to so much trouble. One woman stopped because her milk would come in when she was out having dinner and it was embarrassing. On the other hand, back then we pretty much knew zip about nutrition, breastfeeding was seen as an eccentric choice, fostered by advertising.
Lack of maternity leave is terrible, but even then, BF can be done. I know, did so for 2 years for 2 babies in a crazy busy job. Milk will come in if baby continues to nurse; in the meantime, the tiny amounts of colostrum are incredibly valuable. Few medications are contraindicated, and some have viable substitutions. My sincere sympathy for those undergoing treatments like chemotherapy who have no alternatives. P.S. Your snark at the end was unnecessary IMO.
Never having had offspring (in this life, at least), I have no idea about breastfeeding or formula, but my gut tells me breast is best. But I, also, have had COVID and recovered, and have not had it since--all without benefit of a COVID jab I will never take. My ultra vaccinated sister, however, keeps getting COVID. Hmmmm....
Im currently on a college tour road trip with my daughter and one of her buddies, typing this from a surprisingly clean and lovely hotel hot tub. Yesterday we spent 9 hours in the truck together. As I had a captive audience I took the opportunity to pop on the Tucker Carlson/Casey & Calley Means podcast from a few months ago. “Dad, it’s 2 hours and 15 min long, sheesh!” They were both blown away and didn’t want it to end. From the back seat her buddy said, “oh what a conspiracy theory”. I saw the sarcastic look on her face when she said it. There’s hope for the next generation after all!
If any of you readers have not seen it yet, as your doctor I am writing you an immediate prescription.
Jrod- i listened to that entire 2+ hour podcast of Tucker and the Means. It was excellent and I bought their book. But it concerns me that this will take the focus away from the childhood vaccine schedule and put the blame solely on our garbage food supply. Which of course is an issue, but in my opinion, the vaccines are the major cause of disease in children as well as adults.
It could be that food improvement is the focus right now because the vax discussion is so divisive. Hopefully that will come once RFK is approved.
Yep. Mainstream DuhMerukuh was already bitching about the fluoride thing just hours after DJT announced RFK Jr. as his pick for HHS. Now imagine the kind of PR that'd come from NPR should he jump into the vaccine topic at this point... ain't gonna happen, though The Holy Absolutists who are Always Right About Everything are certainly screaming already-- YEEEESH, kiddies-- get a GRIP~!!
And....as in questioning everything these days. Where did they come from anyway? Just appeared out of the blue one day. I only trust myself these days. I will listen and make my choices.
Well they are actually very, very young. That’s why they seemed to have come out of no where. They were just getting started in their careers. She just finished her residency as a surgeon when she outright quit. He had spent his short time in his career as a lobbyist, but because they are both so incredibly brilliant they learned a LOT and fast, and were quite successful. They were also well raised. There wouldn’t have been any time or reason to have heard from them sooner. She started to speak up the minute she was certain things were very wrong. It took him a bit longer for her to wake him up and for him to connect the dots.
It is quite interesting that we’d never heard of these siblings. 🤔
It is a legit question. They do bring up such good points. If anything, they will double handedly cause a famine because everyone will be reading labels and not buying Cheetos and Mt. Dew anymore. We should totally boycott Big Fooda. That would teach them.
We listened to it and then immediately ordered Dr. Means' book. We've been in the process ever since of completely cleaning out our pantry of toxic food. It was an eye opening experience for sure!
And back in the 90's? I never read the ingredients of the formula can. Insanely stupid to have trusted everyone else more than myself.
We all did! It never would have occurred to me that a product made and sold for babies, the most vulnerable, would have anything bad in it.
Makes me super angry now.
As a doctor of chiropractic, I worked with many babies and mommas over the years. One which stands out was Brandon. He was constipated. I asked her to bring in his special formula.
Right there on the ingredient list- iron. Known for the side effects of constipation due to the inferior type of iron used.
I asked, “is he anemic?” Mom replied, “no.”
Changed him to a formula with no iron. And he could poop again!
However, most of my baby patients were breastfed, birthed outside of a hospital, and unvaccinated.
Great SubStack!
so much to chew on , to use a phrase , vaxxes , nursing , scamdemic, (m)admen , but i would once again like to take this opportunity to let everyone know that one of the single biggest influences on all of the positive health outcomes of my two children was the childbirth instructor my ex and i had , she was recommended by the midwife clinic that used to be in englewood nj, she taught a class for two or three months called the bradley method ( of husband coached natural childbirth) and tho it was 1986 (ironically the year the vax manufactures got released from liability for their nefarious product) , she was already far far ahead of the curve , she was an informed to the teeth , pro natural , anti synthetic , pro breastfeeding, anti formula, anti epidural, anti sonogram , and very extremely anti childhood vaccine , we had to join a special church to get the kids into school without them, and to this day i thank the powers above for ms lorene cox for her contribution to those healthy and vibrant children of mine
Is it me or at some point we're going to realize that the Amish were right all along?
Thank you for the - as usual - entertaining and informative rant.
Alas, I regret to inform that glyphosate is not banned in Europe. There is a big debate but in 2023 it got another 10 year license, but with individual countries at liberty to have their own rules. Some central European countries - eg France and Germany - have partial bans. No EU country has a full ban, as far as I know. Not sure if there are any restrictions in Italy.
Anyway, glyphosate aside, food production here generally better than US, especially meats where growth hormones are strictly verboten.
But Chianti can clean up any glyphosate residue in pasta (I just made that up but hope it's true).
Enjoyed this article! Amazing that now with the congressional report on COVID, it is now clear they (we taxpayers) spent just shy of $1 billion dollars on advertising/PR/propaganda!! That is a lot of money for a safe and effective solution delivered at warp speed for the scariest pandemic in history. Pretty incredible to link new findings with these previous published perspectives. We knew it did not make sense. Like breastfeeding your child where the body adjusts what is delivered on the milk automatically based on the age of the baby, you cannot even buy that custom formula cocktail! I enjoy your writing soooo much!!
An early red flag for me was when I found a page on a government website that listed the means of coercion that the advertising folks said would work on we masses. Shame, everybody else is doing it, save grandma, celebrity endorsements, etc. It was ridiculous. And, IMO, condescending and demeaning.
I saw that too. Made me want to spit up.
Long before I became a parent (and my wife breast fed, bc wtf else would do?), I learned of Nestle's notoriety in the Third World, convincing native folks (!) who'd only known nursing as The Way (Duh) for ever, that their powdered formulated crap was the only sane way to go.
It was one of many turning points as an awakening college kid that the world was a cautionary tale to live through, and I'd have to Pay Attention if I didn't want to be damaged.
Am I a starry eyed optimist to think college kids today are similarly seeing the reality I picked up on back in the 70's? Gads, I hope not…
Did you really know what sex was (or that it even existed?) at 9 years old? I'm still waiting for "the talk," and as Mom and Dad are both gone I suppose that ship has sailed. I got a rough idea what goes on in my teens.
When I was a Freshman in 1979, I had NO idea what the kids were talking about when the dirty jokes started coming on. BJ? No idea. That is the way it should be.
I literally went to college completely naive. They liked to make fun of my naivety all the time. Once at a party someone brought up oral sex and they all started shushing because I wouldn’t know what it was. I immediately and proudly announced that I did! They didn’t believe me, so they made me prove it by telling everyone. So I proudly said, “you know, it’s when you talk about it out loud, say what you’re doing - orally. It’s like, ya know, verbal sex.” 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ I was sooooooo naive. I’ve never heard louder laughter in my life. One friend who was endlessly kind took me in another room and kindly explained what it was. I was red for weeks. And grossed out. 🤣🤣
And I thought I was naive! Wow. You have me beat by a mile.
This is just one more thing that I had not even thought about regarding the capture of our nation and everything in it. Ugh. I did breastfeed for as long as I could until the girls gave out, but 4 months was better than nothing. But those were the days when I thought the formula people were on my side, just like the doctors. I just slap my head now. How could I have been so captured? I don't know. I just seriously don't know. I am wide awake now and won't let 'them' touch me. Seriously, we need to start up Common Sense Clinics and Classes for the Masses and Asses.
Elon and Vivek need to establish a platform to channel federal employees who wish to speak up as Whistleblowers.
And to do that now.
Elon and Vivek may wish to inform the Whistleblowers that they have a generous number of positions available to those who come forward now:
Those who are committed to making America great again, to making America healthy again, and to making the federal government transparent again.
"A widely-ignored-by-MSM Israeli study found that “the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher [than in those with acquired immunity].” Instead of spreading this hopeful, helpful bit of news, the media collectively decided instead that the horse-dewormer narrative was a far better ratings-booster. So you can save your mystery juice for folks who are still buying your hype, and quit wasting your energy, efforts, and incentives trying to get me to roll up my sleeve. There’s not enough free beer, pizza, crinkle cut fries, Krispy Kreme donuts, or Girl Scout cookies on the planet to make me change my mind."
Love this.. So very very very true. The jabs are highly highly profitable; but not for you. Take them art your descretion but know this; They may not be the best solution for you. Proceed cautionsly.
Love your musing even the "older" ones.
I dig it. My Mom (this was 1950’s) was overweight and gained more while pregnant with me. So the wise OBGYN had her start smoking. Parliament or Marlboros. With that being all good, I was three weeks premature, breech, and birthed by C-section. Then, probably because Dad was a Pharmacist, I was always formula fed. Never breast fed. So once I knew all of this, I had a built-in excuses for my behavior, grades, etc. It became the family joke. The six toes and tail were removed surgically earl in my life, so I never had to endure childhood torture over them. Good times.