This ruling is likely the break in the veil of immunity for big pharma. Being ruled a treatment and not a vaccine preventative, eliminates the immunity veil by this redefinition to what it was rather than what it was promoted. Now, discovery is available and all information the pharmas tried to hide must be put on the table. The beginning of the end.

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*drops to knees*


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Not a lawyer, but policies made with one definition no longer hold if the definition is redefined making the policies invalid. The earth has moved with this ruling.

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Atlas Shrugged. May he keep shrugging.

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Jun 11Liked by Jenna McCarthy

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ❤️

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I can not ❤️ your comment,for some weird reason,but,like Jenna said “ please be right!”

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Arghhhhhhhhhh! This is still happening??? DAMMIT!!!

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Does this ruling open the floodgates for mandated employees to sue their employers?

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It does indeed!

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What attorney would take such a case? Texas is where it happened in my situation.

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Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom circa 2020. 5th circuit. We still fighting! AE4HF

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Were you at the Town Hall Aug '21 in Spring TX at Pastor D.H.' s church? I was there. Would love to hear an update on the case.

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“Kid sniffer in chief”. Oh how I love to start my day with an audible laugh. 🤣🤣😂😂

I sent the info about that ruling to our attorney just to make him aware. I hope he shares with his attorney friends. 🙏🙏🙏

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It's about time...it is amazing how slow the wheels of justice turn, but at least they are turning. More and more the perpetrators are being exposed for the crimes they committed and the truth does eventually emerge.

Keep the faith and keep up the fight! We can do this...

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I don't know if you saw this or not Jenna. I am sure you heard what the WHO put out. First human death by bird flu in Mexico. Our media and government and some politicians are jumping all over it. I did a search and everyone is saying that Mexico reported this. Only one article I was able to find what Mexico really said. The fearmongering has begun again though.


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Oh, I saw it. They're so pathetic and desperate. Yawn.

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I think that is what they want to make disease X. They couldn't get the new treaty passed, so now they outright lie about a guy who had no contact with any animals. Guess they didn't think Mexico would call out their misinformation.

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The President of Mexico has come out to say that the man did NOT die of Burd Flu but had been very ill and hospitalized for weeks with, I think, kidney failure and diabetes. The WHO lied to kick off the fear campaign, which is of no surprise to any who are awake.

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This prez has serious cajones! He's also on record as disallowing the US imports of GMO corn. To the great consternation of Big (US) Ag, of course.

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And Dr. McCullough said bird flu came from a GOF lab in GA🤦‍♀️

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Dont be so afraid then. You all Are Really something. Really really something….

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Did you get hacked? Where are all of these comments coming from? (Or if they're legit... why are you here?)

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I see no fear anywhere in this substack. Thanks for recognizing that we are Really something. Freedom loving Americans are Really something!!

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Good morning, my dear one. Keep up the excellent coverage! You were born for this and much, much more! Brava!

I (finally) wrote my first substack post covering this very topic: How long can they keep this gene-ie in a bottle? From here, I will pivot and experiment and write encouraging words from my heart/spirit about the rich life on the narrow road. I owe you a debt of thanks for expressing your outrageous humor, brilliant mind and loving spirit. As you say, I'm not for everyone. Well, you are for me.

I bid you peace, joy and love on this glorious day.

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What a lovely and gracious comment! I am going to go check out your maiden post!👏💕

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you, Jenna! My then-employer (L3Harris) tried mightily to make me take the jab, constantly asking about my vax status. I simply refused to answer and waited until the Feds no longer required it. We still had to self-test 3x a week for a while after that but eventually that went away as well. I still have a few tests left in my office to remember those days. (I work on a Navy base, so federal regulations trump corporate policy.)

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Was the emotional support alligator dead or alive? If stuffed, I think we saw it in the back of a pickup truck last Friday traveling north from Atlanta. Tailgate open with the huge tail end sticking out. Quite a sight! Wish I had been quick enough to get a photo…

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🤣 this one was ALIVE.

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The alligator is named Albert, and the story is so sad, with terrible over reach by agencies that have known for 20 some odd yrs about the alligator, and permits given, until COVID creating difficult communication for renewal of said permit. This man had an indoor pool enclosure built, and cared very much for this tame creature. They came in with guns drawn, and removed poor Albert, with the owner not even told where they took him! It is big news here in western NY

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OK that is actually horrific. Why are people so awful?😭

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

My work mandated it but did accept religious exemptions, which was granted for me. They did “brand” all of the unvaxed with a “yellow badge”! Still makes me so mad!

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Why is it that I think I recall hearing officials say… if you take the vax you won’t get Covid andyou won’t pass it on to granny? People were told it was contagious. afterall a ship full of people on a cruise almost all got it, didn’t they? Did I imagine that?

Fear of contagion was rampant! Doctors didn’t say it would reduce symptoms at first. Oh no! Vaccines were to prevent getting sick?

My doctor was so terrified of Covid the sign in his office and later on the front door said if you think you’ve been exposed to Covid within the last 6 weeks do not enter! Go home and if you get worse go to the hospital. He is still to this day offering shots and boosters! He had a girl sitting outside the front door taking your temperature before letting you in!!!

They sold FEAR by the bushel ! And if not held accountable , they

Will keep rolling out more to keep the money rolling in!


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You are NOT imagining that and you are so, so correct! They left those poor passengers "quarantined at sea" in squalid conditions for weeks, if I recall?!?! And that's BAT SHIT CRAZY about your doctor. Maybe go get a phone job in customer service or something, doc. (Funny the folks working at Costco and the liquor stores weren't shaking in their shoes.) What a stupid, ridiculous insane time.

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And we didn’t see illigals vaxxed at the border nor did they drop dead in their camps or fancy hotels from hanging out together ? No piles of dead bodies among the homeless?

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You all are

Really something. Tin fool hats galore

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Did you get hacked? Where are all of these comments coming from? (Or if they're legit... why are you here?)

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I am baffled how many people have this story wrong. Even RFK. I certainly wish this was the ruling, but it was not. The Court ruled that the evidence "when viewed in the light most favorable to the Plaintiffs" - which is the standard on a motion for judgment on the pleadings - does not support judgment on the pleadings for the Defendant, so the case should not have been dismissed. A great ruling for sure. But the 9th Circuit did not make a "factual ruling" that Plaintiffs' were correct, ie... that the shot was potentially only a treatment and not preventative, or that the Defendant was wrong in their policy. Only that there is a clear factual issue to be decided, and if Plaintiff is correct, then Jacobsen arguably would not apply. So, on remand the Plaintiff's will get to make the argument, and hopefully they will prevail! But it's far from over.

I have only seen Tom Renz who also had this ruling correct.

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The info I shared came directly from the Health Freedom Defense Fund's announcement (headline: HUGE Legal Victory – HFDF Wins Appeal in Ninth Circuit), which also includes this:

"On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the Supreme Court’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox. The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine."

I don't think I said anything about a factual ruling, but appreciate the additional info!

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Correct, you did not say anything about a factual ruling per se. I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. My apologies.

But some of what is alleged by all the press releases and commentaries is that the Court made some final determination that the vaccine isn't a vaccine, or similar, and they simply did not say that. They only said, in essence, that this factual issue should have its day in Court.

And I like you would normally rely on HFDF, David Martin and RFK, Jr. Don't blame you at all. But they aren't getting this story right, and they should know better.

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Fair enough. Maybe we're ALL (not you; I mean, myself and the group you mentioned) guilty of wishful thinking? Appreciate the nuance and you taking the time to share. :)

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You know I love you, Jenna!

I think that your statement that the "court *determines* that COVID vaccines aren't vaccines" [emphasis my own], per HFDFs rather loosely worded announcement, is not precisely what happened. My understanding of what happened is that, previously, the District Court had dismissed HFDF's case in agreement with LAUSD's defense that Jacobson v. Massachusetts states that the government has a right to insist on that citizens get vaccinated. What HFDF succeeded in doing upon appeal was to persuade the judges that a closer reading of JvM shows that the state's interest is limited to stopping the spread of a disease. They also showed that LAUSD had provided no evidence to show that the jabs stopped transmission. The Court ruling states that the District Court erred in its understanding of JvM as per where the state's interest in lies - that is, they agreed with HFDF that JvM does not give any state a blanket right to force vaccinations, but does demand efficacy. They therefore stated that HFDF's allegation that the jabs are a medical treatment, not a vaccination per JvM was based on a reasonable viewpoint. The Appellate Court thereby vacated the District Court's dismissal of the HFDF's case and said that the trail should continue. This is not a ruling stating that the jabs are not vaccines, but that HFDF's viewpoint is a reasonable one and dismissal unwarranted.

So, this ball is still very much in play, though the Court's ruling is a wonderful first step.

And, I apologize for the long post. I come from a long line of people who engage in legal argumentation for sport. Hugs and love!

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Do not apologize!!! I'm a big girl and can handle being wrong. Appreciate the comment (and your note that the ruling is a wonderful first step, phew!). :)

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Your summary is also my understanding, Jeff. Thank you for saying it. It's a complex decision, filled with nuanced points. I don't think anyone who presented what I consider to be a misunderstood interpretation of the 9th CCofA's ruling was intentionally trying to misrepresent, however.

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This is awesome news and I love your accurate description - “Ancient, Infirm, Possibly-Cloned Kid-Sniffer-in-Chief Is Officially Less Coordinated than Average Five-Year-Old.”

I look forward to reading your sub stacks and I hope you will one day write one of the Canadian leader and his ridiculous liberal party alongside the pathetic NDP party who pump the same BS. You could probably write a bestseller just on this alone.

Thanks again!

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Just passed this along to a friend who was forced to Vax to keep his job. “Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.” Thank you!

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Jun 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

They won’t give up: Moderna Combination Shot Outperforms Standalone Flu, Covid-19 Jabshttps://www.barrons.com/articles/moderna-combination-covid-vaccine-931f37a9?st=cs3cbbilpwidcsc

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Wow… 😩🤬

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Jun 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I am just stoopid excited...for ANY improvement to current situation. As in, I GOT UR BOOK!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Gonna be a read aloud on my next flight ;)

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Bahahahahaha that's amazing! PLEASE RECORD AND SEND TO ME! ;)

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Jun 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I do hope this "spreads" to Canada!! Great read! Thank you!!

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We don’t need this BS in Canada. Maybe you should

Move to a Red state. We don’t need fascists and magas in Canada. Thanks 🙅🏼‍♀️

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Fascists and MAGAs? Enjoy your socialism!

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