Liberal tears and snowflakes melting are a source of entertainment. 😉 I would suggest they learn to adjust their attitudes and be open to listening to other's views. But that ain't likely to happen. So join the 4B movement, get a vasectomy, stay only on bluesky, keep masks on and please get every and all shots and boosters - ya know - follow the science and flatten the curve. 😉

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...follow the science and fatten Big Pharma.

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Of alllll the substacks I have read on this subject, this one kicks down the rusty door of the journalist’s who…

Oh, I can’t even begin…

It’s perfect.

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Hahahahaha you understood the assignment. ;)

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AI powered “bias meter”, will be a new version of “fact checking”.

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Yes, we should be _very_ fearful of this "feature."

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I'm embarrassed about all the assumptions that I used to make about conservatives. I'm also embarrassed to admit that I used to think all mainstream news told only the facts and the truth.

Having been censored countless times over the past few years for having shared information that I got from alternatives news which proved to be correct, I'm now exquisitely aware of how dangerous government and media can be when the powers that be collude against citizens. We end up with the sh*t show that we're seeing around the globe today.

The media REALLY IS the only protection against corruption. Without a free media, humanity is doomed. Now that the truth is coming out IN SPITE OF mainstream media, it's obvious that the powers that be are doubling down. It's pathetic to see just how treasonous our leaders in business, government, academia, medicine really are.

Future generations will curse our name if we don't rise up globally as citizens of all countries and take back our power and relocalize our institutions and make them answerable to the people. It's starts with the media.

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Don't be embarrassed! The propaganda is real and it's powerful. Congrats for seeing through it in due time. (I was right there with you, trusting the media, at one time... never again!)

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Welcome to the dark side ;).

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The LA Lefty Times used to be a relatively left of center rag. This dates back to the 90’s, though. We did subscribe to the rag because it wasn’t dominated by the now moronically insane swamp creatures.

Would we subscribe to the rag ever again? I would be open to reading it if the hired someone like Rich Lowry, Miranda Devine or Maureen Callahan. Denis Prager would be fantastic, but that would be a pipe dream!

How about the hire you, Jenna! Spice things up a bit! I would be a shoe in for a subscription. Bam 💥

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IMHO, California may be on a red pilling road to recovery. No promises, but we added just shy of 2 million more votes to the conservative aisle in the 2024 election! Number 1 change in the country.

Did you know that Cali is more than 75% deep red once you get outside the urban sprawl of loonatic lefties?! Yes! Our voices are being heard loud and with clarity.

I don’t recommend any sane person to move here, but times are a changing. This girl ( me, of course) hits the beach every morning with the pups and proceeds to do the Trump dance in gratitude 🙏💜💯. No kidding.

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Illinois is the same once you get away from the blue infectious boil on the ass end of Lake Michigan.

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I am just going to say it out loud! This country is deep red! Exceptions are not the majority. Period, end of the story.

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Ditto for WA.

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Yep, and Oregon. Probably every state! Sadly, WA was the only state to veer left...

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Here's the sort of article that could potentially drive the moronically insane swamp creatures parading as legit journalists (i.e., LA LEFTY TIMES) nuttier than a fruitcake! Love, love, love it! https://nypost.com/2024/12/08/opinion/in-the-eyes-of-the-world-america-is-back-thanks-to-donald-trump-whether-they-like-it-or-not/

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I never subscribed to a newspaper in my life. But, now, something (nostalgia?) is suggesting the idea as attractive. In fact until the 'reveal,' I was toying with the idea of showing encouragement for the statements of the owner/chairman by signing up. Although the identify of the subject paper brought me up short, I would still consider it if it moved out of California (I bet there's at least one town in a red state ready to agree to change its name to "Los Angeles"), hired journalists from schools with traditional journalism programs, and changed its name ("The Newspaper formerly known as..."). I do not require an apology; I'm big-hearted that way.

Print news could come roaring back.

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The only move that the LA Times needs to make to survive is to claw its way back towards objective reportage of the news. The same applies to other MSM institutions presently on life-support.

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I think a writer or a party "with patent authoritarian ambitions" sees any opponent as having "patent authoritarian ambitions.”

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What are they bitching about? President Trump can only have 4 more years, unless they are wetting their panties he will do a Zelensky, so that gives them a thrilling 4 more years to have their hackles raised to the height of the nearest giant sequoia to feed their TDS. Which is apparently the only sustenance needed for them to survive. Every GD thing bad is a metaphor for Trump. I have a flat tire—f*k Trump—he’s taking away tire regulations. My neighbor is trapping squirrels on his deck and releasing them humanely into the wild (not euthanizing like that other poor squirrel) Dictator trump is destroying nature. “Just like Trump” I hear around all the time. These so called journalists have 4 more years of a cozy brain vacation running on hate fumes.

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The only solution is to get two authors to write one pro, one con, then run their articles side by side.

Let the reader, after being exposed to both sides of the issue and being appraised of the actual facts, make their own individual judgment.

Ignoring half of the facts while reporting only those facts that fit your narrative is the whole problem.

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With actual links included.

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"To democrats—who could literally find a way to make the vandalism of a nativity scene in Mexico about Trump—refusing to continually and unilaterally vilify the man is akin to praising him. It’s pandering. Brown-nosing. Submission. Resignation. It’s basically treason."

TDS is a disease with no cure in the foreseeable future. A shame that I have to revel in the glory of a Trump victory( sarcasm definitely included) ; oops I mean a victory for the people of the USA; oops I mean the "deplorables"; oops I mean the "garbage". WTF up people. The"karens" of the blue states are indefinite "FOols and imbeciles" who revel in their Starbucks latte drinking bubble of Karenship...

Its the people who arose and said " They have had enough".

NOw it's time to "Make this Country Great again." It is Trump time.


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You've posed a delicious tableau: imagine Dr. Bhattacharya "declaring" Trump Derangement Syndrome a pandemic, and mandating injections of an untested experimental substance for everyone showing symptoms to "prevent its spread and save the old folks."

(Actually more humane because asymptomatic people would be exempted.)

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I was tempted to point out all the afflicted would need to do to escape the unwanted injections is to clam up, but then I realized TDS sufferers couldn't shut their mouths to save their lives.

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Love this. ❤️

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Great piece of satirical commentary, Jenna. You reference that the Washington Post's billionaire owner (Mr. Bezos) made the same decision - and evoked the exact same melt-down from subscribers and a few outraged writers.

I wrote about the mass temper tantrum of 200,000 Post subscribers, who cancelled their subscriptions when this "fair and balanced" newspaper wouldn't endorse a presidential candidate.


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How many WAPO subscription-cancellers are individuals whose paychecks originate from somewhere inside the beltway? Out of the 200k I'll wager the percentage is in the 90's.

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LA Times Chairman Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong seems to have taken a page out of Dilbert's Pointy-haired Boss's book. From the best-Dilbert-ever, P-hB poses the question at a staff meeting: "Who here has so little to do and has so much time on their hands they can help me with a project corporate has sent down to identify and eliminate all the deadwood in the company?" Second panel: all the main characters, Dilbert, Sally, Wally, share knowing looks while the ever-present New Guy looks puzzled. Third panel: the New Guy excitedly raises and waves his hand. Final panel: the boss is saying, "Good, good... erm. Anyone else?..."

Trump would call call Harry Litman's symbolic resignation "self-deportation."

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Litman will certainly become that “angry, unkind man who lives in a trailer” once he is force-fed the absence of public appeal, appreciation or acknowledgement for his formerly blue bias-ness. (Can’t we just see the Spirit of Christmas Past rubbing his face in his self-righteousness!) It’s certain,y a step down from the moral high perch he ‘believes’ is his entitlement as a (sic) journalist. Let that creaky, rusty screen door hit you in your undeserving journalistic *ss on the way to Burning Man 2025!

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Hahahahaha THIS!!

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I think it is great. Conservatives have been pushed under the manhole cover of MSM for years. It is about time for some vindication or DEI for us. We need to turn around and use Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in all MSM pieces. And a paper full of OP-ED pieces is NOT news. We don't care about what 'they' think. Just give us the facts and let us make up our own mind. Opinions deserve one page. Leave the rest to news facts. I am sick of the politicization of everything. Shut up already. Check USGS.gov and report on all the earthquakes happening of the NoCal coast in clusters, at the intersection of 2 tectonic plates. How about that for a story?? And the earthquake in Yellowstone within the last 24 hours? God forbid there is a brain amongst them. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Brains? Not so much.

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Bahahahahaha ("and they all stink")!!! ;) Well said!

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It will take a miracle for them to survive as will all other LLM (lying legacy media). People have moved on to their fave substacks, Tucker, Rogan or X for their news and information. The LLM opinionators, demonstrated and stated superiority, is akin to the tantrum of a 3 yr old. They don't have enough sense to stop digging when they are about to fall in the sink hole. For the LLM, there will be no funerals, no regrets, just apathy as they die which is probably the most insulting but richly deserved! Oh oh and look who wants to help the incoming gov now, Busy Bezos himself? Why? Can he see the future of his Post? Adieu veau, vache, cochon, couvee!

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I needed a little help with this so I ran it through translate.google.com:

"Adieu veau, vache, cochon, couvee!" is equivalent to "Gow-jee tastey, boa, muc, brood." in Manx (spoken on the Isle of Man), but "Shɛɛ tsinabi, tsina, kpootoo, bii." in Ga (southeastern Ghana). (I make it to be an expression used by farmers moving to town.)

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Inherently, most people know the truth when they see it or hear it. Truth has the 'ring of truth'. It resonates within. Readings of Peterson (and many podcasts), books like "The Intellectual Life" and even Psychology Today agree that speaking the truth makes you a whole individual where speaking lies you know to be lies to manipulate is actually detrimental to your health, unless you are sociopathic and lying makes you feel powerful.

Read enough of Ian Robertson's brain chemistry research or Steven Pinker's work and etc., you will come to the conclusion that "feeling the truth" is literally apart of our DNA's inherent behavioral directives. Like spiders, birds, bees and every other living species having behaviors that are unlearned and obviously are DNA inherited traits that foster species survival, human DNA leads us to seek the "truth" and we resonate within when we identify it. Speaking only the truth as we know it, guides us to a greater understanding of what is truth and who speak truth around us and who do not.

If you think about this further, humanity is geared to sharing knowledge and talent in exchange for that in others that we do not inherently carry. In doing so we create a value structure which we call merit-based compensation that is present, if you read carefully, in the US Constitution. This is also very obvious when investing in other countries without the same protections to free speech and individual property. The US is the best country for investment because the US Constitution promotes free speech, innovation and it protects one's rights to one's own intellectual creativity.

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"...speaking the truth makes you a whole individual where speaking lies you know to be lies to manipulate is actually detrimental to your health, unless you are sociopathic and lying makes you feel powerful." [Aside: is it better for your health then to lie if you are a sociopath? Could the MSM simply solve their perspective problem by pre-pending a disclaimer: "Warning: presenters are lying for their health."?]

A great observation, sadly too long for a bumper sticker, and worthy to prod that technology to upgrade to bumper folio.

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I’d love to kick into the kitty but keep getting a notification that says something akin to “you can’t do that while in the app” when pushing the button “manage subscription “ . Better to lose the fake button and put a working donation link in its place. Otherwise thanks for brightening our Mondays!

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Aweeeeeee thanks! Currently substack doesn't allow you to upgrade a subscription from the app (design flaw!), only from a desktop for some random reason. Appreciate your support!! :)

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Fwiw, I think the app generally sucks. Uninstall it and your links will simply open in your browser.

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Maybe put a recurring link to your donation location for the less clued of us ?

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This is what SS support gave me (not sure if you can click it and do from your phone or not?!?!): jennasside.rocks/subscribe Thanks again! :)

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Pointing out there's ANOTHER cadre of people who mistakenly feel superiority over the masses: programmers. Because they alone can code they ASSume they alone should get to decide WHAT programs will do and HOW they will be used.

Just imagine what backing away from those assumptions would mean for real people.

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Fwiw, I think the app generally sucks. Uninstall it and your links will simply open in your browser.

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Ah, found this string again, no your new found link didn’t stick to anything we can see on this side !

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