Some points to include when you call the senators (personalize as you wish):
Kennedy has an army of supporters who helped elect Trump. They can swing elections and will remember how you vote on this question.
The US is sicker than all other developed nations, by far, and this situation is bankrupting our country and causing untold suffering, disability and mortality.
We have an epidemic of chronic disease that is now affecting children with illnesses that children have historically never had.
This is an emergency situation, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the single most qualified person in the world to turn it around, due to his long history of studying and fighting this problem. He knows that this problem is fundamentally due to corruption in our regulatory agencies because of their capture by the industries they are supposed to be regulating.
Please ignore the smears against Kennedy that are made by the pharmaceutical and monied special interests whose profits and power he is challenging. They have run amok with our country and it is time to stop listening to them and fix our problem instead. Kennedy will do this.
This is not a partisan issue. Get on the right side of history before it's too late for our country.
Well said. I'm going to ask my Senator Durbin today what his legacy will be. Gopher for Big Pharma or a Champion for the American people and the health of our nation!
Let's not forget that Big health Insurance and much more to lose than Big Pharma. They have three times the muscle!
Here's a list of Senators we're told need extra urging to get on the right side of history with extra calls and emails to support RFK Jr's nomination.
Focus on ending chronic disease epidemic and getting toxins/chemicals out of our food.
Word it in a way to say that you feel that RFK Jr has the best experience to help us make the country healthy again and significantly reduce chronic disease.
I've sent letters to my senators (Oregon), on confirming the cabinet nominees, they are deadwood. But we've got to try! As someone mentioned, just one of us is a mere drop, thousands of us become an ocean. My senior senator, Ron Wyden is former chair of the finance committee (now ranking member).
I'm grom Oregon aso, written them twice, got a response from Merkley saying if it went to a full senate vote, he would consider everything RFK Jr says. We'll see.
That's interesting you got a reply from Merkley. I get Merkley's newsletter. Of the 4 senators in OR and WA state, Merkley is most likely to vote yes (not that likely) and Wyden most likely to vote no. Wyden is former chair of the senate finance committee, Maria Cantwell is also on that committee. Patty Murray is on the HELP committee.
I wrote through their website response page to vote yes for RFK, I mentioned that I am a member of CHD (Bobby was chair and chief council), and also vote to confirm Jay Battacharya (NIH), Dave Weldon (CDC), Marty Makary (FDA)
Their message page requires address and phone #.
I didn't mention that they are deadwood on the most crucial topic (of their careers! as they might be slightly offended of the truth).
I ran across a pro Kennedy letter to send to my Congressman, but it disappeared. I ask co-pilot if it could find it. NOPE! Found three letters from anti-RFK websites protesting the nomination of RFK. So..AI is being controlled by the left? Ask your anti-RFK Congressman the following questions: What will your legacy be? When will stop being a gopher for Big pharma that has created so much harm and death? Don't forget Big Health Insurance is three times the size of Big Pharma and has much to loose if PBM"s are outlawed! Only Medicare should have the right.
AI is completely controlled and subjective. AI is just software that is programmed by people. Would it really be better if it were controlled by the right? Is truly objective AI even possible, given that is designed and programmed by highly-subjective humans?
I agree 150% with everything you said! I've followed RFK Jr. for at least 15 yrs, he has worked so hard to bring truth to us regarding vaxes, and children's health. I have huge respect for him. Thank you so much for the info on him having huge base of followers!
(There is some overlap – a few senators are in both groups.)
Be sure to include the 7 senators we're told need extra urging to get on the right side of history, before it's too late for our ailing country (see list above or below).
Speak earnestly, politely, clearly, and a bit slowly so they can write it down. It's helpful to write out a little script for yourself so you don't falter or forget something.
Let's have a tidal wave of Americans calling on their lunch break or coffee break or whenever possible. WE CAN DO THIS!
Thank you for your insight, Dr. Pepper! I just wrote my Senator, Rick Scott to encourage him to vote for RFK in spite of the money he’s taken from Pharma (which I pointed out in my letter). I think RFK Jr needs to take a LARGE and easily seen list of how much each Senator has taken from Pharma into his hearing so that it’s available for everyone to see.
Yes, we need to push to show how much money is taken from pharma to reveal who our representatives are really serving: 1) their bank accounts or 2) us, their constituents.
I wish one senator in these upcoming hearings would show a couple of photos of the "embalmers' clots" on the big overhead screen in the room. Then ask Kennedy:
"Have you seen these photos? (He has). Is it possible Covid vaccines caused them? If the vaccines didn't cause these white, fibrous, worm-like clots, what did? Under your leadership, will the HHS/NIH, CDC at least investigate what's causing these clots?"
... Somehow I don't think this question is going to be asked. (I still think the public can learn more from the questions that are never asked than we can from the questions that are asked.)
"It’s a terrifying time to be alive if you’re mostly braindead and actually get your “news” from the so-called media."
Are you suuuuure that this is true Jenna? I would argue that most of them are blissfully ignorant and love living in the Matrix because they don't know to be scared. It's true for most of the people I know at least.
Methinks that this is also more drama to distract us from the real issue of operation covid being a complete scam that was and continues to be pulled off by the biopharmceutical military industrial complex. RFK Jr will get selected just like Trump got selected because they are towing the line. No mention of covid being a scam and definitely no mention of the death jabs because mRNA is clearly the new technology that is going to save humanity. Only time wi.... have a great week 😀
A friend posted a screen shot this morning of a recommended page to follow on Facebook. It said right on it "China state sponsored media" and she commented that that's something she'd never follow. Meanwhile she posts screenshots from CNN and ABC/NBC frequently. She truly doesn't see the irony.
The line you quoted jumped out at me too. I was going to post the same objection you did. They're blissfully ignorant, not terrified. A better wording is:
"It's a DANGEROUS time to be alive if you're mostly braindead and actually get your news from the so-called media".
Vee, I love your comments, I really do! No sarcasm involved. Jenna, and consequently your (and others') comments are getting global audience here on Substack. People like me, for whom English is the second, third, fourth... language. Let's remember that commas may save lives (famous "let's eat grandma" vs "let's eat, grandma"), I had to read twice your "... that this is true Jenna?" to realise you're not accusing a bot of writing the article! 😀 😃 🙂
After watching Trump cozy up to CIA shill and ardent transhumanist, Larry Ellison, in order to promote (gulp) mRNA vaxes for everyone (in the name of curing cancer, of course), it unfortunately would not surprise me if Trump himself were behind it. This makes increasingly more sense with the recent firing of Aaron Siri from RFK Jr's team - by the administration.
If you do a simple Yandex search (digital ID DNA), you'll see that this is where Universal Digital ID's have been headed from the beginning - and were almost accomplished during the plandemic. Ellison is a promoter of the surveillance state via digital ID, world-wide camera networks, and ???? for at least 25-30 years. For Pete's sake, it's not even controversial to say he's a billionaire thanks to Oracle's work at the behest of the CIA.
How convenient for Mr Operation Warp Speed himself (Trump) to watch RFK Jr's confirmation process swirl down the toilet, while ardently protesting and threatening to the contrary.
Call me a conspiracy theorist but.....
BTW Jenna, today's column kicked some serious ass - as always!
The only thing I have found about Siri Is that he is unlikely to join HHS, although he is expected to “retain broad influence from the outside” per Politico. This Substack article identifies Stephanie Spears, RFKJ former campaign press secretary and recently appointed deputy chief of staff at HHS as the one who temporarily paused external communications for CDC, FDA, NIH, etc, maybe coincidentally one day after the WHO declared a bird flu emergency.
Saw that last week; cannot find it now. I guess I need to archive every single thing I read these days. Wherever I read it, the headline was something along the lines of Trump Meets with Gill Bates at Mar-a-Lago. Days Later Let's go of Trusted RFK Advisor... Found it.... I have no idea about Bartee or his site (hopefully I wasn't duped by Singapore's version of Real Raw News).
Ever heard that old saw keep your friends close and your enemies (especially those with limitless money) closer? That old plastic face made a total fool of himself most likely trying to reassure his cronies where his loyalties lie but I wouldn’t just blindly believe that was something the president himself believes/supports unless it came out of HIS mouth. Something to *watch* no doubt.
Wrote this intro - hope it lands, and that more Iowans feel the way I do, however I am not hopeful. Had very little parental support in good endeavors, even among scout families. Convenience trumps effort in much of our population I fear. Here are my words:
As a 58 year old mother of 6 children and 4 grandchildren, I have witnessed the physical and mental health decline in our American youth. I made food and healthcare choices for my children, homemade baby food, home cooked meals, limited processed food as much as possible. Used as much homeopathic pain and illness relief as possible before resorting to antibiotics. Tried to keep cell phones out of their hands for as long as possible, fought the Chromebook/Google invasion of the schools as much as I could. It was like holding back a tsunami of culture, government and institutional forces. I stand up for my principles and did my personal best to counteract the effects however it has been extremely harmful for most American children whose parents did not stand against all these forces.
I saw Jillian Michaels' expose. She's gotten quite good at podcasting and investigating. Good for her and good for us. I will contact my representatives. Do you think they will care to hear from someone who has a masters degree in nutrition? I'm wondering if I should also mention that in my bodywork practice and nutrition practice the number of people who are coming to me with vaccine injuries is staggering. Maybe, that's for another time.
It’s the last time we’ll get this close to changing things. If the lobby’s win, we’re headed down the health-by-needle cattle chute. Write, call, telegram, ride a horse to get there, whatever it takes. He’s the most consequential nominee. We have to help however we can.
Wow! I just got "your message was received" auto-replies... no indication of what they would do. I did read that calling was far more effective than emailing, FWIW.
I wrote both my senators last week and received a condescending reply from Snarky Markey telling me RFKJr was antivax and handing out misinformation. Ugh! I wrote back telling him I was disappointed that he hadn’t done his research and he was towing the party line, among the other things I said to him. He’s pretty worthless as is Warren spewing misinformation herself.
Why do you think it was him who sent it. It’s just done by staffers. We are just the peons. Call the office and talk to the staffer. Make them hear your voice. These Dem senators are the dumbest elites on the face of the earth. All of them. Plus throw a few Rino pachyderms in too.
i feel your pain. My senators are Bernie "Grifter" Sanders and the equally useless Peter Welch. Our sole US representative is an utter embarrassment as well.
A congressional staffer told us that phone calling is number one. They mark down some details. Or at least they did at one time. Nobody really reads the emails as they get thousands so I don’t send any. So they are useless. I used to fax thinking at least someone might take a look before hitting the circular file.
Please also CALL THEM and read your letter to them, if someone answers, or leave it on their voice mail. SOME ADDITIONAL POINTS you may want to make are in my comment below, as you wish.
The entire congressional contingent from New Mexico is Marxist, so there is no hope of swaying them.
And if 9 or so republican senators are on the take from Big Pharma, I don’t see RFKJ being confirmed & frankly I think that’s been the plan all along. RFKJ was promised an important position in the administration to get him to endorse Trump & bring along many or most of his supporters. That “promise” has been kept w/ the caveat of senate confirmation over which Trump ostensibly has no control.
I think Kennedy is sacrificial like Gaetz was for AG. Everyone has said from the get-go that at least a couple of noms would get voted down. Kennedy has a lot of controversial personal issues in his past & as we saw w/ Hegseth, that’s where DemoncRATs will focus & what lame street media will breathlessly report.
It will be a tragedy for the country if Kennedy is not confirmed & it will be interesting to see who the more palatable alternative is.
And I DO believe Siri was forced out. I can’t swear it’s true but it has been mentioned on other ‘Stacks
Fetterman has been a surprise, which could be due to his brush w/ permanent damage or death. I reckon that puts life & doing the right thing to the best of one's ability beyond petty politics & tribalism. At least for anyone who takes such brushes seriously.
PA. We had lived here before, about 15 years ago, and decided we wanted to retire here. We're in one of the very red areas, surrounded by farms and history.
Thanks Jenna for the quick link to show support for RFKJ. This is a first for me, I've never contacted my senator before. I'm also urging my friends and family to do the same. I let my senators (both Dems) know the following:
"I switched parties and registered as a Democrat for the first time in my life just so that I could vote for RFKJ in the primaries (before he dropped out of the Dem party). I've never been politically active before, but will go to great lengths to support Bobby and will never forget those getting in the way."
True story! I'd been telling my (very red) friends for a few years now that if it came down to Trump vs RFKJ I might go for RFKJ... thankfully we got both (hopefully!).
I’ve emailed (thru the link) my Ohio Senator - Bernie Moreno - even though I feel certain that Bernie will vote to confirm Bobby.
Bernie was in attendance at a local patriot meeting in October of 2023 when Tom Haviland and I did a presentation on the embalmer clots. So he knows first hand what the shots are doing to people.
And I find it interesting that it’s 17,000 doctors. Why not 18,000? There’s that number 17 again!
Well done once again, Jenna! I love the details. This was the plan all along. Get all the libertarian/medical freedom voices votes using RFK Jr., with no intention of ever using actually following through with his service to the nation. This is how the tyranny running our nation operates. It is so very important that the effects of the Tavistock Institute/Edward Bernays/CIA/Satan and their continual social engineering that has been in full control of our our nation and citizenry for decades be pointed out - each and every time it is manifest. In so doing, perhaps we can wake up more and more of the masses who have been lulled into their false sense of security by the hopium. Only in so doing will we ever have a chance of taking back our nation. Then, we can hold accountable pedophiles such as Bill Gates for his crimes against humanity.
Just more evidence that the MSM cannot be trusted...and more evidence that investigative journalism in the MSM is stone cold DEAD in the USA. Just as countries "wag the dog" to create new opportunities for creating war against another country, it seems that Big Pharma is "wagging the bird" to create fear-mongering about the bird flu or ANY flu or any virus. Heck, there was ONE death from the bird flu.
In 2010 (!) I wrote a blog called "How To Create Your Own Pandemic: Learn from Big Pharma's Creativity," and I just re-published it because I actually predicted that Big Pharma would create a new pandemic and even use an exotic story where I predicted that they would claim that it was the result of exposure to bat feces or bat blood. See for yourself: How To Create Your Own Pandemic: Learn from Big Pharma's Creativity:
Here's my version of some of the suggested language - if any of you find it helpful:
"My name is [NAME], and I’m calling you today to urge you to vote in favor of appointing Robert Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Mr. Kennedy’s commitment to public health makes him an excellent candidate for this position. Surely you would support someone who wants to shed light on the truth, efficacy, benefits, and necessity of each and every vaccine. Surely you want to put the health of your constituents and all Americans above the financial interests of those who may care more about their bottom line than us. I’m sure, like me, you want good health and good food not just for yourself but for all your family members, friends, and co-workers. We all want the same thing. We have so much more in common than we don’t. Especially wanting a healthful legacy for our children and grandchildren.
Robert Kennedy has a massive army of supporters like me who helped elect Trump. We will be watching with great anticipation, focus, and interest as the confirmation hearings proceed. Thanks in advance for your time. "
Some points to include when you call the senators (personalize as you wish):
Kennedy has an army of supporters who helped elect Trump. They can swing elections and will remember how you vote on this question.
The US is sicker than all other developed nations, by far, and this situation is bankrupting our country and causing untold suffering, disability and mortality.
We have an epidemic of chronic disease that is now affecting children with illnesses that children have historically never had.
This is an emergency situation, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the single most qualified person in the world to turn it around, due to his long history of studying and fighting this problem. He knows that this problem is fundamentally due to corruption in our regulatory agencies because of their capture by the industries they are supposed to be regulating.
Please ignore the smears against Kennedy that are made by the pharmaceutical and monied special interests whose profits and power he is challenging. They have run amok with our country and it is time to stop listening to them and fix our problem instead. Kennedy will do this.
This is not a partisan issue. Get on the right side of history before it's too late for our country.
Pinning this perfection! :)
Well said. I'm going to ask my Senator Durbin today what his legacy will be. Gopher for Big Pharma or a Champion for the American people and the health of our nation!
Let's not forget that Big health Insurance and much more to lose than Big Pharma. They have three times the muscle!
Durbin is mine too. He is focused on getting big harmas claws on our supplements with stiff regulation. I’m always getting action notices about this.
Here's a list of Senators we're told need extra urging to get on the right side of history with extra calls and emails to support RFK Jr's nomination.
Focus on ending chronic disease epidemic and getting toxins/chemicals out of our food.
Word it in a way to say that you feel that RFK Jr has the best experience to help us make the country healthy again and significantly reduce chronic disease.
List from Senator Marshall:
- -
Bill Cassidy (LA-R)
DC Number: (202) 224-5824
- -
Susan Collins (ME-R)
DC Number: (202) 224-2523
- -
Lisa Murkowski (AK-R)
DC Number: (202) 224-6665
- -
Mitch McConnell (KY-R)
DC Number: (202) 224-2541
- -
Thom Tillis (NC-R)
DC Number: (202) 224-6342
- -
Cory Booker (NJ-D)
DC Number: (202) 224-3224
- -
Catherine Cortez Masto (NV-D)
DC Number: (202) 224-3542
I wish I could double-pin this!!! Also sharing to Notes! :)
I've sent letters to my senators (Oregon), on confirming the cabinet nominees, they are deadwood. But we've got to try! As someone mentioned, just one of us is a mere drop, thousands of us become an ocean. My senior senator, Ron Wyden is former chair of the finance committee (now ranking member).
I'm grom Oregon aso, written them twice, got a response from Merkley saying if it went to a full senate vote, he would consider everything RFK Jr says. We'll see.
That's interesting you got a reply from Merkley. I get Merkley's newsletter. Of the 4 senators in OR and WA state, Merkley is most likely to vote yes (not that likely) and Wyden most likely to vote no. Wyden is former chair of the senate finance committee, Maria Cantwell is also on that committee. Patty Murray is on the HELP committee.
What did you say? I’m from Oregon too
I wrote through their website response page to vote yes for RFK, I mentioned that I am a member of CHD (Bobby was chair and chief council), and also vote to confirm Jay Battacharya (NIH), Dave Weldon (CDC), Marty Makary (FDA)
Their message page requires address and phone #.
I didn't mention that they are deadwood on the most crucial topic (of their careers! as they might be slightly offended of the truth).
I ran across a pro Kennedy letter to send to my Congressman, but it disappeared. I ask co-pilot if it could find it. NOPE! Found three letters from anti-RFK websites protesting the nomination of RFK. So..AI is being controlled by the left? Ask your anti-RFK Congressman the following questions: What will your legacy be? When will stop being a gopher for Big pharma that has created so much harm and death? Don't forget Big Health Insurance is three times the size of Big Pharma and has much to loose if PBM"s are outlawed! Only Medicare should have the right.
AI is completely controlled and subjective. AI is just software that is programmed by people. Would it really be better if it were controlled by the right? Is truly objective AI even possible, given that is designed and programmed by highly-subjective humans?
Did you try Grok? I’d be curious those results
I agree 150% with everything you said! I've followed RFK Jr. for at least 15 yrs, he has worked so hard to bring truth to us regarding vaxes, and children's health. I have huge respect for him. Thank you so much for the info on him having huge base of followers!
Perfect!! I will be reaching out to Hawley and Schmitt today!
P.S. January 28:
Let's make a TSUNAMI OF PHONE CALLS TODAY! Our health and that of our children are hanging in the balance!
It's ideal if we all call again during 'business hours' to try to get someone on the phone, and multiple times are more powerful.
Call your 2 senators, and everyone on the 2 committees holding hearings for RFK Jr:
Committee on Finance
Committee on Health Ed Labor Pensions
(There is some overlap – a few senators are in both groups.)
Be sure to include the 7 senators we're told need extra urging to get on the right side of history, before it's too late for our ailing country (see list above or below).
Speak earnestly, politely, clearly, and a bit slowly so they can write it down. It's helpful to write out a little script for yourself so you don't falter or forget something.
Let's have a tidal wave of Americans calling on their lunch break or coffee break or whenever possible. WE CAN DO THIS!
Beautiful! Thank you Beth. On it!
Thank you for your insight, Dr. Pepper! I just wrote my Senator, Rick Scott to encourage him to vote for RFK in spite of the money he’s taken from Pharma (which I pointed out in my letter). I think RFK Jr needs to take a LARGE and easily seen list of how much each Senator has taken from Pharma into his hearing so that it’s available for everyone to see.
LOVE the idea of the huge list...
Yes, we need to push to show how much money is taken from pharma to reveal who our representatives are really serving: 1) their bank accounts or 2) us, their constituents.
Kind of off topic, but really not:
I wish one senator in these upcoming hearings would show a couple of photos of the "embalmers' clots" on the big overhead screen in the room. Then ask Kennedy:
"Have you seen these photos? (He has). Is it possible Covid vaccines caused them? If the vaccines didn't cause these white, fibrous, worm-like clots, what did? Under your leadership, will the HHS/NIH, CDC at least investigate what's causing these clots?"
... Somehow I don't think this question is going to be asked. (I still think the public can learn more from the questions that are never asked than we can from the questions that are asked.)
Yes, that visual aid and line of questioning would be powerful!
"It’s a terrifying time to be alive if you’re mostly braindead and actually get your “news” from the so-called media."
Are you suuuuure that this is true Jenna? I would argue that most of them are blissfully ignorant and love living in the Matrix because they don't know to be scared. It's true for most of the people I know at least.
Methinks that this is also more drama to distract us from the real issue of operation covid being a complete scam that was and continues to be pulled off by the biopharmceutical military industrial complex. RFK Jr will get selected just like Trump got selected because they are towing the line. No mention of covid being a scam and definitely no mention of the death jabs because mRNA is clearly the new technology that is going to save humanity. Only time wi.... have a great week 😀
Hahaha well played. ;)
A friend posted a screen shot this morning of a recommended page to follow on Facebook. It said right on it "China state sponsored media" and she commented that that's something she'd never follow. Meanwhile she posts screenshots from CNN and ABC/NBC frequently. She truly doesn't see the irony.
I believe it!
Your tenacious dedication to your perspective is breathtaking. 😆 it almost, ALMOST, exceeds my own tenacity.
I just called it like it see lol
I like reading your calls 😊❤️
The line you quoted jumped out at me too. I was going to post the same objection you did. They're blissfully ignorant, not terrified. A better wording is:
"It's a DANGEROUS time to be alive if you're mostly braindead and actually get your news from the so-called media".
Vee, I love your comments, I really do! No sarcasm involved. Jenna, and consequently your (and others') comments are getting global audience here on Substack. People like me, for whom English is the second, third, fourth... language. Let's remember that commas may save lives (famous "let's eat grandma" vs "let's eat, grandma"), I had to read twice your "... that this is true Jenna?" to realise you're not accusing a bot of writing the article! 😀 😃 🙂
After watching Trump cozy up to CIA shill and ardent transhumanist, Larry Ellison, in order to promote (gulp) mRNA vaxes for everyone (in the name of curing cancer, of course), it unfortunately would not surprise me if Trump himself were behind it. This makes increasingly more sense with the recent firing of Aaron Siri from RFK Jr's team - by the administration.
If you do a simple Yandex search (digital ID DNA), you'll see that this is where Universal Digital ID's have been headed from the beginning - and were almost accomplished during the plandemic. Ellison is a promoter of the surveillance state via digital ID, world-wide camera networks, and ???? for at least 25-30 years. For Pete's sake, it's not even controversial to say he's a billionaire thanks to Oracle's work at the behest of the CIA.
How convenient for Mr Operation Warp Speed himself (Trump) to watch RFK Jr's confirmation process swirl down the toilet, while ardently protesting and threatening to the contrary.
Call me a conspiracy theorist but.....
BTW Jenna, today's column kicked some serious ass - as always!
Are you 100% SURE the administration had Aaron Siri fired? I haven’t heard a word abt that.
I’m flummoxed to say the least, IF it’s true. Aaron Siri has been kicking ASS and taking names.
The only thing I have found about Siri Is that he is unlikely to join HHS, although he is expected to “retain broad influence from the outside” per Politico. This Substack article identifies Stephanie Spears, RFKJ former campaign press secretary and recently appointed deputy chief of staff at HHS as the one who temporarily paused external communications for CDC, FDA, NIH, etc, maybe coincidentally one day after the WHO declared a bird flu emergency.
I don’t think Aaron Siri was fired! No way!
Saw that last week; cannot find it now. I guess I need to archive every single thing I read these days. Wherever I read it, the headline was something along the lines of Trump Meets with Gill Bates at Mar-a-Lago. Days Later Let's go of Trusted RFK Advisor... Found it.... I have no idea about Bartee or his site (hopefully I wasn't duped by Singapore's version of Real Raw News).
Ever heard that old saw keep your friends close and your enemies (especially those with limitless money) closer? That old plastic face made a total fool of himself most likely trying to reassure his cronies where his loyalties lie but I wouldn’t just blindly believe that was something the president himself believes/supports unless it came out of HIS mouth. Something to *watch* no doubt.
Wait! Aaron was fired? Not from CHD though, right?
Aaron probably wanted no part in a govt position & wants to stay with CHD, doing fantastic legal work!
Wrote this intro - hope it lands, and that more Iowans feel the way I do, however I am not hopeful. Had very little parental support in good endeavors, even among scout families. Convenience trumps effort in much of our population I fear. Here are my words:
As a 58 year old mother of 6 children and 4 grandchildren, I have witnessed the physical and mental health decline in our American youth. I made food and healthcare choices for my children, homemade baby food, home cooked meals, limited processed food as much as possible. Used as much homeopathic pain and illness relief as possible before resorting to antibiotics. Tried to keep cell phones out of their hands for as long as possible, fought the Chromebook/Google invasion of the schools as much as I could. It was like holding back a tsunami of culture, government and institutional forces. I stand up for my principles and did my personal best to counteract the effects however it has been extremely harmful for most American children whose parents did not stand against all these forces.
I saw Jillian Michaels' expose. She's gotten quite good at podcasting and investigating. Good for her and good for us. I will contact my representatives. Do you think they will care to hear from someone who has a masters degree in nutrition? I'm wondering if I should also mention that in my bodywork practice and nutrition practice the number of people who are coming to me with vaccine injuries is staggering. Maybe, that's for another time.
I would ABSOLUTELY mention that!!!
YES!!! Absolutely mention that!
I thank God today for Jenna McCarthy. (figured a mere “like” wouldn’t do)
And ditto: “Let’s drown those SOBs!”
I’m onboard, gonna nail my loser NC Sen. Tillis with a VOTE YES message today.
*more blushing*
It's all true, babe. xox
It’s the last time we’ll get this close to changing things. If the lobby’s win, we’re headed down the health-by-needle cattle chute. Write, call, telegram, ride a horse to get there, whatever it takes. He’s the most consequential nominee. We have to help however we can.
Sadly I wrote my 2 senators, Warren and Markey and received clear indications that they were voting NO.
Wokeachusetts has the worst senators and I’m considering moving to NH. It’s so disturbing what Gates is doing.
Wow! I just got "your message was received" auto-replies... no indication of what they would do. I did read that calling was far more effective than emailing, FWIW.
I wrote both my senators last week and received a condescending reply from Snarky Markey telling me RFKJr was antivax and handing out misinformation. Ugh! I wrote back telling him I was disappointed that he hadn’t done his research and he was towing the party line, among the other things I said to him. He’s pretty worthless as is Warren spewing misinformation herself.
Call them anyway and tell them again what you think.
Why do you think it was him who sent it. It’s just done by staffers. We are just the peons. Call the office and talk to the staffer. Make them hear your voice. These Dem senators are the dumbest elites on the face of the earth. All of them. Plus throw a few Rino pachyderms in too.
i feel your pain. My senators are Bernie "Grifter" Sanders and the equally useless Peter Welch. Our sole US representative is an utter embarrassment as well.
A congressional staffer told us that phone calling is number one. They mark down some details. Or at least they did at one time. Nobody really reads the emails as they get thousands so I don’t send any. So they are useless. I used to fax thinking at least someone might take a look before hitting the circular file.
Please also CALL THEM and read your letter to them, if someone answers, or leave it on their voice mail. SOME ADDITIONAL POINTS you may want to make are in my comment below, as you wish.
Er, it's pinned to the top now. :>)
The entire congressional contingent from New Mexico is Marxist, so there is no hope of swaying them.
And if 9 or so republican senators are on the take from Big Pharma, I don’t see RFKJ being confirmed & frankly I think that’s been the plan all along. RFKJ was promised an important position in the administration to get him to endorse Trump & bring along many or most of his supporters. That “promise” has been kept w/ the caveat of senate confirmation over which Trump ostensibly has no control.
I think Kennedy is sacrificial like Gaetz was for AG. Everyone has said from the get-go that at least a couple of noms would get voted down. Kennedy has a lot of controversial personal issues in his past & as we saw w/ Hegseth, that’s where DemoncRATs will focus & what lame street media will breathlessly report.
It will be a tragedy for the country if Kennedy is not confirmed & it will be interesting to see who the more palatable alternative is.
And I DO believe Siri was forced out. I can’t swear it’s true but it has been mentioned on other ‘Stacks
Call them anyway. Heck, Fetterman seems to be changing his stance on a few things lately. And he seemed impermeable.
Fetterman has been a surprise, which could be due to his brush w/ permanent damage or death. I reckon that puts life & doing the right thing to the best of one's ability beyond petty politics & tribalism. At least for anyone who takes such brushes seriously.
We just left NH in 2023. It's not much better.
Do you mind saying where you moved to?
PA. We had lived here before, about 15 years ago, and decided we wanted to retire here. We're in one of the very red areas, surrounded by farms and history.
Thanks Jenna for the quick link to show support for RFKJ. This is a first for me, I've never contacted my senator before. I'm also urging my friends and family to do the same. I let my senators (both Dems) know the following:
"I switched parties and registered as a Democrat for the first time in my life just so that I could vote for RFKJ in the primaries (before he dropped out of the Dem party). I've never been politically active before, but will go to great lengths to support Bobby and will never forget those getting in the way."
That actually gave me chills, no lie! YOU GO!!!
True story! I'd been telling my (very red) friends for a few years now that if it came down to Trump vs RFKJ I might go for RFKJ... thankfully we got both (hopefully!).
I’ve emailed (thru the link) my Ohio Senator - Bernie Moreno - even though I feel certain that Bernie will vote to confirm Bobby.
Bernie was in attendance at a local patriot meeting in October of 2023 when Tom Haviland and I did a presentation on the embalmer clots. So he knows first hand what the shots are doing to people.
And I find it interesting that it’s 17,000 doctors. Why not 18,000? There’s that number 17 again!
My senator is Freshman Dave McCormick. I'm pretty confident he'll vote with Kennedy as well.
Well done once again, Jenna! I love the details. This was the plan all along. Get all the libertarian/medical freedom voices votes using RFK Jr., with no intention of ever using actually following through with his service to the nation. This is how the tyranny running our nation operates. It is so very important that the effects of the Tavistock Institute/Edward Bernays/CIA/Satan and their continual social engineering that has been in full control of our our nation and citizenry for decades be pointed out - each and every time it is manifest. In so doing, perhaps we can wake up more and more of the masses who have been lulled into their false sense of security by the hopium. Only in so doing will we ever have a chance of taking back our nation. Then, we can hold accountable pedophiles such as Bill Gates for his crimes against humanity.
I signed that silly “doctor’s” list as Dr. Ben Dover, paediatric proctologist, specialising in pedophilia.
BRILLIANT! I should have gone with Dr. Rosenpenis or Dr. Rosenrosen. #IYKYK
Just more evidence that the MSM cannot be trusted...and more evidence that investigative journalism in the MSM is stone cold DEAD in the USA. Just as countries "wag the dog" to create new opportunities for creating war against another country, it seems that Big Pharma is "wagging the bird" to create fear-mongering about the bird flu or ANY flu or any virus. Heck, there was ONE death from the bird flu.
In 2010 (!) I wrote a blog called "How To Create Your Own Pandemic: Learn from Big Pharma's Creativity," and I just re-published it because I actually predicted that Big Pharma would create a new pandemic and even use an exotic story where I predicted that they would claim that it was the result of exposure to bat feces or bat blood. See for yourself: How To Create Your Own Pandemic: Learn from Big Pharma's Creativity:
Here's my version of some of the suggested language - if any of you find it helpful:
"My name is [NAME], and I’m calling you today to urge you to vote in favor of appointing Robert Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Mr. Kennedy’s commitment to public health makes him an excellent candidate for this position. Surely you would support someone who wants to shed light on the truth, efficacy, benefits, and necessity of each and every vaccine. Surely you want to put the health of your constituents and all Americans above the financial interests of those who may care more about their bottom line than us. I’m sure, like me, you want good health and good food not just for yourself but for all your family members, friends, and co-workers. We all want the same thing. We have so much more in common than we don’t. Especially wanting a healthful legacy for our children and grandchildren.
Robert Kennedy has a massive army of supporters like me who helped elect Trump. We will be watching with great anticipation, focus, and interest as the confirmation hearings proceed. Thanks in advance for your time. "