Prayers for you, your aunt and uncle. I’m a member of the C&C army and glad Jeff took notice of your essay on RFK jr.

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You and Jeff are the best.


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Agreed. All of us who read C&C generally love snark and sarcasm, so Jenna’s writing is a warm and comfy place.

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For some reason I thought Jeff was already aware of Jenna’s Side and the two of them were in regular comical cahoots with each other. 🤣 Had I known they weren’t I would have been plugging Jenna’s Substack over there almost every other day.

Regarding da files poll we took (as in daaaa bears, cuz I’m sick of spelling out his name and having my spellcheck wrestle with me twenty times before letting me spell it right) I’m scratching my head over the revelation that I’m like a 6%er. I thought I was in the majority. Am I really the last gullible fool around? I feel like we all were standing in a field patiently waiting and I’m studying a clover at my feet and when I look up you’re all at the edge of the forest 500 yards away and I’m out in the open by myself. I somehow have faith we will get things but from the beginning I never believed it would happen quickly. I knew it was a hornet’s nest over there filled with rat traps at every turn and would be complex to navigate. I also knew that files would be destroyed. And that it would take time to set traps for the saboteurs so it could be proven in court one day. So many things would need a lot more time than a flimsy week.

So the thought of all the paperwork they have to sift through and cross reference and whatnot, audio and video that needs to be obtained possibly viewed, missing evidence needing to be rundown, hunting for potential whistleblowers to turn, well it is NOT something you can assure to get to people by the end of the day or even the week. And I don’t think they ever should have promised that.

I don’t think Pam Bondi will be compromised professionally. We will get whatever she can get.

I don’t think she is incompetent. But I think she needs more AGs to be helping her.

I do think there are very evil and corrupt people she has to work through (plow through) to get to the next door in the maze.

I’m sad we all raged for da files “NOW, dammit, NOW” and put her in a desperate position to keep their promises by releasing something, anything to the hungry wolves. I’m even more sad that when they proved they were mere humans who needed a few hours of sleep a night and therefore needed a few months for this undertaking that we immediately lost faith in them and the poll shows you’re all headed back into the shadowy forest of discontent while I’m still in the waiting room.

We instead should have been praying for intervention, for God to grant us patience and then what they need to do their jobs, for His hand to move in mysterious ways, and for their protection. We wanted Trump in office four years ago and we wanted him “NOW, dammit NOW” and then we were impatient with the J6 evidence being revealed …. and here all along God’s timing was better. Much. Much. Better. The turnout this election made it clear there was election fraud in 2020. The voter turnout numbers don’t lie. Those 19M never existed. And now we have DataRepublican’s giftedness uncovering a lot of interesting details about our government that may shed light. But even better is the cabinet we have today compared to what it would have been back then.

So with da files, what if God’s timing IS better AGAIN and we are shaking our fists impatiently from the desert? I’m trying to have faith that all will be revealed but if we lack the faith and prayer - well it’s like Moses being unable to hold that staff up as long as he needed to.

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Same on thinking Jeff and Jenna were having coffee on the daily …

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We also have to remember that Bondi and the DOJ are simultaneously battling dozens, maybe hundreds of lawsuits being filed against DOGE all across the country. It’s whack-a-mole lawfare. I think we must address the waste, fraud, corruption, and bloat in the federal government at breakneck speed, so we may have to cool our jets and be patient for any revelations about Epstein.

I’d love to see all the big, beautiful evidence laid out in full-color glossy pages, cross-referenced and indexed by perp, ready to present to juries so we can have hides nailed to the walls. But that takes a lot of time. I’m imagining a dungeon somewhere where they’re turning the screws on some has-been minions to get the goods on the “big fish”. I’m willing to be patient to get the best result in the end, but I’ll join the black-pilled pessimists if nothing ever comes of any of it.

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Good reminder JuJu. Our patience & trust has definitely worn thin. I hope Bondi can produce - I did hear her say their would be redactions, but done in a way that the reader will get the context.

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I was almost as excited as you were Jenna to see Jeff give you a shout out yesterday. I hope your sub numbers skyrocket.

It’s interesting that I got a few new subs that were sourced from your stack. 🥰

Note - to new subs here. I write about the clots embalmers and cath lab workers started finding after the shots rolled out.

Safe travels dear friend. Prayers for your aunt and uncle. 🙏🙏🙏

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Awesome!! Good for you both🎯💖

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So happy for both you and Jenna!

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The sub-headline of one of my recent articles: “The key metric for subscriber growth (paid and free) is who cross-posts or re-stacks an author’s articles.”

Thanks, Jenna, for providing an anecdote that seems to confirm one of my maxims!


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Laura (and I) keep hoping that A Midwestern Doctor runs one of her long, persuasive pieces on the "embalmers clots."

Or maybe Tucker Carlson will talk about it in one of his X podcast shows. Tucker has been given actual vials of these clots by Laura's partner, Tom Havilland.

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And here are the photos of Tucker for proof:


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... All the big potential narrative-changing events ... that haven't happened yet.

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Bill - it is very frustrating to learn that Tucker just recently spent his time interviewing Sam Bankman Freed from prison. 😔

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Perhaps the initial files release snafu was intentional.....and a perfect excuse to clean house at the NY FBI office?


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The silver lining is the ability to fire Deep State acters with even greater nonchalance.

Such firings might do good and certainly no harm.

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My sentiments exactly 👍


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Agreed. I think the whole bit was a test giving the new head to clean out a suspicious dirty place.

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In college, I had one Prof that tested on captions below pictures. It took a bit to figure this out, but once I knew, I did much better on his tests. I share this tidbit because I am so thankful to him for making me always read captions. If I didn’t, I’d miss out on some of the most hilarious asides from Jenna!

- Actual photo of the U.S. government.

- [*sprains finger punching DISAGREE button]

Thanks for making me laugh at some of the insanity.

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My favorite was "sprains finger punching DISAGREE button."

You can have fun with captions. You can also learn some good info from the captions and not the article proper.

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What I’m more interested in than the Epstein files is seeing Pam and Kash actually charging and arresting those people that all these endless committees have found to have violated laws, lied to Congress, and subverted the Constitution. Jim Jordan is good at finding out a lot of these people but absolutely nothing comes of it. Judicial Watch and James O’Keefe have done more than our elected representatives.

Same with DOGE. I thought we had a government agency that was supposed to be doing this.

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Not surprising that the juicy details of Epstein Files have not been released. There are likely a few roadblocks: 1) The Epstein Cabal has billions to buy off the FBI, DOJ and anybody who can protect their reputations. 2) Vast amounts of Evidence has been destroyed or buried in a time capsule. 3) The DOJ is probably not properly staffed to digest all the information, build cases against the Epstein Cabal and still give the public juicy details. 4) The Epstein Cabal would have no problem initiating a Global Nuclear Holocaust, to cover up their crimes.

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The Cabal you refer to is far, far bigger - and even more evil - than the ‘Epstein Franchise’… That said, I am in total agreement with your statement that said Cabal ‘…would have no problem initiating a Global Nuclear Holocaust, to cover up their crimes’. I would, however, add another motivation; the determination to not allow anything to prevent realization of the Satanically-inspired agenda focused on undermining the moral and ethical fiber of all Judeo-Christian nations. I would submit that the modern genesis of this strategy occurred in the Enlightenment Period, particularly the latter portion of the 19th Century, but was given its present form in the early 20th Century, largely influenced by the British Fabian Society.

When the Russian Communist Revolution failed to be the spark that would result in the masses of the world throwing off the shackles of the capitalist bourgeoisie, a strategic pivot to ‘the long march through the Institutions’ was conceived. Successive Post-COVID revelations have made clear the shocking extent of success that strategy has achieved, as ‘the New World Order’ is poised on stage, simply awaiting the curtain rise.

Obviously there is a tremendous amount that could be said about this, but the key point is that we are now engaged as elements in a spiritual army, under God, that is presently restraining unimaginable evil. On the physical plane, it is a literal life and death battle for the body and soul of Western Civilization, which must be essentially vanquished, and then ‘Built Back Better’ as an integral component of the envisioned Global Order.

All of this is inspired and empowered by Satan, and is ultimately to serve one over-arching objective; to escape his Biblically-prophesied doom.

How is that to be accomplished?

By stirring up the world to hate the Chosen People and seek the destruction of Israel. In his sick, twisted thinking, Satan believes he can ‘defeat’ God and retain his independent existence, if he can eliminate Israel, because Jewish control of the Land, and the Temple Mount in particular, is inextricably linked to all of the prophesies related to his ultimate doom.

So, in conclusion, it is not only the fate of many wealthy, powerful, corrupt and evil Americans, or other prominent Westerners - together with citizens from every other nation in the world, including Israel - that is at stake; it is the fate of ‘the Adversary’ of God and mankind; ‘the god of this world’; the Prince of the power of air’; ‘the Prince of Darkness’, that is involved. And, ‘Yes’, although ultimately vain, there really is no limit to what they, and he, would do in order to save themselves.

May the True and Living God help each one of us that are His, through the sacrificial life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Yeshua/Jesus, to be yielded instruments in His ongoing work of grace, salvation, and sanctification in this dark, dying, doomed world.

2 Thessalonians 2:7-12

“7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

1 Corinthians 2:7-10

“7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, 8 which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9 But as it is written:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

Nor have entered into the heart of man

The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.”

Revelation 21:3-8

“3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

5 Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

6 And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

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Amen! - Come Lord Jesus!

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The swamp is so deep and so filthy, I don't think Blondie has a chance. Even if she is one of us, and genuinely trying to drain it - which is debatable. Swamp creatures are large in number, high in creativity and low in respect for the will of the people - they operate with total impunity and laugh in the face of politicians and their promises.

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I'd give "our people" a little room regarding actual performance in the Epstein files snafu.

There was a good article yesterday (or maybe a couple days ago now) about the instant ire directed towards RFK Jr. when he didn't INSTANTLY use the opportunity to bash the MMR vaccine the other day when the subject of the moment was measles.

For God's sake, "our people" get enough criticism from the MSM for good and bad (it's ALL bad to MSM) it's gratuitous (trying to use the word more often) for "our side" to notice less than 100% perfect performance, EVEN WHEN SOME OF RFK Jr.'s IMPORTANT PEOPLE STILL NEEDS SENATE CONFIRMATION. I might be offended (or at least irritated) if my OWN SIDE treated me the exact same way that the OTHER SIDE consistently does.

Not so much cynicism here please?

At least NOT YET?

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That article *might* have been mine! :) https://jennasside.rocks/p/rfk-jr-completely-flip-flops-on-vaccines

And I agree, for the most part, that patience is paramount. But honestly she should have known better with that first dump IMO. Hoping she learned a lesson and her performance improves! ;)

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Of course, we must consider the possibility that she was directed to do this stunt in exactly this way for some purpose that we have no knowledge of.

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I don’t think so, but I’m tired too. Quite the whirlwind, these last few weeks! For a dose of humor, have you noticed the leftists criticizing Trump for golfing (they should wish he’d golf more!), being “on vacation (same response), and claiming that he has dementia? I.can’t.even…

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She had to play innocent for the move to play out correctly. If she or they didn't do it this way there would have been minimal attention to the NY office and their subterfuge

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Legit theory!

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What makes you think that Maurene Comey didn’t destroy most of the evidence? And now we only have P-Diddy’s evidence. Same group of criminals.

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Let’s not shoot holes into the hull of the ONE ship headed in the right direction, —- is what I keep telling my anti-vax (PRO-research!) groups.

I swear some of these people would toss out any baby with the bath water— as though their kid never peed in a tub.

RFK isn’t a bull in a china shop guy. He’s a heron by the bay guy. He’s going to catch more fish than the raging bull gets grain.

Give the man 10 seconds, people!

Part of Trump’s handicap the first go-around was having to work with one hand fighting off lawsuits and BS. PLS, let’s not put RFK in the same situation.

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It’s disconcerting how closed minded some in the “movement” are about this. One guy posted a picture of a vaccine vial in a Note which said something to the effect that this is the vaccine that RFK is pushing. I made what I thought was a fairly innocuous comment that he wasn’t pushing it, he was just allowing those that wanted it to have it and he was also recommending Vitamin A and cod liver oil (which never would have happened without RFK). He responded, but I never actually got a chance to read the response before he blocked me.😂

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disconcerting is a big, fat understatement! people are NUTS!

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😂Yes, unfortunately that label applies to some on the Right as well as most, if not all, on the Left. Did they really think he could go in the first day and ban all vaccines? Had he tried that, his term as HHS Secretary would probably have been the shortest ever and this measles outbreak may have been a trap to attempt to get him thrown out. The timing just appears to be too convenient by far to have been an accident.

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Herons eat everything that comes within the reach of their long necks and tremendously strong beaks, so don’t worry, RFK won’t let them get away with it.

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Thank you Richard! Full confession - reading some…shall we call them comments…(instead of the insulting, condescending, haughty, mindless comments that some were), had me scampering back to Jenna and Jeff’s (has a nice ring to it, right?) blogs and intelligent subscribers. One implied that surgery for cancer was an unacceptable choice. Another professed that she had “higher standards than you.” In the context of the conversation, I have no idea what that even meant. Bless you Jenna, for helping to maintain our sanity! Love and prayers to you, and for your lovely (they’ve gotta be - they’re related to you!) family!

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I saw that in Jeff’s C&C yesterday, Jenna, & was so proud for you! Proud of me for finding you quite a ways ago too

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Bless Uncle Jack, Aunt Linda, and their Niece! Safe travels!

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Bravo! Much deserved shout out on Coffee & Covid, one of my “must-read”s every day! And welcome to any new readers/subscribers to Jenna’s substack! Dive into her past posts…you will not be disappointed!

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Hey Jenna, I was the first one to link your article about RFK J on Jeff's Substack! :). I'm so happy it resulted in your getting lots of new subscribers.

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Hope all goes well in Florida. Keeping you in my thoughts.

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Trish, please accept this sterling digital medal with flowers and stars on it, suspended from a cerulean blue silk ribbon with no heraldic devices. You created what they call a nexus. (Did you happen to tell Trump he should call Musk a few months back?)

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I say Pam Bondi …let ‘er rip … God’s watching .

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Jenna, as you stated in a previous Stack, I'd like to know who was controlling Epstein even more than the names that are on that list.

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Is both too much to ask?

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Where did he get the money to buy the most expensive townhouse in Manhattan, not one but two islands, an estate in Palm Beach, the biggest ranch in New Mexico, a luxury apartment in Paris, one or two large private jets, one or two helicopters ... plus all the pay-offs to his "massage therapists" to keep them forever silent.

What did the guy do to earn this income? I've read he was a "hedge fund manager," but I don't know any hedge funds he was managing.

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This was your best post ever (I have not read most of your posts so can’t really guarantee that). I saw you mentioned in the Coffee and Covid post but was already a follower of yours so didn’t think twice about it cause I knew you were good. If your prom date with the most popular guy was anything close to as good as this article you’re married to him now or he is a complete fool.

Thanks for the brilliant analysis!!

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Thank YOU for the comment! And prom was a nightmare, not only because my date broke his leg two days before the dance and was on crutches, but also because he got a hotel room thinking he was going to get lucky (spoiler: he was not). Fortunately I married WAY up. 😂💕

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Hotel room. Ugh.

Glad you married way better!

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🫣 Presumptuous and popularity… terrible combo!

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Again, thanks for digesting and filtering on behalf of those of us too busy in our own lanes to swallow the firehose of info out there. And with pinache! I hate theme parks too, but would definitely take my wife to MAGA World!

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Oh, please, Elon, who could put more money to good use if he only had some, put up overnight MAGA Worlds on both coasts and-one-in-Texas!

Need a little help here naming the attractions, but one of them's bound to be Swampland.

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