Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

OMG, laughed out loud in the dentist waiting room about the t shirt wearing the Kamala 2024. Hilarious 😂

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Since I would rather give birth to a 14-pound porcupine without an epidural than get my teeth cleaned, I'm especially honored to have brought a moment of joy to your dental experience. ;)

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

With you 100% on avoiding the dental cleaning. I’ve always been a Good soldier about it until this year. I made the appointment, sat down in the chair & thought I really don’t want to do this anymore. Apologized & got up & left. Saw an article (Deep Roots at Home) on Himalayan tooth paste with xylitol, supposedly won’t need teeth cleaning because of the xylitol. Check it out (Amazon).

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Oct 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I have taken to downing an extra strength tylenol about an hour before then rubbing numbing agent into my gums immediately before going back. Has worked pretty well for me as I have sensitive teeth. I quit all fluoride a few years ago and it took about a year for me to notice that my sensitivity is diminished. Interesting, as they kept putting me on higher doses because it was supposed to help with sensitivity. Hopefully my brain will recover as well. ; )

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Oct 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Here’s a link to “DeepRoots at Home” on how xylitol helps: https://deeprootsathome.com/can-xylitol-help-you-skip-dental-cleanings/

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*Orders xylitol in bulk

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm confused - if the baby porcupine was given an epidural would the birthing experience be any easier?

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Good one. Laughing out loud.

Still laughing out loud from Jenna's comment.

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

EWW! OWW! You've hit on a characterization that managed to transmit some small sense of child-birthing across the great woman-man divide.

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I screen shot it and sent intro my college kid, who will be voting in his first presidential election (absentee....and he got the ballot himself without even asking us). I captioned it “choose wisely.”

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"Or I am renting out your bedroom...."

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Pretty much! Our kids were raised to be practical, so it’s not an issue, I was just teasing him.

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WTF! I'm in a dentist waiting room, too!!

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Absolutely! That one had me laughing for 5 minutes. It brings a smile even now!

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh Jenna. I know your heart is heavy. This may help:

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. - Isaiah 41:10

We are being punked. I will say it again, WE ARE WATCHING A MOVIE. Anyone taking this twit seriously is brainwashed - or perhaps MKUltraed.

This will make you cry - happy tears. Makes me realize how much I missed by choosing to be childless (3+ mins):


♬♬♬ Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God ♬♬♬

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Oh Laura MY HEART! The man doing his wife's hair? I CANNOT EVEN. Thank you for sharing. And you are auntie to SO MANY lucky souls. :)

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I had not. What a complete fraud and embarrassment.

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yeah - that one did me in.

Thank you Jenna, for reminding me of that.

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My brother is doing his wife’s hair. She’s only 67 and has Lewy Body. Progressing really fast. Vax injured?

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My Daddy was diagnosed with that. He passed away in 2004. 😢

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I’m sorry ❤️

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Oh, how I hope you’re right that this is a movie in an attempt to wake up those who still slumber. Sometimes I think that it can’t be anything else because of the absolutely crazy, absurd things we keep seeing (I.e anything that comes out of K’s mouth), then you realize that there are many Americans that will still vote for her. It is mind boggling! If they haven’t come to their senses by now, I don’t think they ever will!

Thanks for the video. It’s good to see the love for babies on display when ALL that seems to matter to some women, is the ability to make the decision to get rid of them before they’re born.

“Makes me realize how much I missed by choosing to be childless.” I chose to have only one and have regrets about that decision. I should have you talk to my daughter who seems to be making the childless choice. I alternate between thinking that might be for the best given the current state of the world, and being sad that she will never experience motherhood.

Here’s to hoping and praying that this is a movie and things will return to sanity when it ends. At this point, I want to walk out and demand my money back.

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"I alternate between thinking that might be for the best given the current state of the world, and being sad that she will never experience motherhood."

Oh Karen - I know what you mean! I have a niece that I feel the same way about. She is wide awake to what is going on and I know she is very troubled by it. But I am so happy to know that her faith in God is very strong. She knows that will see her through.

I go from wanting to also walk out, but then I think, what a time to be alive!

God has placed us all here in this moment in time for such a time as this.

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"... for such a time as this" ALWAYS gets me. #warriors

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I did share some, but was careful not to overwhelm her or alarm her needlessly since the deed was done. I told her about the detox protocol & that I have the supplements if she would like to detox, I’ll provide them. She got the Moderna & this is what I received tonight: https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/the-takada-paper-shows-very-clearly?r=nl3ud&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post. She got the shot at cvs pharmacy so I suggested she let her doctor know about the bad reaction to Moderna. Though most docs are clueless. It’s a travesty these shots continue to be pushed.

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2 bits of Bible wisdom: fear not & do not despair. Not easy for those of us awake to the danger. On another topic I just came in from talking to my neighbor. She just got her 3rd C shot & immediately got very ill. She’s a very bright, 50 something with no clue about the poison. Sad.

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Dena - just curious. Have you offered to share information with her?

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Laura, I didn’t have children either 😢 Trying to take care of my elderly parents and I see how important kids are. They are resisting but I keep trying. What a mess.

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You are a blessing to your parents Karen. 🥰

Gives us something to think about in our old age, doesn’t it. 😢

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Thank you. Freshly back from a trip to see them.

Sure does give us something to think about.

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I should know by now not to read this while eating breakfast. You know that sensation of trying to hold back your laugh so that you don't choke or have everything come out your nose.

And if I hear "aspiration, opportunity, holistic and middle class" one more time, I'm going to lose it!

Another brilliant one, Jenna!

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I followed Conservative Mama based on that post. I can’t believe I didn’t follow her already.

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Me too!!

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OMG, I am literally LMAO. I am so frigging jet-lagged. I think I have slept (maybe) 4 hours in the last 36 hours. Having to unpack all my shit, do laundry (at 3:30 am), and my brain fog is so beyond!

It's so fecking surreal how stupid people are going to vote for that POS MORON.

Keep the hits and funnies coming, Jenna. Whoopee!!

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First Helene, now Milton, please no Hurricane KAMALA!

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

We were watching the Tampa news last night and the weather man was talking about a super RARE Midwest-like tornado spotted in central Florida. He said "When it starts spinning it goes around and around in a circle and in the circle everything starts spinning around in the circle." Could he have Kamala-ized the weather any more with the weather word salad for dummies? I think not.

And the T-shirt meme!! OMgosh!!

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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Indicates the type of job Count Cackula is suited for.

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Count Cackula...omgosh...hahaha

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

...there is not a single thing that comes to Kamala's mind - ever! Not a thing! That's all you need to know! Thanks for the giggles Jenna. My FAVORITE was the DNA/ethnicity reveal convo on so many levels. Demonstrates perfectly why I seldom enjoy hanging out with a group of women - and I am one! This is all too typical of how the interaction goes.

P.S. I have no clue what "AF" stands for (and don't really want to know) so not offended at all!!

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I laughed at this deeply because years ago when I was involved in a neighborhood Bunco/ladies group I was ALWAYS the one to say the uncomfortable thing out loud. 🤣 I interrupted gossip or hysteria all the time with truth or reasoning and the uncomfortable silence and glances made the paint on the walls start to drip. 😂 Needless to say after about two years I quickly backed out of ALL social gatherings with these women. It was clear they wanted to live in denial and phoniness, and hate on anyone that woke them up. But that video could have come directly from one of our gatherings. 🤣🤣🤣

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Damn I wish you lived near me!!!

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Here's a clue: think SNAFU or FUBAR. Both are also appropriate to the current state of things.

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bahahahahahaha that's epic!!! thanks for sharing. ;)

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Laughing SO HARD!!! 🤣🤣

“Helene’s mom and dad, that’s who”

“What is this!? That looks like Satan’s butthole”.

My gosh I’d watch this guy every day if I could! I hope they let him keep his job 🤣🤣 The last honest weatherman on planet earth!

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Juju he is part of the Pat Bet David show. There isPat himself and 3 others plus usually a guest. I can’t remember if it’s rumble or Commietube or all of them.

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Omg awesome!

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Hilarious!!! Gotta share!!

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I didn't even know what AF meant, so wasn't triggered. I looked it up, still wasn't triggered.

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Hahahaha well that's why we're friends! :)

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you for making me laugh today! I needed it.

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The Left has no sense of humor. When Colbert was pretending to be someone else, he was often very funny. When he is just himself...no.

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Oct 11Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You cannot remain funny when you're a total sellout.

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna just a polite, gentle, hopeful request. For those of us who eschew Instagram is there someplace else where we can view your video links?

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Damn, sorry! You should be able to easily "Yandex" Kamala/Colbert, Kamala/View, etc...

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And of course, Yandex turns out to be "Yandex LLC (Russian: Яндекс, romanized: Yandeks, IPA: [ˈjandəks])... a Russian multinational technology company."

Pick your poison. Soothe yourself with another "at least it's not/it's better than _________________" as the rest of our daily routines require.

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Actually I use Yandex a lot. First: there is absolutely no corporate control over their results. For instance, They were the ONLY search engine that didn’t edit out Trump’s first assassination attempt news, and Dan Bongino has the world’s most popular podcast on Rumble yet most search engines bury his Rumble link further down the page. It is the first result on Yandex as it should be. I use Yandex when I want to avoid censorship and it has been successful every search.

Second: after all we have learned of the corruption of our government for the past century, I no longer ascribe to “Russia is evil” ideas. I’m not saying they never could have been, but WE certainly have been too! And still are! I don’t eschew everything “Russia” anymore like I’m a blind robotic follower. Everything we have been taught to hate or fear or suspect about Russia came from the very corrupt government teaching us to hate Trump and hate parts of our constitution. Today Russia actually has a cleaner more prosperous, family-centered society than we do.

Will they ever try to overthrow us and hurt us? I doubt it, but anything is possible from any nation, even our allies as we have seen. I don’t think we have more reason to fear them than anyone else and certainly not more than our own government.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

Juju, you make good points, and I have also come over to the position that I don't hate people just because I'm ordered to (shades of 1984's Oceania).

However (you knew there was a 'however' didn't you), for me, it's a stretch to go from "Putin's not the devil, his self" to "Russia actually has a cleaner more prosperous, family-centered society than we do." I'd have to visit extensively, and have freedom of travel and speech to make that determination. You well may have, or trust others who have. I'm just saying that I don't see it.

Still, point taken: if I ever use Google (and I'm using mail and maps and translate and ... all the time), it's impossible to see how Yandex could be any more treacherous. If nothing else, the info gathered about me would go into foreign computers, out-of-reach to my own government... Thank you.

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Yes I’ve watched several documentaries and video footage, and read some firsthand experiences of those who have visited there from the past year. It really IS a cleaner and healthier society that looks like our 1950s. It’s not that I’m believing everything fully without question, it just made me realize we can’t trust anything we have been fed all these years and the truth probably is nothing like we’ve been taught. They were convincing enough to cause me to literally stop fearing Russia in some crazy, illogical way. I now see them the way I do any other country, and frankly what I’m seeing in the UK right now is far worse than anything I’m seeing about Russia.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

For my part, I've been far more worried about China's hostility than Russia's. The former is uber-rich while the latter always seems to have its hands full keeping itself together. The threat from Russia, it seems to me, is that it will hire out to China for getting some of that wealth.

I don't think of America's putative enemies overthrowing her, but rather simply moving in to occupy after she's torn herself apart, or otherwise weakened herself beyond resistance.

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Not funny, but so precious!


And not negative, but enlightening! https://open.substack.com/pub/derrickbroze/p/david-icke-exposes-the-mainstream

It isn't as bad as wearing a Kamala shirt, but my in-laws proudly drive around with their Kamala Walz bumper stickers and it's embarrassing. It's less embarrassing than a Trump Vance bumper sticker, but embarrassing nonetheless.

Here's something silly that cracked me up. Is it real though? Hahahhaha


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The baby? PRECIOUS indeed. The bumper sticker? VEE NOOOOOOOOOO. WAY more embarrassing than a T/V sticker, please!!! And I'll have to save the David Icke one for later. ;)

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Agreed, but still embarrassing nonetheless. Everyone knows how I feel about political sportsball. Thanks for the laughs as always!

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The BABAYYYY!!! That’s was precious!

And I loved her “cutting” the coffee. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I started to watch the David Icke video and got about 15 mins into it. It looks very interesting so I bookmarked it for later cuz I can’t sit that long right now. Thanks for the shares.

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I am seriously waiting for Kackula's follow the seance jab to hurry up and kick in.

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Oct 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You as Alex Jones zero seconds into a party. I'm dying! Thank you.

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