Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I believe we should live in a free and democratic society so I’m all in favor of those covidiots running out and getting the 208 doses they’re missing, while staying out of the sun and not taking any vitamins! Oh, and they should be sure to wear their masks while they’re doing that. Sooner or later, it’ll save the rest of us from having to listen to their nonsense….and SOMEBODY has to take all those “vaccines”, right?

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AMEN! ;)

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Vitamin D toxicity was listed as one of the factors in Michener’s death, along with congestive heart failure, ischemic heart disease, chronic kidney failure and hypercalcemia. When your Kidneys fail its over rover. But lets blame Vitamin D. Was he taking D2 OR D3? This story has the trappings of Ivermectin no?

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10000000% (It's a really old playbook. Eyeroll.)

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

My sweet teenager has end stage renal disease and he is on dialysis three days a week (for eight bloody years now). When I saw that this guy had chronic kidney disease and hypercalcemia I just rolled my eyes. My son’s nephrologist is constantly chasing my son’s calcium levels. It’s part of the disease. SMH

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I'm so sorry about your son. Sending all the love and prayers in the universe.

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Prayers for your child, Ree!

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

No, seriously. Stop the world. I want to get off.

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Some days it's harder than others to "enjoy the ride," huh?

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Days?! How about the last few years?!

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yet another life cut short by supplements. Pity. 😔

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That got an actual LOL!

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

We better stock up our cabinets with vitamin D because I’m sure the FDA will hop on that bullshit story and try and regulate it.

I shudder to think what other nonsense they will come up with next in trying to cover up the harms of the shots.

I read recently that our vitamin D levels should be more like 100, not 50. I think it was Pierre who said recently that it’s a huge threat to big pharma.

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We should be stocking up on ALL supplements, before they "regulate" them out of existence... grrrrrrrr......

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The only good thing about D, is it’s free from the sun. But then again, we’ve been told for decades, “Sun bad, cuz cancer!”. I call BS, as for all things Big Pharma. 30 minutes of sun a day, with none of the poisonous sunscreen, gives you plenty for Vitamin D!

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I showed the meme of the old guy at the doctor’s office to my soon-to-be 96 year old aunt and she roared with laughter and then said “there is so much truth in that.” Thanks for another great article and for making my aunt’s day! (And mine)

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

These are perfect examples of modern day propaganda. I love you for writing exactly what I and many others were thinking when we saw these recent headlines. The intent behind these headlines and stories couldn't be any more obvious. It's bananas how stupid the controllers think we all are.

Thank you as always for making our Friday mornings with another great substack article. Let's continue to making fighting back the new normal! (https://youtu.be/nojn1bRcLOQ)

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I told my mil that she should DEFINITELY get all the shots, and that she could have mine if she wanted (because if she can’t see by now what’s going on, she has zero survival skills). I could see by her reaction that she wasn’t sure if she should be offended or say thank you. It was a proud moment

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Hans will be JUST FINE until he won't.

And while too much of a good thing may not be good, it's mighty hard to OD on D(3).

FLCCC has some excellent webinars and articles on Vitamin D: https://covid19criticalcare.com/?s=vitamin+d&id=6377

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Mar 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

BIG HARMA!!! 👿👿👿

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

FYI……there are prescription forms of Vitamin D3. 50,000 iu; Driscol is the trade name. I filled many a prescription for it. So typical that the FDA will outlaw non-prescription Vitamin D3 but not the pharmaceutical ones! Bastards!

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The doctor of one of my friends decided he needed a weekly dose of 50,000 IU of Vitamin D3. My friend reported he always felt sick after taking his weekly Vitamin D.3 I hit the roof and told him to stop. Why? Not because Vitamin D3 is bad. It's because the doc did not also tell him to take magnesium and Vitamin K2 along with D3. D3, K2, and magnesium work together to make sure the D3 goes where it's supposed to go in the body. I urged my friend to take all three and take a smaller dose of D3 on a daily basis. That doc should be charged with nutritional malpractice! But then, Big Pharma funds the medical schools, so why would they teach anything about proper nutrition and supplementation? I have a lowly bachelor 's of art degree and I know more about nutrition than that medical deity. That the health of most people is in the hands of medical doctors like him is beyond scary.

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is it surprising that MEDICAL MISTAKES are like the #3 cause of death????? Insanity.

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Alas, no. No surprise there. Doctors and hospitals can be very bad for your health--and that was long before COVID. Here's the link to that study: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/study_suggests_medical_errors_now_third_leading_cause_of_death_in_the_us

Hospitals and medical practices have been snapped up by investors who put patient safety and quality care waaayy behind ROI. They demand hefty returns, and since most states have now conveniently cut way back on people's ability to launch medial malpractice lawsuits, investors don't have to face any consequences for decisions that put profits before lives and health. Connect the blood-stained dots...

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Our system is soooooo effed🤬

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"Remember when those were scarier than finding a scorpion in your underpants?" Ironically, scorpions are a thing these days. Jeff Childers (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/stung-wednesday-march-6-2024-c-and) just reported that a guy in Las Vegas was bitten in his private jeweled parts while sleeping. He who stays in Vegas may be very...very...sorry . 🦂

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Mar 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Happy to be a paid subscriber. Your wit helps me through the endless covid craziness and the media biases that we are inundated with daily. Ugh! And I’m glad you like us better😉

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I do try my best, and I'm SO grateful for my generous paid subscribers. One day I'll get to do this (and publish anthologies) all day every day... ;)

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Mar 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Did ya ever think, "I never get sick from cold and flu in the summer sunshine (when my vitamin d level is highest)? Or is it just a coincidence?

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Mar 9Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, hypercalcemia can be caused by benign tumors on the parathyroid gland. Both my sister and I developed this is our 40's. My doctor at the time just wanted to "watch" it but a NP I saw said it needed to be addressed pronto. I flew to a specialty clinic in Florida that only does this particular surgery and have been fine ever since (even with taking Vitamin D orally.) Same goes for my sister who did the same. So I have to wonder if the man who died from too much Vitamin D may have had this parathyroid condition and his doctors missed it just like mine did.

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Wow, that's crazy! (And glad you're both ok!) Certainly could be the case--especially since they must not know how much D he was taking or surely that info would have been revealed...

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Given the man's advanced age and multiple serious health conditions my guess is the Vitamin D was the least of his worries. But it worked to spread the propaganda that Vitamin D can kill you. I confess I did not go to the links to the "story," so I wonder if any of them mentioned how many mRNA jabs this man got.

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