Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

They can’t put 70% of us in prison. If we all speak out loud and proud, it’s too overwhelming for them to control. Personally I think the Covid scam was worse than a zombie apocalypse. How many sudden deaths can we ignore? Or all the turbo charged cancers? Or the permanently harmed from the vax? How about all the little babies who didn’t need the Covid vax, or the young people who didn’t need it, forced, forced to take it or they weren’t allowed in school? And now they’re complaining there’s not enough test subjects for the Money, er excuse me, Monkey Vax? Ha! All of us Guinea pigs are either no longer alive, are too sick and weakened or are still stunned and recovering from all the mandates and our world’s transition to Totalitarianism.

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

At least 70% are already in prison - a mental prison of their own choosing.

Mental control is the new jail. There are people afraid of dying who are no longer living.

There are people wanting so bad to do their civic duty that they are acting as guards in the new prison.

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Yeah, they don't need to put that many people in prison-- merely the threat of punishment, including job loss and difficulty to get hired and so forth is enough for a huge swath of the population. However, our system remains less prone to this heavy-handedness due the size of our country and the fact that some states will give the finger to the feds. i think some sort of civil conflict to tear apart the nation is more the plan here rather than an overarching tyrannical gov't. At least for the short term.

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That has been going on for a long time. Soon there will be open rebellion and the masses will win. Just like that... after a lot of death

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I really really hope you’re wrong.

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Back in May 2020, my 96-year-old mom died out in northern California, the Bay Area. Neither my brother nor I live in Commiefornia, so naturally we flew out there into SFO, taking the BART to my parents' East Bay home. Neither of us has been nor will ever be mask wearers, and we were not wearing masks while on the BART. As we continued our journey on BART, we got to a particular stop about halfway to our destination, and the BART police were coming onboard. There were 3 of them, and they were looking for my brother and me because someone had reported us. They gave us a good scolding, warned us to get masked and left. It was a sad commentary on the Nazi mentality of those doing their "civic duty."

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Fear drives this mentality. Exactly what it’s meant to do. My Totalitarian Trickle Down theory. When people are too afraid to be courageous, they’re too afraid to think clearly, also part of the TTD.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Exactly. These days people seemingly have little to no moral fiber, thus fear is the pre-eminent emotion. And the powers that be know this to the nth degree.

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That’s why it’s so easy for a few to control and rule over the many using Totalitarian fear tactics. I believe this is the reason why there are people who study and admire Hitler, I know for a fact that is why many leaders in the Middle East study Hitler. For example, they know and have known for 100’s of years that they can do just about anything and only about 10% of the people will react. So they do whatever is necessary to maintain their power. And it’s so easy. Destroy, destruction, leniency to criminals while imprisoning Patriots, replacing a good competent police force with criminals and authoritarian personalities. Prop up puppets who carry out the Machine’s agenda. Empty headed greedy minions in charge of the rest of us. Good grief!

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Spot on. All those retirement homes and "care rooms" in hospitals.

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Truth there.

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes, the safe & effective deaths suddenly continue happen: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/23-nurses-and-2-doctors-died-suddenly

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That is a truly heartbreaking roundup. :( (I wrote a religious exemption letter--one of dozens--for my niece who finally got into nursing school. THANK GOD it was accepted.)

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The VA is still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans with an "extra dose" for veterans 65 and older.

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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And less checks the government needs to send out. Despicable. Never imagined in a million years we’d turn into a Totalitarian State. We have more bureaucrats and regulations, by far, than the CCP in China, and they govern billions.

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They can kill as many as they wish in a variety of ways, they can imprison, and the rest will fall in line. When you do rebel, be silent as a mouse... I have not complied with much of anything for 35 years now. They leave me alone these days after wrongfully imprisoning me once upon a time in America. Yes, in America I was pre Trump. I ran for the US Senate and said many things and did many things that they did not like. When people hear you, they will come for you. Trust me on that...

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I’m prepared to be hauled off to jail.

Anytime I think back to how I complied with the plandemic BS, I want to (as you say Jenna) punch myself in the face.


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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It is important to use your words carefully. I was posting on facebook once and said: "the leaders that use their job to destroy the country they were hired to serve should be hung in the town square". I was instantly banned for 30 days because of that statement. While true and actually part of our laws, it was inciting violence. And we know who social media protects when it comes to violence (not us). I learned that it is better to say "tried for treason" because I am not claiming that I or other citizens should do the violence but the government should do it to the corrupt and that is one of their main functions (to incite violence against rule breakers).

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Best thing zuck did for me was to ban me for 24 hours.

I haven't been on his bullshit site for over 3 years! Don't know how many of my 3500 friends are dead from shots he pushed for by now!

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Geez, Mike! Since when has our government done anything remotely close to following the Constitution?!

The government will not protect us! This has become plain as day. Wouldn’t you all agree 👍

So. saying “tried for treason” under Common Law means that we the people do the “trying!” Just speaking truth.

And, as far as the reptile Zuckerberg-Schmuck’s Fakebook is concerned, the only people left on it are other reptile people and silly folks trying to sell crap 💩. I can say in truth that a bunch of my former colleagues (far, far gone vaxxed leftists) are spewing so much obvious violence it’s astounding. It’s all targeted towards people like you and me and Trump, of course!

Soooooo, how about we all form our civilian militias and take responsibility for our own well being, eh!

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That landed me in prison for 6 years using that language. No threat, just using that language. They will put you in prison, if they feel people will listen to you. Google (Rick Stanley Activist) They feared people would listen to me...

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Holy Crap, Rick!

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20 years ago. It happened.

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I’m with u too Laura Kasner … WE THE PEOPLE… you gave me courage 😉🩷🤗

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I think I read the same thing you did about the very small # of patriots to thwart the agenda - was it 3%? But by same token, could 3% (or whatever small # it is) of criminal illegals do same to patriotic America?

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Well now that you point that out… Damn.🙈

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The violence committed by illegal aliens seems to be ramping up very badly & quickly & no serious attempts, anywhere, to STOP IT. I read this weekend that roving bands of “wolf pack” illegals are terrorizing & robbing (& probably worse) people in Central Park in NYC. That’ll spread

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My 19YO daughter lives in NYC. :(

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O dear. But if she’s as saavy & sassy as her mama, she has a good head on her shoulders & will be fine.

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Exactly! It won't take 1/100 of a percent of illegal infiltrators to start it.

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I think they already are…isn’t that the point of letting them all in?

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They already are. Scaring many Americans into their homes where they stay.

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Since I use a walker to wobble around, I won't be much use to anyone's militia. But I'm there in spirit. When I was a teen back in the Jurassic era, I lived in England for four years. Attended an all girls high school complete with uniforms that included boaters for summer and berets for winter. (This is why I don't understand so much of American pop culture; I didn't go to an American high school.) Back then there was a grand tradition of people standing on boxes in Hyde Park in London and expressing their opinions on anything and everything. The world kept right on spinning and the nation didn't collapse just because people voiced differing opinions that may or may not have seemed strange to their listeners. If spoken dissent threatens the powers that be, it says more about the fragility of that power than anything else.

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Did the soap box people leave Hyde Park? That was great fun (not sarcastic)! And your last sentence is 10000000%.

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The Evil NWO Globalist Tyrants will continue to push their Anti-Freedom & Pro-Draconian laws against us WORLDWIDE, until they have their NWO nightmare in place.

Unfortunately we all will wait til it’s too late to really DO anything about it?

And the question we all have is “WHAT SHOULD WE DO?”

Unfortunately most citizen patriots worldwide have families to take care of & a job or 2!

We do have time to protest, and that’s what the Communist NWO Tyrants are counting on?!

Most Patriots are peaceful hardworking people, most illegals & criminals are not!?

Eventually the evil tyrants will probably succeed in getting world domination… until God starts raining down His wrath on them!

In the End, God & everyone on His Team Jesus/Yeshua wins, every not on His Team Jesus/Yeshua will lose FOREVER!

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

In the U.K. (and sadly elsewhere) if you want to get away with a crime, say…stealing the Crown Jewels or beating up a lovely old granny, just be sure to wrap yourself in Palestinian finery and you’ll be “Scot” free! (Works here in the US, too. So take off those red hats, you MAGA thugs, and dress in black and chant Antifa slogans as you burn down your neighborhood store! You’re all good!) Good grief, CLOWN WORLD!

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"Think before you post. Content that incites violence or hatred isn't just harmful - it can be illegal"

In other words - If you post about the illegals we are allowing into the country and mention that some of them may be hateful or violent, we will use violence to remove you from your peaceful home, drag you into a cage and subject you to hate and violence. If you resist, we may kill you. This is because we can't allow any violence unless we are doing it. In fact that is our only 'duty' in life is to punish people that we disagree with (or disagree with us).

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I have a retired LEO friend that on retirement said he told his co workers, "Don't try to come to my house for me or my guns some day, cause I don't want to kill my friends. No confiscator will make it up the sidewalk to my front door"!"

I have known him for over 55 years and he doesn't just talk!

He wasn't making any threat. Just like the "DONT TREAD ON ME" flag.

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The only people that can maybe fix this situation is the citizens if they stand together.

The divide in the people was and is well played , hate and anger works just as well as blinders do on horses. It’s like here take my power I am only a servant to the tyrants because I no longer know how to think for myself anymore.

I really wonder how the unintended consequences will play out into this. After all power is a thirst/ hunger and eventually thirst/ hunger for the utmost power will destroy all.

Where are the angels?

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"CHORUS: Why is this even controversial?" I guess the reason that speaking out against illegal aliens has become controversial is because we have moved to an era where anarcho-tyranny is now the rule and following the law is the exception. Also, I will NEVER wear a mask.

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm so in! If we don't take a stand, who will!!??!!


God bless you Jenna, your unfailing humor through all of this! And God bless your readers!

Cheers to a wonderful Monday!

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I'm not good with authority. I have not and will not comply and fear doesn't work on me. If God is for me, who can be against me? I didn't make it to 75 by letting other people do my thinking for me so I'm certainly not going to start now.

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I so totally concur, even though I've only made it to 73 so far! Thanks for your service and good work, Ms. Dukes!

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There are platforms that don't censor. Why does everyone complain about facebook but remain on the platform earning Zuckerberg more money which he spends to subvert free speech. Cancel your facebook account and take your friends with you to some other site that doesn't censor. Propaganda has no effect if no one watches it. Financial boycotts work.

Dick Minnis


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Thanks for this. Love the gimmecap.

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I was tossed from X. Never given a reason even after numerous appeals.

Was it because I would insult Zelensky?

Was it because I wrote that SecDef had blood on his hands for forcing the covid DeathVax on the military?

Was it because I would insult the Congress critters, who were exempt from taking the covid DeathVax, yet remained silent when the military were forced to take it or be kicked out? Here's looking at you Sen. Duckworth - you might want to just walk away from that one.

I do miss insulting Zelensky.

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“[I’m listening to this stuff 18/7]”

I’m not even a journalist/writer/influencer and I’m in the same boat! There is so much to swim through. I appreciate articles like yours to summarize it all. It’s therapeutic to see I’m not alone in my observations, affronts, or sarcasm.

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Thank you Juju!! 😊

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Aug 19Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Where we are these days is a mixed bag of tricks and confusion.

Freedom to live your own life as you see fit is lost on a growing number of people. Control is still the name of the game?

Generations have been raised now on welfare checks and government

Handouts. I don’t see these folks voting to end it all in the name of

Freedom. Jobs are ending and prices are rising so the squeeze is on.

Seniors can’t opt out of SSecurity

or govt controlled health care. The system has taken over.

Young people are now convinced they not only can’t afford their own home but prefer an apartheid they can walk out of anytime they want?

They don’t want the debt and uncertainty of ownership and maintenance required. If jobs open up across the country , they want to jump and run? No house and

Even no kids to contend with.

Times have changed and values along with it. Society is like an amoeba with no defined edges?

As we are about to be entertained by a sh#t show of lies and deceit,

the coming convention will try to tell us how joyous our lives are.

So just remember , they have been in charge for 4 years and could have done all that they say they will do? We can only hope no one will tune in?

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