Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Ok. Now for my second comment - which is the same comment I posted to Jeff Childers stack yesterday - so sorry to those of you that have already read it. I think it bears repeating:

That hearing was nothing but theater on the part of Congress.

It's horrific what Fraudci had done to those puppies. But it's more horrific what has been done to people. Especially children who had their entire lives ahead of them.

Why didn't Marjorie Taylor Green hold up a photo of the clots? She knows all about them. Think how many people would have seen that!

They cannot possibly investigate all that happened during the plandemic. Most of Congress is complicit. Nothing will ever be done to these criminals.


I will never shut up about it. I will never forget. Until I take my last breath.

Show these pics to anyone and everyone:

Note - these clots are also being found in the LIVING.



A profound thank you to Jenna for urging me to start this stack.

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I see that some that got to critical of Mad Anthony got kicked out!

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The guy making faces seated behind him was the BEST!

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Brandon is my new hero! And to think he just got out of jail, sentenced to 3 years for sight-seeing at the capital, one chilly January morn…

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In MTG's defense, she has actually had hearings about the damage done by the Covid injections. This hearing wasn't about that. Link below.


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Yes John. I’ve listened to them.

And I thank God that she has convened these hearings. But I think it was an enormously huge opportunity to get more people aware of the harms of the shots that Fauci so relentlessly pushed.

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Never thought I’d say this, but MTG was channeling me. I asked my neighbor if he knew who my new hero was and he said”MTG?” Am I that transparent? Interesting that all the Dems, pardon my language, sucked Fauci dick, and all the others spoke the truth, IMHO. I have to watch in pieces because my gag reflex and BP go out of control. Great piece Jenna, as always.

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Actual LOL!

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haha! I said all the Dems kissed his teeny tiny tushy. Same concept (only a front vs back sucking differential)

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The RFK Jr book was difficult to read. Not just small print, but very narrow margins. How big would it have been without that? I think it was already 600 pages including the footnotes. But I'm not young, still managed to read the entire book. Definitely worth reading! Problem is there's so much prior evidence with which to theorize about a conspiracy. Why did IBM, known to have been instrumental in collaboration with the nazis in effecting the holocaust, help a nerdy young high school grad with no job skills parlay someone else's invention into Bill Gates' microsoft billions that's been used to corrupt the entire planet? Why, after WW2 in 1945, did the U.S. alone start fluoridating the drinking water since it was known it was a toxic waste that had the effect of pacifying people. Then there's the Georgia Guidestones which mysteriously appeared and just as mysteriously disappeared when its first mandate, to lower population to half a billion became well-known. Why are so many heirs to fortunes made or increased by WW2, with scions who actively supported the nazis, involved in groups such as the American Eugenics Society, and sending arms to the Third Reich as did Rockefeller now connected to groups like WEF? The Gates family was heavily involved with the eugenics movement as well. Gates is on record for having said that the vaccines are "the final solution". Actually said that. Anyway, I think they're all connected. It's pretty obvious the raptor class is engaged in population reduction and in a most nefarious way. Additionally, it's known fact that Congress recused themselves from having to get the jab. Did any one of them speak out about that?

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ALL. OF. THIS. (Ever thought about writing a book???)

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Wow, I'm flattered. Also wildly disorganized. I have thought of turning my Substack newsletters into a book so all those who don't read it on Substack would then have the choice of also not reading it as a book. I always look forward to reading your Substacks though. This one was very informative, made me feel so guilty about not knowing better than to allow my kids to be poisoned with vaccines. At least none of us got the jab. Now I have to do some research to see if anything can alleviate the harm caused by vaccines.

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Those last lines should have been the RED FLAG for everybody!!! But then again....SHEEPLE 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Actually, several recent ‘Stackers (including Brownstone Institute) despair that no one is asking the right questions; mainly, who was really behind all of the fear mongering, edicts & mandate bullshit. Turns out the “public health” morons paraded & squawking daily were simply useful idiots for the real policy makers, the National Security Counsel - which then had FEMA & Dept of Homeland Security running the show. No “public health” agency was at all “in charge”….

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Oops, same one 🤪. Great minds think alike

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Thx Jenna! I added the Brownstone link too

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I'm weary of these congressional hearings where everyone lies, and everyone knows they're lying and nothing ever comes of it. No consequences, no change in behavior!

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Thanks for that one, Jenna.

I am a retired physician; I live in the capitol city of one of the large rectangular western states. Our county's official death toll from COVID-19 was 200. I am acquainted with one of the physicians on the hospital staff, an infectious disease specialist, who set the treatment policy for the hospital. She told me that they would use only FDA approved and CDC recommended treatments. Essentially, nothing for outpatients! People were instructed to wait until they were dying, then to go to the hospital where they could be finished off. All but two of the primary care doctors in our town are owned (employed) by the hospital, and as far as I know, none of them ever treated high risk patients with COVID-19 with anything but Paxlovid at the very end of the pandemic when infections were pretty much inconsequential.

I read the above mentioned, "The Real Anthony Fauci" (The name "Fauci" means scythe in Sicily where Fauci's family is from). I paid the princely sum of $3.99 for the book on Kindle. Then I Read Tyson and Fareed's book , "Overcoming the Covid Darkness". Then Pierre Kory's and Jenna's book "The war on Ivermectin. Then I read four more books and parts of several others on Kindle. I am embarrassed and astounded at what I learned and observed. Very few practicing physicians ever had a clue about COVID-19, origin, behavior of the Deep State, or possible treatments. The deeper issues of Power, Control, international cooperation are yet pretty much unknown to those who should have found out.


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Thanks for the comment. I believe (hope?) more and more people including MDs are waking up to the truth. Not sure what happens next but if we're lucky it's the building of an entirely new, well, EVERYTHING.

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Thank you for keeping an open mind (questioning) and most especially for understanding that obtaining corroborating evidence (digging) is essential to conclusive research. As a former financial fraud auditor, I was trained to be a skeptic and to look for evidence from multiple, unrelated sources. When no further evidence is found to support an error, it is considered an error. When multiple, unrelated sources confirm the auditor's suspicion, it is considered an 'irregularity' and is a reportable offense.

The perfectly designed "Scientific Method" has been 'captured' by both professional and financial greed. What a great stain on an otherwise honorable profession.

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Looks like he may come out unscathed. Even if he doesn’t, the NIH, FDA, and CDC are beyond repair and must be immediately defunded.

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Along with the UN and WHO!

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If you don't believe in judgement when each individual soul meets our Creator, consider the natural law of karma.

He, and others, will not come out unscathed.

In the meanwhile, enjoy the life you have!

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My sister and brother-in-law are microbiologists who revere Fauci. They took a picture of themselves standing next to a cardboard cutout of the little MD and sent it to everyone in our family. I bit my tongue and said nothing. I can't out-argue them (in their eyes) because I don't have any credentials, like MD, PhD, or MPH. But then, Bill Gates doesn't have any of those credentials yet seems to have an outsized role in public health. As I have said before, his billions of credentials are green and they fold. And that obviously is the same kind of credentials Fauci and his agency relied on when developing their pandemic health policies. I have been a professional writer for more decades than I care to admit to, but there simply are no words to express the depth of my outrage.

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You can’t fix stupid. 🙄🤦‍♀️

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Too true, alas, but I can do my damnedest to keep stupid from running or ruining my life.

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Credentials handed out by peers is as shallow as the hollywood awards shows.

I've worked alongside the shadiest of characters in my beloved former profession, I've even had colleagues tell me they went along to make sure the mortgage and kids' private school tuition are paid...only to see several go to actual jail or lose the job they sold out to keep.

Here, in the 3rd dimension, the natural law of 'reap what you sow' is powerful and it's energy is both negative and positive. The debt must be and will be paid.

May our Creator grant you peace rather than outrage.

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I love this comment. :)

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The Golden Rule Still Applies:

1. Don’t Touch Bat Shit.

What ? You Need More Rules …

Okay. Don’t Inject Anything Into Your Body That Is Derived From The Bacteria Found In Bat Shit.

This Is Not Complicated People.

How Do We Know This ?

Because If Every Caveman Had Been This Bat Shit Stupid - You Wouldn’t Be Here.

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You are not wrong! ;)

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Laughed out loud. Once a day a Substack causes me to spit my coffee out of my nose, and you sir are today’s winner. 🤣🤣🤣

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

What a waste of time, just like the Hunter Biden “trial”..

Taylor-Greene did nothing to help expose Fauci, she just made herself look stupid. Beagles have been used in pharmaceutical research for decades.

We’re so fucked. We have politicians on both sides doing nothing but fighting. The only success they have accomplished is to destroy this country. 🤬

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Fauci revered? Yes, as the mastermind behind the most successful modern genocide.

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Ok. I’ve got to make a comment before I read any further.


Hahaha! Isn’t that the pathetic truth!

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I wouldn't cry if he and his wife got a Ceauşescu Christmas party one of these fine years. If the military, collectively, realize that their excess mortality and health problems in general are largely due to his activities, it could happen. But not holding my breath.

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I had to laugh when you said this Jenna: "[*Pauses to step away from desk, quickly craft a voodoo doll, and then angrily poke its eyes out*]" - because it's exactly what I would like to do to him!

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Jun 5Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Just another example of how corrupt alphabet agencies in America are today. Lock him up.

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I got a $100 that bets Fauci, and Gates never took the real shot themselves.

As for his fan club, the idiots are just dying to prove him right.

In the Plandemic, unlike the Rainbow, the Leprechaun did find his self a pot of gold in the end.

Gates probably dances to the theme song of "ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST" when a vaccinated sheep goes down kicking!

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I don't think anyone on this string is going to take THAT bet! For sure they did not inject themselves with poison. And please don't ask me to imagine Manboobs dancing to ANYTHING. I have a weak stomach.

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