First I believe the release was purposefully held back until later last night to not steal thunder from Elon’s achievements with bringing home the astronauts yesterday. That deserved the front and center attention and got it without the drop interfering. I think it was a kind decision. I bet Trump really wanted to postpone until today but they knew it would infuriate the impatient masses. So late it was.
Second I’m not sure all 80,000 pages have been released yet. I think I read there might be 30,000-60,000 pages still to be released. (Can’t recall the exact number but it was one of those two amounts.) There are frantic last minute court filings happening yesterday and early this a.m. by the deep state to prevent the release of more. As always. 🙄
Third, I think there are two reasons for holding back the Epstein files. One is with how quickly and nastily the left activist judges monkey pile on every move Trump makes. They HAVE to be sooooo careful. This is a literal minefield unlike JFK. Can you imagine if even ONE victim had a feasible case against this administration for mishandling the evidence and their identities that could hurt them? The left will be watching like a hawk for any move Bondi makes that could bring the roof down on this administration. They WILL capitalize on the smallest infraction. We are dealing with true, sadistic evil that are dangerous because they are crafty and clever too. I believe that’s why they redacted so much of the first round of papers. They knew it was already out there unredacted, just like most of us did. But it wasn’t this administration that did that and they could not be caught in a move that allowed them to be accused of not showing discrete care. So they redacted. They have to be careful with the new papers they retrieved in the same way and there is a lot more to sift through. Second, I truly believe that they know full well who in this government is going to try to undermine them and what they need to do the next four years, and I would want them to leverage the Epstein info ANY way they can to diffuse them, and I don’t think Bondi herself expected so many to be implicated - and it changes the game. It must be a lot worse than most in power realized, even if not more than we all expected. If some of that info gets released too soon they lose the leverage they might have. Now they have the quandary of having promised to release them all but now needing to change tactics. They always keep their hand close to their chest so I don’t think they can come out and say that right now, so silence. No hand tipping. They also have to make airtight cases that can’t be manipulated before they are ready. Expose to the criminals your hand too soon and they have that much more time to prepare for it.
It’s all much more complicated than we are allowing, and I for one am willing to give grace on this. Their hands are FULL. They have a hostile staff that are unreliable with confidential activities. There are few hands that they can actually trust, but every day more and more is on their plate to investigate. (Swattings, Tesla terror, while also having a duty to us to continue investigation of past crimes of 2020 election and J6, etc).
They deserve grace. Much more patience. We have the right team in place but this is one huge ugly ship to navigate and all hands are NOT on deck yet with how corrupt the staff and bureaucracy are.
The best I've read yet, Juju! I am still going to focus on my dirt, though. Thanks for reminding me that I am not going insane crazy (crazy insane); at least not today!
Your analysis is well thought out and I appreciate that the left will poke at any loose thread just as the idiot, shameful “judges” have spewed their BS lies.
I’m not sure where you got the impression I’m not completely aware or in agreement that the government is complicit in sex trafficking of minors. I most certainly am. We ALL are. Your assumption that I don’t believe that has caused you to misinterpret anything I say and feel you need to convince me of it. 🙄🙄🤦🏼♀️
And I believe Trump and his team know this too and WANT to expose it and shut down the corruption. That’s where you and I start to depart in any agreement.
They must do it carefully if they hope to succeed BECAUSE it runs so deep and has for so long and is wrapped around the legs of so many people in ALL THREE BRANCHES of government and trickles down to their hundreds of thousands of staff. It’s not as simple as you want everyone to believe it is. Your hypothetical neighbor doesn’t have this much thick and ancient bureaucracy and danger surrounding his hypothetical crimes. It IS complicated. Trump and his team can easily be stopped by lawfare (or death) if they aren’t careful and waste the best opportunity we have ever had to bring this to light and end it once and for all, AND prosecuted the guilty AND make them pay dearly for their crimes.
You just want to see Trump as one of the villains so nothing, absolutely nothing, will change your mind and everything you see you will twist to fit your suspicions of him.
You and I will always disagree about this.
I’m willing to be proven wrong about him, but I’ve not seen anything to create doubt yet. Quite the opposite. You on the other hand are NOT willing to be wrong about him, so you’re willfully blind to things you shouldn’t be, arrogant in your “inside knowledge and absolute proof” you somehow have mysterious access to and that is the real epic rant here - your ability to be gloom and doom all the time with an arrogant absolutism you have no realistic reason to possess. But you actually think you do!
Your confidence is still based on the same thing the rest of us have: no real inside knowledge at all so it’s all conjecture to the best of our ability based on what little we have access to OUTSIDE the very corrupt system we are judging. Yet you spend a lot of time degrading other people’s opinions and flippantly speak in a way that implies your conclusions are far superior to theirs. Sorry Vee, they just aren’t. I would have said they are equally worthy of consideration. Actually that’s how I’ve always received your opinions. Part of the thoughts we should all chew on. But the minute someone takes a narcissistic approach to their conclusions being superior to others I draw the line. It is now longer helpful to the discussion and more of a sign of controlled opposition and purposeful sabotage of whatever the truth might be. A forcing of being right at all costs.
Every time I read Vee I believe he is correct,but,I feel soooo discouraged…
I absolutely must believe there are a few God given good people in this mix of evil doers, working to unravel and eliminate the evil. Your words give me hope!
Yes, you are clearly aware that the government is complicit in child sex trafficking, but you wrongly assume that the current administration is not part of that same government. Trump and his team are a part of the government so they are also complicit in protecting the child sex trafficking racket.
I don't agree with you about the complexity of this. That's all I'll say.
I don't have any desire to see Trump as good or bad. I see it as it is. That's the difference between me and you. You BELIEVE that Trump is a hero and is fighting for good. Beliefs aren't facts and they introduce bias when it comes to talking about objective reality.
In our previous comments, I told you exactly what would change my mind about Trump. Here's a reminder: if he apologized for the death shots and stopped the shots, made mRNA vaccine technology illegal, start a real investigation into Epstein and all of the clients that are on his guest lists.
Meanwhile, the vaccine injured continue to suffer, die, and be ignored, while many in the population continue to injure themselves by injecting themselves with this bio-weapon and other various bio-weapons. We don't need "inside knowledge" to know how corrupt the government is. That's very obvious when you look at almost every sector of our society. From the food that we eat, the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, and literally everything else in between. WTC was an inside job. Oklahoma City was an inside job. 9/11 was an inside job. The ongoing Operation Covid is an inside job. I don't need any "inside information" to tell me that I am right about those things. Like many others, we've done the work and we have all come to the same conclusion: That governments around the world are actively killing us while they continue to implement more controls so that they can completely enslave humanity with the use of technology.
Finally, I would like to shine a light on how aggressive your response is to me because I poked fun at the fact that you (like many other Trump supporters) are constantly justifying and rationalizing everything that Trump does and does not do. Jenna literally did the same thing (not at you personally) in this substack in her usual hilarious way. I don't claim to be superior in anything that I say on substack. I am just pointing out the facts.
Wow, I stand corrected. This rant is so much more epic because it's actually real.
JuJu, what will it take to convince you that the current administration is just as criminal as the rest of the parasites in power?
The Epstein case isn't being investigated because the government is complicit in sex trafficking of minors. Literally. If they weren't, then there would be a full fledged investigation. It's an intelligence blackmail operation to keep politicians and those in power under the control of the real owners.
If my neighbor Joe Shmoe was arrested and convicted of being a child sex trafficker, every single possible connection and person would be fully investigated, unless of course it was somehow tied to the global child sex trafficking ring. Why isn't this being done for Epstein and all of the paying customers?
It's not as complicated as you are making it out to be. Gangsters have been running the government for decades and they continue to run the government. The only difference now is that large swaths of the population have been convinced that the father of the death jabs is not one of them. Nothing has changed besides your perspective on the government due to very advanced psychological operations.
I think there are way more Republican congressman allies' names on the Epstein list than Trump/Bondi are comfortable with, as well. If they expose only the perverts on the Democrat side, those people will rat out the ones they know about on the right, and it'll be raining politicians in DC, taking turns between jumping and pushing others from upper-floor windows.
Personally, I'd love to see them install a diving board on the roof of the Watergate Hotel - the glistening mess left behind could just be pushed into the river for the fish to feed on. But I understand that Trump needs cooperation from the right Republicans to accomplish his agenda, and time to allow some of those filthy SOBs to get their affairs in order.
lol that was an epic Trump 666D rant. For most of us in the conspiracy realist community, this was to be expected.
Here's your one page executive summary that will never be put into these explicit words to the public, but this is what is behind closed doors:
We, the criminal parasitic class, are responsible for the assassination of JFK and for the continued lies and confusion about who assassinated this man. We are also responsible for the "terrorist attacks" on the World Trade Center, the Oklahoma city bombing, 9/11, child sex trafficking, and the ongoing democide known as Operation Covid. We will continue to lie and to deceive you to purposely distract you from the technocratic control grid that we are erecting all around you in the form of digital IDs, giant AI data centers, 5G towers, and a centralized digital currency to monitor every single penny that you spend.
Once everyone is enslaved on the digital grid, then and only then will we reveal the truth behind who really assassinated JFK and who really demolished the WTC buildings on 9/11. Because why not? You'll be completely controlled and accounted for. Any resistance will be futile because we can just turn you off with a flick of a switch.
I also believe multiple agencies/people conspired to kill Kennedy, for a variety of self-interest reasons; CIA, MIC, Israel, LBJ, etc. If the truth was known the American people would realize all these agencies/people are only interested in retaining power and not furthering the advancement of our collective prosperity. We would revolt against the entire structure.
From the first time I watched the Zapruder film and watched JFK's head pitch backward I knew the shot came from the front.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984
You know Vee, they can see you posting all this stuff. They know who you are, where you live, and that you're posting mostly on company time. I'd be afraid my friend, very afraid.
Seriously, though, I did appreciate Vince Guerra’s observation that the timing is interesting because it distracts from what is going on in Iran and the Middle East at the moment.
What are the chances that the extra dozen pages got shredded years ago? The ones that explained the plot.
While we can't pin this on one person or agency, it isn't too hard to figure out. The powers that have done so much to control the direction of our government from JFK to 9/11 to Epstein and everyone else that got 'Hillary'd'. The powers that are controlling the CIA. We call it the deep state. The same powers that decide who can run for president and who can remain president.
It is because our government and many governments of the world are controlled by money. Extreme wealth can do despicable things.
First... Who cares about 62-year-old documents when we all know what happened... do the specifics matter when the fact of the matter is that our government murdered a sitting POTUS? I say NO! We know what happened! We've ALWAYS known what happened! Get over it and move on, because there isn't a damn thing that anyone can do about it. America died that day, and she's been lying in an unmarked shallow grave ever since.
It's time that our nation was resurrected! Let's start with justice.
Now where are the Epstein files? And don't let them try to play that "National Security" horse shit!!!~
I meant, it will not hit daylight any more than the JFK files did for that very reason. And, as you can see, big whoop on the JFK files. If people were convinced, and it was proven that their very own government killed a sitting president, there would be a revolt and revolution of untold proportions. The belief is that we, the public, cannot handle the unvarnished truth. The national security excuse is the go-to way of saying maybe two generations later we'll let you know because by then no one will care like they do now. DC is as incestuous and elitist as they come. They truly do not believe in transparency and that should be obvious. They make their living keeping secrets so we will not hear anything remotely explosive enough to hold anyone accountable. There is nothing new under the sun.
I am shocked, SHOCKED that there was nothing in the files! Who would’ve thunk that CIA directors, who had direct access to the files, would not leave smoking gun evidence in them? How about anyone with a functioning brain?
Smoking Gun In JFK Files: Oswald & CIA Cancer Weapon
Hat tip to Kathleen Janoski who shared this with Brandon is Not Your Bro who then shared this with me. 🥰.
“CIA tried to coverup the connection between alleged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and his killer Jack Ruby, who claimed he was injected in prison by a shot of cancer cells, that Oswald just so happened to be working on with the CIA in New Orleans, to assassinate Fidel Castro.”
“In 2023, the Died Suddenly team was able to track down and interview Lee Harvey Oswald’s former girlfriend, Judyth Baker, and it was an interview we will never forget. Judyth was recruited at a young age as a teen genius to work (unofficially) for the CIA in their bioweapons program. They had Judyth and other young scientists running experiments on lab rats in apartment kitchens in New Orleans to develop a type of turbo cancer that they could use against their enemies.”
Isn’t a great deal of this startling information in the book “Dr. Mary’s monkeys”? Or,was it Judith Baker’s book “Me and Lee”?. I read them both years ago. They were the beginning of MY awakening!
Also,in one of those books,not only were “they” developing cancer as a bio weapon,but, the author (don’t remember if it was Judith or Dr. Mary)absolutely stated,without question,the cure for all cancer was known. However,keeping that secret was part of “national security “,and,people definitely died to keep that secret…
I have the books from long ago. I would not be surprised if they have been rewritten,these days…
Dr Jack Kruse also has an interesting take on all of that. he claims to have seen some of the evidence of the 'cancer' shot, which, according to him, was an offshoot of the discovery of the SV-40 in the original polio jabs.
Dr Jessica Rose posted a link to a long-form interview with Kruse, back in Sept of '24
" It’s what he does. He’s a showman. Obviously, he’s playing 47-D chess while the rest of us are still trying to open the Chutes and Ladders box. "
Trump is playing "Mr. Spock" chess while the MSM buffoons and the rest of the blithering idiots who voted for the "Cackling" dimwit moan and groan. He is 20 steps in front and chuckling. It is all in the "Deal". That is what he does and he does it reallllllllll well. Hang on to your hats for the ride............
Ockham's Razor would have that the simpler explanation, that he acts more of the time from spontaneity than from well thought out, multi-dimensional strategies is the more probable.
Trump is a classic populist. If the people want free bread and circuses, we'll get it. If we--really--want the Constitution, he can do that too, but we'll have to convince him.
Thanks for the equation laugh. Ain't the new "math" wonderful. (It's not). The killing of Kennedy happened when I was a graduating senior. Liking to solve puzzles and knowing their tale was BS, I have been waiting a long time for more pieces to be put into place. As a TV judge says, if it doesn't make sense it's not true. I haven't started on the 80 thousand yet. I would NEVER ask an AI to do my thinking for me because garbage in garbage out. Just me. There are lots of books out there that bare little connection directly to the killing but in reading you can pick up clues. No one is going to find a written statement that an "order" was ever written out and given. I guess I am saying everything will always be based on circumstantial evidence and common sense. I never believed that Oswald ever pulled the trigger. He was the fall guy. He did work for the CIA who ultimately arranged for the killing BUT there were sooooo many others involved...the secret service, Bush, Johnson, Oschner, Mafia
I'd ask AI to scour the doc's and summarize any revelations absent from the Internet, then what theories the doc's corroborate with facts. I'm no AI expert, but I recall some discussion, I think from that Claude might be a good AI choice to process a large doc.
To "If you're a visiting space alien or were born last Tuesday", how did you know I'm a visiting space alien born last Tuesday? That is sooo.... weird, are we related?
I hate to sound like Killary, but since everyone involved is mostly dead, and we already know the intel agencies were involved as well as politicians, what does it really matter now? The bad actors are getting their eternal punishment—far worse than anything we can imagine.
A few thoughts:
First I believe the release was purposefully held back until later last night to not steal thunder from Elon’s achievements with bringing home the astronauts yesterday. That deserved the front and center attention and got it without the drop interfering. I think it was a kind decision. I bet Trump really wanted to postpone until today but they knew it would infuriate the impatient masses. So late it was.
Second I’m not sure all 80,000 pages have been released yet. I think I read there might be 30,000-60,000 pages still to be released. (Can’t recall the exact number but it was one of those two amounts.) There are frantic last minute court filings happening yesterday and early this a.m. by the deep state to prevent the release of more. As always. 🙄
Third, I think there are two reasons for holding back the Epstein files. One is with how quickly and nastily the left activist judges monkey pile on every move Trump makes. They HAVE to be sooooo careful. This is a literal minefield unlike JFK. Can you imagine if even ONE victim had a feasible case against this administration for mishandling the evidence and their identities that could hurt them? The left will be watching like a hawk for any move Bondi makes that could bring the roof down on this administration. They WILL capitalize on the smallest infraction. We are dealing with true, sadistic evil that are dangerous because they are crafty and clever too. I believe that’s why they redacted so much of the first round of papers. They knew it was already out there unredacted, just like most of us did. But it wasn’t this administration that did that and they could not be caught in a move that allowed them to be accused of not showing discrete care. So they redacted. They have to be careful with the new papers they retrieved in the same way and there is a lot more to sift through. Second, I truly believe that they know full well who in this government is going to try to undermine them and what they need to do the next four years, and I would want them to leverage the Epstein info ANY way they can to diffuse them, and I don’t think Bondi herself expected so many to be implicated - and it changes the game. It must be a lot worse than most in power realized, even if not more than we all expected. If some of that info gets released too soon they lose the leverage they might have. Now they have the quandary of having promised to release them all but now needing to change tactics. They always keep their hand close to their chest so I don’t think they can come out and say that right now, so silence. No hand tipping. They also have to make airtight cases that can’t be manipulated before they are ready. Expose to the criminals your hand too soon and they have that much more time to prepare for it.
It’s all much more complicated than we are allowing, and I for one am willing to give grace on this. Their hands are FULL. They have a hostile staff that are unreliable with confidential activities. There are few hands that they can actually trust, but every day more and more is on their plate to investigate. (Swattings, Tesla terror, while also having a duty to us to continue investigation of past crimes of 2020 election and J6, etc).
They deserve grace. Much more patience. We have the right team in place but this is one huge ugly ship to navigate and all hands are NOT on deck yet with how corrupt the staff and bureaucracy are.
So thoughtful. So well put. So Juju.
LITERALLY hahahahahaha! :)
Aw you guys know how to make a wordy gal’s day ❤️
The best I've read yet, Juju! I am still going to focus on my dirt, though. Thanks for reminding me that I am not going insane crazy (crazy insane); at least not today!
Your analysis is well thought out and I appreciate that the left will poke at any loose thread just as the idiot, shameful “judges” have spewed their BS lies.
I’m not sure where you got the impression I’m not completely aware or in agreement that the government is complicit in sex trafficking of minors. I most certainly am. We ALL are. Your assumption that I don’t believe that has caused you to misinterpret anything I say and feel you need to convince me of it. 🙄🙄🤦🏼♀️
And I believe Trump and his team know this too and WANT to expose it and shut down the corruption. That’s where you and I start to depart in any agreement.
They must do it carefully if they hope to succeed BECAUSE it runs so deep and has for so long and is wrapped around the legs of so many people in ALL THREE BRANCHES of government and trickles down to their hundreds of thousands of staff. It’s not as simple as you want everyone to believe it is. Your hypothetical neighbor doesn’t have this much thick and ancient bureaucracy and danger surrounding his hypothetical crimes. It IS complicated. Trump and his team can easily be stopped by lawfare (or death) if they aren’t careful and waste the best opportunity we have ever had to bring this to light and end it once and for all, AND prosecuted the guilty AND make them pay dearly for their crimes.
You just want to see Trump as one of the villains so nothing, absolutely nothing, will change your mind and everything you see you will twist to fit your suspicions of him.
You and I will always disagree about this.
I’m willing to be proven wrong about him, but I’ve not seen anything to create doubt yet. Quite the opposite. You on the other hand are NOT willing to be wrong about him, so you’re willfully blind to things you shouldn’t be, arrogant in your “inside knowledge and absolute proof” you somehow have mysterious access to and that is the real epic rant here - your ability to be gloom and doom all the time with an arrogant absolutism you have no realistic reason to possess. But you actually think you do!
Your confidence is still based on the same thing the rest of us have: no real inside knowledge at all so it’s all conjecture to the best of our ability based on what little we have access to OUTSIDE the very corrupt system we are judging. Yet you spend a lot of time degrading other people’s opinions and flippantly speak in a way that implies your conclusions are far superior to theirs. Sorry Vee, they just aren’t. I would have said they are equally worthy of consideration. Actually that’s how I’ve always received your opinions. Part of the thoughts we should all chew on. But the minute someone takes a narcissistic approach to their conclusions being superior to others I draw the line. It is now longer helpful to the discussion and more of a sign of controlled opposition and purposeful sabotage of whatever the truth might be. A forcing of being right at all costs.
Wow,juju! Very well said.
Every time I read Vee I believe he is correct,but,I feel soooo discouraged…
I absolutely must believe there are a few God given good people in this mix of evil doers, working to unravel and eliminate the evil. Your words give me hope!
Yes, you are clearly aware that the government is complicit in child sex trafficking, but you wrongly assume that the current administration is not part of that same government. Trump and his team are a part of the government so they are also complicit in protecting the child sex trafficking racket.
I don't agree with you about the complexity of this. That's all I'll say.
I don't have any desire to see Trump as good or bad. I see it as it is. That's the difference between me and you. You BELIEVE that Trump is a hero and is fighting for good. Beliefs aren't facts and they introduce bias when it comes to talking about objective reality.
In our previous comments, I told you exactly what would change my mind about Trump. Here's a reminder: if he apologized for the death shots and stopped the shots, made mRNA vaccine technology illegal, start a real investigation into Epstein and all of the clients that are on his guest lists.
Meanwhile, the vaccine injured continue to suffer, die, and be ignored, while many in the population continue to injure themselves by injecting themselves with this bio-weapon and other various bio-weapons. We don't need "inside knowledge" to know how corrupt the government is. That's very obvious when you look at almost every sector of our society. From the food that we eat, the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, and literally everything else in between. WTC was an inside job. Oklahoma City was an inside job. 9/11 was an inside job. The ongoing Operation Covid is an inside job. I don't need any "inside information" to tell me that I am right about those things. Like many others, we've done the work and we have all come to the same conclusion: That governments around the world are actively killing us while they continue to implement more controls so that they can completely enslave humanity with the use of technology.
Finally, I would like to shine a light on how aggressive your response is to me because I poked fun at the fact that you (like many other Trump supporters) are constantly justifying and rationalizing everything that Trump does and does not do. Jenna literally did the same thing (not at you personally) in this substack in her usual hilarious way. I don't claim to be superior in anything that I say on substack. I am just pointing out the facts.
Wow, I stand corrected. This rant is so much more epic because it's actually real.
JuJu, what will it take to convince you that the current administration is just as criminal as the rest of the parasites in power?
The Epstein case isn't being investigated because the government is complicit in sex trafficking of minors. Literally. If they weren't, then there would be a full fledged investigation. It's an intelligence blackmail operation to keep politicians and those in power under the control of the real owners.
If my neighbor Joe Shmoe was arrested and convicted of being a child sex trafficker, every single possible connection and person would be fully investigated, unless of course it was somehow tied to the global child sex trafficking ring. Why isn't this being done for Epstein and all of the paying customers?
It's not as complicated as you are making it out to be. Gangsters have been running the government for decades and they continue to run the government. The only difference now is that large swaths of the population have been convinced that the father of the death jabs is not one of them. Nothing has changed besides your perspective on the government due to very advanced psychological operations.
Thank you. Well thought out comment. And I agree with it.
I think there are way more Republican congressman allies' names on the Epstein list than Trump/Bondi are comfortable with, as well. If they expose only the perverts on the Democrat side, those people will rat out the ones they know about on the right, and it'll be raining politicians in DC, taking turns between jumping and pushing others from upper-floor windows.
Personally, I'd love to see them install a diving board on the roof of the Watergate Hotel - the glistening mess left behind could just be pushed into the river for the fish to feed on. But I understand that Trump needs cooperation from the right Republicans to accomplish his agenda, and time to allow some of those filthy SOBs to get their affairs in order.
Well said!!!
One million percent agree with this. Thank you.
lol that was an epic Trump 666D rant. For most of us in the conspiracy realist community, this was to be expected.
Here's your one page executive summary that will never be put into these explicit words to the public, but this is what is behind closed doors:
We, the criminal parasitic class, are responsible for the assassination of JFK and for the continued lies and confusion about who assassinated this man. We are also responsible for the "terrorist attacks" on the World Trade Center, the Oklahoma city bombing, 9/11, child sex trafficking, and the ongoing democide known as Operation Covid. We will continue to lie and to deceive you to purposely distract you from the technocratic control grid that we are erecting all around you in the form of digital IDs, giant AI data centers, 5G towers, and a centralized digital currency to monitor every single penny that you spend.
Once everyone is enslaved on the digital grid, then and only then will we reveal the truth behind who really assassinated JFK and who really demolished the WTC buildings on 9/11. Because why not? You'll be completely controlled and accounted for. Any resistance will be futile because we can just turn you off with a flick of a switch.
I also believe multiple agencies/people conspired to kill Kennedy, for a variety of self-interest reasons; CIA, MIC, Israel, LBJ, etc. If the truth was known the American people would realize all these agencies/people are only interested in retaining power and not furthering the advancement of our collective prosperity. We would revolt against the entire structure.
From the first time I watched the Zapruder film and watched JFK's head pitch backward I knew the shot came from the front.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984
I'd add the Bush family to your list of those who conspired.
I just can’t tap a “like” button here - I think a “bingo” would work in this instance
That's a bit dark. (Not to say that you're necessarily far off the mark.)
Reality is dark, my friend. But it is also very bright.
Sadly, I saw them lifting a 5G antenna on top of a building on my block in Manhattan. 😭
Time to move!
You know Vee, they can see you posting all this stuff. They know who you are, where you live, and that you're posting mostly on company time. I'd be afraid my friend, very afraid.
The numbers thing and 47D chess 😂😂😂 Great post.
Seriously, though, I did appreciate Vince Guerra’s observation that the timing is interesting because it distracts from what is going on in Iran and the Middle East at the moment.
NGL, I could have written a whole post on the wacky gematria thing... this was personally my favorite part. ;)
What are the chances that the extra dozen pages got shredded years ago? The ones that explained the plot.
While we can't pin this on one person or agency, it isn't too hard to figure out. The powers that have done so much to control the direction of our government from JFK to 9/11 to Epstein and everyone else that got 'Hillary'd'. The powers that are controlling the CIA. We call it the deep state. The same powers that decide who can run for president and who can remain president.
It is because our government and many governments of the world are controlled by money. Extreme wealth can do despicable things.
Read the book: "The Killing of Uncle Sam."
Could've been just one dumb guy doing one simple thing just for the sake of giving the country no other choice than to move on.
You know, like Gerald Ford.
I'm with you Jenna. I just posted about this outrageous situation as well. I think you'll get a kick out it.
Love it! Glad I'm not the only one who was left mostly scratching her head... ;)
First... Who cares about 62-year-old documents when we all know what happened... do the specifics matter when the fact of the matter is that our government murdered a sitting POTUS? I say NO! We know what happened! We've ALWAYS known what happened! Get over it and move on, because there isn't a damn thing that anyone can do about it. America died that day, and she's been lying in an unmarked shallow grave ever since.
It's time that our nation was resurrected! Let's start with justice.
Now where are the Epstein files? And don't let them try to play that "National Security" horse shit!!!~
I don't disagree except for the fact that the same logic applies to Epstein.
Not quite... the perpetrators are still available for justice to be served upon them.
That's the difference!~
I meant, it will not hit daylight any more than the JFK files did for that very reason. And, as you can see, big whoop on the JFK files. If people were convinced, and it was proven that their very own government killed a sitting president, there would be a revolt and revolution of untold proportions. The belief is that we, the public, cannot handle the unvarnished truth. The national security excuse is the go-to way of saying maybe two generations later we'll let you know because by then no one will care like they do now. DC is as incestuous and elitist as they come. They truly do not believe in transparency and that should be obvious. They make their living keeping secrets so we will not hear anything remotely explosive enough to hold anyone accountable. There is nothing new under the sun.
On that, we agree 100%... the only difference between you and I appears to be in how you said it... I wouldn't have been so polite.
i.e., "The government of the people, by the people and for the people" my dying ass!~
But still... Americans will cling to their hopium... if it wasn't so embarrassing it would actually be funny.
I am shocked, SHOCKED that there was nothing in the files! Who would’ve thunk that CIA directors, who had direct access to the files, would not leave smoking gun evidence in them? How about anyone with a functioning brain?
Smoking Gun In JFK Files: Oswald & CIA Cancer Weapon
Hat tip to Kathleen Janoski who shared this with Brandon is Not Your Bro who then shared this with me. 🥰.
“CIA tried to coverup the connection between alleged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and his killer Jack Ruby, who claimed he was injected in prison by a shot of cancer cells, that Oswald just so happened to be working on with the CIA in New Orleans, to assassinate Fidel Castro.”
“In 2023, the Died Suddenly team was able to track down and interview Lee Harvey Oswald’s former girlfriend, Judyth Baker, and it was an interview we will never forget. Judyth was recruited at a young age as a teen genius to work (unofficially) for the CIA in their bioweapons program. They had Judyth and other young scientists running experiments on lab rats in apartment kitchens in New Orleans to develop a type of turbo cancer that they could use against their enemies.”
Isn’t a great deal of this startling information in the book “Dr. Mary’s monkeys”? Or,was it Judith Baker’s book “Me and Lee”?. I read them both years ago. They were the beginning of MY awakening!
Also,in one of those books,not only were “they” developing cancer as a bio weapon,but, the author (don’t remember if it was Judith or Dr. Mary)absolutely stated,without question,the cure for all cancer was known. However,keeping that secret was part of “national security “,and,people definitely died to keep that secret…
I have the books from long ago. I would not be surprised if they have been rewritten,these days…
Dr Jack Kruse also has an interesting take on all of that. he claims to have seen some of the evidence of the 'cancer' shot, which, according to him, was an offshoot of the discovery of the SV-40 in the original polio jabs.
Dr Jessica Rose posted a link to a long-form interview with Kruse, back in Sept of '24
" It’s what he does. He’s a showman. Obviously, he’s playing 47-D chess while the rest of us are still trying to open the Chutes and Ladders box. "
Trump is playing "Mr. Spock" chess while the MSM buffoons and the rest of the blithering idiots who voted for the "Cackling" dimwit moan and groan. He is 20 steps in front and chuckling. It is all in the "Deal". That is what he does and he does it reallllllllll well. Hang on to your hats for the ride............
Ockham's Razor would have that the simpler explanation, that he acts more of the time from spontaneity than from well thought out, multi-dimensional strategies is the more probable.
Trump is a classic populist. If the people want free bread and circuses, we'll get it. If we--really--want the Constitution, he can do that too, but we'll have to convince him.
Thanks for the morning chuckles,Jenna.
I definitely think it’s a distraction,like almost everything else we are media fed.
I trust everyone here will get out p,and live their best lives. Plant a few seeds. Spring is coming…💚
Thanks for the equation laugh. Ain't the new "math" wonderful. (It's not). The killing of Kennedy happened when I was a graduating senior. Liking to solve puzzles and knowing their tale was BS, I have been waiting a long time for more pieces to be put into place. As a TV judge says, if it doesn't make sense it's not true. I haven't started on the 80 thousand yet. I would NEVER ask an AI to do my thinking for me because garbage in garbage out. Just me. There are lots of books out there that bare little connection directly to the killing but in reading you can pick up clues. No one is going to find a written statement that an "order" was ever written out and given. I guess I am saying everything will always be based on circumstantial evidence and common sense. I never believed that Oswald ever pulled the trigger. He was the fall guy. He did work for the CIA who ultimately arranged for the killing BUT there were sooooo many others involved...the secret service, Bush, Johnson, Oschner, Mafia
Watch MOMO-THE SAM GIANCANA STORY for a very plausible alternative explanation.
I'd ask AI to scour the doc's and summarize any revelations absent from the Internet, then what theories the doc's corroborate with facts. I'm no AI expert, but I recall some discussion, I think from that Claude might be a good AI choice to process a large doc.
To "If you're a visiting space alien or were born last Tuesday", how did you know I'm a visiting space alien born last Tuesday? That is sooo.... weird, are we related?
I hate to sound like Killary, but since everyone involved is mostly dead, and we already know the intel agencies were involved as well as politicians, what does it really matter now? The bad actors are getting their eternal punishment—far worse than anything we can imagine.
Ho-hum. My gardening is more exciting than the Epstein list and the JFK files being exposed.
Keep digging, Penny, you just may be the one to hit pay dirt in the garden on one or the other cache of secret files. Eureka! ;-)
love this.
There are so many baddies in this con game .