Consider this Epstein scandal is just a labyrinth rabbit hole that leads no where but keeps us on the bench doing nothing waiting & hoping for government to solve the problem of its own blackmail, which it never will.
Every minute we waste on these suspenseful movies/stories is a minute we lose building a future worth living in for ourselves and our children, which is, of course, the point of them in the first place. Dead ends, stairs to nowhere, twists and turns, empty promises brimming with enticing breathless promises of justice which never arrives but keeps us docile, inert, and unprepared for the hellish future they are building while they distract us with their Epstein Pavlovian whistle.
"Unfortunately the clock is ticking, the hours are flying by. The past increases the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting."
Want to make a difference and get out of the spectator mindset and break free of this mental manipulation? Do this:
The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.
Speaking of the future, I'm probably more concerned with the cruel elimination of gazillions of healthy chickens. Covid playbook all over again, designed to force us to accept some vaccine in exchange for food, instead of freedom? Wild birds are obviously immune to bird flu. Studies show chickens can develop immunity too, but only if they aren't all killed.
Go over to Sayer Ji’s Stack and watch the clip Sayer posted of my hero, Joel Salatin. He explains perfectly, in plain English— what to do with the chickens. It’s fecking common sense.
Then scroll up and read TriTorch. They only way to live a life worth anything is to prepare to live locallly. Plant a garden. Start small. Make friends who grow, raise chickens and livestock. We are indeed a mere 72 hours away from lawlessness without a consistent local food supply chain.
One of the Ag secretary's 5 point plan was to encourage people to raise their own chickens. Two years ago I did a petition drive in my town (fewer than 600 people) to change the farm animal ordinance (chickens were prohibited) to allowing people to have hens. Nearly everyone here has gigantic yards so having hens is realistic. However, there are still many towns, not to mention cities, where people live in apartments and can't farm and can't hope to raise chickens. I grow lots of vegetables every summer here, but our winters are too cold and I have to depend on store bought food. And honestly, as much as I like the idea of having laying hens, I just don't want the mess. I know (because both my sisters have kept small flocks) just how much work is involved, not to mention the expense: fencing, housing, feed. The Ag Sec'y simply needs to follow Joel Salatin on this and the national shortage will end.
Especially considering who's buying up all the farms and land since way back when certain entities deliberately put small pig farmers out of business...
RFK knows where all THOSE bodies are buried.
PS: Speaking of pig farms and grinders: The RCMP knew what was afoot at the Pickton properties... They were in attendance at parties the Hell's Angels provided "security" for.
"Everybody Knows. Everybody Knows. That's how it goes... EVERYBODY knows."
Except the folks who still consume "the news" regurgitated by coiffed MSM talking heads reading from teleprompters. From their Living Room easy chairs. Whilst nibbling microwave dinners on trays and suffering another bad bout of shingles or flu after their 7th booster shot but still haven't put the pieces of THAT puzzle together either...
God forbid anyone other than a Trusted Talking Bobble Head
or md-on-speed-dial tells them what's what though.
They’re engineering a global holomodor 2.0 using the threat of contagion (the biggest terrorism of them all) as the vector to cull our meat supply. The just-in-the-nick-of-time solution to this “problem” will be feeding us bugs (they hate us with all their might). Here's a video from a couple of years ago that lays out what they are doing today:
When psychopaths are in charge, mankind becomes their playthings and they commit atrocities like this (eg. Lenin) for fun. Their mindset is so alien to ours to the point that what we think of as good they think of as bad and vice-versa. I wrote this in 2021:
The COVID-19 pandemic is both the smokescreen and the bludgeon being wielded by the WEF in order to execute a blanket world-wide coup, and if we do not stop this madness we will soon find ourselves locked inside a technological panopticon prison unlike anything seen in history.
The reason we are in this mess running headlong into tyranny is because the majority of people refuse to believe that the controllers would ever do this to us. These eternal optimists appear to be blind to this most fundamental construct of human nature: that power attracts and then corrupts nearly everyone who wields it—and the globalists - those obscure puppetmaster billionaires you never read about in Forbes and who've spent decades away from the disinfectant properties of sunlight - have indeed become quite corrupted.
I’ve tried and failed countless times to open their eyes to the truth of the situation – that the elites are evil incarnate, and that they want most of us dead, and that they want to enslave the rest of us.
And the stunning part about their blindness is that none of this is new: the psychopaths often rise to the top of every power structure over time as the bad drives out the good and as such tyranny has taken control of nations many many times throughout history. This time is no different, and the freedom we take for granted has actually been an aberration from the historical norm.
If people still cannot see this given how obvious what is occurring has become, then I do not see how we have any hope of turning the tide.
The normies will just keep on complying and believing what’s being done to them is for the greater good while they drag themselves and the rest of us into totalitarianism.
Several days ago the new Sec'y of Agriculture announced her "5 point" program for dealing with the egg shortage/bird flu hot mess. Not one of those points was the biologically sensible point of allowing bird flu to "rip" through flocks which would kill some while others would survive and become the new breeding stock which would have immunity.
Haha yeah, first bird flu isn't even real and even if it were herd immunity would be the way to solve it, second the only solution to this fake problem is to kill all the birds. Welcome to the father of lies inverted world.
I read your Stack yesterday. It’s sort of fun to get caught up in the effing Epstein drama, but if you want to really want to dig deep—Celia Farber unearths some truths you may not want to see or hear. Then there is Whitney Webb, or course.
Epstein is a vile human, but he is just a puppet of the British Empire that is and has been in full control for the past 200 plus years.
Antidote? You choose. Vats of Vodka? Not recommended! Living local, planting your own sustainable garden, making local friends with complimentary skills and resources seems to be a recipe for a life worth living, IMHO.
Epstein was probably the replacement for their old (Sir!!!) Jimmy Saville. Belgium had their pedo-pimp Dutroux, a man who lived on welfare but somehow owned five houses. He had an accomplice named Weinstein. Detectives were taken off the case, an unusual amount of people (but not victims) died under suspicious circumstances, but Dutroux DID go to prison and I think he’s still there. I read rumors by an independent reporter who’s in prison- which adds credibility to those rumors IMO - that present Dutch leader Geert Wilders was present at an infamous satanic rape, and that he, GW, was trained by Mossad. It always leads to Mossad somehow. 🙏🌍
The "solution" (and it's a Booger Bear) is to somehow get around the "gatekeepers of the news" so the "Man on the Street" finally realizes our trusted experts and authorities aren't actually "protecting us" ... they are, instead, killing and harming us and spreading mass misery.
I'm starting to wonder if a Great Awakening is finally starting to happen and that the "times, they may be a changing."
If this IS the case, our rulers are probably starting to become petrified.
I wrote about the potential ramifications of this scenario in my recent essay "The World ... Re-Imagined."
@TriTorch, you're right, but in my view kinda buried the lead: "You can no longer trust anything from a corporation [and of course government]."
Washington (the MAN, not any of the locations) warned about "entangling alliances" which I think he did not envision included "businesses."
Eisenhower (the MAN, not the tunnel) warned about "the military-industrial complex" which I think he did not envision would grow to include multi-national corps. (the ABBREVIATION, not the word 'corps' followed by a '.', or the word 'corpse', misspelled).
You have shrewdly highlighted the fact that Big Everybody are in co-dependence mode with Big G and, in a full-blown panic, survival will be determined by community cooperation.
You've rightly shouted (I imagine): "For your own sakes, if you CANNOT DO IT NOW, already, then START PRACTICING! The BEST time to start was Yesterday; Today is Second-BEST; Tomorrow NEVER comes..."
There are more people who think like us than are visible. In fact more are opening their eyes every day. It is interesting how many people are becoming awake. It has been a lifelong journey for me. I am saddened by the sheep, there are 100 times of them than us. But at some point they will be slaughtered due to ignorance, jabs for example. You and I are not those sheep but we are going to win. I am hopeful and will never give up.
I love you TriTorch, and there isn’t much that would stop me from reading you or your replies because I like so much of your thinking. But every time I come across one of your replies like this I have the same thoughts in my head: you’re only partially right. Yes we need to mobilize at the local level BUT it’s corrupt there too. Almost MORE and harder to fight with less money when big money is being given at the local level by Soros thugs. Just ask Kari Lake how that worked.
We need to be fighting at all three levels, local, state, AND federal. It is not a waste of time in any of those because when you solely focus on only one (as you say - solely focusing on federal hurts us by not strengthening us locally) the other two overpower and take over. We must be fighting this at all levels. If I solely focus on local there’s a very good chance we are outspent and beaten down and lose anyway and meanwhile the state and federal became more corrupt.
I do wish you would sell a balance rather than your current “it’s all local people” mantra.
I appreciate your comment. There's so much that goes into my thought process on this Juju. I have researched this very deeply and there is no other way to win. The federal level is literally a stage play, what occurs there is only designed to saw American in half with every push toward democrats and pull back toward republicans. It's the blade sawing the tree of liberty down.
First we have to get control locally, and then we can take back at the federal level. It's not even about fighting Soro's money, it's about civics and watching them like a hawk and sounding the alarm. If everyone participated a little, all the money in the world would not change the fact that they would finally have to start doing the will of the people. From that platform we will be in a position to take back control of the state and federal government.
Again, I've looked into this deeply. What you see written in comments like the one you're replying is just the tip of the iceberg, here is some more of it:
By the way for anyone else reading our exchange, the links you provided are great reads. I have followed Simulation Commander myself for a while now, as well as your own stacks. I hope other check out those links! The more you know matters
I guess I’ve witnessed what happens often at the local level when an entire community rises up and speaks out and the ejections are still rigged and stolen from us anyway. It has happened for the past 30 years in my community and I actually was part of the battle agains our school board ten years ago. It didn’t make the slightest dent. Until election integrity and ballot reforms happen, we have no power at the local level.
I hear you but it requires a critical mass of participation, a non-political communication and alert network for their misdeeds, and people showing up and doing civics everywhere. Also going after their surety bonds when they fail (assuming this actually works):
Exactly what I was thinking. If the Epstein scandal started the collapse of the corrupt system, that would be good, but the tease, then the promise, followed by another tease as if they are milking it for all that they can is kinda shouting that we are being played.
Don't focus on the real corruption, look over here...
Jeff Childers's Coffee and Covid newsletter this morning implies it was all a trick to make Starmer sweat through the meeting. We shall see. Patel seems to be trustworthy, but he's up against a tremendous amount of entrenched power..
Five Times August got it right. The list of names is probably so long that it's going to take a while to clean it all up. And we still won't know who hired Epstein to organize the whole thing, although I'm pretty sure I can guess: rhymes with Shederal Shurmeau of Shimvestigation or maybe even the Fentral Fintelligence Fagency. Pam Bondi couldn't (and won't be able to) release the entire file (how much of it has been destroyed anyway?), so she just got her first lesson this week on what happens when you promise too much transparency.
I read her letter to the NY District FBI which refuses to give her the files. When she promised to release the list, she thought she had received the materials. What she got was a pile of no new news redacted crap. With Cash and Bongino on deck I thought they would be kicking the rogue agents into submission. Now we go back to the waiting game both for the evidence and a better understanding of Pam Bondi, who just released her first huge public disappointment.
Check out Jeff Childers' Stack this morning. This all, including the letter Bondi wrote, might have been part of a larger Trump plan. Fascinating. Childers has been proven to be right so much of the time that I can't dismiss his hypothesis:
I bet there are a ton of considerations behind how, when and if that list will ever be delivered because of its huge implications. I love Stephen Miller. Especially his delivery. He’s a highly strategic thinker and maybe he did fabricate that nothing-burger with a grand plan. Kind of like a sting operation.
Totally disagree. Ms bondi knew those binders contained nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were just blank. I’m pretty sure they are trying to draw out the the little background kids that are probably fearing for their lives right now. And giving the press the shot of the century, a bunch of conservative influencers, ( we don’t have influencers) showing off their booty ? Cmon. Too corny.
I heard that the victims were paid off not to disclose the johns. I have no evidence, but I do find it absolutely odd that a not single one has shared any names but for not-so-princely Andrew.
IF my name IS in there (I specifically asked to be left off)
AND the list IS released to world-wide scrutiny,
THEN "What are my chances of GETTING AWAY WITH MY CRIMES, on the grounds that 'I can't get a fair trial ANYWHERE in the WORLD?'"
(Actually if "they" can snatch people up from anywhere and put 'em on trial for "war crimes" in The Hague (wherever-the-f-that-is...), I would think they could conjure up something for serial pedos, and first-offenders.)
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
agree with tri torch. this is all smoke and mirrors to keep us sucked into the government is real and matters fantasy prison. all that is real is what we actually DO in our immediate lives.
I certainly agree that the ONLY things I know for sure are the things I can see,in real time,in front of my eyes. And,what I do to respond to those moments. The rest can,and,quite possibly is “smoke and mirrors “..
However,there’s no doubt that during the “scamdemic “, my rights were hugely impinged on. So,there has to be SOMETHING we can do to resist that from happening,again. That will take having trust in SOME sort of power. “God helps those who help themselves” ,so,I’m pretty sure we have to do SOMETHING,on earth to help…
yes, my favorite saying about god, help ourselves. thats what free will is all about. and since almost nobody recognized the jesus figure first time around (was it the first time?) sincerely doubt most of us will recognize this time.
There's only a few "thermo-nuclear" blasts that could actually drain the swamp. Exposing all of Epstein's 'clients" as well as the intelligence agencies who were backing Epstein (or looking the other way for DECADES) ... might be one of these blasts.
So we all know this can't happen and why it can't happen.
BTW, Covid as we know it probably wouldn't have happened if we'd had a Mass Purge of Evil-doers a couple years before Covid. That is, one unexposed scandal ... makes possible many other unexposed scandals.
My theory, said elsewhere, is that the main and perhaps ONLY interest in Epstein and his doings was to get damning stuff on Trump. Today's People email - yaaas, Trumps name is there, he flew with his wife and daughter a couple of times. No mention of Clinton, of course. And yeah, they mentioned that Epstein was previously convicted - but golly, forgot to mention that Trump turned him in. IMO "our' government has been so freakishly laser-beamed on getting Trump that all kinds of nasty stuff has been created, weaponized, excused, in order to bring down one guy.
I am thinking the stuff the FBI is keeping does not mention Trump, but does mention pretty much everybody else.
That "bathtub of blood" photo of Loomer in 2016 was taken prior to the nose job she grifted from fan donations, and yet another "Back to Black" home dye job.
Cannot abide that fake-ass former Project Verita$ honey-pot "me me me" alleged "journalism student"
I first bumped into her, and her "reports", in Las Vegas, after the Route 1 massacre.
She regurgitated conspiracy theories bandied about by a "5 News" grifter and other Youtube and online daily conspiracy theory site grifters. (Who never ever got anything CORRECT.)
She and a grifter did a "live-stream" from the Clark County Coroner's office which was bloody awful.
Another from the Mandalay Bay... Whereupon she was banned by Sheriff "Angry Joe Lombardo's LVMPD's pressers.
The 1st rule of real journalism obviously wasn't taught at the school which the formerly
unattractive South Florida shill-for-hire and Lightly Trust Funded by parents and Baby Boomers attended.
But then again: Don't we all love us some juicy but unsubstantiated dsily gossip drops from alt media sources, some of whom now have been granted access to The Highest Office? (Especially if the gossip is slightly salty but deliciously salacious?)
Reading Celia's article now. I see attributions... (I haven't read her stuff in a while. Think I might have been irritated by paywalls.)
Consider this Epstein scandal is just a labyrinth rabbit hole that leads no where but keeps us on the bench doing nothing waiting & hoping for government to solve the problem of its own blackmail, which it never will.
Every minute we waste on these suspenseful movies/stories is a minute we lose building a future worth living in for ourselves and our children, which is, of course, the point of them in the first place. Dead ends, stairs to nowhere, twists and turns, empty promises brimming with enticing breathless promises of justice which never arrives but keeps us docile, inert, and unprepared for the hellish future they are building while they distract us with their Epstein Pavlovian whistle.
"Unfortunately the clock is ticking, the hours are flying by. The past increases the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting."
Want to make a difference and get out of the spectator mindset and break free of this mental manipulation? Do this:
The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.
Many more solutions here:
Speaking of the future, I'm probably more concerned with the cruel elimination of gazillions of healthy chickens. Covid playbook all over again, designed to force us to accept some vaccine in exchange for food, instead of freedom? Wild birds are obviously immune to bird flu. Studies show chickens can develop immunity too, but only if they aren't all killed.
Go over to Sayer Ji’s Stack and watch the clip Sayer posted of my hero, Joel Salatin. He explains perfectly, in plain English— what to do with the chickens. It’s fecking common sense.
Then scroll up and read TriTorch. They only way to live a life worth anything is to prepare to live locallly. Plant a garden. Start small. Make friends who grow, raise chickens and livestock. We are indeed a mere 72 hours away from lawlessness without a consistent local food supply chain.
One of the Ag secretary's 5 point plan was to encourage people to raise their own chickens. Two years ago I did a petition drive in my town (fewer than 600 people) to change the farm animal ordinance (chickens were prohibited) to allowing people to have hens. Nearly everyone here has gigantic yards so having hens is realistic. However, there are still many towns, not to mention cities, where people live in apartments and can't farm and can't hope to raise chickens. I grow lots of vegetables every summer here, but our winters are too cold and I have to depend on store bought food. And honestly, as much as I like the idea of having laying hens, I just don't want the mess. I know (because both my sisters have kept small flocks) just how much work is involved, not to mention the expense: fencing, housing, feed. The Ag Sec'y simply needs to follow Joel Salatin on this and the national shortage will end.
Especially considering who's buying up all the farms and land since way back when certain entities deliberately put small pig farmers out of business...
RFK knows where all THOSE bodies are buried.
PS: Speaking of pig farms and grinders: The RCMP knew what was afoot at the Pickton properties... They were in attendance at parties the Hell's Angels provided "security" for.
"Everybody Knows. Everybody Knows. That's how it goes... EVERYBODY knows."
Except the folks who still consume "the news" regurgitated by coiffed MSM talking heads reading from teleprompters. From their Living Room easy chairs. Whilst nibbling microwave dinners on trays and suffering another bad bout of shingles or flu after their 7th booster shot but still haven't put the pieces of THAT puzzle together either...
God forbid anyone other than a Trusted Talking Bobble Head
or md-on-speed-dial tells them what's what though.
PS: It's not ONLY the Dems who attempt to discredit truth tellers, bury people, books and salacious allegations:
Anyone remember this Las Vegas bodybuilder-dominatrix-aspiring politician who disappeared on November 3, 2007?
I sure do... I used to be in touch with her.
They’re engineering a global holomodor 2.0 using the threat of contagion (the biggest terrorism of them all) as the vector to cull our meat supply. The just-in-the-nick-of-time solution to this “problem” will be feeding us bugs (they hate us with all their might). Here's a video from a couple of years ago that lays out what they are doing today:
Bird Flu On Deck Brought to You by Bill Gates - Ice Age Farmer Mirror: [21mins]
When psychopaths are in charge, mankind becomes their playthings and they commit atrocities like this (eg. Lenin) for fun. Their mindset is so alien to ours to the point that what we think of as good they think of as bad and vice-versa. I wrote this in 2021:
The COVID-19 pandemic is both the smokescreen and the bludgeon being wielded by the WEF in order to execute a blanket world-wide coup, and if we do not stop this madness we will soon find ourselves locked inside a technological panopticon prison unlike anything seen in history.
The reason we are in this mess running headlong into tyranny is because the majority of people refuse to believe that the controllers would ever do this to us. These eternal optimists appear to be blind to this most fundamental construct of human nature: that power attracts and then corrupts nearly everyone who wields it—and the globalists - those obscure puppetmaster billionaires you never read about in Forbes and who've spent decades away from the disinfectant properties of sunlight - have indeed become quite corrupted.
I’ve tried and failed countless times to open their eyes to the truth of the situation – that the elites are evil incarnate, and that they want most of us dead, and that they want to enslave the rest of us.
And the stunning part about their blindness is that none of this is new: the psychopaths often rise to the top of every power structure over time as the bad drives out the good and as such tyranny has taken control of nations many many times throughout history. This time is no different, and the freedom we take for granted has actually been an aberration from the historical norm.
If people still cannot see this given how obvious what is occurring has become, then I do not see how we have any hope of turning the tide.
The normies will just keep on complying and believing what’s being done to them is for the greater good while they drag themselves and the rest of us into totalitarianism.
Excerpt from
Several days ago the new Sec'y of Agriculture announced her "5 point" program for dealing with the egg shortage/bird flu hot mess. Not one of those points was the biologically sensible point of allowing bird flu to "rip" through flocks which would kill some while others would survive and become the new breeding stock which would have immunity.
Haha yeah, first bird flu isn't even real and even if it were herd immunity would be the way to solve it, second the only solution to this fake problem is to kill all the birds. Welcome to the father of lies inverted world.
Because this makes sense….
Mary Ann, this was in Brownstone this morning
You just nailed it!
I thought unrecognized these wise words, TT!
I read your Stack yesterday. It’s sort of fun to get caught up in the effing Epstein drama, but if you want to really want to dig deep—Celia Farber unearths some truths you may not want to see or hear. Then there is Whitney Webb, or course.
Epstein is a vile human, but he is just a puppet of the British Empire that is and has been in full control for the past 200 plus years.
Antidote? You choose. Vats of Vodka? Not recommended! Living local, planting your own sustainable garden, making local friends with complimentary skills and resources seems to be a recipe for a life worth living, IMHO.
Epstein was probably the replacement for their old (Sir!!!) Jimmy Saville. Belgium had their pedo-pimp Dutroux, a man who lived on welfare but somehow owned five houses. He had an accomplice named Weinstein. Detectives were taken off the case, an unusual amount of people (but not victims) died under suspicious circumstances, but Dutroux DID go to prison and I think he’s still there. I read rumors by an independent reporter who’s in prison- which adds credibility to those rumors IMO - that present Dutch leader Geert Wilders was present at an infamous satanic rape, and that he, GW, was trained by Mossad. It always leads to Mossad somehow. 🙏🌍
Seems like it does always lead to Mossad! The root of the evil? Hmm
The "solution" (and it's a Booger Bear) is to somehow get around the "gatekeepers of the news" so the "Man on the Street" finally realizes our trusted experts and authorities aren't actually "protecting us" ... they are, instead, killing and harming us and spreading mass misery.
I'm starting to wonder if a Great Awakening is finally starting to happen and that the "times, they may be a changing."
If this IS the case, our rulers are probably starting to become petrified.
I wrote about the potential ramifications of this scenario in my recent essay "The World ... Re-Imagined."
@TriTorch, you're right, but in my view kinda buried the lead: "You can no longer trust anything from a corporation [and of course government]."
Washington (the MAN, not any of the locations) warned about "entangling alliances" which I think he did not envision included "businesses."
Eisenhower (the MAN, not the tunnel) warned about "the military-industrial complex" which I think he did not envision would grow to include multi-national corps. (the ABBREVIATION, not the word 'corps' followed by a '.', or the word 'corpse', misspelled).
You have shrewdly highlighted the fact that Big Everybody are in co-dependence mode with Big G and, in a full-blown panic, survival will be determined by community cooperation.
You've rightly shouted (I imagine): "For your own sakes, if you CANNOT DO IT NOW, already, then START PRACTICING! The BEST time to start was Yesterday; Today is Second-BEST; Tomorrow NEVER comes..."
Thanks buddy, agree, and yeah, the best time to start was yesterday, but since that’s gone redouble your efforts this very morning.
There are more people who think like us than are visible. In fact more are opening their eyes every day. It is interesting how many people are becoming awake. It has been a lifelong journey for me. I am saddened by the sheep, there are 100 times of them than us. But at some point they will be slaughtered due to ignorance, jabs for example. You and I are not those sheep but we are going to win. I am hopeful and will never give up.
I love you TriTorch, and there isn’t much that would stop me from reading you or your replies because I like so much of your thinking. But every time I come across one of your replies like this I have the same thoughts in my head: you’re only partially right. Yes we need to mobilize at the local level BUT it’s corrupt there too. Almost MORE and harder to fight with less money when big money is being given at the local level by Soros thugs. Just ask Kari Lake how that worked.
We need to be fighting at all three levels, local, state, AND federal. It is not a waste of time in any of those because when you solely focus on only one (as you say - solely focusing on federal hurts us by not strengthening us locally) the other two overpower and take over. We must be fighting this at all levels. If I solely focus on local there’s a very good chance we are outspent and beaten down and lose anyway and meanwhile the state and federal became more corrupt.
I do wish you would sell a balance rather than your current “it’s all local people” mantra.
I appreciate your comment. There's so much that goes into my thought process on this Juju. I have researched this very deeply and there is no other way to win. The federal level is literally a stage play, what occurs there is only designed to saw American in half with every push toward democrats and pull back toward republicans. It's the blade sawing the tree of liberty down.
First we have to get control locally, and then we can take back at the federal level. It's not even about fighting Soro's money, it's about civics and watching them like a hawk and sounding the alarm. If everyone participated a little, all the money in the world would not change the fact that they would finally have to start doing the will of the people. From that platform we will be in a position to take back control of the state and federal government.
It's all covered here:
Again, I've looked into this deeply. What you see written in comments like the one you're replying is just the tip of the iceberg, here is some more of it:
This is what is coming:
Our only chance to prevent being enslave in their technocratic prison is from a distributed nation-wide forfeited position with local control.
By the way for anyone else reading our exchange, the links you provided are great reads. I have followed Simulation Commander myself for a while now, as well as your own stacks. I hope other check out those links! The more you know matters
Thanks Juju =)
I guess I’ve witnessed what happens often at the local level when an entire community rises up and speaks out and the ejections are still rigged and stolen from us anyway. It has happened for the past 30 years in my community and I actually was part of the battle agains our school board ten years ago. It didn’t make the slightest dent. Until election integrity and ballot reforms happen, we have no power at the local level.
I hear you but it requires a critical mass of participation, a non-political communication and alert network for their misdeeds, and people showing up and doing civics everywhere. Also going after their surety bonds when they fail (assuming this actually works):
Exactly what I was thinking. If the Epstein scandal started the collapse of the corrupt system, that would be good, but the tease, then the promise, followed by another tease as if they are milking it for all that they can is kinda shouting that we are being played.
Don't focus on the real corruption, look over here...
Jeff Childers's Coffee and Covid newsletter this morning implies it was all a trick to make Starmer sweat through the meeting. We shall see. Patel seems to be trustworthy, but he's up against a tremendous amount of entrenched power..
Real interesting take on this. What if what is going on now is “bait”. I recommend this stack. AWESOME art. Awesome thoughts.
I love EKO's writing too!
I like EGO's article. Thanks for sharing!
Five Times August got it right. The list of names is probably so long that it's going to take a while to clean it all up. And we still won't know who hired Epstein to organize the whole thing, although I'm pretty sure I can guess: rhymes with Shederal Shurmeau of Shimvestigation or maybe even the Fentral Fintelligence Fagency. Pam Bondi couldn't (and won't be able to) release the entire file (how much of it has been destroyed anyway?), so she just got her first lesson this week on what happens when you promise too much transparency.
On the other hand, Jeff Childers has a much more interesting take of the Epstein file story.
🤣🤣 “…rhymes with Shederal Shurmeau of Shimvestigation or maybe even the Fentral Fintelligence Fagency..,” lmaoooo
I read her letter to the NY District FBI which refuses to give her the files. When she promised to release the list, she thought she had received the materials. What she got was a pile of no new news redacted crap. With Cash and Bongino on deck I thought they would be kicking the rogue agents into submission. Now we go back to the waiting game both for the evidence and a better understanding of Pam Bondi, who just released her first huge public disappointment.
Check out Jeff Childers' Stack this morning. This all, including the letter Bondi wrote, might have been part of a larger Trump plan. Fascinating. Childers has been proven to be right so much of the time that I can't dismiss his hypothesis:
Usually do read Childers. Running to do so now. Thanks.
I see the hand of Stephen Miller behind the Epstein file caper.
Can’t wait to see what Jeff has to say about the blow up with Zelensky The Weasel.
I bet there are a ton of considerations behind how, when and if that list will ever be delivered because of its huge implications. I love Stephen Miller. Especially his delivery. He’s a highly strategic thinker and maybe he did fabricate that nothing-burger with a grand plan. Kind of like a sting operation.
Thanks for that link :) Mary Ann
Totally disagree. Ms bondi knew those binders contained nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were just blank. I’m pretty sure they are trying to draw out the the little background kids that are probably fearing for their lives right now. And giving the press the shot of the century, a bunch of conservative influencers, ( we don’t have influencers) showing off their booty ? Cmon. Too corny.
Loved, loved, loved your poll
The results are unanimous. Jenna or somebody needs to train me on how to do these Instant Substack polls. They are fun and interesting.
Immediately after I sent you a private email,I was allowed in,so,disregard.
I’m very pleased with this article you have written. It speaks directly to my feelings. Thank you for your open,creative,funny mind!
I appreciate your persistence and support!😊
While not dropped 'officially' - it was leaked - not one iota of this is new. It's been around since Trump's 1st term.
The initial objective, IMO, was to get Trump, and then disappear everything else.
Agreed with Emma Katherine.
How realistic is it to expect a comprehensive list was maintained, that it was collected, held safely by any agency and untouched for all these years?
She’s right, and it’s clear that the victim’s testimonies are the ones that should matter the most given they are firsthand witnesses.
I heard that the victims were paid off not to disclose the johns. I have no evidence, but I do find it absolutely odd that a not single one has shared any names but for not-so-princely Andrew.
Question for my lawyers:
IF my name IS in there (I specifically asked to be left off)
AND the list IS released to world-wide scrutiny,
THEN "What are my chances of GETTING AWAY WITH MY CRIMES, on the grounds that 'I can't get a fair trial ANYWHERE in the WORLD?'"
(Actually if "they" can snatch people up from anywhere and put 'em on trial for "war crimes" in The Hague (wherever-the-f-that-is...), I would think they could conjure up something for serial pedos, and first-offenders.)
I don’t believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK, and I don’t believe Jeffery Epstein committed suicide. 63 years. We will never know the truth.
This is the REAL REAL reason you'll never ever see the full list, and neither the JFK and RFK files:
Who has the power to censor for 200 years a ratified Amendment to the US Constitution without any backlash? Is there anything they can’t do?
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?
Weaponization of Justice
Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:
Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!
agree with tri torch. this is all smoke and mirrors to keep us sucked into the government is real and matters fantasy prison. all that is real is what we actually DO in our immediate lives.
I certainly agree that the ONLY things I know for sure are the things I can see,in real time,in front of my eyes. And,what I do to respond to those moments. The rest can,and,quite possibly is “smoke and mirrors “..
However,there’s no doubt that during the “scamdemic “, my rights were hugely impinged on. So,there has to be SOMETHING we can do to resist that from happening,again. That will take having trust in SOME sort of power. “God helps those who help themselves” ,so,I’m pretty sure we have to do SOMETHING,on earth to help…
yes, my favorite saying about god, help ourselves. thats what free will is all about. and since almost nobody recognized the jesus figure first time around (was it the first time?) sincerely doubt most of us will recognize this time.
wondering how many outrageous distractions are heading down the pike to obscure and diminish the jeffepps international tragedy/disgrace ?
There's only a few "thermo-nuclear" blasts that could actually drain the swamp. Exposing all of Epstein's 'clients" as well as the intelligence agencies who were backing Epstein (or looking the other way for DECADES) ... might be one of these blasts.
So we all know this can't happen and why it can't happen.
BTW, Covid as we know it probably wouldn't have happened if we'd had a Mass Purge of Evil-doers a couple years before Covid. That is, one unexposed scandal ... makes possible many other unexposed scandals.
My theory, said elsewhere, is that the main and perhaps ONLY interest in Epstein and his doings was to get damning stuff on Trump. Today's People email - yaaas, Trumps name is there, he flew with his wife and daughter a couple of times. No mention of Clinton, of course. And yeah, they mentioned that Epstein was previously convicted - but golly, forgot to mention that Trump turned him in. IMO "our' government has been so freakishly laser-beamed on getting Trump that all kinds of nasty stuff has been created, weaponized, excused, in order to bring down one guy.
I am thinking the stuff the FBI is keeping does not mention Trump, but does mention pretty much everybody else.
This is from Celia Farber's Substack yesterday:
That "bathtub of blood" photo of Loomer in 2016 was taken prior to the nose job she grifted from fan donations, and yet another "Back to Black" home dye job.
Cannot abide that fake-ass former Project Verita$ honey-pot "me me me" alleged "journalism student"
I first bumped into her, and her "reports", in Las Vegas, after the Route 1 massacre.
She regurgitated conspiracy theories bandied about by a "5 News" grifter and other Youtube and online daily conspiracy theory site grifters. (Who never ever got anything CORRECT.)
She and a grifter did a "live-stream" from the Clark County Coroner's office which was bloody awful.
Another from the Mandalay Bay... Whereupon she was banned by Sheriff "Angry Joe Lombardo's LVMPD's pressers.
Angry Joe aka Joey the Clown:
Marble-mouth Joe is currently the Governor of Nevada:
But I digress.
The 1st rule of real journalism obviously wasn't taught at the school which the formerly
unattractive South Florida shill-for-hire and Lightly Trust Funded by parents and Baby Boomers attended.
But then again: Don't we all love us some juicy but unsubstantiated dsily gossip drops from alt media sources, some of whom now have been granted access to The Highest Office? (Especially if the gossip is slightly salty but deliciously salacious?)
Reading Celia's article now. I see attributions... (I haven't read her stuff in a while. Think I might have been irritated by paywalls.)
Thanks for the link Trish. ♥️