I don't know why everyone was so down on Kamala. She didn't do anything!

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And there's NO PROOF--whatsoever--she did!!

In fact, future historians will struggle--epically--to find evidence of her tenure.

However her long record of nothing-doing has placed her in top contention for the Nobel Peace Prize--Barry Obama Version.

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She actually did do something, something BIG. She, as the person ordered to coordinate the US response to the influx at the Southern Border, mandated that everyone should be allowed in without vetting and in contradiction to the laws of the nation. Further, the were given US taxpayer dollars to get them started, given free transportation, given housing. None of which was offered to the homeless and desperately poor citizens of our country.

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Well, I see your words well chosen...she DID go down...

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just flip flopped and lied and took away constitutional rights because they were inconvenient

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Being from the UK I have no real stake in the election (and perhaps a not very well-rounded view of US politics either) but, let's face it, America is kind of important for the rest of the world!

But both myself and daughter number 2 were delighted at the result (daughter number 1 is relatively not all that interested in political stuff - it's a case of STFU dad or I'll slip into a coma).

What's fascinating (and equally disturbing) is the very deep divide in worldview that has been created over the last decade or so.

This morning I advanced my "pub theory" of why Trump won : https://rudolphrigger.substack.com/p/trumps-win-the-pub-theory

I don't know how we bridge the divide any more. It seems all those 'old fashioned' values are gone and we're living in a new age of Puritanism where we must not offend the sacred marginalized (or anybody). We've reports of people being offered counselling because of Trump's win.

I'm sorry, but Fuck Me - what is wrong with these people?

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When did people become so emotionally WEAK? Is it because we now rarely have to struggle to eat and just get through a day? If so, why are some people still tough but others need a safe space because an election didn’t go their way? Or need counseling for the ‘trauma’ of someone disagreeing with them? It’s just.... ick.

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“When did people become so emotionally weak”- this! You ask the perfect question. I hate to sound like my boomer parents, but this type of meltdown emotion is a privilege (I hate that word) of the bourgeoisie- the elite that don’t have to worry about the nitty gritty and even if they did, they count on their government to provide it.

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You’re right… absolutely a privilege of the bourgeoisie. The rest of us have to keep that job to pay our bills. We don’t have the privilege of melting down over hurt feelings.

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As my Great Depression Survivor parents used to tell me: Suck it up Buttercup—you have no idea how hard life could be.

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My parents are the same, my dad was born in 1932 and had an after school job repairing transistor radios every day after school in 4th and 5th grade because all the men were away at war. Helped in the Victory garden, hobos stopping by their house during the depression to beg for a little work (they weren’t wealthy at all, my grandpa just had a job). He and his dad repaired everything on their property because there was no local hardware store. We just have no idea, and I include myself in that.

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It's bizarre - but in line with trends over the last few years. We've had many stories about people claiming to "feel unsafe" at work because some fascistbastardnaziscumbag said that women don't have dicks, for example.

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Some women I know have bigger balls than anyone I know.

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I've seen those videos.

And they're still more feminine than liberal women.

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I have the biggest balls known to women kind. i stand down to no one. I stand up for people who have a working brain. I stand for my fecking God given free will. Yes, God gave each of us free will!

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Amen. I am right there with you. I am unafraid and unapologetic.

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Agreed. So lame.

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I’m not at all surprised at the meltdowns.

Many of my friends are avid sports fans. Personally,I’m not interested at all. It has no appeal,to me…Many times,I’m absolutely stunned when pals go into deep funks, because their team didn’t win….over football/ basketball/ soccer…😳 people seem to take the loss,personally. This is a great big version of the same thing….though,I don’t know anyone who needed therapy for a losing ball team,probably because their “safe space” is usually a bar…I wish them well…

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100%. Hubs and I do not understand that mentality. Duuude...it is not like you are on that team! And so many people have Narcissistic Personality Disorder as well. That gives me 2 reasons to find another potential friend!

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You can blame social media and a new wave of narcissism

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It’s been said so many times before:

Strong men make good times,

Good times make weak men,

Weak men make hard times,

Hard times make strong men.

The cycle continues.

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My son ( who's now a trans girl) and his wife went to get passport paperwork started, because they honestly think they're " going to be erased " and need to flee the country. They live with me now. I live with extreme emotional fragility,and I raised him as conservative libertarian. 😑

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My heart breaks for you, I’m so sorry. What a challenge.

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I'm hoping they wake tf up ( at least in woke ways) before they do something irreparable.

Thank you,Ms Valerie.

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What’s disheartening is much of the anger in the meltdowns are a result of the left digging in their heels and telling them to continue to hate and fear and fight. Even Kamala’s speech said they were still going to fight. The people that mentally abused them are still abusing them! They can’t begin to heal because they are still being egged on by the media. I’m shocked by some of the things the media is saying. Now they are convincing their followers that they only lost because we are all racists and misogynists, and we care more about the price of eggs than their rights. (Guess they don’t consider freedom of speech a right. 🤷🏼‍♀️) Queue the repetition among all those meltdowners on TikTok. They have received the transmission of what to think, feel, and hate and they are doing it in spades.

If they saw the media and the politicians on the left that they follow actually doing some self-reflection, speak the truth for the first time, and show some contriteness, maybe their mentally ill followers would be able to start to do that too. But their abusers won’t let them.

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OMG I just posted a comment here about having friends that have posted links on FB for emotional support places. Seriously - they're all insane! I hope RFK reopens the insane assylums.

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I just don't get it.

I didn't particularly want Starmer to win in the UK election either - it is, as expected, proving to be something of a disaster - but I'm not aware of any conservatives running off to their counsellors because of it.

It's effing weird, that's what it is.

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I hope these places have Lego’s

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As a matter of fact...🙄

"Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy is making a “self-care suite” available to students Tuesday to provide an escape from anxiety about the presidential election, according to The Free Press.

An email acquired by the publication from the school’s Director of Student Engagement Jaclyn Clevenger reportedly informed students the suite would be available from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Students will reportedly have the opportunity to enjoy Lego, coloring and “milk and cookies” while visiting the suite.

“In recognition of these stressful times all McCourt community members are welcome to gather. . . in the 3rd floor Commons to take a much needed break, joining us for mindfulness activities and snacks throughout the day,” an excerpt of the email reportedly reads."

BTW, McCourt is a graduate school of public policy, an incubator for our future leaders. I wonder if they get pacifiers and sippy cups with their degrees...

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I can't. A friend of mine works for the Denver Public School system and shared an email the district sent to staff titled "Resources for Taking Care of Ourselves and Our Community". They managed to spew an entire page of virtual-signaling vomit without mentioning the words election or Trump. Here's a snippet:

This week will be full of challenging, but necessary, conversations and decisions. As we approach our collective work this week, it is essential to emphasize our commitment to supporting our employees, our students, and our communities. Each of us will face unique pressures and will need to demonstrate resilience and dedication to our Shared Core Values. Our support as leaders is crucial to maintaining a positive and productive environment during this time. We want to share some methods for maintaining and caring for the variety of relationships we each have, including with ourselves.

Feeling uncertain is normal. Think about what has helped you in the past to ease stress or anxiety. Find moments to do those things and listen to your body. This could be drinking water, going for a walk and getting enough sleep. Take breaks from social media or news outlets if it becomes too much. Think about different activities that bring you joy or peace. Take the time and space you need to feel your feelings.

As you care for yourself, it’s important to share and seek support from friends and family you are comfortable with. They may be able to offer comfort and reassurance, but they can also be accountability partners with you to keep doing the things you need to do to take care of yourself—and you can do the same for them.

If you can stomach it, you can read the rest here: https://denverpsco.edurooms.com/engage/edwin-hudson-chief-of-talent/newsletters/resources-for-taking-care-of-ourselves-and-our-community

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Bizarre that adults would need to be told how to take care of themselves—especially since they are so focused on themselves.

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Obviously we should have bought stock in Kimberly-Clark yesterday before every adult started literally shitting their pants.

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Oh good Lord.

Did someone write that?

Insufferable pillocks.

I'm basically a charitable bloke prepared to give anyone a chance and a sympathetic listen, but my patience runneth about as low as the sense in a Kamala speech.

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Gee I wonder if they posted something similar 4 years ago??

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I will take that barf emoji and debt roll it...USA style.

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I have accomplisheda lot in my life...just saying...never needed a padded cell with play toys!

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What they all need is to miss a few meals and a good shot of cold water. Pandering to these netballs is insane.

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😝😝😝 GOOD one!

Did you hear abt the actress whose nine year old daughter is bawling “bc her rights are being taken away”?

Noooooo, honey. Your daughter is bawling bc YOU have presented yourself and the country as unstable. She has no ROCK ion which to bear. YOU have said too much. YOU are the reason she is off her moorings.

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WTF is wrong with these fecking pussies. I was fecking on my own at age 19! Did my parents throw me out? Hell, no. They expected that I would find my way and be there if I needed a helping hand.

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I think so many are blinded and have drunk the koolaid. They’ve swallowed every word main stream media put out there for years.

MSM has lied for some time now, but once they greased the slope of “anything goes” and decided to TELL everyone what to think and why, whether it had basis in reality or not, it was truly a dark day, leading to dark years. THEN they added Big pHARM-us into the mix, well… The gloves were off— or ON, as it were. Big pHARM-us paying billions to MSM for advertising duct taped the mouths of anyone with reason and truth.

who bites the hand that so generously feeds them? They literally couldn’t AFFORD to anger Big pHaRM-us.

RFK will get

rid of that aspect, at least. Then MSM won’t be quite as “captured”.

Meanwhile, my

hope and prayer is that everyone will see how often they’ve clipped what Trump and others were saying to make him appear so evil, how often they’ve outright lied, and more will wake UP.

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Yup. The whole covid clown show really opened my eyes to the manipulation of the media. Yes, I should have been more clued up before then, but I wasn't. I'm a retired physicist and I just couldn't properly process what I was seeing and reading - The Science™ we were supposed to "follow" bore little resemblance to the science I'd been doing for the past 30 plus years.

I struggle to think of a *single thing* the UK government got right with the Great Cough of Calamity™ - and I'm pretty sure that was also the same for most countries.

When they forced the unscientific BS of masks on us and the press lapdogs just humped the leg of government with glee, it was fairly obvious there was something vastly awry.

But it wasn't just with covid - the whole shebang started to go wrong with the endless pandering to the 'woke' drivel.

If I hadn't found substack and the many wickedly funny writers on here (like Jenna) I think I might have exploded like a swamp dragon (ref : The Discworld series).

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The Great Cough of Calamity! I love it!

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I'm particularly partial to "the press lapdogs just humped the leg of government with glee." ;)

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The whole comment is pure gold. :)

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I wrote mine, laughing, then I scroll down and see yours. Pure gold. Hahaha. Great minds. I am still picturing it in my head. Hilarious.

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Thanks Patti. I'm honoured ☺️

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OMHell...that is pure gold.

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Hey, my son is studying physics. Engineering physics with a minor in computational math. (I’m super proud of him).

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As you should be - good luck to him.

I was rubbish on computers (I do squiggles) but I loved computational math - some really, really clever stuff people have developed over the years.

I did get a bit obsessed with it all - which is why I ended up doing research, and the old physicist joke probably applied all too well to me

Q : what do physicists use for contraception?

A : their personalities

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He wants to do spacecraft instrumentation.

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Oh I’m totally telling him that one! Hahaha

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Pure gold. You are funny similar to Jenna. Bravo. I'm going to use 'the great cough of calamity'...thank you

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Thank you. I feel you do me too much honour though. Jenna is crazy funny whereas I'm just mostly crazy 🤪

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Yep! 👍Me too..

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Instead, like Errol in Guards! Guards! you found a way to turn it all into flame?

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After eating several kettles and some old pairs of shoes 😆

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Don't forget that tin of polish, that's what really tipped the scale!

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“If you repeat a lie often

enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself."

-Joseph Goebbels

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The very deep divide is because we aren’t going to stand for their nonsense anymore! Democrats were used to doing exactly what they wanted while conservatives stayed quiet. We can’t do that anymore unless we are okay with losing our country! Now that we are speaking up we’re being accused of dividing the country. You can’t make this s*#t up!!!

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Yup. I've noticed the Democrats often talk about the 'divide', but they're the ones who *caused* it. This demeaning and spiritually bereft splitting of people into 'good' and 'bad' - largely driven by an identity agenda - has done so much damage.

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its called mass formation hypnosis

hopefully one day soon they will come out of the worlds most intense and to give credit a beautifully crafted reaching all areas psy op of global proportions.

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They’re narcissistic attention whores. If there was no camera to mug for they would be just fine.

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My dear Jenna - isn’t it profound when you witness the hand of God at work? He heard the fervent prayers of not only Americans, but of our loving neighbors across the earth.

I truly thought about shopping at my local health food market where I am always sure to see people in masks - almost FIVE YEARS later. - while walking around in my red white and blue with an eagle on them boots, smiling hugely at anyone willing to make eye contact and humming the song, 🎶YMCA🎶

But gloating is not what God would want me to do. So I didn’t. But I will indeed be wearing these kick ass boots today while I dine with my friends at lunch today. Let me know if you’d like to see a pic of them 🥰😘❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Those. Are. EPIC.


Bigfoot (size 10.5 OMG)

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Wow Jenna! Those are some big feet!

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2 people have them in their cart. Hurry!! Lol. Love them.

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Nov 8Edited

Omg I need a pair of those !!!!!

I’m a size 8 too!

But I cannot afford that 😭😭😭

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Stupid expensive, Juju. I was able to score 30% off when I bought mine.

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Laura Kasner, those are amazing! Wish my foot was a tiny bit smaller.

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Yeehaw! Those are dope. ❤️

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As a owner of 15 pairs of boots, I can definitely say “those are AWSOME “!…unfortunately,im a size 7😅

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Absolutely. I wrote a comment on here, tweaked. But this is originally what I wrote last night to my friend. Those poor people and we are going to be the ones who have to clean up the mess. Don't get me wrong...I am pissed, relieved, gloaty and praising God, but I feel this inexplicable compassion for my fellow humans. Which is totally unlike ME. I have little patience with stupid. But, God on the other hand? Yeah, Him.

"Did you actually see her supporters? It is like The Isle Of Misfit Toys. Those people need to belong. The Dems have turned a huge percentage of this young population into a species that have no idea who they are. It's very sad and they all need a revival. We can't afford to alienate the victims of the last 4 years who were weak. We are blessed to have become stronger but there are many who are collateral damage of evil political whores who sit at the feet of Baphomet himself. They care not one whit for humanity and look upon it with disdain. Those poor used people are going to be tossed out and run over. The MSM and the elitist pedophiles are going to pay a very high price."

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I didn’t gloat yesterday when I had to go for a teeth cleaning. I wasn’t wearing anything that identified me as MAGA either. But I couldn’t hide the natural state of peace I was feeling and my happiness. It was just natural. I was truly happy. I had a new hygienist I’ve never seen before. She seemed nice at first. I had my headphones in and was listening to Dan Bongino. She couldn’t hear what I was listening to. I thought that was the polite thing to do not knowing her party and being the day after the election. I made an effort to keep my phone screen down but occasionally I had to lift it up to skip a commercial or something. Still I was discreet. But c’mon, is Bongino! He makes me laugh! So I laughed a few times.

I think she saw who I was listening to at one point? Because as soon as I turned my phone back down after skipping something, she proceeded to literally abuse my mouth. True ABUSE. I have NEVER not been able to chew food for two straight days after a simple cleaning. I’m sitting here in extreme pain as I type this. She would pull my lips out so far as if she was trying to fit her elbow in there and not just the three fingers she kept shoving down my gums to pull my lip out even farther. She was so rough on me that I have to call them and request they never schedule me with her again.

I didn’t complain. I endured. I held back my tears. I remained happy, because I was. There was no sign I was in as much pain as I really was. I smiled at her at the end when she walked me out, looking clueless to what she just did to me. But I think she derived pleasure in hurting me as a way to hate on a Trump follower. She probably is laughing to her friends about it. Why else would she suddenly do that to me? Why would ANY hygienist do that to anyone?

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That is despicable. And I say that as someone who would rather give birth to a porcupine without an epidural than get my teeth cleaned… I admire you for suffering through the pain, I would have gotten up and walked out. True story.🤬

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You literally just described what mother porcupines endure (newrespect).

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🤣🤣”would rather give birth to a porcupine without an epidural than get my teeth cleaned” 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Former hygienist here: please let her boss know what happened. I assure you, you are not the only one she has done this to and it has nothing to do with the election. That hygienist deserves to have her license revoked. The patients will leave the practice and the dentist needs to know why. The dentist can also be sued for the abuse you suffered at the hands of the employee.

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Juju - that is truly awful what you endured. I would want to call the dentist she works for and ask them if it’s unusual to be in so much pain after a cleaning and if you should be worried that you have some dental disease. 😂

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Well I know for certain that I don’t have anything “new.” I’ve been getting periodontal disease treatment every three months for the past five years and only the first cleanings were painful in the first year and required numbing (which is to be expected,) but it’s hurt less and less until the past two years have been completely pain free and I make it through ALL my cleanings without any numbing, not even topical stuff. Nada. First time in my life. I actually began to like going to the dentist because it never hurt anymore. It’s been so awesome. And this pain was a LOT different than the pain I had in the early years. This was pain due to the extreme over-stretching of my lips and cheeks, and digging hard into my gums with her fingers and the tools. Plus the doctor did see me after my cleaning so would have noted if I had any new disease or if the one being treated was somehow worse. It’s not. I always get a glowing report now with how well things are going.

But I think based on these comments I will call back and let the Dr know that the cleaning hurt me as badly as it did.

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oh my God. Shame on her!

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Last night, for some reason, I watched 2 7-min. reels of girls and soy boys BAWLING into their pillows.

All I could think was how often I’ve wondered HOW could the KOOLAID be THIS strong?!? HOW can they be so blinded by Kamala?

Now I know.

There is nothing, literally no brain cells, no critical thinking, no introspection, no sense of pride or even embarrassment that stops them from videoing themselves, sending into the atmosphere, crying into their pillows and ripping their garments in two like some bible character who has just been told their entire family was murdered.

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All I can think is thank God that my young adult children aren’t weak, narcissistic and pathetic. My gosh, I would die a thousand deaths if I saw a video of one of my five kids acting like this.

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Yessss. I don’t know about my daughter she’s been estranged for a decade now, but my two boys are so level-headed.

My 23 year okd is still in college. It’s a VERY liberal college so he’s surrounded by that which could brainwash him easily. But nope. He’s so clear headed. And he and I haven’t talked much lately about the politics so he ended up where he is all on his own.

He sends me a screenshot of a meltdown text someone in his class sent to everyone yesterday saying that it was OK to feel like shit and grieve, but our political system was F*d from the get go so they must not sink into despair over what the “authoritarians” want and they must fight us like hell.

My son comments to me after the screenshot: “In case you’re wondering why I don’t have too many political friends in-person (online I have plenty lol). I gotta deal with and work with morons like this on daily basis.

Crazy how they cant see the problem is not that over half the country is racist or bigoted or whatever other word they throw at it. It’s those kinds of people who turn anyone who might be right leaning into an apolitical.”

I was so proud of him.

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I wonder if it ever occurred to them to ask themselves why they've never seen us cry after an election...


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😹😹 Just so you know, some of us in Canada feel the same way as you right now!

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Oh I love that! #maplemaga

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MAPLE MAGA!!! That’s golden!

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Thanks, Jenna. I've also been working through the emotional tide from those who didn't get the candidate they wanted to. I realize that I need to just focus on the vision and energize that with the tools I have to do that. Emotions-based decisions is how we got here and that allowed the mass hypnosis. It's time to take a higher road to bring the change we want.

I'm so grateful for Substack and to Elon Musk for X and the Joe Rogans and Tucker Carlsons and all the brave writers who helped me to understand the potential world we can expand into if we all contribute in our unique ways. For me, it started with RFK Jr. and that led me to find people like you and the others who are speaking out and offering information I otherwise would not have had. With gratitude....

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We went out and celebrated last night. :)

I have several friends on FB who posted links to places where people can get emotional support during these trying times. Seriously. Don't they recall the man was President once before? They're all lunatics.

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My sister believes roaming bands of MAGA will be out shooting people. She said this seriously. I try to have some pity for the mentally ill like her but………

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I've said it before and I'll say it again - we seriously need to reopen the asylums.

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You bet. I promise to visit sis if they open the door to the rubber room. I will stand back waaaaay far though.

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Contrast these dem reactions to a Trump win to our reaction to the Trump loss & steal in 2020.

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It's good to know the Guardian will keep us safe over the next four years of (literally) fascism...actually, the Guardian is peak Guardian right now, and providing lots of unintentional comedy. Never mind that Biden's been sending billions of dollars to actual fascists in Ukraine, nor that his son is a criminal who has only escaped punishment because his old man's a crook. Because as well as being unintentionally funny the Guardian is hypocrisy reincarnated in an establishment rag.

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I have a sister in Ireland. If the Guardian says something is the truth—it’s the truth. We cannot talk politics. If she texts something political, I send back a kitten video with a ❤️. It’s the same people there that have ruined our economy here. Destroyed her business but she can’t see it.

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Man, if anyone is in need of & poster boy for MAHA, it’s THAT fat ass loser & his moobs

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That was the best comparison!

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I too watched several live streamed meltdowns. I'm honestly baffled as to how these people can be this damaged. Granted, I haven't watched MSM for 20 years, but still.... They give no actual reasons why Trump is so dangerous to them, just vague unfavorable opinions and wild accusations.

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It's kind of like watching kids at the store when their mum refuses to buy them candy. It's as if they haven't yet learned how to cope with the disappointments of life.

It's both comical and sad at the same time. It's also more than a little disturbing. How did we manage to produce so many broken people?

I like to take the piss, and I often do, but there is a really serious problem here. The emphasis on feelings and mental 'health' has produced a great gooey glob of gormless goofballs who seem to be incapable of managing their emotions.

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So. Well. Said. Your analogy reminded me of the Tucker Carlson rally line: "Dad's home... and he's PISSED." ;)

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Partly to blame is the education system’s focus on ESL - emotional social learning. Like a lot of the crap from left, this sounds ok but is detrimental to raising resilient children. Everything is about ‘feelings’.

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Yes - I know men and women (tend to) process their emotions differently. I'm much more likely *not* to want to endlessly talk about stuff, but to go and *do* something as a way of sorting my thoughts out. I think too much focus on what's bugging you can just make things worse sometimes.

I'm no psychologist, but I wonder whether the whole 'framing' we're giving out to both kids and adults - to talk about anxieties and traumas and the like - is actually making things *worse*.

Lukianoff and Haidt's work in "The Coddling of the American Mind" is a very good assessment of the situation I think.

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"Thank you, God, for favoring truth over lies; for rewarding courage and not false virtue; for giving this glorious country and its people another chance. " Excellent.

Now to all you spineless, latte capucchino Progressive dolts out there who are mourning the loss of the Cackling buffoon; grow a pair of cojones and get ready for the MAGA and MAHA. The best is yet to come.

Pray for the USA, pray for yourselves; pray, pray pray.

BUt, wake the fffffffffff up.

The good, righteous people of this country won.



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As Jeff Childers said in his post this morning, Trump's not even back in office yet, and he's already fulfilling his promises. It is truly a new day and hope abounds! Michael Buble's "Feelin' Good" definitely comes to mind.

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The one that came to mind for me was: "It's the End of the World as We Know It; and I Feel Fine."

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Jenna I so love your writing and your humor! This was such a great read and I am sharing far and wide. Thank you! And I too am celebrating big time! MAHA MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸‼️‼️‼️❤️❤️❤️

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You rock! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Wish I had far and wide to send it. I’m a red dot in a space size blue prison.

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Me too. I have no one to celebrate with but my sons and husband, and my online peeps

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not alone Janet. I am disappointed in my state of Virginia.

okay we are in Northern Virginia but still.... why so stupid? I would think the population around the beltway would be better informed, We have the best view of the sewage dump.

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Cause Trump threatened to end many gov’t jobs. Do people have any idea how many people work for or with the gov’t? You’d all faint if you knew. Go Elon Musk!!

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Oh Patti, I married a US govt employee. He was in management with DOD DIA and a few other defense offices. government employees are lazy, they shop online, and read, they do not do their job. You can not fire them.

My younger daughter, years ago, had her first job as a contractor with Booz Allen, in Crystal City. She worked for a period of time at the Pentagon setting up meetings with top level people. She said, the contractors do all of the work. Government employees do not do shit.

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Yes,I’m in California,too🤷‍♀️

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Here in Vermont I awoke in a state of utter bliss. Seriously, there was a lighter feeling in the air. The roads were empty as I drove to work as I’m sure the majority of my state mourned inside huddled under their “blankets” as recommended by our legislators, not kept warm by wood stove or furnaces. They want to make that illegal. We now have a balanced government or as balanced as VT can get. A clear message was sent to Montpelier. I hope. The greatest migration to VT was in the 60s. All the hippies came up to get away from “the man” and look where all these cowards are now? Totally kowtowing to “the man.” So pathetic. We want our farms back not fields of reflective toxic glass (that will eventually poison the ground that once delivered hay, one of our biggest exports.) Canada owns most if not all our electricity, not a comforting thought so why would I just want that one energy source? Nuclear, oil, gas, electricity take your pick. Balance, people, balance.

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Nov 8Edited

I imagine the bliss and happiness I felt yesterday when I woke up is the same feeling people who win the lottery feel. That freedom from any debt or being beholden to our institutions. Truly free and able to breathe for the first time in their life. That kind of joy is how I have felt since 3:30 am Wednesday morning to right now. Just. Happy.

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This was my favorite video of election night.


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OMG did he really post that??? EPIC!!! ;)

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I played that 10 times. Was that in Spain? It was a Spaniards vlog. If it was it made me pump my arms. Best video for sure.

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I think it was in the US, you can find it at multiple places. I got the sense that it was at his election night watch party but I don’t know that for sure. It is classic Trump though for sure.

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Interesting times have begun. Trump has of course to avoid non-judicial elimination by so many who will be removed from taxpayer pocketbooks. Everyday will require beefed-up security for not only he but those who have pledged to work to unravel this tangled web of avarice and greed. It will be messy shifting educational, medical, environmental decisions to local decision makers. DC-attached property values are going to suffer as millions leave the administrative state now 23mil+. The shift lower in the military/industrial funding will prove enormous and wreck havoc on an obese intelligence cohort. Prices will fall, consumers will benefit from lower taxes and a rise in personal decision making for their own income. Yes, such a transition will be messy but wildly beneficial to the average person. They will have to shoulder greater responsibility in governance decision making but they will now have greater incentive to know where every tax dollar goes. We are on the right track even though it is uncertain precisely because we just took the road less traveled. God speed!!

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