Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"P-Ho" -- hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha

As for the ‘COVID vaccines stop 90% of asymptomatic transmission’ -- You know the asymptomatic transmission is invisible. Invisible transmission of asymptomatic to asymptomatic people who are just eaten up with covid. Believe me, it's hard to measure. One must watch carefully and if you see nothing going on, you've found it! If no one is sick, then that stuff is flying all over the place, through the air, in the water . . . . Be Scared Be Very Scared.

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As a homeopathic vet, I’ve always loved those asymptomatic patients the conventional vets want to stick on a month of tetracycline. “Lyme titer is positive!” Hmmm, how about the dog, though? Sure doesn’t look or act sick…

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So true, Doc. I’m so excited to find you here! You’ll like this one… My dog came out of the field with a limp and he was super sore on it and we were going away for the weekend so I figured I should get it checked out with a vet. I sent my husband in because he loves playing the dumb, stupid husband for all these self-righteous vets. The vet basically Played around with my dogs paw and said it must be lyme. Did the bogus tighter test and it came back positive and my husband said well that’s ridiculous. It just shows antibodies it doesn’t mean that he’s fighting it right now and she said well this is how they present. he responded - he’s eating, he has no temperature , he was roughhousing with our other dog. The vet she said - well dogs never strain muscles, wanted to put him on Doxy. My husband said no and then she started asking about the rabies and he said I don’t know my my wife’s in charge of that. they weren’t gonna let him go without giving the dog a shot and keep in mind they think this dog has Lymee and they wanted to inject him with another pathogen???? Disgraceful. Michael is luckily a big guy and he said try to stop me and he walked out. My dog has made a full recovery zero strain zero problem. And what drives me the most nuts is that the unsuspecting owner would have put the dog on Doxy, the whole course of it and said how wonderful this vet was and what a miracle drug ! “it healed my dog of Lyme disease” and meanwhile, it wasn’t lyme in the first place. The dog’s immune system is now weaker and its gut flora screwed up. It’s all very shameful. I supported my dog with Rhus toxicodendron 30c two pearls once a day. And had my sitter administer infrared light therapy once a day for 15 minutes.

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Sometimes I have to cringe at my colleague’s behavior. All too often, in fact. Good work with the remedy and bravo to your hubs for calling out the BS. The vaccine rec was the icing on the cake!

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Speaking of pets my dog recently had a “lump” on his back explode. I originally thought it was a lipoma but obviously it was not! I would have taken him to the vet pre-Covid but I treated it with Manuka Honey and it is now completely healed! I wish I had a holistic vet in my area!!!

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Hahaha! Brilliant analysis!

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Hotez has the scary, toothy smile of a baby-faced man who’s made a career out of sticking bad things into children. This dude wears his inner creep on the outside.

Not today, Peter Pedo Pricker.

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".....wears his inner creep on the outside!" BRILLIANT!

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

How can anyone have any faith in a doctor who has teeth as bad looking as his? He was on Joe Rogan and confessed to not paying any attention to what he eats/drinks. That alone is enough for me to question his sanity. . . sigh.

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Is that what it does? Wow - good call!!

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Terrifying monster teeth!

I laughed out loud when I saw the two pictures Jenna posted.

There’s a actual sickening feeling in my stomach, when I look at him….

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The BLOB controls this fat POS, brainwashed moron. Yes, he has 500k plus morons following him on X/Twitter--WHO CARES! These sheeple that follow P HO (LOVE IT!) are dumber than a bag of rocks, so that qualifies them for what exactly? It qualifies them for 47 more poison boosters! Yeah! Yippee!! go for it!!!!

As for the next PLANDEMIC...Crazy prediction...massive failure! The proverbial cat is out of the bag. Sorry evil moronic BLOBS!

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Beg to differ--the cat is not out of the bag. Those sorry evil morons just depopulated us right under our noses, and no one knows, because there is a massive coverup going on of a global democide that occurred in 2020-2022--the official mortality data itself supports this. I've written quite a bit on this here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/category/US+democide+coverup

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I am well aware of the government kill-box laws, but I will read your stack as I may have missed some details.

It's massive genocide, democide, iatrogenicide, etc., etc. I am praying that some who are now half awake will not fall for the second coming of Satan's bioweapon!

As far as the sleepwalkers are concerned--not a damn thing we can do!

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No doubt vaccines of all varieties are bad, but the Covid vax is actually part of the democide coverup, IMO--the issue is what caused a massive and unprecedented increase in deaths in 2020, pre-vax.

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I am guessing, so it's just an opinion--I believe it had something to do with the massive adoption and rollout of 5G Wireless Communication Radiation.

5G went operational in late October 2019 in Wuhan. Sickness appeared Nov/Dec and it was named "Covid." Also, places throughout the world--South Korea, Northern Italy--31 countries increased death rates correlated with 5G implementation.

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Well some kind of radiation damage is def one of the possibilities that fits with the mortality data. Whether this is 5g, or whether 5g is designed to divert our attention from the real source or cause, I don't know.

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Geez, Louise! WTF! Does this mean I may have to go down another rabbit hole??!!

I feel like I am in a constant detox from absolutely EVERYTHING...

Right now, I want to detox from the lunatics and morons.

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Mockery covers the real truth of hospital protocols for unjabbed Covid patients.👇


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Could be in part, but deaths at home tripled, so did outpatient and ER deaths, during the NYC mass casualty event in Spring 2020.

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Well of course it would without early interventions like they had for flu- tamiflu. I got regular flu once and I was about to fly to NJ for holidays but the fever kicked in and I came back positive for flu. Within 48 hrs I got on tamiflu. It took the heavy chest problem away. IVM would’ve saved all those home deaths.

I did get sick in Dec 2022 but this time I had IVM. Fever gone in 24 hrs and whole thing behind me in 5 days as opposed to a freaking month of delta and another couple months of getting strength back and getting over PTSD.

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December 2022 was Bidens “Dark winter” which was RSV I believe. Honestly, they keep throwing illnesses out at us I believe.

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Bet you the number of X followers he has is fake. This is not an honest person.

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Yes, I did think of that possibility after my comment.

The miscreant is so revolting...

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What a wild hack job this guy is! His refusal to debate tells us all we need to know about his integrity.

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

P-Ho 😂🤣😂

When trying to awaken my fast asleep friend, she told me I needed to read “the other side”. I asked her if she knew who Peter Hotez was. Her answer - “No”

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

He is the reason I won’t set foot in any Baylor affiliated health care facility. I’m in Texas and there are a lot! The contrast between how they treated McCullough and Hotez speaks volumes about priorities.

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Carolyn - have you ever listened to Doctor Death podcasts? One of them was about how Baylor protected one of their docs who was maiming and killing his patients:


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I know someone who died and someone who almost died at Baylor here in Austin. NEVER NOT EVER would I go there.

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I live in TX. I caught the Delta whatever toxin/virus whatever the f it was. I am physically fit , low bp, but when I get bad colds that go into the chest it can make me get asthmatic so I had my fast inhaler albuterol and long term advair in case. But those didn’t help at all. It was like nothing I’d ever faced. I was sure I would die out of sheer exhaustion from constant coughing. It got bad enough that my husband would take me to Christus in New Braunfels. The blood oximeter read below 90 at home but whenever I went there it would creep up to 90-92. They turned me away which annoyed me at the time because I just wanted to stop having coughing convulsions so I could sleep. On the 3rd visit the NP on call told me to take 6 puffs of albuterol each am. It was hard to do because breathing in deeply was impossible but worked to stop my cough. Then I was wired like a meth addict. So I couldn’t sleep. What a nightmare

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I’m glad I was never admitted after I learned what happened to unjabbed COVID’s in the hospitals. I learned soon after I recovered about the remdevir to ventilator to death protocols. God must’ve pushed my blood ox level up just enough to make them send me home. That was September 2021.

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I have not listened to the podcast but I did follow the story of some of those “doctors”. Horrific.

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Make sure your friend also knows about Dr. Poul Thorsen, a CDC vaccine researcher, who has been on the OIG's Most Wanted list for well over a decade--although no one appears to want him very much, since he played a key role in exonerating vaccines as a cause of autism. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2022/8/14/poul-thorsen-the-most-unwanted-most-wanted-man-in-the-world

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Wow! Impressive site, Virginia

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The only science associated with Hotez and Fauci is science fiction!

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It's easy to predict a global pandemic when you are building the transport mechanism (the latest genetically engineered virus) in a secret laboratory in some authoritarian country and know when you plan to release it.

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Against all odds RFK JR continues to go forward...


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You have to give them credit for phraseology though. The P. Ho's of the world may be complete liars but they're excellent at successful phrase creating. "Vaccine hesitancy" - what does that even mean? I'm not vaccine hesitant at all. I've been from Day One Vaccine Hell No. Hesitant implies you're considering it. The only thing I'm hesitant about is whether or not those pushing this agenda are actually earthlings or E.T.'s trying to take over this planet; whether "They Live" was really a documentary. And "conspiracy theory", another great phrase. I hear people all the time denying that they are conspiracy theorists, like it would be a sign of insanity if you believed that two or more people might really get together to benefit themselves at the expense of others. Yet when you attach "theory" to"germ", you have the word of god brought to earth. I prefer to say that I'm a conspiracy factualist, but I"m not a germ theorist.

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This is literally what keeps the entire ship afloat-- PR & advertising. Buy up and control media and spend billions on research into social/crowd psychology year in and year out to understand that most "adults" still want mommy & daddy figures to instruct them and direct them over the cliff. I guess you could call them "excellent" at being evil in their capacity to manipulate, but I prefer to call them sick and warped. It's all turned into a massive organized crime operation that functions on bribery and implicit threats to livelihood that has created a malign system that operates as a feeding frenzy against life until it reaches complete self-destruction. When you spend billions down this road just for $$ and power I happen to think they're the most malignant people the planet's ever seen.

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Welll said, I absolutely agree. Except - are they more evil than we've ever seen or do they just have better tools with which to carry out their evil?

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It's a good question, but I'll stick with the worst evil ever based on the scale that simply couldn't be possible in centuries past. And because it cannot be overtly brutal as in previous eras simply through force, but completely hinges on a vast machinery of manipulation and deception.

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

He didn't like my responses to him (I may have asked him something to the effect of why is he being such a chicken and not debating Steve Kirsch or something to that effect ... 😇🤭), so he blocked me on Twitter (i.e., he knows how to do that.)

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Was he following you until that point? Maybe that's when he changed his settings hahahahaha NICE WORK! ;)

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No, he didn't follow me, lol. It was a random account that I don't use anymore named ... 🤭🤭🤭 ... DontBeALemming ... 😂. I used it to rebut all these idiots.

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I think Peter Hotez is vaccine injured.

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Congress jumped into action and enacted whole plethora of laws rules and regulations (Sarbanes-Oxley) to protect bankers and investors from “conflicts of interest”. Arthur Anderson, one of the largest financial services firms in the world went under due to conflicts of interest. However actually protecting people’s lives, doesn’t seem to matter. Only if it threatens profits.

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I try to be thoughtful, measured, and just have a Christian way of life. Then, Jenna, you publish things like this. GRRRRRRRRR! (And thank you for doing so!)

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Hotez is a whore. Always has been.

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Aug 1Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"P-Ho"....nearly fell off my chair laughing!!! What a sad, sad little man.

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