Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Hi. Love your thinking. Hope all RFK supporters listen to him and you.

Riddle me this ( as the Riddler once said):

Lots of people do not have $500 in their bank accounts and are crushed by high food prices;

how can they think about voting for anyone who is responsible for inflation ( up to 9%), energy costs that have soared ( gas, electricity, etc.); overall economy that has tanked and an Immigration fiasco letting in million of illegals, costing taxpayers billions and billions of dollars with rampant crime and drugs.

WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF are they thinking??????????????????


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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Most are not stopping to ask where their hate for Trump evolved from. They can see the unfair slanderous activity that happened to RFKJr, but they are incapable of seeing how long that same thing went on towards Trump too. Everything people think about Trump was fed to them by the MSM without any counter to it, and all the evidence that showed it was false was censured and blocked. People formed hate for him before realizing just how corrupt the MSM is. The corruption didn’t just suddenly appear in 2023 over night just with Kennedy

We ALL have to question all of our beliefs about anyone that was crucified by the media over the past 8-10 years, including Trump. And we need to compare the severity of his “sins” (because we all have them, you and me and everyone) to the sins of the current administration. When you do that you realize your TDS is hurting you not helping you.

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

They aren't thinking. Some are virtue signaling, most are delegating their decision making to soap opera "news" Personalities.

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They are hypnotized and can only do what the TV tells them to do and say

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I admit as an RFK volunteer this was very hard news to receive. But I'm staying with my innate belief in Bobby's integrity, and trust that his request is based on what he sees as the only true path to be of service to our country in the next administration. In my 70 years, over fifty of them as a registered independent, I don't remember ever feeling so oppressed by our leadership as we are under this administration, in so many ways. There is no consideration of the peoples' needs or rights unless there's a profit to be made. I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd see the day that I could vote for Trump! But there seems to have been a bit of a softening in him after the assassination attempt, in his speech and demeanor- perhaps there's a hint of near-death soul-searching there? As one who vowed to never again vote for the lesser of two evils, I'm choosing to follow my heart and trust in Bobby's belief that Trump will honor his word to place Bobby in a position to help make the necessary changes. If we don't try we may never know.

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Sep 7Liked by Jenna McCarthy

If it gives Kennedy a bigger platform to speak about all the issues he is so passionate about, it's worth it IMHO

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Sep 7Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Indeed. From what I've seen and read, Trump's supporters are welcoming RFK in a big way. This is a great opportunity for Trump to introduce Kennedy's strategies via the three upcoming debates- to finally get the MSM coverage they've deserved all along. I feel that this could really shift the debates and public awareness.

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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me too!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 7Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I got into a back and forth interchange on X with an RFKJr supporter who was adamantly refusing to vote for Trump, stating that RFKJr told them to vote with their conscience. Everyone was kindly trying to help her understand why she should vote for Trump. I calmly replied that it was only in the clear blue/red states where that was safe, but in the 10 swing states that he asked them to vote for Trump.

And if you didn’t see our posts and only read her responses, you’d think we had her tied to a chair trying to force motor oil down her throat. She was beyond TDS and kept yelling “NO! He told us it was OK to vote for him!”

Then another poster’s interchange revealed to all of us she was in a swing state. So I replied again with exactly what Kennedy said to his supporters and why, because Kennedy feared Harris would win. She replies, “I’m not afraid of Harris winning! And I hate Trump! I’m voting for RFKJr because THAT’S who my conscience wants and he told us to vote with our conscience!”

I was flabbergasted that she wasn’t scared Harris would win, so I asked her why she thought RFKJr WAS scared of that, and why she would trust him enough to vote for him but not trust his judgement about Harris. She did not answer my question but instead responded “NO! You can’t make me!” and blocked me. 🤣

I pictured a severely triggered, unstable person on the other end having a shaking, tearful meltdown. These are the kinds of people helping to choose our next president. They cannot have a calm, logical debate or discussion. There are seriously deranged against Trump.

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I laugh at TDS victims but honestly, I turn into a shaking, tearful mess at the thought of Harris leading this country, so perhaps I ought to be more gracious? #HDS

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Of course HDS is based on independent, uncompromised, factual news. TDS is based on MSM censorship and the true misinformation.

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

HDS! Yes! It’s a real thing! I wonder if I can get a patch for it, I have enough supplements I already swallow. 🤣

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not alone Jenna

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Yes, everyone concerned about this election feels the same way - certain that if the other side wins, democracy / freedom / America is over, something dark will descend that may never let go.

And, as Juju said, fear of whatever is puppeting Harris / Walz is based on what's already happened, and what they're already doing with their other puppets in Brazil / UK / Canada, etc, and fear of Trump, not dislike but such intense, irrational fear /hatred, is based on lies, conflations, and piles of bullshit from MSM. Whatever aside from that are real reasons to not like Trump don't rationally translate into reasons to be so terrified of him that rational thought disappears ...

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

He’s got my vote! I’ve heard so many Dems privately tell me, “hold your nose and vote”. And they have been doing this repeatedly. And so (shutter) this is what I will do. It would have been unthinkable a few months ago, but the more the censorship escalates, the more it becomes the major issue along with healthcare for me and my family.

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I should add, as I wasn’t clear, this is how the Democrats feel about their own candidates. They didn’t like Biden and they do NOT like Kamala. But they do what they’re told and keep voting for the Dems.

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My parents raised me to vote for the people listed as democrats on the ballot (don't bother to do any actual research on what these people represented and valued). I remember crying when I heard that Trump had won in 2016 because I couldn't believe that over half the country supported "someone like him." RFK Jr. was such a welcoming light of truth in this world and provided so much wonderful hope and still does. In the last year, I've also looked into why people deem Trump to be so horrible, and I've learned that he's been greatly mischaracterized by the media. One example: My neighbor told me that Trump was racist because of his "very fine people" Charlottesville comment. So I pulled up the full unedited transcript and read it and listened to the unedited video -- Trump: "I'm not talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-nazis and white nationalists, and the press has treated them absolutely unfairly." Even Snopes finally corrected it. The media and democrats engage in so much mischaracterization and slander of Trump. I'm voting for Trump because it means we might benefit from RFK Jr. We're not voting for just one person. We're voting for so much more. Bring on the MAHA and STOP CENSORSHIP yard signs!

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This is exactly my point. I thought Trump was an utter buffoon based on the clips I would see on the main stream media I used to trust. When I started doing my own research, like you I saw that nearly every clip had been taken out of context. it actually surprised me at the time! Sometimes I miss naïve, innocent Jenna. 😉

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy


And if anyone needs a more recent example of what they did to Trump the past 8 years look what they did to JD Vance just yesterday:


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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

100%, Jenna! I'm so excited and inspired to have Bobby, a real leader who cares about serving this country more than some personal ambition. We need freedom - free speech is paramount!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Increasing censorship and totalitarianism are the biggest threat, and if we lose free speech, as is happening all over the world, all other goals evaporate.

I trust RFK Jr's well-considered reasoning in his statement yesterday, urging EVERYONE to vote for Trump as the best and only way now to advance RFK's goals and their shared goals. Trump needs a landslide victory in both the popular vote and the Electoral College in order for it to not be contested and challenged. A close vote would be disastrous.

Please trust RFK Jr's instincts, integrity and ability to see the big, big picture, as well as his agility in responding to the ever-changing current situation. We must be agile as well and let go of our initial hopes for how this campaign should go.

Keep in mind that the mainstream media has been biased for a long time, manipulating our opinions and thoughts and suppressing important truths. If we realize that this bias was strong regarding the pandemic, we ought to also realize it's been biased regarding President Trump during his first administration. Let's ask ourselves how much of our opinion about him has been shaped by media manipulation.

The DNC and its masters sabotaged RFK and his campaign at every turn, but we must unify and show that we are stronger. A wholly new, unprecedented alliance has emerged with three former Democrats – Trump, Kennedy, Gabbard – and we'd better hope they can save us from going over a totalitarian cliff. They need our active support, before it's too late.

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Agreed! The Trump-Kennedy alliance is our best hope to stop a totalitarian machine. freedom of speech is vital for democracy, and the Dems have made it clear that they intend to shut it down. As an ex-Dem, I am sad to see what they have become and I see that they must be stopped. I trust RFK s judgement.

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As RFK Jr has said, no-one ever complied their way out of totalitarianism, and throughout history, those who censored were never the good guys. Everyone please do what you can to spread the word.

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Doesn't anyone wonder WHY the Dems were so convinced RFK shouldn't be allowed to run? While insisting they are all about democratic freedom? Dead giveaway that all is not as it seems in the so-called Democratic Party.

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Well spoken, Beth!

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

WSDSMOI rescrambled is WISDOMS. #jessayin

I'm a huge supporter of Bobby (volunteered, worked for a political action committee supporting him, etc.), and I will vote for Trump, as I trust Bobby's request and want to see him in a cabinet position this election and as President in the next one.

I will just say that he did not suspend his campaign solely because he realized his presence in the race was likely to hurt Trump. Rather, the sole criteria for his decision was the media's refusal to include him in the presidential debates, and without that, he realized he couldn't win. THEN, he realized that if he still stayed on the ballots, his presence was likely to hurt Trump. However, he would not have suspended his campaign if he had the opportunity to debate. Like Bobby says, I believe if he had the chance to debate, he would be our next President. Here's to RFKJ 2028!!!

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You are correct; the *original* decision to suspend was because he knew he couldn't win (in large part due to the fact that they would not allow him to debate but also because of the pathetic media bias against him and FOR her). The decision to urge ALL to vote for Trump was fear of being a spoiler. And thanks for your heroic efforts! :)

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yessss re: decision to urge ALL to vote for Trump ...and also so that Trump could win in a landslide, even with the popular vote so that the DNC/corporatists would have a much harder time monkeying with the results.

Love you!! xoxo

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“Your ability to continue to read substacks like this one might just depend on it.”

Amen to that Jenna!

Just got done reading the comments. I need a nap now. It was utterly exhausting just reading the few that are so very sad. TDS is most certainly as real as the embalmer clots I write about.

JP - oh my gosh. I love him. 😂🤣😂

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And I love YOU!! 💕

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Ditto 💕

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"I talk smack so you don't have to." Priceless. Thanks for the JP Sears laugh as well. And, did you see his suit? Hahaha. Seriously...where is Senator McCarthy when you need him rooting all the commies out of DC and Hollywood? Harris is the product of over a century of The Federal Corporation trolling below belts of monsters to find the latest patsy (that's Mob speak). But, these ijeeits voting against something obviously don't pay their own utilities, gas or food bills. I think any President having RFK as an ally and close advisor along with Elon Scissorhands is just what this country needs. I am hanging on because it is just going to get more deranged and sheddy. So, don't let them shed their shit on you or your loved ones.

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Trump with RFK, Elon, Tucker and many more is the real Dream Team. We can use Dream Team, OJ is cool with that.

We would hope our citizens would do, just a little compare and contrast for their presidential choice. That choice seems so clear with all of that major intellect ready to rumble.

Thanks for including the JP clip...Classic! I was really hoping to hear a new accent, but only that whiny vocal fry came through. Her values have not changed she says. Willy Brown says...Say What?

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I wish I could share a screenshot of my most recent substack articles, but since I can't, the following is substack article right above this one from Jenna:


This juxtaposition is what I love about the different people in the substack space that I subscribe to.

You all already know what I think about voting for the lesser of two evils, so I won't beat a dead horse.

Happy Friday and have a great weekend everyone!

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Peggy sure seems to be on an RFK rampage! I respect her for her conviction but respectfully disagree…😊 I hope you have an awesome weekend yourself!

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

McCarthy vs Hall in the next front hole person substack debates of 2024! Let's get ready to rumble!!!

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I posted this on Facebook and the bastards removed it in seconds as "spam."

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And yet they literally just admitted to censoring… I guess there wasn’t an actual apology along with the admission. 🙄 That is literally crazy. And by crazy I mean infuriating.🤬 That said, thanks for trying!

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Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you for that link - JP is the man !! :-)

... and yes, we trust Bobby so we vote Trump! Simple.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Jenna McCarthy

We used to have a choice of candidates. But now we have a monopoly between the Red Sox and the Yankees - I mean the Dems and the Republicans - or Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber. So, in terrified panic, we proceed to vote for the one we believe will be less horrendous than the other. Ralph Nader's comment "The lesser of two evils is still evil" really spoke to me. However, I've usually voted for third party candidates. As a result, I was so terrified of the truly evil Reagan-Bush candidacy that I almost voted for Reagan on the theory that whoever I voted for generally lost. I voted for Carter - in terror. See? I was right! I'm terrified of Harris, but should I "hex" Trump by voting for him? I can no longer pretend to myself that voting makes any difference whatever in the lot of the people. Thank you for J.P. Spears - he's very funny.

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I LOL'd at the Spears thing. I hope everyone watches it. :)

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As I have the time,I plan to watch more of his work.

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Sep 8Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Good advice Jenna. Vote Trump - get him elected, it’s the only way for Kennedy to help our country in the ways only he can. JP Sears interview of Kamala/ TT was hilarious & brave!!

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