Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Hahaha! No better way to start the work week than a fresh hot cup of coffee all over my shirt and dripping down my chin. Thanks for the extra laundry Jenna!

David Martin is exactly right about the conversation that needs to be had. These totalitarians live in their own delusional world that the corporate controlled media tries to endlessly shove down our throats. It is impossible not to seethe while watching this turd Cuomo justify his wrongs: https://youtu.be/yWTHmX-QzPw

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I can only take this subject in with a dose of JennaYucks, so Meryl and James and the rest will have to go through your interpreter's horn before I learn of how screwed/lucky we are. Carry on, I get all the news that matters right here. I'm also Not For Everyone!

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You’re definitely for ME!😊

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, I love your mild mannered way of letting folks know what you think. It's amazing that simple words like Gerbilmonkeypox do not appear in the dictionary. 😳

Keep up the great work--We can do this.

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Definitely the first time I have ever been called “mild mannered.” 🤣 Thanks for taking the time to comment! 😊💕

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Shame on you (as in body-shaming) for bragging that you are a "Polyanatomically correct gal." Not everyone can claim that distinction, (or come up with that title!).

Great piece today, Jenna!

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Thanks for the compliment and the laugh, doc. :)

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna - I can’t wait to see your interview on Patriot TV! And I can’t wait to receive the book. I need to order more. My list of people I want to give it too keeps growing. 🥰

It’s interesting to hear the different takes on the IHR amendments. James Roguski’s take seems to be far more pessimistic than Meryl’s. I prefer to listen to hers.

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I hope she's right, too! And I can't WAIT for you to read the whole thing. It's fantastic (if I do say so myself). :)

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Personally, we trust James Roguski explicitly!

Meryl toots the horn of Ron Johnson & & Rand Paul. Neither have done squat to abolish some (10) US (unconstitutional) Laws or to get us out of the criminal organization of the WHO!

My mother always said, “Be careful who you hang out with. For you will be judged through affiliation.”

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Just listened to Benny J this morning, whining about how Dems have all the power, wringing his hands mourning how Republicans can’t do anything about. Good grief!

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Always a pleasure to open your Substack. Starts my day with news and a good laugh! You’re great!

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I have been calling him GlibRhesus but I like your version much better. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this important issue.

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Genius. You’re a great writer.

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You are a riot Jenna! Very fun to read and so informative about this very dark topic. Thank you!

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Me 👍❤️

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Jun 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You are so much fun!! I have played with words for years—love your spelling, asides, the whole enchilada! You are a favorite and your name on my email boosts my days.

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Thanks Peggy! That nearly made me weep. You made my day. :)

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Okay, so the Family Feud meme elicited a good laugh early in the day. Thanks!

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THANK YOU JENNA! I'm so glad someone got the spelling of Tedros' last name correct, so he can get the respect he so richly deserves!

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A whole bunch of those unelected initialed scum could help the planet the most if they quit wasting our oxygen.

But I can't say what is really on my mind. I go along with that common ground Idea!

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Oh my gosh!!! You ALWAYS brighten my day!! Shout out to Meryl Nass, MD! Love love love her!

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The Vaccinated Are Already Programmed.

Based On What They Did To Themselves.

What’s A Couple Chips ?


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