That's a pretty good list. I'd add carbon dating (really? "science" can tell something is 8 billion years old, but we can't accurately predict a tornado?). My husband now says all of history is suspect, and I'm inclined to agree.

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Early in the lockdowns I saw an article (that I wish I could find again) about carbon dating. It stuck with me because it was explaining how theories become “facts”. Carbon dating was just a theory that can’t be proven but somewhere along the way, became a fact simply from repetition of the theory. There are many other examples but that was the first time I had even considered that thought!

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Dating anything is always a problem as assuming what you observe now is the same as went on in the past is merely an assumption.

Dating people is the same; go out on a date and it won't be the same as the last one! :)

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We can accurately predict tornadoes but NOAA has placed a gag order on the meteorologists in the NWS to prevent them from telling us everything they know.

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Another Bully vaccinator MD got educated and has changed his view

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Wow! Liked and shared and hope that goes viral!

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This was an excellent video. I’m sharing it on my next Substack. I also shared it with my brother, his son, and son’s wife who have a new baby girl.

Baby is vaxxed, of course, but hoping to stop them from allowing future shots. I implored them before baby was born to avoid Covid shot for mom and any vaxxes for baby; most likely ignored 100%! I keep on trying from time to time.

Ironically, when pregnant, the Mom wouldn’t eat any foods that could contain mercury (such as fish), and won’t put any creams — even natural ones such as aloe — on the baby’s skin. For these otherwise highly functioning highly educated parents, Pharma products are a sheep’s yes, natural or no products are a hard no.

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David - that was the best wasn’t it! So glad Jeff Childers shared that this morning.

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Thanks for the link. About time more MD's got wise.

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Thank you for this link.

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I loved today's post! As Laura said, "Your wicked sense of humor makes my day." When I'm sitting in a doctor's waiting room and break out in an uncontrollable laugh, I know that you were born with the "hilarious gene." Part of the mechanism to survive a dysfunctional childhood, I believe. And how else do you think that the Jews have survived over 5000 years? I think Abraham must have been born in Brooklyn. (Or maybe his parents were before they made it to the Holy Land.)

Regarding doctors who have come to realize that they were wrong on the whole vaccine business, I know of many other pediatricians who have openly admitted that it was hard to buck the indoctrination of the CDC/FDA/American Academy of Pediatrics complex in those earlier years when we used to hold the FDA as the gold standard for a regulatory agency.

When I was a young pediatrician, I would laugh when I heard Andrew Wakefield's name and if patients challenged my pro-vaccine policy, I would convince them that I was not a good choice for them. It was only after I publicly apologized to Andrew on a Zoom call that I felt as if I had done my penance. By the way, he said I was not the first to do so. But like the AA step 9, it was the amend I had to make to complete my transformation once again into a critically thinking doctor.

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This actually brought tears to my eyes! It takes so much grace and courage to admit that you were wrong about something so profound. You have my bottomless respect. (And I'm thrilled I could make you chuckle. ;)

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"When I was a young pediatrician, I would laugh when I heard Andrew Wakefield's name and if patients challenged my pro-vaccine policy, I would convince them that I was not a good choice for them. It was only after I publicly apologized to Andrew on a Zoom call that I felt as if I had done my penance."

Good on ya Dr. Dan. But what took you so long and did you ever apologize to your hapless and HELPLESS UNINFORMED PATIENTS after waking tf up or simply keep the truth of the matter to yourself and just move to another state/province/country in guilt and shame?

FYI: If it were not for a good friend who sent me photocopies of reams of solid "childhood vaccinations" data prior to my child's birth, my dearly appreciated chiropractor (with 3 beautiful healthy UNVACCINATED CHILDREN) Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot (Author of The Medical Mafia) & dear dear Dr. Andy Wakefield:

I TOO would have been improperly UNINFORMED of VACCINATION HEALTH RISKS to my helpless child.

That CHILD could not, and that helpless child DID not "consent", as HE was not in a position to BE PROPERLY INFORMED!!!

You were though.

Therefore doctor, due to having been PROPERLY INFORMED of the DANGER, but not by MY General practitioner DOCTOR, or My OBSTETRIC doctor, I certainly did NOT consent to having my completely defenseless only begotten child "vaccinated" from moments after taking his first breath until I could (legally) fight for him and his HEALTH CARE no more. 😭


Thanks to "good pediatricians" just like yourself.

FYI: A "Vitamin" K injection was administered to my newborn AGAINST MY SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS, by his "attending pediatrician". (The one who SHOUTED AT ME while my innards were being improperly replaced back into my body after FAILED ANESTHESIA. Yes. Live. My baby was born hearing me screaming like a banshee. Dying. Wanting to slip into blessed unconsciousness but knowing I would not make it back for my boy if I did that.)

This rather sneaky little "medical intervention" occurred whilst I was in post-op, recovering from the botched emergency C section. My baby was not within my eyesight or earshot.

I accidentally discovered the injection site and raised holy hell. ("They" couldn't WAIT to get the "crazy woman" into a private room too. "At no charge"...)

That TOTALLY UNNECESSARY INJECTION WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT notwithstanding, and another one which this badly frightened and 100% coerced single mother allowed to be injected into my howling babe's thigh, AGAIN, TOTALLY UNNECESSARILY, at age 11 months, after he fell and lightly scraped his cheek and nose in an east Vancouver playground oft frequented by unsavoury drug users who bury used needles into playground dirt, I regret to this very DAY.

THAT, however, was the end of THAT "healthcare" bullshit for well over 18 years.

Sorry (not sorry) "Dr. Dan", but you guys (and gals) are bloody useless for the most part, ego maniacal, RELENTLESS in your stupidity and righteousness, and sometimes? You are nothing short of #Diabolical in your "by the book" and "standard of care" methodology.

You got your way... How does it feel to have "fired" or rejected so many "clients" (and potential ones) for not adhering to your expert "recommendations"?

I live with my personal and parental mistakes, and live with my errors in professional judgement.

How do YOU live with the knowledge that you committed thousands upon thousands of potential cases of horrendous medical malpractice?

Yeah. I'm still pissed with you lot. Deal with it doctor.

Your former patients ought to be pissed as well. Those whom are still alive and ARE NOW IN THE KNOW at any rate.

I'm posting this at 11:45 pm after having recently fled The Socialist Republic of Canuckistan.

No bloody REGRETS there.


EDIT: I'm sick to my stomach that this gentle, knowledgeable kind and brave doctor has been stripped of his children, his living, and maybe even his will to LIVE, for simply living in British Columbia under Dr. Bonnie Henry's jurisdiction.


Just another "Covid Emergency Casualty". (I'm crying. Sick to death. But am I now? Mask Signage everywhere and WARNINGS WARNINGS WARNINGS in every transit bus... ffs!!!)

What the FUCK is wrong with 99.9% of the men and women in your profession??

Who will stand in solidarity with Dr. Nagase?

Only "crazy women" and "Far right racist misogynist extremists with unacceptable views which cannot be tolerated", according to Turdeau???


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Well said.

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Thank you Michael.

It should also be said by all informed parents.

Loud and CLEARLY.

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“how many other steaming horseshit sandwiches have I been fed?”

Yeah, Jenna. Those were my thoughts exactly once I awoke to the Covid scam.

I’m with you completely on your list but I haven’t heard about or gone down the rabbit hole of shape-shifting lizard people. I do remember a TV series from many years ago. I think it was called “V”. They say look to Hollyweird for some true shit.

Edit - yep, I was right. From IMDB:

Not all aliens are nice and cute like Yoda, ET or ALF. When a race of reptilian-like aliens arrives on Earth in disguise as humans, they show their good intentions, but they have a more sinister plan to conquer our planet and destroy all human race on Earth.

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Wait, WHAT? How have you managed to avoid the lizard people? Even the Simpsons (of course) had a Lizard Queen episode! Here's a quick clip that explains the theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w2dMekIJLw

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Ok. The YouTube warning at the beginning was interesting - can’t figure out why that was there!

I don’t agree with this guy that it’s fun to read about. Maybe years ago, but certainly not now.

I think I will just keep reading my favorite and non-fiction book. The Bible.

Thanks for sharing tho! I so enjoy your writings. Your wicked sense of humor makes my day 😘❤️

PS. I’m sorry about your childhood. I truly believe I had an idyllic childhood. Abundant unconditional love from our parents. We didn’t have much - only one family vacation in an RV with 8 people that truly sucked even in the eyes of my 13 year old self.

I always thought my family was exceptional. I was smacked upside the head with humility now that my sister and I are estranged from our brothers because of a big fat fucking lie.

The only thing exceptional about our family is that we had three sets of twins in it.

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Well thanks for the kind words and I'm so sorry about your family. The one thing I have to admit about our crazy childhood is that it bonded my sister, brother and me like magnets. (Our parents both passed quite young.) We are each as different as humanly possible but THANKFULLY all on the same side in this shitshow.

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I thought I had a perfect childhood raised in a good Christian home. Well into adulthood, and despite a lot of evidence to the contrary.

Lots of crazy-making as a kid, and therefore a lot of crazy-un-making now decades later.

I now say, when asked, that I grew up in a family that identified as Christian, complete with all the outer trappings. And it was anything but. Kind of the way girls identify as boys and aren’t.

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Definitely worth contributing to your caus! God bless you! Thank you for using your voice in such a meaningful positive truthful way. “ always ask .” Always . This is what we teach your children . Onward mighty warriors. Freedom of speech.

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Your last one is so funny to me because if there was one thing I ALWAYS KNEW was true, it was UFO’s.

I lived in Nevada most of my life and saw them doing aerial gymnastics with my own eyes since I was a kid.

NOW that the government is admitting they are real, I am seriously doubting if what I saw was real or just experimental craft the government was working on.

All the others I feel pretty much the same as you ONLY because of the nightmare from Covid forced me to really start paying attention. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And realizing how much it is all related to one group of people.

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Haha, and I will preface by saying I’ve never researched UFOs.

That said, the last time the Gov wanted us to believe in UFOs, they were building a highly destructive weapon in the New Mexican desert. So.

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Love your writing and your humour. I too am up for believing anything these days.

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*Tips tinfoil hat with a wink* ;)

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Dear Jenna - I found my way here from Dr Kory's substack. I didn't know you wrote a substack until today. I've said these same words you said in this piece, once I started to wake up a bit and go down some rabbit holes, it was OMG! The LIES! The Mind Games and Propaganda! UGH! My husband and I both really experienced the stages of grief, learning our entire base for many things was just a lie. Not who WE were, but the whole "system" we'd known and trusted! I pushed off flat earth for a long time but, like you, I got to the point of saying "They've lied about EV-ERY-THING ELSE, why wouldn't they lie about that, too?" And, after about a year of watching and reading, including the Bible, in my opinion, they have lied about the shape of the earth. I mean, for 1500 years, everyone agreed on a flat earth model. But then the question of WHY? What purpose does it serve? I'm not sure about unexplored land but to me, it's mainly to remove God from the picture, replace Him with a Big Bang (nothing suddenly explodes into a bunch of things?), make His ultimate creation miniscule and a rather mundane "accident" in the scheme of "the universe" and open a pathway for "space aliens", ie, Project Bluebeam.

I'm currently wrestling with the field of virology and the "viruses don't really exist" theory. That's another tough one, but if true (or false depending on your perspective), it completely demolishes a huge portion of allopathic care and pharmaceuticals, especially vaccines and all the SCARE TACTICS become moot, so...maybe? 🤷‍♀️

Anyway, I mainly came here on your stack tonight because in 2020, when I FINALLY-ACTUALLY looked into the great and wonderful inventions called vaccines, I found out YOU WERE RIGHT! (I was/am FURIOUS about SIDS!) I then said to myself - "I owe Jenna McCarthy an apology" (never really thinking I'd have an opportunity to do so.🤷‍♀️)

I remember laughing you off, thought you were nuts in the 2000s when you were so adamant about revealing what happened to your son and your experience with helping him through nutrition. I remember you on the Larry King show and on The Doctors, etc. ☹️ I had already jabbed my own (80s) kids by the time I heard about you, maybe THAT'S why I couldn't "hear" what you were saying. So, even though you don't know me and what I said or thought 15 years ago really didn't affect you, please now accept my apology. I'm truly sorry I saw you as a goofy celebrity rather than another concerned parent. 😔 You deserve deep respect for standing up to the MIC far earlier and completely by yourself. ❤️ You're a brave soul and you're funny, too! 😊

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CG this note gave me all the feels! Unfortunately, you mean to be apologizing to my name-near-twin JENNY (I'm Jenna) McCarthy. It's happened to me for decades, especially since I've become an antivax crusader, too! If I knew her I'd pass along your wonderful words, because I know she's be touched. :)

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And here's another rabbit hole to add to your list.



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LOL I've been down that one!

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Well, I feel somewhat silly now. 🤪 I did notice the name but just thought I was mistaken and had gotten it wrong the whole time. 🙄 What a coincidence your names are so similar! Thanks for letting me know. If I ever get the chance...is still in my to-do list! 😊

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DO NOT FEEL SILLY! It literally happens all the time and has for decades. In fact, when I do speaking engagements, I always start with a "let's get this out of the way, I'm NOT her..." ;)

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😍 Thx!

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One of the problems is even when confronted that what you have believed to be true is not, if you have done something that would make you feel guilty or responsible - such as blindly vaccinating your children and then wondering why they have vaccine encephalitis (autism) you may not be open to the fact that you are partially responsible for the harm you caused... it is human nature, so many go into denial and defend the very actions that caused the problem, which plays right into the hands of those who want us all dead as long as they can profit from it to a greater or lesser degree.

Continuing with this example, you don't need to convince those in the upper tier of government that vaccines cause autism... they already know that, know it for decades and yet they did nothing for both social-political and economic reasons. This allowed our current situation to take place - overt DEMOCIDE.

My advice... stand in your truth and speak your truth. Expose the plans.

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Naomi Wolf has analyzed the pregnancy data and it's jaw-dropping; 80% of the pregnant women in the trials lost their babies. https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/53859

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To believe in "conspiracy theories" such as JFK, 9/11 and Covid leads to the conclusion that the powers that be must be evil, a scary thought, hence magical thinking in order to believe their bollocks. Hence also an insane world.

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I'm a bit like you although I may have believed more conspiracies prior to Covid but after the Ivermectin lie, I didn't believe a word they said and I started tuning into the big WHY and what else? My Mom would often say that "They" would take us over from the inside. At the time, I though she was being pretty paranoid. Now what she believed is minor to what we are seeing. It's not just the U.S., it's the whole world. I'm inclined to believe the majority of your list.

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Jenna, you're the bomb! The smart kind.

I would add the whole field of virology. (viroliegy.com) Warning; massive life changing rabbit hole!

Best, Patrick

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I grew up in Texas in the sixties. My dad was an aerospace engineer. The moon landing was a big event for everyone in Texas and the United States at that time. I am afraid some conspiracy theories, like the faked moon landing, exist solely to throw doubt on the ones that are actually true, like the JFK assassination.

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My husband feels the same way because his father was a rocket scientist. When you think about how governments piece meal contracts so nobody has all the info in one place, it’s easy to see how they could fool the best and the brightest.

My husband won’t really look at the evidence in the book because it’s so personal to him, but it really makes a lot of sense to me.

Especially when I heard a NASA guy explaining to kids on a YouTube video that the problem with getting to Mars was getting through the Van Allen belts. 😳

Why don’t we have a colony on the moon? Seems like a much better idea than Mars to practice on first.

They really just shit canned all the plans that got them to the moon to begin with? That just doesn’t make sense.


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Friendswood TX

Every other house in our neighborhood worked for Nasa.

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You overlooked a pretty big category for what covers mainly the 21st century: mass shootings. Plenty of false flags, some more difficult to decipher (usually less significant), and the legit ones (as in, not fake or someone under mind control of some sort) don't get the same coverage. The biggie, SH, has exactly zero evidence of a mass shooting and appeared to be a Capstone(?) event/exercise. Look what happens to anyone who talks about that-- it's entirely off limits now and when it happened the internet was not censored and a mass amount of people didn't buy it. More recently the one in Texas near the border looked ridiculous and the Buffalo one was definitely fake. I've forgotten some but all have suspicious elements in some way.

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