Face diapers merely alert you to the presence of a moron. I don’t even bother to engage. Breathe in your halitosis dummy!

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It’s the reincorporating your metabolic waste into your body that gets me. Don’t these people realize that part of what you exhale is stuff your body is getting rid of? And now you’re voluntarily reingesting it? Ick. I’m a massage therapist and occasionally I get someone who comes straight from the gym,saying ‘I’ll just shower after.’ I get it, and it’s one of the hazards of the job along with dirty feet, but sweat is metabolic waste, do you really want me to spend an hour rubbing back into your skin what your body has efficiently removed? I do tell them that, too, every time.

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Until I started learning differently several years ago, I never once considered that sweat was ridding my body of junk.

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Oh it definitely is!

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An observation on mask wearers: in my neck of the woods ( pacific NW) it’s usually an Asian Tesla driver alone in their car masked up; or a millennial aged shopper at the supermarket, both male & female participating.

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Folks born having an abundance of melanin are still wearing them in their cars while driving without passengers. Hundred degrees outside and they are still wearing them.

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I saw this today. And it is 100 degrees outside


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It's a measure of IQ

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You had me at “Flipin’ Jersey” (says the Jersey Girl)

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They alert me to the fact that 'that person' has probably done everything as they were told to do, safely and effectively, which means boosted to Babel and back. The mask is an outer warning signal to the Velociraptors that the meat within the mask is unsafe to eat. And speaking of halitosis...that is so funny you mention that. There is a quote from Harold Ickes (Sec of the Interior during FDR's reign), talking about Huey Long. He said "The trouble with Senator Long is that he is suffering from halitosis of the intellect, that is presuming Emperor Long has an intellect."

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I’ve just recently sent information to two people. One is an interventional radiologist. The other I (once) believed to be quite intelligent.

I keep waiting (in vain) for one of them to challenge me. Their absolute silence is deafening.

My expectations get me in trouble every time. I need to stop having them or I’ll end up like nutjob Bawlina. 😩😩😩

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100%!! If you have zero/low expectations, the only thing that awaits you is a pleasant surprise. That much I have learned!

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They are afraid to put anything in writing. The cowardice continues. Thank you for sending information to them!

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Expectations - Reality = Disappointment, GF! When you hear nothing but Crickets, THAT'S your Answer! I'd submit crying emojis, but You already Did, so they'd be Superfluous.....

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Wonder why Bawlina is immunocompromised. Could it be because of the mRNA shot and subsequent 100 boosters? Can you imagine her reaction if someone suggested that to her?

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I had a blood test while masked during the time of mask mandates and my CO2 levels were high indicating that I have COPD. Fact: I don't have COPD when I am not wearing a mask.

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"I have COPD and am prohibited from wearing a mask.

Thank you for understanding."

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Haha! And when I see photos of those in the news, especially outside, still wearing them I think, “Oh! They still haven’t gotten the memo.” But you’ve explained it clearly here, thank you!

And unfortunately, those who do a deep dive will find similar results from the Covid shots (I initially thought that’s where you were going with this). In fact, add the entire childhood mandated vaccine “schedule.” Notice how the recent “measles outbreaks” are making headlines. Someone traveled overseas and brought it back here! Followed by a terrifying. paragraph about how contagious this “deadly” disease is. And that person was unvaccinated (supposedly.) But a deep dive reveals that the subsequent cases were vaccinated. Just like with Covid. So we never learn.

Anyway, thank you for making this sad situation of cognitive dissonance somehow funny.

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Frankly, my dear, I don't give a rat's petute what anyone believes about anything. Not my business. It becomes my concern only when said believers try to force their particular form of insanity down my throat by dint of legislation or regulation or edict or mandate or whatever. Then I say enough, and I mean it. Enough. I was a government and business journalist long enough to know that so-called facts are slippery little devils that can change with the next person you interview. As for scientific studies, they have become meaningless thanks to all the moolah floating around influencing the results of said studies. All each of us has is our unique perspective. That's why all the studies in the world or even just common sense can't sway someone locked into his or her perspective. What seems obvious to one person is gibberish to another. Just don't compel me to do or believe as you do, and you can worship pink elephants as far as I'm concerned.

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The problem is that it's not the "believers" who try to force such insanities down our throats via legislation/regulation, though some of the political puppets are clueless enough to believe such things. It's those behind the fear-mongering who manipulate the vast majority of people who have hardly or never been encouraged to engage in critical thinking and cannot inhabit and embrace their own perceptions and thoughts that create passive permission through their psychotic tactics. As we've learned in a large scale demonstration recently mass amounts of people can be conned into believing anything via conditioning and fear which unfortunately makes confronting those (adults, even adolescents) who believe in pink elephants or rainbow unicorns essential-- even knowing it will likely fall flat for quite some time. The most difficult part is how to go about challenging such "beliefs".

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As frustratingly ignorant as Bawlina is and I cannot muster any respect for her, I truly pity the person who is still dealing with that much anxiety over Covid, who is constantly living in that much fear, and is thereby being controlled by it. It is pure evil to do that to anyone…like an abusive spouse or parent. Thank goodness we have Jenna to put a light-hearted spin on it!😂. That’s why I subscribed and bought your awesome book, Yankee Doodle Soup!! Love it! Thank you!

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YAY!!! I'm so glad. :)

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

News flash! It ain’t just millennials; my 77 year old sister is just the same.

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Yeah I know a few older than me folks still worried and wearing them too

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Come to NY and you will see old and young wearing face diapers. It’s sickening.

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I don't subscribe to McCullough page, but recently he started down a path referring to left wing and right wing hyping issues.

One, illegal immigrants, he accused the right wing of hyping.

I'm not sure who the right wing are, but there are people like myself who support the rule of law and the scientific process that know illegal immigrants are detrimental to our society economically and medically. No one knows, or seems to care what diseases illegal immigrants have, and by federal law, must be treated. A level one trauma center in Tucson was forced to close because they had to treat illegal immigrants.

Illegal immigrants are a serious issue in many areas and impact all.

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Food for thought on what the plan is for using illegals voting ballots: from the Last Refuge: “They are not “importing democrat voters.” They are importing people, names, that allows the state fraud process to generate ballots.

This is an important distinction.

The migrants will not use the ballots. The DNC harvesters will collect them, fill them out (Obama), then the Precinct workers will scan them and count them (Clyburn).

Illegals don’t need to vote. They only need to exist to create a ballot.”

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Hmmm. Perhaps that is why Whitewater, Wi is a dumping ground for illegals. 🧐.

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My guess is that the battleground states got most of them.

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deletedJul 10
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Last time I checked, all legal immigrants to the US need a chest x-ray for TB.


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Great post!

I am surprised that nurses admitted the truth! But I wonder: will they cave again the NEXT time the admins try to push masks and solitary confinement and poison jabs? Or will they finally say that they would rather be jobless and homeless than be complicit in murder again? I pray they have grown backbones and will do the right thing.

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Right?!? If they are working in Washington state, pretty sure they took the jabs.

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.

It was their final, most essential command." - Orwell, 1984

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Funny, excellent— because I'm heartened to hear there are some nurses with some sense and gumption— but also sad.

"You don't matter"— that was the whole tenor of the whole one-size-fits-all fascist covidian show, from lockdowns to masks to jabs. One's rights, and one's individual reasons for not wanting to comply with all that joke didn't matter. I mean, there were people who had COPD or asthma who were mandated to wear masks, even little children made to wear masks, and people who'd had horrible vaccine injuries from previous vaccines who were mandated, no exemptions, to take take jabs to keep food on the table. "You don't matter"— she got that right, but who's saying it for what reason, that she got wrong. Will she ever be able to wrap her mind around that? Dunno. On the poll I clicked "lock her in a room with Jenna!"

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

At the dentists office the receptionist knowing me threw a mask over my face from behind. I took one breath, felt the particulate matter hit the back of my throat and said no way. Only time I had a mask on this kisser in four years. I would go round saying I 'm too pretty to wear a mask {at 77} .Besides you lose 10% of your oxygen and miss far too many smiles. Then again you could run into Fauci in the supermarket and choke puking into your mask.

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I was so delighted to hear that 4 nurses actually spoke truth to a patient. That makes me proud. Also wondered if those nurses told her why. I bet they did and she just wants to play the victim. This girl is one of those people who likes to be sick and victimized. Walks around with a mask on virtue signaling. Sad for her but I’m so proud of those nurses!!!

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I have not seen anyone wearing a face-nappy for ages but walked into a medical lab (1) this morning to ask about some test my partner was going to do (2).

The lady behind the counter, in white coat, was wearing that thing on her face.

I felt really sorry for her, and the whole nonsense came back to me: even assuming these things work, who is protecting who from what?

(1) I am in Paris, France where these things have not been obligatory since 2022 but "recommended" in certain settings. However, in medical establishments, the boss is given discretionary powers to force them on staff. Not sure if the establishment in question had this Attila-the-Masker type boss or the lady in question is a Bawlina.

(2) I screwed up the question, got the wrong answer, and been told I have to go back and ask again.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Come to NY, walk into a Trader Joe’s or a Whole Foods or a ShopRite and you will see cashiers, patrons, young and old, all wearing face diapers. It’s sickening. I have a guy in my neighborhood riding a bike collecting cans from the recyclables wearing a mask, 89 degrees out and he’s alone. Make it make sense please.

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Terrible. Got to wonder how much of that is modern-day superstition, but maybe also political-tribal allegiance. Either way, nothing good comes out of it.

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Jul 10Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Bless her heart, seriously. Let's assume she is completely traumatized by her recent contact with the medical field and has no emotional room to accept this information as good news - liberation, even. I'd like to imagine her, later in the day, coming out of her AMA-induced stupor and realizing she is FREE to breathe non-woven-fiber-free air.

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Something tells me she'll need therapy for a while before that happens.

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