Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

My how the pattern fits my own life's experiences over 3.5yrs. I've gotten to the point where almost no one responds anymore and those who occasionally do I either ignore or just send another Dr Makis article. I know that in the long run there will be no where to hide but some will keep denying while others will be eating crow ... and this might take years. The main point here is that in order to balance "the lie told often enuf " we must keep repeating the truth equally as much even without results.

We are in an existential fight on quite a few levels and from what I know of history right is not often might until all the players have passed on and the records can be viewed w new eyes. I think there is an obligation to be persistent. Knowing there are people like you Jenna who keep pushing forward as well as about 1/2doz friends gives me all the strength I need.

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This is a hand-to-heart true story: My sister, a PA, used to work in ENT. She had an older man come see her because "his ear hurt when he pushed on it really hard." She did a full exam and found nothing wrong. She asked a litany of questions: Did it hurt when he bathed or showered? (No.) Did it hurt when he bent over? (Nope.) Did loud noise make it worse? (Negative!) Did it hurt while he was just sitting there? (Not a bit.) "So your ear only hurts when you push on it really hard?" she clarified. Indeed, that was the single inciting event. You can imagine what her professional recommendation was.

Sometimes I feel like that guy. ;)

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yeah, you're right about the need to keep repeating the truth in order to counter "the lie told often enuf." I should get off me bum and go back to posting the truth in places where the lies are told.

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Arguing with strangers who will not listen has been an exercise in futility for me. I try to focus—as you did—on people I love or at least care about or respect.

For the rest, I provide facts and trustworthy anecdotes, but ignore any slurs and don’t argue back. It just feeds their endorphins and their egos. Eventually, if they or someone THEY love is harmed, they MAY come around. But don’t count on it. Cognitive dissonance is a terrible thing to waste.

If anyone out there is looking for a set of Covid Essential Links to help others do their own research — far from captured agency, traditional medical “professional,” and media influence — here you go: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links

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Thank you, copied and saved, just in case any of my now estranged friends and family actually start asking questions.

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They probably won't start asking.

Hmmm, you could include the just below the signature line in your emails. Maybe they'll click accidentally. Call it "Food for Thought" or something enticing like that.

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Goood idea!

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Please let us know in comments how it goes, if you do it :-)

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Thanks for the COVID essential links page! Most helpful.

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My pleasure. Please share!

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Thx for the essential links! I'll save the link and I'm sure it will come in handy.

For many, many months, starting early in the plandemic, I posted facts backed by cites of studies, expert opinion, etc. on the Facebook page of my California county's Public Health Department. I was always courteous and never called people names, except for calling a few politicians "puppets." I addressed every major issue during the plandemic (e.g., harms vs. supposed benefits of lockdown) and during the spikeshot campaign.

I really don't know how much impact I had, but I kept it up because of a marvelous "secondary gain" - which was that I was thwarting Facebook's censorship re: all things COVID. In California, a public agency's Facebook page is considered "public record" - so the county's Public Health Department could not delete my comments on their propaganda posts, or ban me from posting comments!

It was wonderfully satisfying to be an un-censor-able truth-teller. And besides, Facebook quickly decided I was a "Top Fan" of my county's Public Health Department and kindly put my "Top Fan" title on each of my comments. I always wondered how irksome this little touch was to the Public Health employee(s) whose job it was to read the comments on the agency's page. (Even now this Top Fan business makes me smile!)

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Brilliant idea to post to public health Facebook pages. Kudos to you! I avoid Facebook like the plague (ha, ha), but see that you’ve used it to great advantage.

I think your impact may have been more than you will ever know. I often feel as though I’m spitting into the wind (see https://eolson47.substack.com/p/ranting-and-raving-lets-not-be-caving https://eolson47.substack.com/p/ranting-and-raving-lets-not-be-caving), but hope someone, somewhere will look up and say “Wow, I didn’t know that!” After all, that’s how I began on this journey — from total sleeping traditionalist to mostly wide awake investigate-everything-alist.

Keep up the great work, Kayla Wildman!

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Brilliant!! I haven’t heard this one yet. Man do I wish I would have known about this as an option 3 years ago. Awesome 👏

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Rock on Kayla! Thanks for sharing. I woke up after getting jabbed and injured. (On top of CFS/ME for 20 yrs, which looks like Gulf War Syndrome) I wish someone told me some truths. I had little access to the internet and had to give up my TV. But I think we need to keep at it, telling the truths. We need more people to make a change. Thank you all. Side-bar= I recently imagined, in a visual way, George Carlin's head blowing off. Thanks for all the laughs George.

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OK Big E, you said it better than I could. Thanks for the link.

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Happy to help! Thank you for the kind words :-)

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Hi Jenna,

I do enjoy your articles... haven't upgraded YET...

I live in Brazil. I can attest to the media blackout here. They may be farther left than the present administration in the US.

I came here 9 months ago, married a Brazilian, and we are planning to return to the states when she gets her documentation finalized. I keep telling her it works be a lot easier to be an illegal alien...🙃. Seriously, it's a process to get everything in order.

From the get go, I was vehemently opposed to the "jab". I couldn't figure out why most people couldn't see that no matter what they said, it can't be "safe and effective"... It's impossible! NO ONE WAS KNOWING THE LONG TERM EFFECTS-- THE SIMPLY HASN'T BEEN ENOUGH TIME. That's what I was thinking 4 years ago. Now we know some of the long term effects. It is neither safe nor effective. And as many truly "awake" people know it is very dangerous... almost like Russian roulette. That seemed so painfully obvious.

Yea, unfortunately, you probably won't make much headway with Brazilians. In general they don't trust the government, but in general they feel somewhat powerless to make changes. So they tend to do what they are told when it comes to things like this-- keeping a job for job survival. It's already difficult enough to make ends meet for most people...

Que Deus abençoe...


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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Tucker’s interview with Dr. Kory was one of the best ever. Dr. Kory knows his stuff & is a great communicator. Even if someone thinks they’re up on what’s happening in vaccine land they’ll learn even more watching it. Tucker was blown away. So thankful he’s using his power & platform for honest discussions. Also - watch the Jason Chansley interview. Not at all what you’ll expect.

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Very enjoyable piece this morning Jenna. I only wish there was an antidote available for those of us who were among the first offered the “new miraculous protective shots” before anything negative was known about them. Being in our early 80s we were the “at risk” group, and since I wanted to continue playing the beautiful grand piano in the hospital lobby, and my husband was serving on the school board, we accepted two shots each in January, 2021. The day after the second shot, my injected arm lost all feeling, my first clue that something might be wrong. Then last June I joined the ranks of cancer sufferers with a very rare type of lymphoma, which I have hopefully sent on the run after a series of radiation treatments, but I fear my previously optimistic life expectancy has been shortened and I can’t help wondering about a connection. We both regret accepting the early gift of jabs, but no antidote has been offered except to continue living well as long as possible. We NEVER advocated for the shots to anyone else and very early on found the underground railroad of suppressed substances and availed ourselves with a goodly supply, dispensing as needed to friends and family who were unfortunate enough to contract Covid. We never did, since we consumed the banned substance prophylactically. Pierre Kory was one of the first voices we heard, a real light in the darkness. Carry on the good fight, Jenna!

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Oh Rebecca, I'm so sorry about your experience. I'll add you to the prayer list and wish you many MANY more healthy, happy years.

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Thank you Jenna! Prayer lists can be powerful and I very much appreciate your concern. 😊

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Sorry you two got the spikeshots, and I hope you've recovered from your arm numbness and can still play the piano! Not to mention I hope your cancer treatment worked 100%.

There are quite a few good doctors working on antidotes to the spikeshots. (Pierre Kory is one of them.) For a start, look up Dr. Peter McCullough's Base Spike Detox protocol and The Wellness Company's "Spike Support" supplement. Also go to Brian Ardis's website, https://thedrardisshow.com then click on Patient Resources, followed by Free Patient Resources, then Nicotine PDF. You could combine Dr. Ardis's nicotine protocol with Dr. McCullough's detox protocol and the Spike Support supplement. Ivermectin, by the way, has several benefits for people who took spikeshots. Did you know it's an anti-cancer drug also?

These are just a few of the possibilities for countering spikeshot harms. Whatever you choose to do, I hope it works out well for you!

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Thank you Kayla - yes we knew about ivermectin’s anti- cancer possibilities and have been taking it regularly for several years. Yet I still got a large gastric lymphoma tumor that bled enough to make me acutely anemic by the time I decided something was wrong and I had better find out what. I have read that blood cancers are a common side effect of the shots. I am scheduled for another endoscopy to look at it in June. I am optimistic. 😊

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Mar 24Liked by Jenna McCarthy

That’s some great word coinage—-“found the underground railroad of suppressed substances and availed ourselves with a goodly supply.”

Made me smile this morning.

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh Jenna, I feel your pain. Just share with us. The eternally ignorant will never wake up, sigh...

I am now trying to remain silent with friends and family... the last straw was a relative (that I love dearly), a nurse in NYC, who got shingles from her first shot, doctor confirmed, - eye affected, horrible. Just found out that she apparently continued to get shots, and wound up in the hospital recently with a blood clot on her lung. Her mother (whom I also love) said..."Oh I don't know if it's the shots - I've gotten them all and I'm fine!" So. There is literally nothing one can do or say to illustrate the dangers. Another educated friend, in a group discussion said (I kid you not) "I don't think they (big pharma) made any money on these shots..." Everyone chimed in... "Yeah, I've read that doctors made very little money from shots." Not even in the realm of possibility in their thought process. Again, educated professional folks. Like you, my head was about to explode.

I suspect Gunther may have been a bot. That level of stupidity far surpasses even the mind-numbing ignorance we see/hear all around us. Thank you for at least trying.

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I cannot decide if this comment makes me feel better or worse. Wait, it's worse. Definitely worse. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH.

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Mar 25Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"There is literally nothing one can do or say to illustrate the dangers."

I understand your decision to remain silent with friends and family. But FWIW...and also because I'm curious about whether you've come across these resources (it seems many people haven't seen them):

To illustrate the dangers, a good option is the "OpenVAERS" website, particularly its graphs of reported deaths and its Red Box page tallying reports of some specific, severe adverse effects of COVID shots.

To illustrate the dangers and explain why some people can say, "I got the shots and I'm fine", there's an excellent website at howbad.info. This website tallies reports of adverse effects of COVID shot *by vaccine lot number.* The tallies clearly show that some lots produce *many* severe adverse effects while other lots produce extremely few adverse effects.

(You may need to use one of the "censorship-free" browsers to easily find these websites.)

I've been amazed and frustrated at how many people still believe the "approved narrative" (which is a pack of lies), but as some people are pointing out, at this point "almost everybody knows somebody" who's obviously been hurt by COVID shots, and often "Seeing is believing."

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Your husband is right. Absolutely none of those nitwits learned a thing. We must have been unfriended by the same people! They have their heads firmly planted up pharma’s ass! And for Gunther, he can go piss up a rope. What a sanctimonious twat.

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Actual LOL/snort! I needed that. :)

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I noticed liberal wackos on Fakebook wouldn't ever write anything themselves yet would argue with truth that someone else would post.

I dropped that socialist media about 3 years ago even though I blocked the idiots.

Watching friends and family dying for following gestapo rules is worse than pissing off a few idiots.

I have one friend that turned down 50K in cash from his older brother trying to convince him to take the jab. I told him Gates, Bezos, Buffet, Soros, Musk, and all the rest didn't have enough to pay me to be stupid.

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It is a sad fact that nearly ALL of my nieces and nephews went and got themselves slow euthanized. I don't have children.

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna - remember ... "Dietrich Bonhoeffer - stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones."

Thanks Wayne

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Sounds also like arguments(disagreements) I’ve had on “climate change” as well as the vaccine. Keep on keepin” on, Jenna

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Guenther speaks Portgugese? Well, we ALL know what that means!

Jenna, we who believe in objective truth will always struggle to make sense of a world that lives in subjective truth. We are rational animals, having both intellect and will. But we have to use them both. Will without intellect is instinct and tribalism. It's not that "you can't fix stupid;" it's that you can't fix willfulness.

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I feel you Jenna. I sometimes get triggered as well. It is usually by those with no military background trying to educate others all about the military and veterans. I had to quit following a few authors due to this. I did have a guy trying to trigger me by responding to a comment a made on someone else's article. He thought he was successful, but he wasn't. I know he couldn't feel the sarcasm I was giving that he mistakenly thought was me being triggered. He seemed to really be angered that I chose my military career and tried to make me feel bad about it. He failed. It has really been an eye opener on here how many military haters there are in America. I have met some in real life, but a whole world of them in here. I responded to this guy twice. The second time I told him to keep on reading his books to get his view of the real world and I would pray for his anger issues.

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Ha! Brilliant. Haters LOVE it when you pray for them! ;)

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes, they do. Had to share this pin with you. So, funny!!!


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hahaha perfection!

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Same - Military and law enforcement background here. It's never ending. Thanks for your bravery for your country.

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Thanks for your service as well!

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Hubby is the veteran, I will pass your kind comment on to him.

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You responded appropriately Jenna! Bravo! For the last four years I’ve been wearing one of two T shirts I ordered


2-If you can question it it’s Science, if you can’t, it’s Propaganda.

I have had many conversations with random strangers and opened a lot of eyes. I’ve stopped arguing with them online, too many BOTS lol!

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Damn, good ones! I have "I'm not for everyone," and "Domestic Terrorist." Neither probably a great way to start a conversation with a normie LOL!

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"AND THE OSCAR FOR BEST CHOREOGRAPHED RESPONSES GOES TO: Jenna McCarthy." I was on pins and needles for your every reply. I excitedly hoped he'd reply again so you could slam yet another brilliant point or two down his ummm... shirt. I don't care if you didn't change him, you SAID what needed to be said, and deep down he's got to be thinking about it. (Or at least about what a foo he appears to be.) Also - thanks man, for summarizing the important numbers! I've been wanting to look them up lately so I can use them at our next cocktail party. I'm fun like that.

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*bows sheepishly and accepts gold statuette*

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

OMG! I love you so much, lol! I swear we are almost the same person. From your sense of humor [I feel like I'm reading something **I** would write] to your analyses to your passion subjects AND viewpoints thereon to your replying back to that blow-hard (which I've done oh-so(too)-many-times, and yes, to complete strangers...why do I waste my time??? [ok, FINE, I know why ... there are 5 core wounds [rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice], and we all have at least 2...and I, for sure, have the injustice wound and sometimes feel compelled to speak up for what's "right" [went to law school for this exact reason].]

I took a self-development class where they taught us to "be a stand" for what you believe in. Like those tall, plastic blow-up Bozo the Clown punching bags (dating myself), it'll go down when punched, but then it'll pop back up. Like you, I am a stand for my loved ones' health. If something knocks me down, it's ok; I'll pop back up and try again. Nothing matters more.

I want to be your friend lolol! I'm friendly-ish with Pierre. If you were game, let me know so he could connect us.

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We're CONNECTED ALREADY, silly! (My email is jenna@jennamccarthy if you want to go underground. ;) And WHY DIDN'T YOU SUBMIT SOMETHING TO MY ANTHOLOGY FFS?

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

🙈 swamped ... is it too late? I'm emailing you right now!!!

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Mar 15Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Lord you are killing me Loved that

He pulled the “shrimp card” 😂 and you snapped out of the anger induced trance. 💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️

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He really did, though. HE PULLED THE SHRIMP CARD!!! Hahahahahahaha.

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Except in the metaphor, the shrimp wasn’t intended to exterminate the diners … “just saying”

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