Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“…in reality we both know that hopeless, depressing scores of folks will.”

Yep. Talked to an old co-worker yesterday. He called me out of the blue. We haven’t spoken in over 5 years.

He couldn’t even remember how many shots he’s had. At least four.

I do however, hold out some hope that he will indeed read my Substack like he promised to do. Looking at those horrifying pics of the clots may create enough “vaccine hesitancy” to make him think twice. I also mailed him a copy of Dowd’s book, Cause Unknown.

I planted a seed and praying it will grow. 🙏🙏🙏

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

At least he said he’d look at it. People have promised me that in the past but only sometimes did.

Early on I saw that people, who weren’t already somewhat skeptical but would look at what I wanted to show them, just couldn’t let it sink in. One said “you mean all those virologists and the CDC are wrong?”, after looking at a bunch of social media posts of people who suddenly died (young and healthy) and a bunch of other info showing harms and scientific issues. This individual has had a serious nearly fatal incident recently but no doubt makes no connection to the shots.

Another tossed it aside because I left an ad in one of the articles. Another because “if this was happening I’d have heard about it”. Yet another decided to test one assertion made in one article to determine the validity of my entire submission. It was a claim that TN had passed a quarantine EO that enabled the National Guard to grab people out of their homes. I have no doubt if the wrong Governor was in power it could happen but the EO didn’t specifically enumerate this power, so he concluded it was a lie. He also checked across various establishment nodes and considered their lockstep as “confirmation”. These are all highly intelligent, successful people.

On the other hand, as I’m well known in my circle for my vax views, I’ve had a lot of supporters, and others who admitted harm from the vax, either themselves or a loved one.

A lot of normies will fall for it, but a lot have woken up as well. Here’s praying they fall flat on their faces with bird flu vax mandates, if they attempt it.

BTW, thanks Laura for your Substack “Clotastrophy”. I recommend checking it out.

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It seems that somehow intelligence (or lack of same) is very often not a factor. I've read some that suggest that some people always cling to the next big thing because they have no other faith to cling to. I can't say it's true, but I do wonder.

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The medical gestapo wasn't wrong! They were lying to us! There is a difference in being wrong and not knowing it and deliberately misleading people to reap financial windfalls!

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Jul 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It's really frustrating, isn't it? In my experience, the more educated people are (or think they are) the more susceptible they were to all that BS. What hurt me the most I think was, when a friend, whom I'd asked to watch a talk show with Prof. Bakdhi told me, she won't. Because she googled him and he is anti-semite and anyway, she is afraid to become like me. After that I stopped trying to convince people unless I sensed a bit of doubt in them.

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Ouch. I feel you. I've referenced this 100% true story many times, but I had a "friend" who literally said (screenshots in the link below) that if there were such a thing as excess deaths, THE MEDIA WOULD BE COVERING IT, and asked me--verbatim--"what would someone have to do to shut [me] up about this bee in my bonnet?" BEE IN MY BONNET!!! I can't. I mostly let it go after that--but I DID send her a copy of The War on Ivermectin when it came out. Strangely, she didn't even send a thank you card hahahahaha.


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Jul 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh my Lord, yeah, I feel you, too. At least we know who we can trust by now. 😘

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I appreciate that, Ernie.

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Sounds like he's been taken. No matter how much some people (kind of) know they keep rolling up their sleeves until they've collected some nice injuries.

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Just gotta keep on keepin' on! Keep loving, keeping spreading the truth, keep laughing, and keep shining our light! These psychopaths in power want us to fall in line to their anti-human agenda, so the best thing that we can do is to stay as human as possible (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9hYxA_OiVI).

Reading the mainstream headlines these days is like watching a horror movie. We all know what's going to happen, but we are forced to watch (and can't stop) the madness and stupidity of all the characters that are about to meet their demise.

Good thing we got Jenna to keep us all laughing in the asylum!

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Do Not Comply must become our mantra no matter who sits on the throne, unless it is Jesus.

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Amen Kathy

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The narrative is Moderna is a CIA business. So, the CIA is hiring itself to pay itself out of taxpayer's pockets. Then they lie about the product efficacy and safety and suppress public scrutiny. Hmm...what could possibly go wrong for humanity here?

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I just hope and pray that whoever inhabits the White House post Biden is able to cut these insane 3,4,5 letter agencies off at the knees. They are completely out of control with reality. I do hope the recent great SCOTUS decisions will help to reign in their powers too. But I think they may still try to "get away with things" and then wait for the lawsuits before doing anything about them, unfortunately. We need to fire ALL of them and start over with uncaptured, real scientists and doctors like Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough, Brian Hooker, etc. Let's make them get back to their actual job of protecting the American people instead of protecting their financial interests with big Pharma!

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The alphabet soup agencies run through everything; they themselves *are* the system's knees.

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Here we go again! Ugh! Great job hitting the nail on the head. I just hope RFK Jr. gets elected and can really rid the government of these clowns.

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I've become so damn jaded over the last four years on this front. If people are dumb enough to take this shit, at this point in the matrix game and still can't seem to connect the dots, then so be it! My empathy tank has run empty.

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Where do I sign up? I want the government to throw billions of dollars at me and then coerce everyone to buy my novels and/or subscribe to my Substack, for which I will charge an outrageous monthly fee. Why does Moderna get all the fun and the moolah?

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Bahahahaha exactly! Maybe write a novel that spontaneously explodes when the reader gets to page 100? I bet THAT would get funding. [Grrrrrrrrrr.]

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Well written and to the point as always. Thank you. I make a point to read your Substack despite the 147,111 other emails I'm saving to "read later". I find it helpful to be able to blend a bit of laughter with my tears. I have arrived at the point where I believe it is completely possible we re dealing with malicious extraterrestrials. Why then demonstrate so little love or respect for the earth and why the attempt to change our climate to one inhospitable to human life? They seem to be doing exactly what Europe did when it found it's way to the western hemisphere. With needles rather than guns - a lot less messy.

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Well said!!! I am with you 100 percent! These are not humans running the world. There is just no way!

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Unfortunately I know lots of Docs, Family and Friends who can’t wait to be injected with the next mRNA vaccine. Good thing Bird Flu came along.

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I believe you because my wife and I also know plenty of people who still believe their doctors and pharmacists.

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I don't think Moderna ever launched a "successful" product until their Covid-19 vaccine? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I think Moderna’s covid poison was their first product approved for use on humans.

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Jul 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You always bring a chuckle to my day😂. So spot on in this clown world we live in. Keep up the amazing work! We need to laugh more in this insane upside down world!

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I snorted coffee at pj "dunking cookies in whiskey"......great article and great way to start my day...laughing so hard. Thanks Jenna! ( ordered your book. Hope it arrives soon!)

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Let’s make medicine honest again!

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You're assuming it ever was honest. I don't believe that's the case. A good source would be James Corbett. He has a podcast delineating the history of western medicine you might want to listen to.

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Jul 4Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Actually our conversation would be like

Me: I'm not surprised. I just hope people won't be that gullible this time along

You: Me neither, but don't get your hopes up too high.

Me: Pass me one of them whiskey cookies please.

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Hahahahahahaha ;)

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Jul 3Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Just said to my husband this morning- bird flu vaccine is bullshit just like Covid vaccine is bullshit. Nothing but bullshit

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