Oh, how the tables have turned. The same talking heads who have relentlessly tried to paint Joe Rogan as a “dangerous spreader of misinformation” and an “alt-right pipeline” are pitching an Oscar-worthy fit over the fact that more people patronize his podcast than CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times combined.
[*tries really hard not to look smug; fails miserably*]
That incredibly satisfying graphic was posted on X by Angelo Carusone, the President and CEO of Media Matters for America—a progressive nonprofit organization whose mission is “monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media” hahahaha you can’t make this stuff up. After dropping that visual bomb, Carusone proceeded to unleash a ten-point rant that included statements such as “Trump organized power on what used to be considered the fringes,” and “this isn’t a messaging problem; it’s a media crisis.”
THE PANICKED PRESS: Holy donkey dung, conservative journalists are literally taking over the mediasphere. I mean, Rachel Maddow didn’t even get her own bubble! This is a crisis!
Terrifically, the internet did what the internet does—namely, put a certain clueless woke warrior in his well-deserved place.
Liberal media outlets have spent decades attempting to portray themselves as shining beacons of veracity and integrity. They claim their mission is to hold power accountable, shine a light on injustice, and defend democracy through fearless journalism. They post dire daily warnings about the dangers of “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories,” all the while furiously burying the truth about everything from Hunter Biden’s laptop to the origins of a certain virus. The magnificent result: Trust in their reliability and transparency is currently about as solid as a paper straw in a week-old, formerly iced latte.

Not shockingly, wide swaths of the public have caught on. And much to the left’s incredulous ire, disillusioned newshounds ran straight into the warm, welcoming arms of the burgeoning alternative media—a vast, vibrant world of unbiased viewpoints that isn’t engaged in a torrid love affair with censorship and collusion and is beholden to nobody. Audiences went from being spoon-fed tales of “mostly peaceful” protests set against a backdrop of burning buildings to seeing raw footage of violent carnage with their own eyes. Instead of being told inflation was “a wise and humane policy,” they found uncompromised economists explaining why their grocery bill had doubled. Rather than hearing that questioning the official narrative made you a conspiracy theorist, they discovered that last year’s banned opinions had a funny way of becoming this year’s breaking headlines. The irony of the MSM clutching their metaphorical pearls over “right-wing dominance” shouldn’t be lost on anyone with a pulse, partisanship be damned.
For the majority of ever, legacy media has existed by carefully controlling the flow of information and systematically shutting down any and all dissenting takes. People defected because they wanted actual news—not paid-for advertorials or narrow, one-sided views of the world. And when they found it, they were vilified. It’s like finally switching stylists after years of bad dye jobs—and now your old hairdresser is mad that you’re walking around with spectacular highlights.
The irony is that the alt-media didn’t just appear overnight or by any stroke of fantastical luck. It came into existence because traditional outlets failed to adequately serve a massive portion of the public. When patently progressive platforms pushed one-sided accounts, glossed over or buried key stories, and ignored any tidbit that was inconvenient to their agenda, people went looking for truth. And what they discovered was a new, uncensored world full of spicy memes, verifiable facts, and deliciously unfiltered honesty.
Now that the alternative media has gained undeniable traction, the left can’t see—no less accept—that they essentially created their own worst enemy. Their grip on the narrative slipped not because scores of us suddenly became more right-wing but because [raises hand proudly] we got tired of recycled lies and half-baked “fact checks” that were provably bogus. When your only job is to report on events as they happen and your viewers or readers no longer trust you to do so frankly and fully and without pandering to your paymasters, they’ll find someone else who does.
Tell me how sorry you feel for the poor, despondent MSM in the comments. ;)
Yeah, I feel sorry for the MSM...just like I feel sorry for the illegal alien criminals being deported back to wherever they came from, and just like I feel sorry for government workers actually having to go to the office to WORK.
Former huge dem lib here. Funny how the “right wing” became the party of pro peace, free speech, pro Main Street….etc. Dems in their righteousness, have completely lost the plot and are out of touch with reality.