During the President's inaugaration speech, as he just kept on listing all the great things that were about happen during his term, I completely teared up and just thanked Jesus for all of it. Totally tears of joy!

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I got lint in my eye a few times, too! ;)

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I liked it. I was surprised about the Bible too - since Trump made a point to include the Bible his mother had given him. That said, I think Trump was focused and on point in his address. I also love that we are backing out of the Paris climate agreement and the WHO!!!

I felt like yesterday we turned a corner as a nation when the President will actually be the President and that we also have a clear majority of Americans represented. Will everybody get their way? No. Do we have a wonderful opportunity to move forward in a positive direction and perhaps provide some stability in the world? It sure looks like it to me. I also slept without worrying about our country (or, like you, someone getting hurt).

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Roberts was rude rushing the swearing in. Mrs. Trump didn’t even have time to move to the President’s side.

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Didn’t even allow his family to gather around. Rude and disrespectful. Robert needs some etiquette lessons.

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It wouldn't be Roberts first time. He screwed up Obama's first swearing in by jumbling the words in the oath, and it had to be redone later. In Obama's second swearing in, Obama screwed up the words, so that too had to be done over.

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"You had ONE JOB" dude...


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There may have been an issue with the time. Biden's presidency ended at exactly 12 noon, and Trump had to be sworn in by 12 noon so there was no gap. If that was the case, and I'm not sure it was, I don't see why a few seconds is such a big deal, but it may explain Robert's rush.

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I agree. He rushed it, very rude.

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To get OUT of the WHO got me literally dancing. How many petitions and pleas did I and millions more of us send to the arch villains squatting I’m MY government. I’m sure the whole thing will collapse now. UK is suffering, but it’s going to change there too. I don’t give a flying f##k what happens over the channel. The EU is dying.

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Canada is suffering immensely.

If Poilievre didn't take copious notes: I'll be seeking "political asylum" soon.


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YES!! I’m praying for you. I hope what is happening here will bring Canada into the fold. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦❤️

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It's like a huge weight has been lifted off of America's shoulders and I, for one, am thrilled to no longer feel that weight!

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Whatever went “wrong” be it accidental or on purpose, the Bidenomics Nightmare has come to an end! HALLEFRICKENLUJAH! Lots to clean up…. But it’s already in progress! Wooohooooo!🥳🎉

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Who sabotaged the music for Carrie Underwood? I bet they'll find out eventually that some blue haired freak deliberately messed with it, only to have Underwood turn the tables and create a stunningly iconic moment. Trump truly is blessed by God.

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My immediate thought was “Whoever screwed that up is now fired.” But wow, what a moment was created and Carrie totally nailed it!

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Awesome day. God is great indeed. God bless you all and God bless America. 🇺🇸❤️🙏✝️😄

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After a long, hard struggle session, I realize I prefer Lauren’s cleavage vs Fetterman’s legs.

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Hahahaha is it weird that I do, too?

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No. Because I do to. I am going to follow her bra on Instagram now.

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I personally love the bra! It’s absolutely GORGEOUS! If I could, at my age, I’d LOVE to have something so pretty peeking out of my clothes!

The legs? Hmmmmmm…. Pass, please! Whether either one was “appropriate” for the situation? Who really gives a rat’s ass? They felt comfortable without having the need to people please. Oh yeah, wait! I forgot! MSM! (Senior meowment there, lols!)

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Long hard struggle session. 🤣🤣🤣. Bah hah hah. Thank you for this comment! 😂😂

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Both Sanchez and Fetterman were equally WAAAAAAY out of line and disrespectful. It's no different than Obama taking off his jacket while he "worked" in the Oval Office. If we can't have a base level of dignity and respect, then who are we as a country? This wasn't a fashion show or an awards show.

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I do not disagree!!!

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The Episcopalian Bishop takes the cake for rudeness. I’m sure someone was fired over that oversight.

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Maryann/Edgar is the type of preacher that creates atheists. Curses upon her/it and her/its malice.

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Haha. Yah, you're not wrong.

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It's not weird Zuckerman's eyes were drawn to it. So were everyone's. Including the cameras.

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Yes, the Zuck 2.0 model is very lifelike!

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Uhhhhh, as a heterosexual woman, and a devout Catholic, my eyes most certainly were NOT "drawn to it". I did all I could to NOT look; it was disgusting.

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Megan Kelly called her a disrespectful attention seeker who dresses like a hooker. She’s not wrong.

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I was actually moved to tears and thanking God as President Trump took the oath. What a miraculous day! My daughter texted me that when J. D. Vance stepped up my 21 month old granddaughter shouted, “YAY, JESUS!” Yes indeed. Great things He has done!

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Loved Trump sending it home to the bungling inept buffoon Biden and the rest of the Deep state morons; absolutely adored his Executive orders all day long; Life is good and it will get way way better now that we have a real Prez with brains and spunk. Trump, Trump, Trump.

PS love your musings.


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I hadn't watched any of the festivities at all. I enjoyed my day with the TV off, reading a good book in the Walt Longmire series, went to dinner with my wife and some friends and woke up today with great posts like yours, Jenna and Jeff Childers. I love the takes you two have on just about everything--it's nice to get a splash of sunshine after four years of idiocy and gloom. Thanks for the way you keep us sane! 🤓

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I watched some of it but I refused to watch on any of the MSM outlets. I cast the Redacted coverage on YouTube to my TV. Love me some Redacted. We don’t have all the cable channels.

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We use only the free airwaves for our TV so we don't pay any bills for TV at all! Have a great day.

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Barron said, "Let's go, Brandon!"

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I think he’s too well brought up to do that, but fun thought anyway.

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Hehehe 🤭

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Seems to be quite a bit of light on the horizon. I wish some of it would spill over into Canada

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Trudeau stepping down is a solid start! ;)

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As happy as I am to see JT step down, is it just a strategic move to prop up someone worse?

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Worse? That is dark.

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I’ve got a feeling it just might!

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You need to dig deeper.

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Yep. I'm strongly considering applying for political asylum if the current shenanigans orchestrated by the Libs don't go over like a Chinese lead spy balloon cuz? Let's face it:

Contact lenses and a new hair stylist ain't cuttin' it.

PP feels like just another career politician. Not OMB.

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I loved the prayer Graham gave. Thanking God should always be the first thing to do. I shouldn't have enjoyed watching hussein, the Bushes, and the rest of them squirm but I admit, I love how Jesus works these things out! Melania, as always, is pure class and style and brings this much-needed persona back to the limelight. Fetterman has no shame and I hope Trump or someone, anyone, will take him aside and school him in the matter of manners and respect. He thinks he's special because he can behave like a rebellious teenager and no one calls him on it. They should have turned him away at the door. If his excuse is comfort, then what's to stop some congressman or woman from showing up in their pajamas or nightgown? He's a slob.

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Totally disrespectful. My opinion of him had risen a few inches but now crawling on the floor again.

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Carrie Underwood was fabulous! A classy gal. ❤️🎶

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I’ll be super happy if not just regular lightbulbs are great again, but also full flush toilets, & dishwashers & washing machines finish a cycle in a damn half hour….

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That's what MAGA really stands for: Make Appliances Great Again hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just want a normal bleeping lightbulb. 💡 I swear, part of the mental illness problem is sleep deprivation because we have those damn things everywhere and they screw up circadian rhythm.

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Actually…. They WILL be! They’ll be made (hopefully?) with pride in our US of A!!!

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Watched every minute. Haven’t laughed so much in ages. Trump managed to give two fingers to all the democratic (demonic) has beens without even moving his hands.

It’s going to be a hell of a ride and I for one can’t wait

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GOOD one!😂

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Jenna, honey, don't stop being who you are. Ever! You have me in tears laughing.

I too was able to watch the whole event and I thought the rudeness was telling! Their character was on full display. I texted my brother during his address and said, "He is calling everyone to the carpet and letting them all know he ain't playing."

The thing that kills me, all his changes will make their lives better too. I don't like that.

JDs kids were so cute. Elon was just so excited. It may not have "looked" good, but his enthusiasm is what should be honored. I'm very sure he wasn't thinking about na*is. And frankly, the media should get their collective mind out of the gutter when they know that wasn't what he meant (rant over).

Your list was accurate, and hit the spot.

Thank you for your brain, and how it works!

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"I thought the rudeness was telling! Their character was on full display."

Turn about is fair play: DJT got his digs in. 👏👏👏

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