Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

What happens next depends on who wins the Dems internal coup. If the Kamala faction wins (Pelosi, Hillary, etc), Joes “dies”, Kamala becomes first woman prez, goes into election as incumbent . If the Obama faction wins, Joe makes a miraculous “recovery”, and they go to the convention to select someone else. These 2 factions hate each other. I assume this means Cackles wants to be a puppet of the Pelosi side and not the Obama side. The Pelosi faction is 1 step ahead at this point, but one should never, ever underestimate Obama! Definitely have the popcorn ready. And by the way, neither faction gives one hot damn about integrity, transparency or the wellbeing of this country and its citizens!

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The Clintons are better at offing people and never getting caught so that tipped the scales for Kamala as far as which group she is going to cooperate with.

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Well, we ALL KNOW that Bill Clinton was cloned, so which one gave the murder orders-- Clone #1, clone #2, or Clone #15?

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Interesting, wasn't aware of the two specific separate Dem power cliques, so my question, where do the neo-con, the criminal intelligence agencies, and/or any other subsets line up?

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Or: One day we will all wake up and see Joe in the shower and realise this has all been a bad dream.

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Please God, NO!!!! ;)

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yes the visual thought is not appealing.

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Looks like your crystal ball is in the shop. Here's some REAL reality: No worries, sistah-- Joe is O-U-T.

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If they switched Bidens, why wouldn't they get a better actor? At least someone without dementia. They could say they gave him ivermectin and he not only recovered from covid but also from dementia.

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I USED TO SAY/THINK THAT, TOO, when I first learned about the mask/double thing. Once you believe/accept the fact that whoever they are calling "Joe Biden" is an actor, then you automatically understand that he's NOT a bad actor; that's the precise "Joe Biden" they want us to see. Does that make sense??? (They'd NEVER say he recovered from IVM but you're right; they could use a recovery to promote any drug they please!)

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Perhaps this version of Joe had one too many drug cocktails.

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

...or they withheld it from him

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I'd really like a medical opinion about this...recuperating from all the cocktails or ?. I gasped in shock when I heard Joe Rogan describe what cocktail he thinks they use on Brandon. It was about two years back and that was the first seed planted in my head.

Jenna, anyway to ask Dr Kory if he knows a medical professional who mixes up the best cocktails?

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100%not the same guy. So Where is the real Joe Biden and why a demented actor in his place?? Seriously!! And… what President of the Worlds Greatest Nation on Earth, steps Down using an ‘ X’ post ?? Common man, Jenna???

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Reading your essays is a highlight of my day Jenna. Chocked full of wit and so many references we can relate to —- Today the Bewitched’s Darrin’s ! BRAVA! (I surely did miss actor Dick York)

So many unanswered questions

is this a simulation, a movie, a hologram, or maybe .. an acid trip ? No clue but

Laughter is definitely called for! Thank you !!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

If Joe dies they invoke the 25th, but Kamala still has to be voted in by the house and senate. She loses, Mike Johnson takes over. Very messy. They hate Kamala and yet they know Johnson can be bought, so maybe they finally go for it. 🍿 🍿🍿

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

No! Pres death leads to automatic succession of VP to Pres position, no confirmation needed. Pres. then chooses a VP successor, which requires congressional ( Senate only?) confirmation.

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

IDK but months ago I saw a video on a back channel that said Joe was dead and buried in Arlington cemetery with a 2 gun salute?

It even showed pictures?

I doubt if that was true but I will guess that it’s possible?

With many saying there are several actors playing Joe , they can mimic his bumbling easily? That accounts for his seeming revival when he gives fiery speeches?

With all of the voice tech available why hasn’t anyone checked these people for voice analysis?

When will people wake up ?

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Next will be…Look! A squirrel!…

something Completely Different to distract from politics altogether.

Thanks for your open mindedness Miss Jenna! 🙏💖 Got your tinfoil wardrobe picked out? Hats are no longer adequate. 🤪

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I said that when I saw Kamala!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

When they produce "Joe Biden," they will have bolstered their message that normies should not trust independent media. "Look, independent media told you the guy was dead but here he is! So don't believe them when they point out that one faction of the State tried to kill the leader of the opposition."

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OOOOOH! Juicy plot twist, I love it!

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

LOVE your tin hat book!! Great job. More would be good!

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I'm so glad!! Here's hoping. (Feel free to leave a glowing review *wink-wink*)



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No matter the outcome, at least we can be entertained. Who doesn't love a good sci-fi horror movie??

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Regarding your poll: it seems the "new Joe" took over close to four years ago (or a handful of them), and while I''ll have to go with the popcorn bucket because beyond figuring that ol' Joe would eventually have to be replaced I have to admit they haven't given away the climax of this bad movie. It seems they were actually going to try to push him over the line (maybe- the debate performance could have been loosely scripted), and if that was the case then the good news is the story has gone off script and these people are not the best improvisers.

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Man, you are in the right line of work! Great piece! I agree that every bit of sarcasm is deserved and points to clear evidence and truth. And yes, that we only see what they want to show is something I’ve been aware of as well; it’s a critical understanding for helping to see the truth real-time. However, there is also something shifting underneath our feet, and it’s changing the game… it apparently harkens back to the ability of truth to be released immediately and presumably the level of consciousness on the planet … whatever the underlying reasons, the machinations are now transparent in ways they’ve never ever been in our lifetime. So it seems the rules of the game are shifting. However it all plays out, while it’s quite gross, it’s also clear that we are damn well winning. The farce is burning itself up right out in the open.

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Bewitched one always bothered me!

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Jul 23Liked by Jenna McCarthy

All this drama is "Democracy" in action...the will of the people, don't you know? And they make fun of and demonize populists/populism?

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