Something I read recently which really resonated with me. Go Jenna.

We are not here to make others comfortable. It is through keeping others comfortable that we dim our own light, we give our own power away. In fact, we are here to make others UNCOMFORTABLE, as that is the only way to true transformation. Trying to fit into a sick society will only keep us sick. We are not here to adapt to an insane world, as we only lose our own sanity in the process. We are here to BE the Event, the Solar Flash, the Great Awakening. We are all walking catalysts and we make no apologies.

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I LOVE THIS. And to be honest, in general I don't worry about making other people uncomfortable and mostly do as I please. That said, since this substack is a ton of work (WHICH I LOVE DON'T GET ME WRONG), I wanted to make sure I wasn't toiling needlessly if people were ignoring or deleting or heaven forbid getting annoyed by my posts. Appreciate the wisdom and you taking the time to share it. :)

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I think someone said this before but in a slightly different way: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

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Beautiful. As my wife (who is an empath) says, God is the physics and Higher Self is the vehicle of transformation

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Great post and oh, so wise words, Paraic Lally!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I would love to know who wrote this so I can blast this out to the ‘sheeple’ I am working with…but need to give the right credit to…thank you so much for posting this.

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Hi Gia, A friend sent it to me. It came as part of a larger message from someone called Aurora who is connected to a collective called the Drago Collective. They are beyond this paradigm and are working with us (humanity) as of Jan 2024 to help our transformation energetically. I know that this is a bit out there, and I can send the whole message which was sent to me if you like. Have no hesitation using it as its meant to wake us up. 2024 is going to be a wild ride. The energy is getting cranked up big time and hidden motives and corruption are being exposed.

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Jan 27Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I will retype that in big bold letters and “forget” to pick up in the copy machine. 😁

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Hi Gia, That's funny. By the way, I meant to say the Dragon Collective not Drago Collective. But its the message that's important.

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Why have you increased your frequency? Because you got a lot to say and no one is going to hold you back, especially not this damn poll! Keep preaching lady!

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Mic drop. ;)

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

One of the reasons I became a paid sub recently was I found that your substack was one of the few that I found myself reading every single post. I greatly appreciate and identify with your superb level of snark. Post when you want. People can hit delete. 👍

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I APPRECIATE YOU!!! And if you ever feel you're not getting your "money's worth," you let me know. :)

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Maybe this is a stalker in a creepish sorta way that is trying to silence you. He did trigger you enough to create this post. You do you! Those of us that love your writing would never tell you to slow down.

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Time saving hint: I asign my cats a list of chores, they are just as helpful as the kids.

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Excellent point. Plus mine are way better than my children at destroying the sofas (so that I can buy new ones) and peeing on bathmats (so that I will be forced to wash them)!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thanks a lot, Stuart! I just blew coffee out of my nose reading your comment!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Lol!!! 😂Tip taken!!

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What's your secret? I've been trying to get my dogs to "get a job" for years! They just look at me and ask "Where's my dinner?" Hubs was gonna buy me this shirt. 🤪😆 https://fourmorepaws.com/products/snack-bitch-unisex-softstyle-t-shirt

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You are, in theory and if we can keep it, a free human being. You can post as much or as little as suits you. No one has to read all the posts - they have freedom as well. That's the only way a free society works. Keep posting exactly as much as you want to!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Don’t be ridiculous, Chumley! Your posts keep me from contemplating a few gin & tonics before work, some days! Keep on keeping on!

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Did we just become BEST FRIENDS?

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Don’t tease me, chic! Lol!!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Haha, I think I’m more prone to bourbon in my coffee!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Ooohhh........bourbon........😉Now I have to suppress THAT! Lol!!!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Well, we can always blame it on…CLIMATE CHANGE!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Yeah! That’s the ticket!!!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Good Lord! Write when and how you feel like it and if we don’t have time to read it, or even disagree with it, we can just move on! Very odd when someone gets so annoyed about a creator actually creating and adding value to their substack! I say, whatever works for you, works for the majority of us, judging by the poll. And honestly, if 3 times a week are stretching you, by all means pull back to 2 times a week or whatever works for you and your family! You’ve taken on a lot and yes there’s a lot going on, but you, just like the rest of us, need to find a work/life balance that works for you! We’re behind you, Jenna, and I for one am thrilled when I see your posts. THANK YOU for what you do!

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I do appreciate that and honestly, I wasn't trying to throw this gentleman under the proverbial bus--he took the time to reach out which (unless you're calling me names) is always generous as ALL of our time is precious. It sparked genuine curiosity on my part, and I love that the overwhelming majority of my subscribers feel as you do. :)

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The substackers whose posts I don’t wish to read, well, I don’t read them. There’s a nifty trash can shaped button at the bottom of every single one, or I can swipe and delete that way too. Frankly, some of them write very long and somber posts that, for me, for right now, are not my thing. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Personally, I love the quick snark, wit, and humor that are your short posts. They make me laugh in the face of some nasty stuff in this world.

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Do as you see fit...or as you wish...without pressure from your ego and the ego of others. Don't make plans of any sort...just let what comes to mind and heart and write from there. No need for pandering. A life lived without plans is a liberated life. No need to tie yourself down to anyone or any plan.

Keep going. Don't give up.


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As often as a Biden voter. Several times a week.

Your writings make sense even if Joe doesn't!

Anybody what don't like it often needs em a shrink!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I just discovered you and love the level of snark! You are my spirit animal. Keep it up!

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I love your (maybe just slightly snarky) posts! Write as many as you want...I'll read 'em all.

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You are funny! Wow. Queen, please do as you please. We serfs and peasants can read (IF we can read) your posts whenever we want, but ONLY if we know how to get them to our inbox. LOL

I have a friend with whom I used to work, and we were in charge of all the Zoom accounts at our company. She called me Zoom Master and I called her Zoom Queen. We are still friends today!

Keep up the eye-opening banter--it's good for the soul...

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Jan 26Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I am amazed at how your mind works. And it has a speed that I don’t experience. Thank you for your time, your thoughts and even the entertainment that comes from your writings.

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Jan 30Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Love your posts. I think the current frequency is about perfect. That said, I voted for the "whenever you feel like, queen!" option. Because, well, that just felt right! And perhaps "goddess" would be a more suitable term, hahaha.

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Vote and kind comments have been noted! I appreciate you reading and weighing in.😊

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