I didn't watch it, haven't ever, really. But find all the screams of half the country are "racist homophobes" by the party who has, literally, destroyed the black family idiotic. "They" literally have no problem saying blacks and Hispanics are too stupid to get IDs or be competent at jobs they choose, but maga people are the racists?
Had lunch with 4 liberals. I made one counter remark and you could actually see them look at me and see 3 trump shaped heads appear on my shoulders. Then they revealed their utter ignorance with the usual self righteous baloney of my former liberal tribe. Over it. I wasn’t quite fast enough to show them the election map in maximum shades of red and remark they had a lot of hate to do yet and better get cracking.
omg, my sister would have fit right in with them. on DJT plans to deport migrants, she says: we won't have anyone left to pick our crops. my reply: I don't think its logistically possible to deport 10 million people, so no worries. she says: Chinese men are coming because of the 'one child policy' and they have no wives. my reply: oh! they're here to get laid. okay. I feel better now.
One small note: there are far more than 10 million illegals here. About 4 yrs ago I saw Gov. Gruesome of Calif tell us there were 11 million illegals here; I also read that Texas had 22 million at the time. That was 4 yrs ago and those are numbers for only 2 states, there are 48 states I don't have stats for. Trump has said he is telling illegals that the NESARA money will be waiting for them in their home countries NOT here in U.S. And yes, NESARA is real, I saw Trump talk about it and told us none of it will be coming to us until every last deep state person is arrested. He said this at the end of a rally. That should take care of a lot of the illegals while our military rounds up the rest.
I just felt that 10 million was a nice, round and uncontroversial number ;)
I have no idea what NESARA is. but we really, truely do NOT know a number, do we?
here in 'sanctuary city Chicago' (I live near but not 'in'), the news shows are 100% sympathetic to the illegals, showing 'mistaken identity' citizens getting scooped up by ICE and local churches 'protecting' the poor migrants, who are just sooooo terrified. just in passing, they did show the 'wanted posters' of notorious cartel gang members, with the subtext being that they are the 'excuse' for the round ups terrorizing the innocents.
I haven’t watched that crap in over 30 years. That bit was a load of shit and anyone watching should realize that Trumps cabinet is MORE diverse than Biden’s.
Rubio - Cuban
Patel - Indian
Scott Turner - Black
Tulsi Gabbard - Samoan
Several Jewish cabinet members and too many women to list. But they’ll continue to shriek that he’s a racist, misogynistic, homophobe who’s literally Hitler. Nobody’s biting that shit anymore but it’s all they have so they continue to run it. Watch the meltdown if President Trump distributes checks to every American citizen to reimburse just a teensy bit of what’s been stolen from us over the years. They’ll find some way to shit in that, too. Screw them! This is the best month I’ve had in years!
VOTE BUYING!!! They prefer to flood the nation with terrorists, child traffickers, cartel monsters, unvetted criminals, freeloaders and millions who don’t give a crap about this country except what they can wring out of us plus getting them to vote one way or another. Hint hint on the many ways that will happen under democrats.
There’s your title for your next book! MAFA (**tapping toe impatiently standing next to my last two books of yours with worn pages and coffee stains …😆)
Jenna, SNL is finished. Have not watched that garbage for 20 years. Any Tv. I see the odd commercial when in a bar or restaurant and shake my head. man, we must be very stooped people to be swayed by such utter nonsense. Don't waste your precious time or writing skills on it, Tom Hanks and any other Cluck. If we ignore them eventually they fade into nothingness. They take care of that themselves with their idiocy.
They used to be funny and appealed to BOTH sides of the political aisle. Those were the days. For the last two decades they chose to force the narratives of the left, so they are only funny to the ignorant. We haven’t watched them in over 25 years because of this. How can you alienate half the country and still have enough money to air your show? The deep state has been in bed with Hollywood for decades, so that’s how. Part of the propaganda machine turned inwards on our own citizens. No thanks.
I’m just sad no one on our side has ever created a competitive show. We have some hilarious people and mounds of material!
Funny thing - yesterday I told my grandson that SNL is not funny any more and so politically biased that I would only watch it if Nate Bargatze was on. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I don't like cheap shots pretending to be humor.
Another funny thing - evidently celebrities feel that they have a right to free speech - but should be exempt from the consequences because they are celebrities. Celebrities also seem to believe that their political opinion is more important than anyone else's because they are celebrities. That is pathetic and ridiculous and delusional. From my point of view, if a celebrity uses their platform for political purposes, then I will just eliminate them and their platform from my consideration. Seems fair. After all, if I had a friend or acquaintance or relative who persisted on telling me what to think about politics, I would just not hang around them. Much less pay to see them.
Back when people were announcing their plans to boycott B*d L*te, a liberal disser attempted to portray them as stupid for imagining they could escape the Long Arm of *nh**ser B*sch by commenting, something along the lines of:
"AB produces over ?? hundred brands of beer, including A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, ... Good luck finding something to drink 'idiots' [implied]."
One guy summed it up for the entire group: "THANKS! I've added them to my list!!"
I wonder if it occurs to any of them that they are being used. Some get paid, like Beyonce, some contribute to the Big American Election Laundromat, like Clooney. All, IMO, being used. Remember when Hillary ran, big Hollywood fundraiser, Clooney said oh, this money goes to the states, not Hillary. Bwahahaha! That money was washed through the states - right back to Hillary, who literally owned the DNC at that point. Poor gullible George.
Well, don't forget - elections, like wars, are the bestest laundromats ever! Just think - Kamala spent more than $1.6 BILLION and lost bigly. I gotta think by design. Because, aside from the money-laundering, elections are a great way to turn a mess over to the "other side". And then just bitch and fundraise for a while. Your turn to curtsey, my turn to bow. I don't think the celebrities are smart enough to understand this.
Never was a fan. And certainly not of Tom Hanks. He is creepy. That is being kind. Since Johnny Carson left late night there is nothing entertaining. I would rather read a book. Late night TV is a waste of my time and my mind. I am being kind.
We still watch old Johnny Carson shows on Tubi (or maybe it's some other Roku channel - I'm not sure which one it is). And we still laugh out loud at it. He was truly funny.
I’m sure I was asleep in another room. What is SNL anyway? I remember hearing about something from the 70’s that was called Saturday Night Live. Occasionally funny. But this SNL thing can’t be that. Well, whatever….
I'm totally in the MAGA tank, but I found myself laughing pretty hard at most of the segments on SNL50, and wishing that the regular SNL would be as funny as it once was.
The Hanks bit made me cringe, not so much because he parodied MAGA, but more because Hanks makes me cringe these days. I mean seriously, can we get to the bottom of all this alleged pedo crap already?
Bottom line: Stereotypes have a place in comedy, even if the stereotype is of us. That whole segment was called Black Jeopardy and was one big fat stereotype fest featuring black comedians, after all. Some of the best laughs are when we're laughing at ourselves. If we want to Make Comedy Great Again we can't just knee-jerk reject when others laugh at stereotypes of us.
But yeah, maybe the leftist comedy realm has not yet realized that the world has changed. But if so, crying about this only strengthens their sense of self-righteousness.
Full disclosure: I did not watch any of it. My husband was watching it but switched to binge the very first season of SNL … for comparison maybe? 🤷🏻♀️ (I was reading upstairs)
But, thanks for the insight, Russ. Agree, always good to laugh at ourselves! Tho I don’t think I am crying cuz they hurt my feelings, just bored with the same ole, same ole jokes ya know. The original was just that, *original*!
Russ, thanks for standing up for us stereotypes. All too often, people just write us off. But hey, we're real people too! Even if totally predictable known quantities...
I remember back in the days of olden Saturday Night Live was kind of funny, but for my lifestyle
it was on too late, so I rarely watched it. I found some old shows on Pluto for a while, and a few were funny. I think the big part was the bands that came on too?
Well, It is sad that they are continuing to produce still, at 50 years later. NBC must have been getting USAID bc their viewershi p has never been above 150 people. It appears they are trying to self destruct. .... good for them.
that said, our television watching has dwindled. we either watch old shows like "Wings" or "Fraiser" and now that actors come out and pronounce their stupidity, we do not even watch their old stuff. Almost every new show has some grievance situation: race, gay confusion and rejection, way too much swearing, stupid plot, same plot different people, mistaken assumptions etc etc.
Hubbs and I have been watching some explore channels of live eagle nests, and other live nature, but, warning: those can be brutal.
I can't stand Hollywood people anymore. Most of them are shit heads anyway,.
fun fact I heard on the excellent podcast Macroaggressions yesterday: the channel 'TVLand' (think reruns of Gunsmoke and Gilligan's Island) has a larger viewership then prime time on MSNBC. kinda says it all right there, don't it? ;)
there is a lot of great old tv, some of it you have to search for.
I watched the entire series of I Dream Of Jeannie, years ago when I first started going to the gym, on the little tvs on the eliptical and treadmill. quite good for attention and laughs
it is entertaining. I married the son of a "genius" and he retains everything. We have the best conversations (that is why I married him) and I know more about cars and engines and models (for one example) than I ever imagined. Both of us love learning.
I always wanted to marry a doctor. Shortly after we were married, I signed my wife up for medical school, but she refused to go: said she didn't "want" to.
I used to figure skate regularly, in a club, with a doctor, her husband was a doctor (medical) and he wanted her to be a doctor.... (just wow) so she ended up in psychiatry. She actually loves that job. I never asked her what she would have rather been.... she is an amazing wonderful friend, and those were the days way back then. I wish I had gone through with medical school. I only made it to plain old RN. It was good for me, I am a bit of a perfectionist. I wanted to honestly, in high school, all girls did actually, go to "art school" but my sister did that before me and she became a druggie and an alcoholic. My dad yanked her out of there in two years and put her in the Army.
You can tell how much the world has shifted polarities (I used to be staunch progressive blue before 2020) by the fact that raw milk—and free speech and the end of forever wars, etc—is nowadays defended by all us ultra rightwing MAGAs, not so-called liberals. The skit’s suggesting raw milk is protected by those living in "The Bubble" is laughable, but not for the reason its authors originally thought.
Hold on. "Brutally honest" ...but "kind." You mean like "Incredibly tasty" ...but "0 calories." Or "100% effective" ...but "safe." Tough ask. You're also kind've like asking us to say what we--still--think of the "Bud Light" promoters who've yet to issue a recognizable apology. I'm like "I thought we--already--weren't watching liberal tripe anymore?"
In my sheltered opinion, The Right is Wrong to be visiting open liberal cesspools and complaining about the smell
I think, at bedrock, you are complaining that "the only stuff to watch that might be entertaining" is coming out of Commiewood, and what you're really saying is, "The right needs an 'Entertainment Capital' too." Do we really not have one? Yet? If not, let me question the assumption--which I deeply share--that "well, ya GOTTA watch SUMTHIN'!..." Imagine for one moment, that when asked by MSM for reactions to SNL's portrayal of MAGA, conservatives answered, "Can't help you; I had the teevee OFF becauseI was 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜/𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜/𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜/𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜/𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣." In no small way, we're HERE because 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕄𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦 are become part of the New Entertainment Capital of the right... We don't need the Old fluff-n-stuff.
Stopped watching it years ago as it’s so not funny anymore. I recorded this show and found it self serving and boring. And Tom Hanks is another guy who thinks he’s smarter than you and everyone else. He’s always Tom Hanks everywhere he goes. That sketch was so insulting and irrelevant as to who Trump supporters actually are as human beings. I’m a former Democrat, well educated and a retired doctor who saw the light and now supports DJT and his agenda. There are many, many people like me out here. Maybe Jenna should have a show for us. I’d watch!
Who needs SNL, which is so NOT funny that it's just a waste of life, when we have Jenna multiple times a week, with laugh-out-loud funny quips like: "I get it; humor is subjective [*takes lint roller to I’M NOT FOR EVERYONE sweatshirt*]." I don't know. Maybe it's because her humor is my humor, but I find that line objectively funny.
As we were flipping the channels to get to The Andy Griffith show, which we watch nightly, along with Wheel of Fortune, we paused as we passed the SNL Anniversary Show. At the moment it was Will Ferrell as…oh…that famous nightclub singer. Whatever. It was an old washed up bit and still wasn’t funny.
But I mean, the 70’s and 80’s had awesome bits! When my brother and I were old enough, our parents let us watch it and we loved the humor and characters! Churchlady! The Cheerleaders! The Asian Chickenman, played by Dana Carvey (“my sistah named Loose Chan, cuz she’s easy”). The Austrian weightlifters “we’re here to pump-you up!”, Mike Myers on “Spockets”! Gilda Radner as “Rosanna Rosanna Danna”. And who can forget Billy Crystal as the construction worker describing all his injuries to his buddy! I even still remember a HILARIOUS spoof commercial about “a little car that’s made out of clay - The Adobe!”
SNL has been in the pooper a looooong time now, and we haven’t watched it in 20 years, but it wasn’t always this way.
SNL was funny for about 7 years, and that's being generous.
On of the worst side effects of the culture war has been finding out how morally bankrupt and politically retarded many artists and entertainers are. We just didn't need to know that.
Oh, I think we did need to know about the moral bankruptcy. And we need the Epstein lists; the Diddy trial needs to be more public than the OJ mess.
I'm not sure we need any 'professional entertainers' at all. Somehow there is a corrupting element in the staged make-believe, or maybe it's just our particular time and place. But going back to Errol Flynn, drugging Judy Garland, Polanski and that era, Weinstein, pedo rings, to RKelley and stuff too gross to contemplate, I'm okay with wiping the whole thing out and spending a few decades or centuries only using our imaginations while reading words on a page.
Lols… I don’t have one either… since 2011, and I appear to be happier than anyone I know that owns one!
I thought the old days (70’s) were funny… cone heads, blues brothers,…I DID have to jump through hoops to be able to watch the show. (Heck, I didn’t even know to recognize the kardashian woman until I looked her up). After looking at the skits, I found the belushi in a graveyard rather haunting but it made me smile at the end… I found most of the show in poor taste but given that it’s all Hollyweird folk, and reading how many in that industry are part of child sex trafficking (Meryl Streep included!), or how they had to have sex just to get parts made my stomach turn. I used to truly enjoy movies, and honestly thought these were great actors…. I wasn’t aware of the seedy underbelly of movies, even my favs. I agree with the person who said the popularity was much to do with the musical entertainment ~ the best part of the show was Paul McCartneys performance (biased honest opinion! Got me singing and dancing…..& wondering what the hell he was doing there??!)
Okay, this was long… but so was watching all of those skits. Oh there was another one I thought was kinda funny… the one of the bride groom and brides maids, and the entire entanglement ~ but even the dancing was much more provocative than anything we used to do in dance clubs. No wonder the lines are getting so blurred with what is or isn’t considered appropriate TV. Maybe old fashioned, and yes, granted it’s a “late night” show, but it’s definitely R rated or beyond…my opinion?
SNL’s gone to hell in a hand basket. As long as there’s rabid Dems in the industry it’ll continue I suppose… they need an outlet, too.
BTW: Funniest Home Videos stopped being funny decades ago as well. It shows a sign of the times
I believe I saw all of them (skits), and I found them to basically not be funny…everything’s about sex,
vulgarity (no, by no means a prude, but if you’re gonna go
When one contemplates "media" (going back to radio and even "funny papers"), and the indisputable fact that they are addictive for large swaths of people, and that popularity inevitably leads to "stardom", and stardom to star-worship, one might ask, paraphrasing S.B. Morse's epic first telegram, "What in the name of All Wastes of Precious Time hath Man wrought?"
I didn't watch it, haven't ever, really. But find all the screams of half the country are "racist homophobes" by the party who has, literally, destroyed the black family idiotic. "They" literally have no problem saying blacks and Hispanics are too stupid to get IDs or be competent at jobs they choose, but maga people are the racists?
Had lunch with 4 liberals. I made one counter remark and you could actually see them look at me and see 3 trump shaped heads appear on my shoulders. Then they revealed their utter ignorance with the usual self righteous baloney of my former liberal tribe. Over it. I wasn’t quite fast enough to show them the election map in maximum shades of red and remark they had a lot of hate to do yet and better get cracking.
omg, my sister would have fit right in with them. on DJT plans to deport migrants, she says: we won't have anyone left to pick our crops. my reply: I don't think its logistically possible to deport 10 million people, so no worries. she says: Chinese men are coming because of the 'one child policy' and they have no wives. my reply: oh! they're here to get laid. okay. I feel better now.
I think all the unemployed federal workers can learn to pick fruit, right?
Just tell them it's a training program -- Coding 101
That was funny, Warrior Mom! The pure, unadulterated stupidity is mind-numbing.
One small note: there are far more than 10 million illegals here. About 4 yrs ago I saw Gov. Gruesome of Calif tell us there were 11 million illegals here; I also read that Texas had 22 million at the time. That was 4 yrs ago and those are numbers for only 2 states, there are 48 states I don't have stats for. Trump has said he is telling illegals that the NESARA money will be waiting for them in their home countries NOT here in U.S. And yes, NESARA is real, I saw Trump talk about it and told us none of it will be coming to us until every last deep state person is arrested. He said this at the end of a rally. That should take care of a lot of the illegals while our military rounds up the rest.
I just felt that 10 million was a nice, round and uncontroversial number ;)
I have no idea what NESARA is. but we really, truely do NOT know a number, do we?
here in 'sanctuary city Chicago' (I live near but not 'in'), the news shows are 100% sympathetic to the illegals, showing 'mistaken identity' citizens getting scooped up by ICE and local churches 'protecting' the poor migrants, who are just sooooo terrified. just in passing, they did show the 'wanted posters' of notorious cartel gang members, with the subtext being that they are the 'excuse' for the round ups terrorizing the innocents.
Go to Dearborn Michigan, May have all other places beat
Well, technically it's 2 kids now, if you'd like to show her how she doesn't know what she's talking about ... #jessayin' 💅🏻
I hope you stuck them with the tab.
I haven’t watched that crap in over 30 years. That bit was a load of shit and anyone watching should realize that Trumps cabinet is MORE diverse than Biden’s.
Rubio - Cuban
Patel - Indian
Scott Turner - Black
Tulsi Gabbard - Samoan
Several Jewish cabinet members and too many women to list. But they’ll continue to shriek that he’s a racist, misogynistic, homophobe who’s literally Hitler. Nobody’s biting that shit anymore but it’s all they have so they continue to run it. Watch the meltdown if President Trump distributes checks to every American citizen to reimburse just a teensy bit of what’s been stolen from us over the years. They’ll find some way to shit in that, too. Screw them! This is the best month I’ve had in years!
VOTE BUYING!!! They prefer to flood the nation with terrorists, child traffickers, cartel monsters, unvetted criminals, freeloaders and millions who don’t give a crap about this country except what they can wring out of us plus getting them to vote one way or another. Hint hint on the many ways that will happen under democrats.
I think another movement is around the corner - MAFA. Make America Funny Again
Old, tired and derivative …
*immediately starts designing MAFA merch*
OMG YES!!! A.quick perusal of images says it is open for use, ready to surge.
(Please design it with cheetah print!)
There’s your title for your next book! MAFA (**tapping toe impatiently standing next to my last two books of yours with worn pages and coffee stains …😆)
Jenna to head!
Jenna, SNL is finished. Have not watched that garbage for 20 years. Any Tv. I see the odd commercial when in a bar or restaurant and shake my head. man, we must be very stooped people to be swayed by such utter nonsense. Don't waste your precious time or writing skills on it, Tom Hanks and any other Cluck. If we ignore them eventually they fade into nothingness. They take care of that themselves with their idiocy.
They used to be funny and appealed to BOTH sides of the political aisle. Those were the days. For the last two decades they chose to force the narratives of the left, so they are only funny to the ignorant. We haven’t watched them in over 25 years because of this. How can you alienate half the country and still have enough money to air your show? The deep state has been in bed with Hollywood for decades, so that’s how. Part of the propaganda machine turned inwards on our own citizens. No thanks.
I’m just sad no one on our side has ever created a competitive show. We have some hilarious people and mounds of material!
South Park and family guy. Not sure I don’t watch them but my daughter say they have an uncanny predictability to know the future
Funny thing - yesterday I told my grandson that SNL is not funny any more and so politically biased that I would only watch it if Nate Bargatze was on. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I don't like cheap shots pretending to be humor.
Another funny thing - evidently celebrities feel that they have a right to free speech - but should be exempt from the consequences because they are celebrities. Celebrities also seem to believe that their political opinion is more important than anyone else's because they are celebrities. That is pathetic and ridiculous and delusional. From my point of view, if a celebrity uses their platform for political purposes, then I will just eliminate them and their platform from my consideration. Seems fair. After all, if I had a friend or acquaintance or relative who persisted on telling me what to think about politics, I would just not hang around them. Much less pay to see them.
The world needs more Nate Bargatze.
Well, Hanks is definitely off my list now. Pound sand, hanky boy.
Back when people were announcing their plans to boycott B*d L*te, a liberal disser attempted to portray them as stupid for imagining they could escape the Long Arm of *nh**ser B*sch by commenting, something along the lines of:
"AB produces over ?? hundred brands of beer, including A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, ... Good luck finding something to drink 'idiots' [implied]."
One guy summed it up for the entire group: "THANKS! I've added them to my list!!"
Thanks Janet. I've joined "Me Too."
It might be that "celebrities feel" they need to parade the accepted narrative in front of cameras to feel safe.
Makes sense. "Reading their lines"
I wonder if it occurs to any of them that they are being used. Some get paid, like Beyonce, some contribute to the Big American Election Laundromat, like Clooney. All, IMO, being used. Remember when Hillary ran, big Hollywood fundraiser, Clooney said oh, this money goes to the states, not Hillary. Bwahahaha! That money was washed through the states - right back to Hillary, who literally owned the DNC at that point. Poor gullible George.
"Gullible George," the monkey who does tricks for the Man in the Yellow Hat.
100% agree!
Like many elected officials, celebrities are much more important than the rest of us.
If they could just do something about those inconvenient elections with their pesky little voters......
Well, don't forget - elections, like wars, are the bestest laundromats ever! Just think - Kamala spent more than $1.6 BILLION and lost bigly. I gotta think by design. Because, aside from the money-laundering, elections are a great way to turn a mess over to the "other side". And then just bitch and fundraise for a while. Your turn to curtsey, my turn to bow. I don't think the celebrities are smart enough to understand this.
Never was a fan. And certainly not of Tom Hanks. He is creepy. That is being kind. Since Johnny Carson left late night there is nothing entertaining. I would rather read a book. Late night TV is a waste of my time and my mind. I am being kind.
We still watch old Johnny Carson shows on Tubi (or maybe it's some other Roku channel - I'm not sure which one it is). And we still laugh out loud at it. He was truly funny.
I used to watch SNL when I was in college in mid-1970s, it was pretty funny then but hasn't been since forever so I haven't watched in since 1977.
Same here E. Grogan
I’m sure I was asleep in another room. What is SNL anyway? I remember hearing about something from the 70’s that was called Saturday Night Live. Occasionally funny. But this SNL thing can’t be that. Well, whatever….
Their skits are uniformly both not funny and way too long. 99% of the time. Not worth watching to try and catch the 1%.
I can't remember what it stand for, but the first word is "Sh*te ..."
I'm totally in the MAGA tank, but I found myself laughing pretty hard at most of the segments on SNL50, and wishing that the regular SNL would be as funny as it once was.
The Hanks bit made me cringe, not so much because he parodied MAGA, but more because Hanks makes me cringe these days. I mean seriously, can we get to the bottom of all this alleged pedo crap already?
Bottom line: Stereotypes have a place in comedy, even if the stereotype is of us. That whole segment was called Black Jeopardy and was one big fat stereotype fest featuring black comedians, after all. Some of the best laughs are when we're laughing at ourselves. If we want to Make Comedy Great Again we can't just knee-jerk reject when others laugh at stereotypes of us.
But yeah, maybe the leftist comedy realm has not yet realized that the world has changed. But if so, crying about this only strengthens their sense of self-righteousness.
Great points!
Full disclosure: I did not watch any of it. My husband was watching it but switched to binge the very first season of SNL … for comparison maybe? 🤷🏻♀️ (I was reading upstairs)
But, thanks for the insight, Russ. Agree, always good to laugh at ourselves! Tho I don’t think I am crying cuz they hurt my feelings, just bored with the same ole, same ole jokes ya know. The original was just that, *original*!
Russ, thanks for standing up for us stereotypes. All too often, people just write us off. But hey, we're real people too! Even if totally predictable known quantities...
I remember back in the days of olden Saturday Night Live was kind of funny, but for my lifestyle
it was on too late, so I rarely watched it. I found some old shows on Pluto for a while, and a few were funny. I think the big part was the bands that came on too?
Well, It is sad that they are continuing to produce still, at 50 years later. NBC must have been getting USAID bc their viewershi p has never been above 150 people. It appears they are trying to self destruct. .... good for them.
that said, our television watching has dwindled. we either watch old shows like "Wings" or "Fraiser" and now that actors come out and pronounce their stupidity, we do not even watch their old stuff. Almost every new show has some grievance situation: race, gay confusion and rejection, way too much swearing, stupid plot, same plot different people, mistaken assumptions etc etc.
Hubbs and I have been watching some explore channels of live eagle nests, and other live nature, but, warning: those can be brutal.
I can't stand Hollywood people anymore. Most of them are shit heads anyway,.
fun fact I heard on the excellent podcast Macroaggressions yesterday: the channel 'TVLand' (think reruns of Gunsmoke and Gilligan's Island) has a larger viewership then prime time on MSNBC. kinda says it all right there, don't it? ;)
there is a lot of great old tv, some of it you have to search for.
I watched the entire series of I Dream Of Jeannie, years ago when I first started going to the gym, on the little tvs on the eliptical and treadmill. quite good for attention and laughs
Except for The Brady Bunch. Season 1 Episode 13 about them all getting The Measles. I heard that one was deleted from the rerun lineup. Imagine that!
historical perspective can be soooooo embarrassing ;) must memory hole. ;)
Thank you for two mantras to chant all day: 1. "NBC was funded by USAID," and 2. "Hollywood people are sh*t heads anyway."
My wife suggested we watch (wayyy) too much whatchamacallit? "media." I said, "Well, what would we do instead?" She said, "Well, we could talk..."
It will take some easing into, but I can definitely see how it could be really entertaining.
it is entertaining. I married the son of a "genius" and he retains everything. We have the best conversations (that is why I married him) and I know more about cars and engines and models (for one example) than I ever imagined. Both of us love learning.
I always wanted to marry a doctor. Shortly after we were married, I signed my wife up for medical school, but she refused to go: said she didn't "want" to.
I used to figure skate regularly, in a club, with a doctor, her husband was a doctor (medical) and he wanted her to be a doctor.... (just wow) so she ended up in psychiatry. She actually loves that job. I never asked her what she would have rather been.... she is an amazing wonderful friend, and those were the days way back then. I wish I had gone through with medical school. I only made it to plain old RN. It was good for me, I am a bit of a perfectionist. I wanted to honestly, in high school, all girls did actually, go to "art school" but my sister did that before me and she became a druggie and an alcoholic. My dad yanked her out of there in two years and put her in the Army.
You can tell how much the world has shifted polarities (I used to be staunch progressive blue before 2020) by the fact that raw milk—and free speech and the end of forever wars, etc—is nowadays defended by all us ultra rightwing MAGAs, not so-called liberals. The skit’s suggesting raw milk is protected by those living in "The Bubble" is laughable, but not for the reason its authors originally thought.
I thought the same thing!!
𝕋𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕓𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕠 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕊ℕ𝕃 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕒 𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕗-𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗-𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕡𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘.
Hold on. "Brutally honest" ...but "kind." You mean like "Incredibly tasty" ...but "0 calories." Or "100% effective" ...but "safe." Tough ask. You're also kind've like asking us to say what we--still--think of the "Bud Light" promoters who've yet to issue a recognizable apology. I'm like "I thought we--already--weren't watching liberal tripe anymore?"
In my sheltered opinion, The Right is Wrong to be visiting open liberal cesspools and complaining about the smell
I think, at bedrock, you are complaining that "the only stuff to watch that might be entertaining" is coming out of Commiewood, and what you're really saying is, "The right needs an 'Entertainment Capital' too." Do we really not have one? Yet? If not, let me question the assumption--which I deeply share--that "well, ya GOTTA watch SUMTHIN'!..." Imagine for one moment, that when asked by MSM for reactions to SNL's portrayal of MAGA, conservatives answered, "Can't help you; I had the teevee OFF becauseI was 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜/𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜/𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜/𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜/𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣." In no small way, we're HERE because 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕄𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦 are become part of the New Entertainment Capital of the right... We don't need the Old fluff-n-stuff.
Lol I meant to be kind to one another if you disagree… You can rip SNL a new one all day long! 😂
And here I've always taken that to mean be "brutally honest ...but gentle" WITH YOU! Now I've got it.
*adjusts rear sight accordingly*
Stopped watching it years ago as it’s so not funny anymore. I recorded this show and found it self serving and boring. And Tom Hanks is another guy who thinks he’s smarter than you and everyone else. He’s always Tom Hanks everywhere he goes. That sketch was so insulting and irrelevant as to who Trump supporters actually are as human beings. I’m a former Democrat, well educated and a retired doctor who saw the light and now supports DJT and his agenda. There are many, many people like me out here. Maybe Jenna should have a show for us. I’d watch!
YESSS!!! Sing it with me! "Anything Rush could do, Jen could do BETT'R. She could do ANYTHING better than him."
Who needs SNL, which is so NOT funny that it's just a waste of life, when we have Jenna multiple times a week, with laugh-out-loud funny quips like: "I get it; humor is subjective [*takes lint roller to I’M NOT FOR EVERYONE sweatshirt*]." I don't know. Maybe it's because her humor is my humor, but I find that line objectively funny.
As we were flipping the channels to get to The Andy Griffith show, which we watch nightly, along with Wheel of Fortune, we paused as we passed the SNL Anniversary Show. At the moment it was Will Ferrell as…oh…that famous nightclub singer. Whatever. It was an old washed up bit and still wasn’t funny.
But I mean, the 70’s and 80’s had awesome bits! When my brother and I were old enough, our parents let us watch it and we loved the humor and characters! Churchlady! The Cheerleaders! The Asian Chickenman, played by Dana Carvey (“my sistah named Loose Chan, cuz she’s easy”). The Austrian weightlifters “we’re here to pump-you up!”, Mike Myers on “Spockets”! Gilda Radner as “Rosanna Rosanna Danna”. And who can forget Billy Crystal as the construction worker describing all his injuries to his buddy! I even still remember a HILARIOUS spoof commercial about “a little car that’s made out of clay - The Adobe!”
SNL has been in the pooper a looooong time now, and we haven’t watched it in 20 years, but it wasn’t always this way.
“The day you were born” with Amy Schumer is pretty priceless! 😊
Just went and watched it!!! HILARIOUS! Laughing by myself!! Thanks for the suggestion!!
Bass-o-Matic beats them all ... or blends them, anyway ...
SNL was funny for about 7 years, and that's being generous.
On of the worst side effects of the culture war has been finding out how morally bankrupt and politically retarded many artists and entertainers are. We just didn't need to know that.
Oh, I think we did need to know about the moral bankruptcy. And we need the Epstein lists; the Diddy trial needs to be more public than the OJ mess.
I'm not sure we need any 'professional entertainers' at all. Somehow there is a corrupting element in the staged make-believe, or maybe it's just our particular time and place. But going back to Errol Flynn, drugging Judy Garland, Polanski and that era, Weinstein, pedo rings, to RKelley and stuff too gross to contemplate, I'm okay with wiping the whole thing out and spending a few decades or centuries only using our imaginations while reading words on a page.
You just told me all about it. I don’t have a TV. Sounds like it was not funny. I enjoy your funny! Keep it up!
YOU? don't HAVE a TV??
Seriously, do they let you DO that??
*lights candle in front of post by Denise Lewis--wants to be her some day*
Lols… I don’t have one either… since 2011, and I appear to be happier than anyone I know that owns one!
I thought the old days (70’s) were funny… cone heads, blues brothers,…I DID have to jump through hoops to be able to watch the show. (Heck, I didn’t even know to recognize the kardashian woman until I looked her up). After looking at the skits, I found the belushi in a graveyard rather haunting but it made me smile at the end… I found most of the show in poor taste but given that it’s all Hollyweird folk, and reading how many in that industry are part of child sex trafficking (Meryl Streep included!), or how they had to have sex just to get parts made my stomach turn. I used to truly enjoy movies, and honestly thought these were great actors…. I wasn’t aware of the seedy underbelly of movies, even my favs. I agree with the person who said the popularity was much to do with the musical entertainment ~ the best part of the show was Paul McCartneys performance (biased honest opinion! Got me singing and dancing…..& wondering what the hell he was doing there??!)
Okay, this was long… but so was watching all of those skits. Oh there was another one I thought was kinda funny… the one of the bride groom and brides maids, and the entire entanglement ~ but even the dancing was much more provocative than anything we used to do in dance clubs. No wonder the lines are getting so blurred with what is or isn’t considered appropriate TV. Maybe old fashioned, and yes, granted it’s a “late night” show, but it’s definitely R rated or beyond…my opinion?
SNL’s gone to hell in a hand basket. As long as there’s rabid Dems in the industry it’ll continue I suppose… they need an outlet, too.
BTW: Funniest Home Videos stopped being funny decades ago as well. It shows a sign of the times
I believe I saw all of them (skits), and I found them to basically not be funny…everything’s about sex,
vulgarity (no, by no means a prude, but if you’re gonna go
there, be funny!)
I do not miss having one. I have too many things to read.
When one contemplates "media" (going back to radio and even "funny papers"), and the indisputable fact that they are addictive for large swaths of people, and that popularity inevitably leads to "stardom", and stardom to star-worship, one might ask, paraphrasing S.B. Morse's epic first telegram, "What in the name of All Wastes of Precious Time hath Man wrought?"