My favorite laugh from here today: “I brought back with me a new leather bag, some t-shirts with inappropriate Italian sayings on them (as you do),”
🤣🤣 I’ve really hunkered down with inappropriate sayings the past few months. It’s so hard to resist! I tried, I did. Really hard. Then … the flood gates just opened. (*bashful snicker)
True story: We were in Venice and saw a t-shirt hanging on one of those vendor carts that caught my eye. I asked the guy "what does 'buongiorno un cazzo' mean?" He replied "Good morning, a dick." I said--thinking I'd misheard him-- "Good morning addict?" He said, "No, a DICK. Like a man's penis." "I don't get it," I admitted. "It is like your 'good morning, my ass!" My daughters and I were literally in hysterics so of course we bought three. (My husband wanted no part of our shenanigans hahahaha.) I'm wearing mine in this post:
My father, born "nel Veneto" (as I was) 30 minutes from Venice, taught me and my siblings how to sing "stornelli' from a very young age.
During long car rides, no seat belts, no radio signals in northern Canada, my parents and we youguns would belt out these Venetian stornelli, "Alta Voce", to pass the time. For hours on end.
My sister and I taught ourselves how to harmonize by the time we were 5 & 6, respectively.
The traditional songs Pappa and mamma (another Trevisana with a beautiful singing voice) taught us little kids though:
If I were to translate the lyrics for you, y'all would think I was raised by satanic ritual parents but nope...
Just Venetian Italians. 🤣
PS: Ok, just one song lyric example then, since you're dying to know:
"O vigliacca sei morta ubriaca..."
Loosely translates to:
"Oh you chickenshit, you died drunk..."
PSS: We children obviously didn't know what the lyrics meant, and didn't quite understand why other Italian grownups would laugh uproariously when pappa gathered us kids together in the kitchen, to sing stornelli for his guests...
This would probably be considered child abuse these days. (Maybe even then, in the early 60's.)
I'm no worse for it though. (At least I don't THINK so... 🤣🤣🤣)
Since covid I've started buying shirts with messages on them: a t-shirt from Mark Oshinskie claiming I survived Coronamania, a t-shirt with Margaret Anna Alice's poem "Mistakes Were Not Made" on it; a sweatshirt with an allusion to Orwell; and one of my favorites: a sweatshirt that says "I'm voting for the Felon and the Hillbilly." That one attracted attention in a local grocery store and made our former high school football coach mad enough that he wrote an impassioned letter to the local newspaper about the moral terpitude of someone who would vote for a convicted felon.
I was over it by the end of week one. At first I was scared shitless and then realized -- why? It's all made up! Plus we already had "it", I was sure. FF to my last doctor visit, for a sinus infection, was not going to happen without that swab stuffed up my nose. And then, the nurse I was seeing came in wearing full hazmat gear. Handed me a mask, so I asked if that meant that I had Covid. No, but you have symptoms so wear it. 2024... seriously? I was less than nice that day. I have lost all respect for the medical profession, sadly.
I had to go see a dermatologist in October. She walked in the room with a mask on. She then pulled the mask down to talk to me and put it back up when she was done talking. I have to go back for a follow-up in January. If she's still wearing a freaken mask, I'm looking for another dermatologist. I don't trust her judgement as a doctor if she's wearing a mask in an office to look at SKIN. She's not even around sick people!
When my partner was sick with meningitis in San Fran, the doctor said it was terribly contagious. Still, she didn’t mask up (this was pre-Covid, of course). She stuck him full of steroids and he went home. I was feeling a tad feverish the next day and we both slept a lot and hardly ate anything, I prepared smoothies, light to digest. . I’m sure I lost two lbs just by sleeping and sweating a bit. Gosh, to lose wait while sleeping … it’s not fair! 😂🤷♀️
I refuse to put the swab up my nose. Instead I blow my nose into a tissue and then roll the swab around in the mucous in the tissue. The one time I had Covid, this method did produce a positive result. The other time I was asked to do it (I knew I didn't have Covid), I was at an outpatient center, and they did protest greatly, but I insisted (when you ask them detailed questions like "what's the actual difference?", etc., they collapse; they have no idea as to the "science" behind it so they can't actually think for themselves), and they begrudgingly brought me tissues.
SAME! My daughter had to test twice weekly (you know, because she was UNVAXXED on a Commiefornia college campus, don't get me started) and she knew that was the ONLY way to do it!!
I wish I had thought of this. I was a stupid willing participant the first couple times I had to test, but this last time I was caught off guard and pissed off! I am 64 years old with chronic sinus infections. I KNOW when I have one brewing and when I have a genuine virus. I was not exactly sick at all. Oh, and her nurse never put a mask on during my appointment.
Please don't call yourself names :) xoxo. When we know better, we do better! It's easy to Monday morning quarterback but when caught in the moment and with pressure and fear, the creative center of our brain shuts down (it's a survival function; it intelligently stores energy for flight or fight.) The cognitive dissonance with the nurse and the mask is out of control.
That clinic is certifiable. Unbelievable but then again, believable considering the amount of cray cray around. Luckily, I had a surgery in 2022 where I was not even asked about the jab. They did a quick test and I was good to go. My local small hospital and I knew some of the surgical staff. It was like “I see you—you see me” moments. I didn’t have to mask. The food could have been better. But I got out alive.
Thanks for asking, Jenna! When the guy I purchased my colloidal silver generator from in 2020 got a Cease and Desist, I knew we were on a toboggan run down a very steep hill... Just didn't know how bad it would get: Lost friends and neighbors who accused us of CREATING the pandemic because we wouldn't get the shots; couldn't shop in our favorite places because we wouldn't wear the f%*#)@@ CHINESE PLASTIC MASKS; lost my practice, effectively... What fun! "Covid" - am I over it? YES. Go Trump and Bobby [even though it has taken too much education to get Trump to understand what he did].
God, the damage done. I’m afraid no one will pay for this. If the shop sign said only those with shots could come in and didn’t ask, I went in anyway. Masking truly was the biggest hurdle around me. I made a mask from a very cheap dishcloth I could breath through just fine. If it comes to that again, I’ll make one with rainbow colored tulle or paint one on my face. The most effective invisible mask ever made!! Challenge the fraidy cats to say it’s not there because obviously they will be standing far from me. I could even muffle my voice a bit. 🤔🤔🤔 I’ll gaslight them.
As soon as I found out about "Fake Mask USA"--"Guaranteed NOT to work! Just like all the others!"--I jumped in with both nostrils and bought dozens for myself and for distribution. The "double-incognito" version (washable) is so good that it is undetectable beyond about four feet--well within the dreaded 6-ft no-man's land. Our daughter worked in fast food and faced the double whammy of having to try to breathe under a mask under those conditions and to deal with the constant barrage of "directives" coming down from the "work"-at-home company idea-hamsters who kept coming up with "better ways to comply" to justify their continuance. She said the mask saved her.
I also handed them out to business travelers who had to get through airports and attend corporate events. No one ever reported detection. Mine never was. However my wife is the courageous one: I would have sheep-ily gone along with the program but for her rebellious attitude. You'd first have to know her; it's not her, but the thought of all these petty little nazzys getting in her face, with their home-made secret-policer badges, sent her over the bleeding edge. Even so, I doubt she would have worn the "offensively fake" mask (a single layer of sheer black gauze) or the "patently offensive fake mask (no gauze at all: just a rectangle framing the mouth and nose) because she wouldn't comply with ANY mask. I wouldn't wear a mask because I fear her more than sanctions.
Fake Mask Worldwide is still around (just checked) although they kept getting banned and purged[1] and somehow still coming back. (They must've had an entire IT department devoted to staying online and 'findable.') They, still, offer a range of masks--and I highly, HIGHLY recommend you "buy something/anything" from them to vote with your bucks.
[1] In fact, is an expired domain and one of their feats was to land on, a website based presumably in a country beyond the reach of the FCC.
No you will NOT WEAR A MASK for ANY reason going forward, no matter how ridiculous the “pandemic du jour” is.
DO NOT COMPLY for ANY reason. That’s what they want you to do.
In January of 2022, I had the police called on me and 5 of my friends, when we were shopping in an upscale, independent bookstore, Warwicks, in La Jolla, CA, by Nancy Warwick the store owner, for not wearing a mask.
It was a total s**t show, between the store management, employees, as well as some of the customers, for the 45 minutes we were in there. They were ALL yelling at us to “put on a mask” and or “leave the store”!
The police came, they could do absolutely nothing. They knew that the phony advisory notice requiring masks in stores, that Governor Newscum had put in place was not enforceable.
I will never put one of those *#*#*# things on my face ever again!
I’m one of the lucky ones. I masked exactly 3 times during all that masking nonsense. All three times at doctors offices. Fortunately for me, as soon as I was in the exam rooms all 3 docs said take that thing off your face. The rest of the time I simply did not comply. I was never confronted, I was never thrown out of a store and no police were called. I did not social distance, I did not isolate, I did not take the shot. I shopped every week as usual. So much depends on where you live!
What I did do, was follow the protocols for prevention (Vit C, zinc, D, quercetin, etc) and to this day, have never gotten COVID. Then only times I have been sick in the last 4 yrs is for an ear infection! So NO, I WILL NOT COMPLY!
Oh, man. I love you and your wife’s style. Can we be friends? I got a NoMask mask for air travel. Worked well. Eventually I did just defy masking. In Walmart one day a guy walked by me and snarled at me to get my mask on. I, an old lady, snarled back”F**k you”. That kind of broke any taboos I had. LOL. I was flying the actual day the mask mandates fell. You could sense the mood of relief everywhere.
Dang right!!! Friends like you and Jenna have kept me sane and feisty. A prayer for those friends who are still being shunned by their own children and relatives. 🙏🏻 Plus the injured and grieving. Hope for the new year. God bless all.
I was hiding my face in my big scarf once and a masked man called me out. It was 11 a.m. but I could smell his alcohol breath through his two masks and my scarf. I was too kind to call him out for it, drat! I just ran out of there. 🙄
I rode Amtrak out west the summer of 2021. It was an overnight and we had to mask the whole time even during the night while trying to sleep in the coach. It was enforced. I had a blanket I sort of made a messy tent over my head and arranged my body so I could breathe out of a hole with my mask pulled down so the mask n@$I couldn’t see me. Kind of eerie as I was actually in a train car with an authoritarian in charge of it. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN. They will have to tie me down first.
No you will NOT WEAR A MASK for ANY reason going forward, no matter how ridiculous the “pandemic du jour” is.
DO NOT COMPLY for ANY reason. That’s what they want you to do.
In January of 2022, I had the police called on me and 5 of my friends, when we were shopping in an upscale, independent bookstore, Warwicks, in La Jolla, CA, by Nancy Warwick the store owner, for not wearing a mask.
It was a total s**t show, between the store management, employees, as well as some of the customers, for the 45 minutes we were in there. They were ALL yelling at us to “put on a mask” and or “leave the store”!
The police came, they could do absolutely nothing. They knew that the phony advisory notice requiring masks in stores, that Governor Newscum had put in place was not enforceable.
I will never put one of those *#*#*# things on my face ever again!
Of course I won’t. Screw ‘em. I’m an artist/craftswoman so my imagination goes to things that will give the big finger. A painted on mask could do that. 🤣🤣🤣. 🖕🏻
This whole normalization of masks led Substacker Jeff Childers to conclude that the murder of that CEO in New York could never have happened if masks hadn't been normalized.
My husband and I were fortunate enough in 2020 when all this COVID panic surfaced to live in a town with 400 people, 500 horses 🐴 and 10,000 head of cattle. 🐄 There was no COVID in our town. Just cattle, horses and ranchers. We never bought into the nonsense. And since we used Ivermectin on our livestock…we had it readily on hand. How convenient was that! We also had veterinary antibiotics. Some of us got sick. We treated ourselves. The nearest doctor was 90-miles away-which probably saved us. When we wore bandanas over our face it was because we were riding and kicking up a lot of dirt. We knew that if dirt was getting through then viruses certainly would.
We’ve moved recently to a larger town. 1200 people and only 30 miles to a doctor. But I suspect if anyone out here gets sick we’ll still take care of ourselves.
And no matter how loud the experts yell about bird flu…I am NOT killing my chickens. 🐓
The beauty of living in the boonies is that no one even knows what you have or what you do. And frankly, they don’t care. It’s a very mind your own business and leave me alone lifestyle. My chickens are safe!
Please name town of 400. Need to jot it down in the Doomsday Book.
(Yesterday I noticed quite a dent in our Pres.-Joe F*ck*p-duration stock-up pile. Missing: anti-radiation-sickness pills; simply NEVER occurred to me he could be THIS venally stupid.)
I don't know about you but I'm tired about all of this Covid (new pandemic) humbug. For starters, if anyone knew the trajectory of viruses (seasonal flus and the like) time progresses the ability to become infected increases BUT the virulence diminishes dramatically. Sooo the latest so-called Covid variant (aka the flu) has become much weaker than the original lab made "bug". If one has maintained their immune system, the need for a Jab (assuming that it works) is not needed. This fear porn has to stop! Pax
It’s precisely because the experts lied about the trajectory of every virus ever known to man for as long as we’ve known about them, that I knew from the beginning this was hogwash! THIS virus was different?! I don’t think so! Once they lied about this, it was over, nothing else they could say would ever be trusted…
…”to protect yourself AND OTHERS”. Still with this BS? I’m all for free speech, but shouldn’t a taxpayer-funded agency have to at least try to stick to the truth (at least once the truth has been made so public that the lying is blatantly obvious)?
I keep a jar of fermented garlic honey in my cupboard (drizzle on cheese, yummy!) but also use it as a base for a similar (mine has apple cider vinegar, ginger, horseradish, etc) cocktail you provide above which I call 'Fire' Water'. I take a teaspoon of the Fire Water daily beginning Oct and have NEVER had a cold or the flu.
How to ferment garlic and honey? 1/2 jar of raw local honey. Stuff with peeled cloves of garlic until jar is filled. "Burp" jar daily for approximately a month. I drizzle it on goat cheese which I spread on a dried apricot and a pine nut for a delicious appetizer.
They have achieved their deceitful goal of making covid an annual thing. Pray for the children whose parents add one more shot to their unhealthy regime.
Brilliant idea for donation, Jenna. I can't pay (or even read) all the wonderful substacks that are out there and rely on just a few now, including you.
@Sojourner, could you please post your 'Fire Water' recipe? You had me at "NEVER had a cold or the flu." Mayhap it is already on your own substack somewheres?
Place items in jar. Cover with raw apple cider vinegar. Jar in dark place, shake daily for 4 weeks. Strain, add honey (I use the fermented honey above, but not necessary). Return to clean bottle. I take 1 - 2 tablespoons daily (part of my morning routine) but most people won't do this. When they get a cold, I give them a jar and recommend 2 tablespoons up to 8 times a day...add 2 -3 days AFTER cold symptoms have subsided.
I would recommend her book or The Modern Herbal Dispensatory for many more recipes for lots of ailments. I also suggest a daily orange and apple.
This is not medical advice and I am a dummy and know nothing about medicine.
I’ve been making Firebrew for the last 7 years. It absolutely works. I’m retired, and I don’t take it every day because I’m not around the public every day. But rather, either before I’m going out into a crowd which means shopping for groceries, or after I get home from such a journey, then I’ll take it. One shot firebrew, with a shot chaser of home made elderberry syrup. I use Rosemary's recipe for that as well. Yum. I have not had a cold or flu or covert-ID at all. I think the whole Covid scam was a covert way to get us to universal ID, hence I call it covert ID.
Thanks. I made this, substituting a small jar of Inglehoffer prepared horseradish for the root. (I see now I forgot the rosemary, but not too late yet.)
I started out with it in a pint Mason jar, but it was nearly full before I got to the apple cider vinegar so I transferred it to a quart. I went ahead and added the 1 tsp ea of cayenne, black pepper, cinnamon and turmeric from Jenna's hot tea--because there was still room in the jar...
(I hope the jar and lid can stand up to the contents... they're only glass and metal after all.) Setting the stove timer for "1 month" before straining and adding honey. (Who'm I kidding? I'm not going to waste anything by "straining"; I'll just drink "Fire Water, Chunky.")
1. I'm not waiting a month. It's obvious this stuff is already lethal NOW.
2. I'm going to take just a TEASPOON of the stuff, in the morning.
3. I'm going to need to get more teaspoons. The stuff turns them into forks.
4. Sojourner calls her version "Fire Water." Ms Gladstar refers to the original as "Fire Cider." Because of the chunks my stuff is "Fire Stew."
5. Like hard spirits, this shouldn't be allowed to get to the back of the tongue first. At all costs do not apply it directly to your cerebral cortex. I think I'm beginning to see people's auras.
6. I'm going to keep it in the same spot in case it makes me blind and I have to feel around for it.
7. I'm reminded that, as a kid I kept adding colors and colors and colors to my "art"--and got black. Later on when I was trying to teach myself to how to barbecue, I added spice after spice after spice to my "rub"--and got black. I worried that there's so many <fill-in-the-blank>-fighting ingredients in this stuff that at least a few of them would end up fighting with each other--and I'd get black. Instead I discern, in the teaspoon/fork, everyone's on the same page. They're like Marvel heroes kickin' *ss and takin' names.
8. It tastes like, if you could taste fire, a mixture of the blue flame of natural gas, the woodsy flame of a family campfire, the heat you get from a Trident-class nuclear-sub reactor, and conflagration of the Towering Inferno. Good tho'.
9. I'm not adding honey, which has never done anything to me.
Great, thank you! although I have to say, like they used to in West Texas, I wouldn't know a fresh horseradish root if it crawled up and bit me on the leg.
Well not that I ever saw. I did hear of a Texan once who requested "mercurochrome and a box of Band-Aids" when he thought he could get his very rare steak back up walking again.
Thanks for your humor! It always cheers me up. As far as being over Covid... Well, I'm intrigued by how it happened and what lessons to learn from it. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is still going on the media shaming people for doing their own research and telling people to listen to the experts. I really want to ask him if he wants us to continue listening to the experts who are lying to us or the ones who told us the truth and we're censored. I want to pull out the studies on vitamin D and ask him why his version of expert never told us about the importance of vitamin D, for starters. Then, after I point out that he's being used to kill people, I want ask him why he's allowing himself to be used as a propagandist. Is it for money? For fame? Or do they have something on him? He's more likely to be infamous than famous at this rate. We can't let it go until their momentum succumbs to an awakened world.
"I really want to ask him if he wants us to continue listening to the experts who are lying to us or the ones who told us the truth and were censored."
I voted for exposing the whole vaccine scam - I think this is crucial to keep this from happening again to the gullible or trusting public. I would have also said keeping pesticides at of our foods! Fauci's karma will catch up with him.
"Anyone know how to buff forehead marks out of a desktop? Asking for a friend." Still cracking up over this!
And the people absolutely RAGING over the stance of 'Make America Healthy Again'?? Really? Just how much are they paying you to open your mouth and speak such BS? Because we know all the ragers are getting paid.
I’m pretty sure the overwhelming number of people who got vaccinated this year were children! A lot of daycare‘s are requiring it. Babies! I’m a nanny and I had to watch a perfect six month old get incredibly sick for 2 days from that stupid shot. Because his parents would not believe me when I told them we are the only country in the WORLD vaccinating babies. Who EVER vaccinated babies. It breaks my heart.
It’s so hard because the parents trust their pediatricians so much. I’m walking a fine line with these wealthy parents in a blue city. I mention my fiancé was vaccine injured, and they start to look at me very skeptically. And all of the foreign born nannies know that babies and children in their home countries do not and have not gotten vaccinated. You’d better believe they keep their mouths shut.
And the pediatricians, I think, are just not that bright. My sister-in-law is a pediatrician. She just believes everything the CDC says. She rolls her eyes if anyone says anything different. She’s incredibly busy and doesn’t have time to do outside research. Also our friend’s wife is a pediatrician, super nice woman. But they trust the medical establishment. They have no idea the harm they are doing. But they must know how much profit their offices make from these vaccines.
And I think the daycares and schools are going by city or state guidelines, and those fuckers are putting the Covid VAX in with the normally required vaccines (which were bad enough).
Coming, in Trump's irrational populist way, is 'no tax on tips.' Suddenly, coincidentally, you're taking tips. Me too. To "end the IRS," businesses could move all employess to tip income. The only people left to pay income tax then would be those with government jobs; the ensuing chicken-and-egg situation would reduce the attractiveness of those jobs.
And in re: " for the detailed culinary description you requested, David [blushing under brownbag-pulled-over-head], it was an epicurean orgy of light yet hearty lasagna alla Bolognese, creamy burrata drizzled in local olive oil, perfectly crusty bread, and deliciously memorable cacio e pepe", this little offering hit the veriest spot. Gloat on, my dear; we can taste the words. [And I say it's a crying shame in this world that substack comments don't have bold, or italics, or emojis, or a latte dispenser. Without italics, your description looks like stuff I can get on the frozen-food aisle. I know what I'm having for breakfast though: burrito drizzled in local oil.]
In all of your wonderful (as usual) post, what I most enjoyed enjoyed and took away was the reference to cacio e pepe. It so happens that I first heard of this dish on Stanley Tucci's wonderful series on the cuisine of different parts of Italy. I love its simplicity and, of course, it is delicious beyond description. I made some just this week. Easy peasy.
As to Covid, my thoughts on this have been clearly spelled out in my posts and substack on the subject. #indictfauci. I have been advising everyone who asks, and some who don't, to stop, for God's sake, testing for Covid and to avoid further Covid vaccines like the plague (disclaimer- unless you are unusually at risk for serious illness from literally any virus and both you and your (well-informed) doctor agree that the risks/benefit assessment favors getting vaccinated). As to treatment, no one has yet improved on the time tested: rest, lots of fluids, OTC meds for aches, runny nose, cough, etc. Take some extra vitamin C if you wish. Everyone should take a daily multivitamin (USP certified preferred) because our diet is so generally crappy and short on micronutrients. My own schedule at 72 and in excellent health is a daily multi-vitamin, vitamin D3 2000 IU (you literally cannot OD on this according to my orthopedic surgeon son-in-law), alpha-lipoic acid (for idiopathic neuropathy- long story for another time) 1000 mg, and vitamin C 500 mg. Wishing good health to all. Cheers. Rick
Thank you for your post. I have suffered with a severe tingling and burning, icy pain in my front left thigh for many years now and not one Dr could tell me why. An EMG didn’t show any “major” neurological condition but what else causes nonstop tingling and electrocution type pain? I have had about 50% numbness in that spot for over 7 years. Nobody ever told me about ALA. Because of your post I just ordered 600mg tablets to try once or twice a day to see if it works. ❤️ (I know, I know - you’re “not a Dr and are not responsible for giving any kind of medical advice” blah blah blah. I find my health gets better the more I learn from others than it ever did going to a Dr.)
Have you tried DMSO yet? I had frozen shoulder (IN BOTH SHOULDERS which is nearly unheard of) and I tried everything: chiro, PT, cortisone (I KNOW but I literally could not wash my hair or put a shirt on over my head) and NOTHING worked. Not a doctor of course but I read about it in A Midwestern Doctor's substack and ordered some; mixed it 50/50 with organic castor oil and literally within days the pain was 95% gone. This was after two and a half years of excruciating pain. (I wrote a stack about it for FLCCC but they're hesitant to run it without doing a full review so it's sitting in wait.) I'm happy to FW the AMD posts to you--it's insane what this stuff can treat! Email me at and I'll send. :) #NotADoctor #ForEntertainmentPurposesOnly ;)
do you just mix the two and use it on your skin? I have heard so much about DMSO and feel kinda bad that growing up I thought my mom was nuts for using it. Now I realize that most of what they say is so bad for us, is the stuff they don't want us using because we just might get well!
EXACTLY! Yup, just mix and apply. I bought glass dropper bottles on amazon and I keep the mixture in there. One squirt into my hand covers both shoulders. (BTW the first day I started, I literally could not cross my arms to touch the opposite shoulders so hubby had to do it. The next day I could reach but it still hurt a bit. Day after? No pain. Nada. Nucking FUTS!!! ;)
Juju, this sounds--from the other side of the galaxy--like it _could_ be a pinched nerve situation. A couple of years back, I spent something like a week cutting firewood for something like 16 hours a day. "Suddenly" the two outer fingers on my left hand started tingling and going numb. A few minutes later the feeling would return. And then 20 or so minutes later repeat. A doctor visit said I had a condition called "paresthesia" and mentioned pinched-nerve.
After seeing a quactopractor, who was thoroughly satisfied he'd given me what I came for when he "popped" my back with a resounding crack nowhere near my problem, I quite accidentally stumbled over "Bob and Brad's" physical therapy channel on youtube. I've watched dozens of their videos since.
B&B had posted an exercise for my condition (and also another for the pointer and middle fingers and another for the thumb--for the three different nerves serving the regions). Within a few days, the symptoms started to subside. The exercises were designed to "elide" the nerve (stretch it to thin it) so it would free itself from the pinch. Maybe give it a try?
Incidentally, as the doctor began his observating, he said, "Obviously, this is a result of the insane amount of work you've been doing..." at which point I interrupted to ask him to "write me a note" that I could put on my mother's grave.
“On a scale of 1-10, how over Covid are you?” My number would blow the entire C scam into outer space. It started with the “we fixed the LNP problem that killed all the animals,” and was topped off with the grossly fraudulent “studies” touting the “dangers” of HCQ and IVM. Waking up has been exceedingly painful.
My favorite laugh from here today: “I brought back with me a new leather bag, some t-shirts with inappropriate Italian sayings on them (as you do),”
🤣🤣 I’ve really hunkered down with inappropriate sayings the past few months. It’s so hard to resist! I tried, I did. Really hard. Then … the flood gates just opened. (*bashful snicker)
True story: We were in Venice and saw a t-shirt hanging on one of those vendor carts that caught my eye. I asked the guy "what does 'buongiorno un cazzo' mean?" He replied "Good morning, a dick." I said--thinking I'd misheard him-- "Good morning addict?" He said, "No, a DICK. Like a man's penis." "I don't get it," I admitted. "It is like your 'good morning, my ass!" My daughters and I were literally in hysterics so of course we bought three. (My husband wanted no part of our shenanigans hahahaha.) I'm wearing mine in this post:
Italians have a good sense of humor.
My father, born "nel Veneto" (as I was) 30 minutes from Venice, taught me and my siblings how to sing "stornelli' from a very young age.
During long car rides, no seat belts, no radio signals in northern Canada, my parents and we youguns would belt out these Venetian stornelli, "Alta Voce", to pass the time. For hours on end.
My sister and I taught ourselves how to harmonize by the time we were 5 & 6, respectively.
The traditional songs Pappa and mamma (another Trevisana with a beautiful singing voice) taught us little kids though:
If I were to translate the lyrics for you, y'all would think I was raised by satanic ritual parents but nope...
Just Venetian Italians. 🤣
PS: Ok, just one song lyric example then, since you're dying to know:
"O vigliacca sei morta ubriaca..."
Loosely translates to:
"Oh you chickenshit, you died drunk..."
PSS: We children obviously didn't know what the lyrics meant, and didn't quite understand why other Italian grownups would laugh uproariously when pappa gathered us kids together in the kitchen, to sing stornelli for his guests...
This would probably be considered child abuse these days. (Maybe even then, in the early 60's.)
I'm no worse for it though. (At least I don't THINK so... 🤣🤣🤣)
I love stories like this!!! Yours put a huge smile on my face.😊😊😊
Your stories always put a grin on my face too Jenna. ❤️
Good one.thanks for sharing.
🤣🤣 I saw that picture the day you published that post, but I didn’t know the Italian to appreciate it as much as I do now. So golden 🤣🤣
Since covid I've started buying shirts with messages on them: a t-shirt from Mark Oshinskie claiming I survived Coronamania, a t-shirt with Margaret Anna Alice's poem "Mistakes Were Not Made" on it; a sweatshirt with an allusion to Orwell; and one of my favorites: a sweatshirt that says "I'm voting for the Felon and the Hillbilly." That one attracted attention in a local grocery store and made our former high school football coach mad enough that he wrote an impassioned letter to the local newspaper about the moral terpitude of someone who would vote for a convicted felon.
(I think I'm in love.)
I was over it by the end of week one. At first I was scared shitless and then realized -- why? It's all made up! Plus we already had "it", I was sure. FF to my last doctor visit, for a sinus infection, was not going to happen without that swab stuffed up my nose. And then, the nurse I was seeing came in wearing full hazmat gear. Handed me a mask, so I asked if that meant that I had Covid. No, but you have symptoms so wear it. 2024... seriously? I was less than nice that day. I have lost all respect for the medical profession, sadly.
I had to go see a dermatologist in October. She walked in the room with a mask on. She then pulled the mask down to talk to me and put it back up when she was done talking. I have to go back for a follow-up in January. If she's still wearing a freaken mask, I'm looking for another dermatologist. I don't trust her judgement as a doctor if she's wearing a mask in an office to look at SKIN. She's not even around sick people!
In her defense (?) it may be a corporate policy... I feel if she's pulling it down to talk maybe she gets it???
No one else in the office had one on. Just the doctor. The pregnant nurse who was in the room with us was gloriously mask-free.
When my partner was sick with meningitis in San Fran, the doctor said it was terribly contagious. Still, she didn’t mask up (this was pre-Covid, of course). She stuck him full of steroids and he went home. I was feeling a tad feverish the next day and we both slept a lot and hardly ate anything, I prepared smoothies, light to digest. . I’m sure I lost two lbs just by sleeping and sweating a bit. Gosh, to lose wait while sleeping … it’s not fair! 😂🤷♀️
I refuse to put the swab up my nose. Instead I blow my nose into a tissue and then roll the swab around in the mucous in the tissue. The one time I had Covid, this method did produce a positive result. The other time I was asked to do it (I knew I didn't have Covid), I was at an outpatient center, and they did protest greatly, but I insisted (when you ask them detailed questions like "what's the actual difference?", etc., they collapse; they have no idea as to the "science" behind it so they can't actually think for themselves), and they begrudgingly brought me tissues.
SAME! My daughter had to test twice weekly (you know, because she was UNVAXXED on a Commiefornia college campus, don't get me started) and she knew that was the ONLY way to do it!!
I wish I had thought of this. I was a stupid willing participant the first couple times I had to test, but this last time I was caught off guard and pissed off! I am 64 years old with chronic sinus infections. I KNOW when I have one brewing and when I have a genuine virus. I was not exactly sick at all. Oh, and her nurse never put a mask on during my appointment.
Please don't call yourself names :) xoxo. When we know better, we do better! It's easy to Monday morning quarterback but when caught in the moment and with pressure and fear, the creative center of our brain shuts down (it's a survival function; it intelligently stores energy for flight or fight.) The cognitive dissonance with the nurse and the mask is out of control.
That clinic is certifiable. Unbelievable but then again, believable considering the amount of cray cray around. Luckily, I had a surgery in 2022 where I was not even asked about the jab. They did a quick test and I was good to go. My local small hospital and I knew some of the surgical staff. It was like “I see you—you see me” moments. I didn’t have to mask. The food could have been better. But I got out alive.
Thanks for asking, Jenna! When the guy I purchased my colloidal silver generator from in 2020 got a Cease and Desist, I knew we were on a toboggan run down a very steep hill... Just didn't know how bad it would get: Lost friends and neighbors who accused us of CREATING the pandemic because we wouldn't get the shots; couldn't shop in our favorite places because we wouldn't wear the f%*#)@@ CHINESE PLASTIC MASKS; lost my practice, effectively... What fun! "Covid" - am I over it? YES. Go Trump and Bobby [even though it has taken too much education to get Trump to understand what he did].
God, the damage done. I’m afraid no one will pay for this. If the shop sign said only those with shots could come in and didn’t ask, I went in anyway. Masking truly was the biggest hurdle around me. I made a mask from a very cheap dishcloth I could breath through just fine. If it comes to that again, I’ll make one with rainbow colored tulle or paint one on my face. The most effective invisible mask ever made!! Challenge the fraidy cats to say it’s not there because obviously they will be standing far from me. I could even muffle my voice a bit. 🤔🤔🤔 I’ll gaslight them.
As soon as I found out about "Fake Mask USA"--"Guaranteed NOT to work! Just like all the others!"--I jumped in with both nostrils and bought dozens for myself and for distribution. The "double-incognito" version (washable) is so good that it is undetectable beyond about four feet--well within the dreaded 6-ft no-man's land. Our daughter worked in fast food and faced the double whammy of having to try to breathe under a mask under those conditions and to deal with the constant barrage of "directives" coming down from the "work"-at-home company idea-hamsters who kept coming up with "better ways to comply" to justify their continuance. She said the mask saved her.
I also handed them out to business travelers who had to get through airports and attend corporate events. No one ever reported detection. Mine never was. However my wife is the courageous one: I would have sheep-ily gone along with the program but for her rebellious attitude. You'd first have to know her; it's not her, but the thought of all these petty little nazzys getting in her face, with their home-made secret-policer badges, sent her over the bleeding edge. Even so, I doubt she would have worn the "offensively fake" mask (a single layer of sheer black gauze) or the "patently offensive fake mask (no gauze at all: just a rectangle framing the mouth and nose) because she wouldn't comply with ANY mask. I wouldn't wear a mask because I fear her more than sanctions.
Fake Mask Worldwide is still around (just checked) although they kept getting banned and purged[1] and somehow still coming back. (They must've had an entire IT department devoted to staying online and 'findable.') They, still, offer a range of masks--and I highly, HIGHLY recommend you "buy something/anything" from them to vote with your bucks.
[1] In fact, is an expired domain and one of their feats was to land on, a website based presumably in a country beyond the reach of the FCC.
No you will NOT WEAR A MASK for ANY reason going forward, no matter how ridiculous the “pandemic du jour” is.
DO NOT COMPLY for ANY reason. That’s what they want you to do.
In January of 2022, I had the police called on me and 5 of my friends, when we were shopping in an upscale, independent bookstore, Warwicks, in La Jolla, CA, by Nancy Warwick the store owner, for not wearing a mask.
It was a total s**t show, between the store management, employees, as well as some of the customers, for the 45 minutes we were in there. They were ALL yelling at us to “put on a mask” and or “leave the store”!
The police came, they could do absolutely nothing. They knew that the phony advisory notice requiring masks in stores, that Governor Newscum had put in place was not enforceable.
I will never put one of those *#*#*# things on my face ever again!
I’m one of the lucky ones. I masked exactly 3 times during all that masking nonsense. All three times at doctors offices. Fortunately for me, as soon as I was in the exam rooms all 3 docs said take that thing off your face. The rest of the time I simply did not comply. I was never confronted, I was never thrown out of a store and no police were called. I did not social distance, I did not isolate, I did not take the shot. I shopped every week as usual. So much depends on where you live!
What I did do, was follow the protocols for prevention (Vit C, zinc, D, quercetin, etc) and to this day, have never gotten COVID. Then only times I have been sick in the last 4 yrs is for an ear infection! So NO, I WILL NOT COMPLY!
Oh, man. I love you and your wife’s style. Can we be friends? I got a NoMask mask for air travel. Worked well. Eventually I did just defy masking. In Walmart one day a guy walked by me and snarled at me to get my mask on. I, an old lady, snarled back”F**k you”. That kind of broke any taboos I had. LOL. I was flying the actual day the mask mandates fell. You could sense the mood of relief everywhere.
Oh. We're friends.
We are friends.
Tip of that hat to all of us friends here we never dreamed we could find.
Dang right!!! Friends like you and Jenna have kept me sane and feisty. A prayer for those friends who are still being shunned by their own children and relatives. 🙏🏻 Plus the injured and grieving. Hope for the new year. God bless all.
LOL = Little Old Love 😘
I checked them out! LOVE the whole idea and think I'll buy one.
(I love this family here.)
I have to say THIS Substack family is one of the smartest and funniest there is. I always read all the comments here.
I have to agree! I try my best to keep up because they’re so damned good.😊
When I had to wear one in some places. I wore a lace mask 😂, bought multiple colors to coordinate w/ my clothes 🤣
I was hiding my face in my big scarf once and a masked man called me out. It was 11 a.m. but I could smell his alcohol breath through his two masks and my scarf. I was too kind to call him out for it, drat! I just ran out of there. 🙄
I rode Amtrak out west the summer of 2021. It was an overnight and we had to mask the whole time even during the night while trying to sleep in the coach. It was enforced. I had a blanket I sort of made a messy tent over my head and arranged my body so I could breathe out of a hole with my mask pulled down so the mask n@$I couldn’t see me. Kind of eerie as I was actually in a train car with an authoritarian in charge of it. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN. They will have to tie me down first.
No you will NOT WEAR A MASK for ANY reason going forward, no matter how ridiculous the “pandemic du jour” is.
DO NOT COMPLY for ANY reason. That’s what they want you to do.
In January of 2022, I had the police called on me and 5 of my friends, when we were shopping in an upscale, independent bookstore, Warwicks, in La Jolla, CA, by Nancy Warwick the store owner, for not wearing a mask.
It was a total s**t show, between the store management, employees, as well as some of the customers, for the 45 minutes we were in there. They were ALL yelling at us to “put on a mask” and or “leave the store”!
The police came, they could do absolutely nothing. They knew that the phony advisory notice requiring masks in stores, that Governor Newscum had put in place was not enforceable.
I will never put one of those *#*#*# things on my face ever again!
Of course I won’t. Screw ‘em. I’m an artist/craftswoman so my imagination goes to things that will give the big finger. A painted on mask could do that. 🤣🤣🤣. 🖕🏻
How about a piece of lace?
This whole normalization of masks led Substacker Jeff Childers to conclude that the murder of that CEO in New York could never have happened if masks hadn't been normalized.
Lace would be great. But never again.
My husband and I were fortunate enough in 2020 when all this COVID panic surfaced to live in a town with 400 people, 500 horses 🐴 and 10,000 head of cattle. 🐄 There was no COVID in our town. Just cattle, horses and ranchers. We never bought into the nonsense. And since we used Ivermectin on our livestock…we had it readily on hand. How convenient was that! We also had veterinary antibiotics. Some of us got sick. We treated ourselves. The nearest doctor was 90-miles away-which probably saved us. When we wore bandanas over our face it was because we were riding and kicking up a lot of dirt. We knew that if dirt was getting through then viruses certainly would.
We’ve moved recently to a larger town. 1200 people and only 30 miles to a doctor. But I suspect if anyone out here gets sick we’ll still take care of ourselves.
And no matter how loud the experts yell about bird flu…I am NOT killing my chickens. 🐓
The beauty of living in the boonies is that no one even knows what you have or what you do. And frankly, they don’t care. It’s a very mind your own business and leave me alone lifestyle. My chickens are safe!
Please name town of 400. Need to jot it down in the Doomsday Book.
(Yesterday I noticed quite a dent in our Pres.-Joe F*ck*p-duration stock-up pile. Missing: anti-radiation-sickness pills; simply NEVER occurred to me he could be THIS venally stupid.)
I don't know about you but I'm tired about all of this Covid (new pandemic) humbug. For starters, if anyone knew the trajectory of viruses (seasonal flus and the like) time progresses the ability to become infected increases BUT the virulence diminishes dramatically. Sooo the latest so-called Covid variant (aka the flu) has become much weaker than the original lab made "bug". If one has maintained their immune system, the need for a Jab (assuming that it works) is not needed. This fear porn has to stop! Pax
It’s precisely because the experts lied about the trajectory of every virus ever known to man for as long as we’ve known about them, that I knew from the beginning this was hogwash! THIS virus was different?! I don’t think so! Once they lied about this, it was over, nothing else they could say would ever be trusted…
…”to protect yourself AND OTHERS”. Still with this BS? I’m all for free speech, but shouldn’t a taxpayer-funded agency have to at least try to stick to the truth (at least once the truth has been made so public that the lying is blatantly obvious)?
One would think/hope/imagine! 🤦♀️
I keep a jar of fermented garlic honey in my cupboard (drizzle on cheese, yummy!) but also use it as a base for a similar (mine has apple cider vinegar, ginger, horseradish, etc) cocktail you provide above which I call 'Fire' Water'. I take a teaspoon of the Fire Water daily beginning Oct and have NEVER had a cold or the flu.
How to ferment garlic and honey? 1/2 jar of raw local honey. Stuff with peeled cloves of garlic until jar is filled. "Burp" jar daily for approximately a month. I drizzle it on goat cheese which I spread on a dried apricot and a pine nut for a delicious appetizer.
They have achieved their deceitful goal of making covid an annual thing. Pray for the children whose parents add one more shot to their unhealthy regime.
Brilliant idea for donation, Jenna. I can't pay (or even read) all the wonderful substacks that are out there and rely on just a few now, including you.
Oh. My. Goodness. Drizzled on goat cheese. Yummmmm
@Sojourner, could you please post your 'Fire Water' recipe? You had me at "NEVER had a cold or the flu." Mayhap it is already on your own substack somewheres?
Credit where credit is due, it is from Rosemary Gladstar.
1/2 cup fresh horseradish root, grated (key herb)
1 med onion, chopped (supporting herb)
1/2 cup fresh ginger, grated (key herb)
1/4 cup raw garlic, mashed (key)
2 jalapeno peppers, chopped (catalyst)
1 lemon , zest and juice (balancing herb)
2 tablesp dried rosemary (optional balancing herb)
Place items in jar. Cover with raw apple cider vinegar. Jar in dark place, shake daily for 4 weeks. Strain, add honey (I use the fermented honey above, but not necessary). Return to clean bottle. I take 1 - 2 tablespoons daily (part of my morning routine) but most people won't do this. When they get a cold, I give them a jar and recommend 2 tablespoons up to 8 times a day...add 2 -3 days AFTER cold symptoms have subsided.
I would recommend her book or The Modern Herbal Dispensatory for many more recipes for lots of ailments. I also suggest a daily orange and apple.
This is not medical advice and I am a dummy and know nothing about medicine.
Thank you again and LOL! #AlsoNotADoctor
I’ve been making Firebrew for the last 7 years. It absolutely works. I’m retired, and I don’t take it every day because I’m not around the public every day. But rather, either before I’m going out into a crowd which means shopping for groceries, or after I get home from such a journey, then I’ll take it. One shot firebrew, with a shot chaser of home made elderberry syrup. I use Rosemary's recipe for that as well. Yum. I have not had a cold or flu or covert-ID at all. I think the whole Covid scam was a covert way to get us to universal ID, hence I call it covert ID.
Thanks. I made this, substituting a small jar of Inglehoffer prepared horseradish for the root. (I see now I forgot the rosemary, but not too late yet.)
I started out with it in a pint Mason jar, but it was nearly full before I got to the apple cider vinegar so I transferred it to a quart. I went ahead and added the 1 tsp ea of cayenne, black pepper, cinnamon and turmeric from Jenna's hot tea--because there was still room in the jar...
(I hope the jar and lid can stand up to the contents... they're only glass and metal after all.) Setting the stove timer for "1 month" before straining and adding honey. (Who'm I kidding? I'm not going to waste anything by "straining"; I'll just drink "Fire Water, Chunky.")
I love it! Let us know how it is!
Some observations:
1. I'm not waiting a month. It's obvious this stuff is already lethal NOW.
2. I'm going to take just a TEASPOON of the stuff, in the morning.
3. I'm going to need to get more teaspoons. The stuff turns them into forks.
4. Sojourner calls her version "Fire Water." Ms Gladstar refers to the original as "Fire Cider." Because of the chunks my stuff is "Fire Stew."
5. Like hard spirits, this shouldn't be allowed to get to the back of the tongue first. At all costs do not apply it directly to your cerebral cortex. I think I'm beginning to see people's auras.
6. I'm going to keep it in the same spot in case it makes me blind and I have to feel around for it.
7. I'm reminded that, as a kid I kept adding colors and colors and colors to my "art"--and got black. Later on when I was trying to teach myself to how to barbecue, I added spice after spice after spice to my "rub"--and got black. I worried that there's so many <fill-in-the-blank>-fighting ingredients in this stuff that at least a few of them would end up fighting with each other--and I'd get black. Instead I discern, in the teaspoon/fork, everyone's on the same page. They're like Marvel heroes kickin' *ss and takin' names.
8. It tastes like, if you could taste fire, a mixture of the blue flame of natural gas, the woodsy flame of a family campfire, the heat you get from a Trident-class nuclear-sub reactor, and conflagration of the Towering Inferno. Good tho'.
9. I'm not adding honey, which has never done anything to me.
What a Texan! 🤠 Chunky Fire Water!!! 🔥💧
Keep us posted and don't forget to eat an apple and an orange daily.
Have a blessed Christmas! 🙏🏼
Great, thank you! although I have to say, like they used to in West Texas, I wouldn't know a fresh horseradish root if it crawled up and bit me on the leg.
Hmmm. West Texas. Try the jar if no luck from a local grower. Folks in West Texas put horseradish on steak there?
Well not that I ever saw. I did hear of a Texan once who requested "mercurochrome and a box of Band-Aids" when he thought he could get his very rare steak back up walking again.
Delicious and I too make “fire cider” every winter! 🔥
Awe, thanks for the kind words and the recipe! I'm going to do it. :) XOXO
Thx for the recipe Soujourner! How much honey do you add after the brew is strained?
I put 1/4-1/3 c honey to 1 qt of strained. Just enough to give it a little sweet kick-back!
Precisely. To taste. For kids, the sweeter the better.
Karen, thanks for speedy response.
My pleasure, Cindi.
As for being over Convid, on the scale of 1 - 10, we are a 12!
Mrs. (and Mr.) "the Knife"
Thanks for your humor! It always cheers me up. As far as being over Covid... Well, I'm intrigued by how it happened and what lessons to learn from it. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is still going on the media shaming people for doing their own research and telling people to listen to the experts. I really want to ask him if he wants us to continue listening to the experts who are lying to us or the ones who told us the truth and we're censored. I want to pull out the studies on vitamin D and ask him why his version of expert never told us about the importance of vitamin D, for starters. Then, after I point out that he's being used to kill people, I want ask him why he's allowing himself to be used as a propagandist. Is it for money? For fame? Or do they have something on him? He's more likely to be infamous than famous at this rate. We can't let it go until their momentum succumbs to an awakened world.
"I really want to ask him if he wants us to continue listening to the experts who are lying to us or the ones who told us the truth and were censored."
Absolutely spot on.
I am SO over experts.
I voted for exposing the whole vaccine scam - I think this is crucial to keep this from happening again to the gullible or trusting public. I would have also said keeping pesticides at of our foods! Fauci's karma will catch up with him.
"Anyone know how to buff forehead marks out of a desktop? Asking for a friend." Still cracking up over this!
And the people absolutely RAGING over the stance of 'Make America Healthy Again'?? Really? Just how much are they paying you to open your mouth and speak such BS? Because we know all the ragers are getting paid.
PSA: whether you are jabbed (vaccinated) or not, it is Always your natural immune system doing the work. That is its job!
“Oh I didn’t get Covid, the vaccine works!”
“Oh, I got Covid, I should have gotten vaccinated.”
FYI: jabbed people got Covid. Un-jabbed people got Covid.
FYI: jabbed people didn’t get Covid. Un-jabbed people didn’t get Covid.
It is always your own immune system, either way! And that counts with all vaccinations. So.
I’m pretty sure the overwhelming number of people who got vaccinated this year were children! A lot of daycare‘s are requiring it. Babies! I’m a nanny and I had to watch a perfect six month old get incredibly sick for 2 days from that stupid shot. Because his parents would not believe me when I told them we are the only country in the WORLD vaccinating babies. Who EVER vaccinated babies. It breaks my heart.
This actually breaks my heart. I am so proud of you for trying to educate the parents though! That has to be so hard.😭💪
It’s so hard because the parents trust their pediatricians so much. I’m walking a fine line with these wealthy parents in a blue city. I mention my fiancé was vaccine injured, and they start to look at me very skeptically. And all of the foreign born nannies know that babies and children in their home countries do not and have not gotten vaccinated. You’d better believe they keep their mouths shut.
And the pediatricians, I think, are just not that bright. My sister-in-law is a pediatrician. She just believes everything the CDC says. She rolls her eyes if anyone says anything different. She’s incredibly busy and doesn’t have time to do outside research. Also our friend’s wife is a pediatrician, super nice woman. But they trust the medical establishment. They have no idea the harm they are doing. But they must know how much profit their offices make from these vaccines.
And I think the daycares and schools are going by city or state guidelines, and those fuckers are putting the Covid VAX in with the normally required vaccines (which were bad enough).
How "Over it" am I? Does "to Infinity and Beyond", Count, albeit it's being WAY Over your maximum of Ten???
Coming, in Trump's irrational populist way, is 'no tax on tips.' Suddenly, coincidentally, you're taking tips. Me too. To "end the IRS," businesses could move all employess to tip income. The only people left to pay income tax then would be those with government jobs; the ensuing chicken-and-egg situation would reduce the attractiveness of those jobs.
And in re: " for the detailed culinary description you requested, David [blushing under brownbag-pulled-over-head], it was an epicurean orgy of light yet hearty lasagna alla Bolognese, creamy burrata drizzled in local olive oil, perfectly crusty bread, and deliciously memorable cacio e pepe", this little offering hit the veriest spot. Gloat on, my dear; we can taste the words. [And I say it's a crying shame in this world that substack comments don't have bold, or italics, or emojis, or a latte dispenser. Without italics, your description looks like stuff I can get on the frozen-food aisle. I know what I'm having for breakfast though: burrito drizzled in local oil.]
So glad you caught your shout-out (NGL I knew you would). :)
In all of your wonderful (as usual) post, what I most enjoyed enjoyed and took away was the reference to cacio e pepe. It so happens that I first heard of this dish on Stanley Tucci's wonderful series on the cuisine of different parts of Italy. I love its simplicity and, of course, it is delicious beyond description. I made some just this week. Easy peasy.
As to Covid, my thoughts on this have been clearly spelled out in my posts and substack on the subject. #indictfauci. I have been advising everyone who asks, and some who don't, to stop, for God's sake, testing for Covid and to avoid further Covid vaccines like the plague (disclaimer- unless you are unusually at risk for serious illness from literally any virus and both you and your (well-informed) doctor agree that the risks/benefit assessment favors getting vaccinated). As to treatment, no one has yet improved on the time tested: rest, lots of fluids, OTC meds for aches, runny nose, cough, etc. Take some extra vitamin C if you wish. Everyone should take a daily multivitamin (USP certified preferred) because our diet is so generally crappy and short on micronutrients. My own schedule at 72 and in excellent health is a daily multi-vitamin, vitamin D3 2000 IU (you literally cannot OD on this according to my orthopedic surgeon son-in-law), alpha-lipoic acid (for idiopathic neuropathy- long story for another time) 1000 mg, and vitamin C 500 mg. Wishing good health to all. Cheers. Rick
Thank you for your post. I have suffered with a severe tingling and burning, icy pain in my front left thigh for many years now and not one Dr could tell me why. An EMG didn’t show any “major” neurological condition but what else causes nonstop tingling and electrocution type pain? I have had about 50% numbness in that spot for over 7 years. Nobody ever told me about ALA. Because of your post I just ordered 600mg tablets to try once or twice a day to see if it works. ❤️ (I know, I know - you’re “not a Dr and are not responsible for giving any kind of medical advice” blah blah blah. I find my health gets better the more I learn from others than it ever did going to a Dr.)
Have you tried DMSO yet? I had frozen shoulder (IN BOTH SHOULDERS which is nearly unheard of) and I tried everything: chiro, PT, cortisone (I KNOW but I literally could not wash my hair or put a shirt on over my head) and NOTHING worked. Not a doctor of course but I read about it in A Midwestern Doctor's substack and ordered some; mixed it 50/50 with organic castor oil and literally within days the pain was 95% gone. This was after two and a half years of excruciating pain. (I wrote a stack about it for FLCCC but they're hesitant to run it without doing a full review so it's sitting in wait.) I'm happy to FW the AMD posts to you--it's insane what this stuff can treat! Email me at and I'll send. :) #NotADoctor #ForEntertainmentPurposesOnly ;)
do you just mix the two and use it on your skin? I have heard so much about DMSO and feel kinda bad that growing up I thought my mom was nuts for using it. Now I realize that most of what they say is so bad for us, is the stuff they don't want us using because we just might get well!
EXACTLY! Yup, just mix and apply. I bought glass dropper bottles on amazon and I keep the mixture in there. One squirt into my hand covers both shoulders. (BTW the first day I started, I literally could not cross my arms to touch the opposite shoulders so hubby had to do it. The next day I could reach but it still hurt a bit. Day after? No pain. Nada. Nucking FUTS!!! ;)
Do you mix it with distilled water? If castor oil works better, I might try that. I can't get over the list of stuff it either treats or cures.
I've also read about DMSO from Robert Yoho's and Unbekoming's Substacks.
🤣 “not a doctor.” Just an entertainer. And a fine one at that. Sure, I’ll email you for more of that “entertainment”
I do recall an AMD post about DMSO but haven’t gotten around to finding it again so this will help. Thank you.
SENT! :)
My two DMSO sources: and
Juju, this sounds--from the other side of the galaxy--like it _could_ be a pinched nerve situation. A couple of years back, I spent something like a week cutting firewood for something like 16 hours a day. "Suddenly" the two outer fingers on my left hand started tingling and going numb. A few minutes later the feeling would return. And then 20 or so minutes later repeat. A doctor visit said I had a condition called "paresthesia" and mentioned pinched-nerve.
After seeing a quactopractor, who was thoroughly satisfied he'd given me what I came for when he "popped" my back with a resounding crack nowhere near my problem, I quite accidentally stumbled over "Bob and Brad's" physical therapy channel on youtube. I've watched dozens of their videos since.
B&B had posted an exercise for my condition (and also another for the pointer and middle fingers and another for the thumb--for the three different nerves serving the regions). Within a few days, the symptoms started to subside. The exercises were designed to "elide" the nerve (stretch it to thin it) so it would free itself from the pinch. Maybe give it a try?
Incidentally, as the doctor began his observating, he said, "Obviously, this is a result of the insane amount of work you've been doing..." at which point I interrupted to ask him to "write me a note" that I could put on my mother's grave.
Thank you!
“On a scale of 1-10, how over Covid are you?” My number would blow the entire C scam into outer space. It started with the “we fixed the LNP problem that killed all the animals,” and was topped off with the grossly fraudulent “studies” touting the “dangers” of HCQ and IVM. Waking up has been exceedingly painful.
Agreed. :(