OMG, I'm pissed now. I can only click the LIKE button once. Dang! This is brilliant work, Jenna. Thank you.

Now I know why my sister is so brainwashed. Politifact is one of her favorite rags -- er, truthful, never-lies (but always prevaricates) publications.

(But, OMG, I'm out of touch. I didn't know about Kirstie Allie. But she was opposed to vax, especially mandated. Hard to get good vax facts.)

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Oh, if you want to be REALLY pissed, go to the original article and click some of the links. "This is FALSE because it DID NOT HAPPEN." WTAF? I was fuming...

And IDK about Kirstie but she had turbo cancer and then--boom--gone. The point is if she was UNVAXXED and died of COVID, that would be the headline. But death by turbo cancer? Vax status is personal, private, HIPAA protected information.

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But Allie did tweet this on Oct 16, 2021: "Get the vaccines and boosters, I don’t care… but until they can prevent me from getting COVID or prevent you from getting it.. I won’t be getting it and will ignore mandates to get it.. seems fair to me" https://twitter.com/kirstiealley/status/1449459890817208326?lang=en

Maybe she changed her mind?

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I love that you dug that up in about 3 and a half minutes! That makes me love her even more (and I hope she didn't change her mind)!!!

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Thank you, kind Princess.

Yes, I'm a digger -- perhaps a mole or an anteater? Kirstie Allie faced so many challenges during her life, from her health to her conservative political views.

Hey everyone: If you're not using startpage.com as your default search engine, you're missing something great. It offers privacy and generally good results, delivered fast. (I learned about Startpage from Dr. Malone's substack.) Link: https://www.startpage.com/

You can make Startpage be your default search engine, but it could take some doing, depending on your browser. Here are some articles explaining how: https://support.startpage.com/hc/en-us/sections/4481976912532-Add-Startpage-to-your-web-browser-desktop

I also use the Brave browser, which works pretty well and also offers more privacy than others: https://brave.com/

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Thanks! I used DuckDuckGo, and then Freespoke (this was a useful app while it lasted) for a while - and both eventually went the way of Google. So I have been looking for other useful browsers.

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You’re most welcome! Enjoy Brave and StartPage before they get captured like the rest :-(

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Did she have a lover? According to a 20 years experienced female gynaecologist banned off of Fakebook the jab IS an STD transmittable with even a mouth to mouth kiss!

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I don’t know about her personal life and don’t have time to research. But you brought up an interesting and valid question.

You can find some good information about shedding between vaccinated and unvaccinated at the following links (there are many more, of course):

Dr, Pierre Kory: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/dr-pierre-kory-explains-covid-19-vaccine-shedding-5584790?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=copy and https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/mrna-vaccine-shedding-of-spike-protein

A Midwestern Doctor: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-shedding-experiences

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Jeez Jenna, you live in Austin? I spent a month living on the edge of Pflugerville in January. Had I but known, would have bought you lunch.

Your pissed off prose kept me laughing during the freeze and pouring rains thereafter.

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Dammit! What were you doing here?? Sorry I missed you! I love a free lunch!🤣❤️😊

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I’m 45 minutes away in Spring Branch. We’re the next county…Comal…and one of the most politically conservative counties in Texas. Might be time to get out of Austin (although nearby San Antonio isn’t all that much better!). Come hang out with us in the “country” when you get tired of Keep It Weird Austin!

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It's a date! I'm technically in Lakeway, which is a surprisingly conservative... ;)

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Yay that!

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I fled Austin in mid February.

As for what I was doing there: getting the lay of the land, cooking and teaching a kid and his dad how to play Texas Holdem.

That kid is very bright... His dad? Has an ego which he needs to learn to check at the door but his game ultimately improved. After geing trounced a few times. 😉

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Yep Jenna. I’m phenomenally pissed. As usual. 😡

Great article. If only my blissfully ignorant friends and family would read it.

My dear friend lost her mother to the shots. She was with some girlfriends and they commented how many people now have cancer. My friend said it’s because of the shots. She said you could hear a pin drop. The one friend present who knows the truth never said a word - just hung my friend out to dry. This go along to get along shit has to stop. 😡

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Think how much in Social Security the feds saved my forcing all those old codgers in nursing homes to take the safe and effective (NOT!) COVID vaccine and then they all died of something--but not, of course, from the vaccine. Dozens of world-class level athletes keeling over and dying also has nothing to do with the safe and effective (NOT!) COVID job. Just stop thinking and questioning! We know you and your body so much better than you do (NOT!).

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One of the great novels about the lying liars of "journalism" is Evelyn Waugh's "Scoop." And voila: "sub-editors busied themselves with their humdrum task of reducing to blank nonsense the sheaves of misinformation which whistling machines piled before them." That's from 1937. meanwhile, in the NYTimes (a healthy antidote to any optimism about libs having common sense), one dean of a journalism school wants journalism school to be free, because that will set poor lying liars free from the money trap: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/opinion/free-tuition-education-journalism.html?unlocked_article_code=1.dk0.Leqv.Lm0Y8Y8fdKjC&smid=url-share She really wonders about how journalists can "build public trust in our work." Hmmm...maybe by telling the truth? And maybe by not stacking the deck against anyone not "liberal"? Like, when "fact-checking" something a conservative says don't just reflexively write "needs context."

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Wait... the NYTimes ran a similar piece on how the Right is "winning" the war on misinformation. Do you think... GASP... they coordinate this stuff? They just leave out all the inconvenient facts that later (well, later for them, we knew it after the first few months) turned out to be true - - which is just about everything. Shocked I tells ya! Shocked!

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I used to like you, Jenna, and now you totally messed up my day er ... I mean my week, no ... my life!!!

Who gave you the right to mess up everybody's notion that we are now in the great new normal???

That asshole that run's Politifact even had the nerve to criticize Sharyl Attkisson for shoddy journalism and what an article like this ultimately does is permanently dispose those who know the truth or are fairly sure they do to now add another crackpot POS, paid off SeeAyeEh operative, to continue the lies and never be redeemed. I could never look at almost any fact-checkers in a positive light for the last 4yrs or more knowing that they have been polluting the minds of many of my friends who trusted them and turned away from me whom they all at one time trusted.

They too will pay the price for their lies; and, it's acomin'! There's going to be a great crow feast just down the road a piece and I won't be eating anything there!

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Wow, I wasn't aware of many of those celeb deaths. #censorship is real!!

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Yikes…my heart rate increased with each written word…

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I know... sorry...

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All good…it’s actually a good exercise to know what to say to folks who tell me “that’s been debunked” plus I’m a little on the sensitive side this morning because my son’s new job at children’s hospital in Boston is requiring him to get the booster and is giving him a hard time about his exemption request. This is when I wish he was younger and I could take the human resource rep to task about this bullshit myself.

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Well, now we're even... because this comment MADE MY BLOOD BOIL! How TF are these hospitals still mandating this poison? I helped my niece (a nursing student) get a religious exemption (in California!). I'm happy to send you the letter if you'd like? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

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Sorry about that…would love to see what you sent.


Thank you!

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Sent! :)

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Yes, top worry are our kids (now adults) having to navigate career paths amidst all this b.s. Agreed! My son, applied for a carpentry position at Primary Children's Hospital, SLC, Utah part of the larger corporation Intermountain Health Care, who are still requiring all "va**Ines be up to date. They are a non profit behemoth that strangles holds three states in that region. The story is they must be o.k. because welll they are non profit. Fall down laughing...they do nothing but protect the institution at all costs while bilking the state of millions of tax dollars that would improve state infrastructure. But I digress, I have my sons ear and gently guided him to other great opportunities that didn't involve dying the next day after a forced medical intervention.

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My adult son lost out on an amazing job opportunity because he refused to be vaccinated. I was extremely proud of him. He stuck with his job at the time and was able to secure an even better job about a year later.

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This makes ME so happy too! Huge (yuge!) kudos to your son!

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Daryce, also check out the Religious Exemption Writing group on FB. They will help you write an exemption for your (or your loved one's) particular circumstances. I know not everyone is a FB fan, but this is one case when it's been very helpful.

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Thank you!

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Yes, it's SOOO difficult to stop that immediate Momma Bear response! I fought an adversarial public school to get my youngest son tested for learning disabilities, and ended a private school's decades-long tolerance of middle school bullying - when my oldest son was targeted. DON'T EVER mess with my sons!!! ALL three of them did what was necessary to avoid the vaccine. My oldest was out sick a day or two (migraines) and when his company assumed he had been out from the vaccine, my son didn't correct their mistaken assumption. He was one of the few employees in his branch who wasn't laid off and who worked in person throughout COVID. My two youngest (both with significant learning disabilities) were in college, didn't do well with the virtual platform, so they sat out most of COVID, and then were briefly tested until the requirement was dropped. Although my youngest son is still irate over the way his college made him sign over a number of his rights - just to get a religious exemption.

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Great to hear about another "speck of red" in Austin. I don't live there, but my (red) youngest brother and SIL live in a far west suburb where the back of his property overlooks a nature preserve. At one time, on FB he would talk about the joys of living in Texas, and encourage others to join him. On separate posts, he would also display photos of the critters he had encountered either in his home, or just outside his home. For those who know Austin, you are familiar with these critters. Scorpions and a variety of venomous snakes are what I remember. So I finally told him, "If you're truly serious about encouraging people to move there, maybe you might want to lighten up on the photos of the scary critters?" So, he did. However, what followed was just as bad. The saga of Gracie the dachshund. She had a "talent" of sniffing out these venomous snakes, and the photos of her swollen mug were truly pitiful. Then there was the night a coyote nabbed her and ran off, until my brother's angry hollering and chasing - convinced the coyote that dropping Gracie was in its best interests. Then he would have staring contests with the coyote when he (more carefully) took Gracie for her walks.

But that was mild in contrast to some real villains. My brother was almost a casualty of an Austin Hospital COVID protocol in September 2021. The doctors essentially told my SIL that he wasn't going to make it - the other COVID ventilator patients before him hadn't survived either. Yet these physicians continued with the same failed protocol, and they repeatedly refused to try anything my SIL or her son suggested from the FLCCC protocol. Then, when it looked like my brother wouldn't make it, they made a Hospice referral. (To artificially keep their mortality rates low)* Thankfully, my brother refused to die, and was discharged on oxygen and in a wheelchair from rehab before Thanksgiving 2021.

His entire perspective on physicians and our medical establishment has changed. He, like many other post-COVID medical consumers- will no longer allow themselves to be blindsided. He will tell his physicians when they're wrong, because he's done the research. I think our country and our medical establishment underestimated many of us.

And now that my brother is more mobile, he has continued his staring contests with the ornery coyote he (also) bested. If you gather together people like my SIL, or my brother, or those in the FLCCC - who will do what's necessary to protect what they love, they can do powerful things. I believe our country will have a much more difficult time recreating the overall tyranny of COVID.

*Here is an article about the hospital:https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna81599

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Wow! So glad your brother fought and won!!!! The whole thing is surreal.

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You Jenna, are the very best!

Maybe however when all the Kool Aid drinkers are gone the Kool Aid pushers and makers will have no one to protect their sorry ass and can face their justice.

Hopefully there will still be Diesel available because I never seen an electric backhoe!

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Thankyou...and it gies on...Its why we have to get Kennedy elected to go after these corrupt agencies

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ABSURD! GO Pierre Kory!! Rally for freedom ay D..C. capital happening now. https://txt.so/bg2DiQ

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Effing ridiculous! It's infuriating that there are still people who "read" these articles so that they can continue satisfying their delusional reality that big government and big corporations care about us.

On the brighter side of things, I can't wait for the future ice cream that will come from the milk of MRNA injected cows without us even knowing it! Politicrap might be right for once.

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Covid was released early, whether by accident or not in 2019. This scenario was a perfect way to blame JUUL e cigs for the problem. E cigs popularity was soaring and politicians could get on their soapbox and pound their fists how this product is dangerous and must be banned. ( sounds like tic toc now) Read the timeline of the attachment. It was a 2fer.


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Bob Saget and many others look like textbook cases of Covid vax injury. For the record, most likely not Kirstie Alley. To defend her memory, she spoke out against mandates and passports and said she wouldn't get the vaccine.

Probably about 70% of the celebrity, athlete, and lesser known but equally tragic excess deaths we've seen (and continue to see) were/are from the vaccines. Basing that on the study - quickly retracted by the Lancet when the internet overwhelmed their site with record downloads - that said slightly over 70% of deaths reported to VAERS were confirmed as vaccine deaths.

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Which is huge. Meaning the deaths could not be attributed to any other cause. Lancet never gave a sensible reason for retraction.

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