Speaking as an actual scientist, one who's written papers n stuff, not that this should impress anyone, particularly these days, I can say that I was dumbfounded by the "scientific" dumbfuckery I witnessed.

I recently spoke to a colleague who I'd lost touch with for a few years. This guy has a brain the size of a freakin planet. I have the brainpower of a bowl of porridge in comparison.

We talked a bit about the jab of joy. He said he just trusted what he was told and thought it was all good. He got jabbed. It worked, he said, because the 2nd time he got covid it want as bad as the first.

My jaw hit the floor so fast I think there's still bits of it lying around that I haven't picked up yet.

Science? Pah! That's all so 2019

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There’s brains and then there is common sense and critical thinking. Three very different things. I appreciate the comment and the perspective!

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I still struggle to get my head round it all. There was a time I spent hours on a daily basis going over the data (such as it was) trying to figure out what I was missing? What had all these other scientists seen that I had not?

It was like living on a Monty Python set (don't mention the VAERS). Or a case of this pandemic wouldn't voom if you shoved 500 billion dollars at it. Which we did, and it still didn't.

I've never witnessed anything like it, and I hope never to again. But I fear it will become commonplace if we let the World Hysteria Organization have its way.

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I would also add there is faith and divine discernment as well (for which I thank the Lord above for giving to my spouse and I).

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Dumbfuckery and fuckstrated are my new favorite words! If I didn’t have these posts which provide me with some levity, I’d be so depressed at all this dumbfuckery and would be

So fuckstrated.

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They really are fucktastic words!

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I've taken to describing the madness as the era of COCK (Crazily Overexaggerated Covid Kookiness).

My language standards have certainly slipped over the last few years. Even the F word, which I now liberally use, isn't quite good enough to encapsulate the sheer scale of fuckwittery on display.

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Right?!? I have such a potty mouth now. Thanks for some new ones. The basics were being overused in my vocabulary.

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Outstanding vocabulary Mr Rudolph Rigger! I shall add them to my repertoire! Thank you

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Wow Thanks for sharing your colorful story of a phenom I’ve also noticed about many highly intelligent also being more dupable …it’s curious.

Sage of Quay -on Rumble- posted a short video on this very topic recently If my memory serves -one cause was … academic training in debate: pick a side and defend it with all your might- And you’re a winner!

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Did you know IV Tylenol was approved in Europe in 2002. When was it approved in the US? 2010. So 8 years of testing IV Tylenol, but for MRNA shots, a mere 8 mice were enough. #clownworld

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I did NOT know that! 🤦‍♀️

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great line ...'jaw hit the floor...etc". Good one.

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This is one of my frequent musings...

I am the eldest of 5 siblings, raised in a science-focused home. My dad was a marine scientist, and we were all encouraged to question and to think for ourselves.

No lack of intelligence there... but I am the only one of my family who didn't get jabbed. (Not counting my son, who was also raised to think for himself...)

My sister went through a quite thoughtful and rigorous consideration process - and I respect that she didn't just accept it because she was told it was "safe and effective".

But the propaganda was relentless, and extremely well researched (unlike the actual stuff in the vials!)

And then she came to realise she had been misled - and was equally thoughtful and considered about changing tack.

In those early days, there was no actual information available about the harm.

(Of course, no actual information about safety either... )

My 3 brothers - all engineers, so no background in the biological or medical sciences - all accepted everything in the mainstream narrative about covid, the jabs, the lockdowns, and so on.

My dad never accepted anything at face value - after he died in 2011, my sister found a folder containing his notes about climate change research. But I suspect he would have accepted all the covid BS, including the shots. He came from a generation which accepted that vaccination was a modern medical miracle, saving us from nasty stuff like polio (a real scare for parents back in the 50s when we were born). And in his declining years, he became a bit over-ready to clutch at a medical solution to all the ills of old age.

I don't think we should underestimate the effect of fear... fear of illness.

It is quite primeval, maybe ancestral memory, and even the most intelligent and rational of us can fall prey to these primeval fears... and the superstitious thinking that they lead to.

Thinking that a mask will protect you from getting sick is not really any different from believing that a special rock, or a bunch of herbs, or your lucky socks, will protect you from bad luck and evil in general.

The lockdowns worked... hey, we didn't die!

Here in Australia, we had hardly any covid, especially in the states that kept their borders closed the most assiduously and quarantined everyone coming in...

Sure, we made up for it later. But it would have been so much worse if we hadn't... (fill in the blank: locked down, got vaccinated, closed our borders, masked up...)

It's hard to argue with that sort of thinking. Especially when you have grown up believing that the government is working for us and generally looking out for us, and the media reinforce that with the information they put out into the public domain.

I was the only one of my siblings who studied the biological sciences (physiology and psychology). And I had some really great teachers, who encouraged critical thinking. Was that the reason I was able to see through the propaganda?

Sure, it helped... but I think it was more my innate scepticism, and my unwillingness to believe the government and the public officials and all their "experts" with their smarmy lies and condescension.

Intelligence can too often be cordoned off... and we all have blind spots.

The people I know who resisted the propaganda all had a basic level of intelligence, of course - but more, it was their willingness and ability to look at the facts.

And the facts were pretty clear - though you did have to dig a bit.

I was never an anti-vaxxer before 2021 - though I was quite sceptical about the hype and sheer number of vaccines that had escalated into our world.

Still, it was pretty clear that there was no way they could truthfully claim that these covid "vaccines" were either safe or effective. And it was novel technology.

To me, it was very straightforward... and the more they pushed, the more sceptical I became.

But balance that risk against the fear of getting sick with this scary virus... to deal with that, you had to dig a bit more, to see that covid was not anywhere near as lethal as it was initially suggested. And that there were indeed some truly effective treatments.

When I saw the way they were banning HCQ, I saw the writing on the wall for ivermectin as well, and I decided to stock up on some of the horse paste before it too became unavailable. Plus some zinc, some Vitamin D, some hydrogen peroxide and iodine and a nebuliser... By the time I did get covid, I was prepared and ready and I took action and when I got hit with a day of severe weakness, I was able to deal with it.

So I think that having this knowledge - and now the experience as well - has served to make me even more resistant to the scare propaganda. And for the next time too (and there will be a next time, I have no doubt).

But for those who have not explored the treatment options... I can see how the scariness might knock out the rational functions, and lead you to hope that the medical "experts" know what they are doing and will be able to cure you.

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You’re correct to zero in on that 1223 number, because it’s the only one that matters and is by far, the most shocking. Back in the day, (say around 2019) a post-marketing result of three (3) or more reported deaths would be enough to get the FDA to enforce at least a temporary halt to drug distribution and allow a closer examination of what happened to cause these deaths. The fact that they did nothing and instead tried to bury the data for 75 years is IMO confirmation that yes, they are trying to kill us.

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yep That’s what was happening ! 😵‍💫😱📈

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And also evidence that yes they are making money off it

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Jenna, you had me shaking my head over and over, punctuated by regular outbursts of sardonic laughter. Thanks for lines like "the very busy FDA (“You’re not a horse” didn’t write itself, you know)" and for reminding me I'm sane.

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Also a favorite line of mine from her post 💪🤣

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"December 5, 2021 - Every depressing day I see social media posts by people I know—smart people, educated people, people I love and don’t want to suffer or die—bragging about their vaccine status and now, boasting that they’ve been boosted"

So definitely my situation too... can only watch in horror, with fingers crossed they got a dud (or maybe a saline lot, hoping some were placebos)

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Alas, Jenna. You have full employment commenting on human stupidity until the world really does stop spinning or the sun stops shining. Fear makes people very stupid, and there has been a whole lotta fearmongering going on the some time now. I've had it up to my eyebrows with people trying to make me afraid of something or someone. I do a damn fine job of that all on my own, but I have decided not to succumb to fear any longer.

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“Fear makes people very stupid” Bam!!!

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

“ Fear makes people very stupid” propaganda only works through fear…..

Check out these pics from early 2020 look at the date stamps …… https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2020/03/photos-large-scale-disinfection-efforts-against-coronavirus/607810/

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Love you Jenna! for making me laugh and everything else.

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"Nobody" cares about Jeffery Epstein's client list either... I used to look back on various periods in human history and wonder how things could just keep going on when they defy all reason. Now I know. The only consolation is that eventually they destroyed themselves and were rebuilt. Burn it all down.

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I am sure you’re familiar with Naomi Wolf’s amazing work revealing the original Pfizer documents, her organization collecting about 20k volunteers to go through all the suppressed material after Pfizer wanted it all hidden for 75 years and a courageous judge ordered the documents released. Naomi published a book which we bought. If you don’t yet have it, highly recommended.

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It's brilliant and epic and I just shared the link in another comment, so here you go (WELL WORTH the $11.99): https://dailyclout.io/product/war-room-dailyclout-pfizer-documents-analysis-volunteers-reports/

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I gave this book to each of the two state senators I met with - which I should point out did not get the shots because they KNEW they were bad news. One of these senators is a retired physician. My guess is they promptly got rid of the evidence that I gave those books to them.

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Where did all the Ukraine flags go and how did they manufacture them so quickly? Inquiring minds need to know.

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I still seem some in my liberal city and liberal leaning neighborhood I like to naively ask those who still have the flags on their porches and in their windows ( along with their “love is love and science is real … “ posters - “ Wow are you Ukrainian?” It brings forth interesting replies.

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thats too funny, I was gonna include the Love is Love here thing but I left it out. My next door neighbor sports that sign.

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Yes it is stupifying..( is that a word?)...but sooo much happening on so many levels.

1. Karma being overwritten here.

2. Naomi Wolf is on 'fast forward' in her awakening- thankfully a huge audience and from the snips I watched on Tucker..she gets it.. That will help.

3. We are also watching hundreds of thousands of souls departing through this event that will never reincarnate again. My feeling is that Source has had it with those that refuse to do their work over the centuries. Conveniently - this shot or series of shots disconnects the spiritual connection in the brain on the RH side.

4. The issue on side effects as Dr. Geert Van Bosshe is warning just about everyday now here on Substack: if one does not take action immediately : the immune system is toast. Same from Dr. Ead on Greg Hunter last week.

5. Clif High yesterday: his predictive linguistics give us now 35 days before the 'normies' become so informed re this event: that they snap. Personally I have been waiting for us ...Divine Retribution for the stunning arrogance of the herd. His message: finish your preps now.

So ....those of us on the other side of the fence: there will be life beyond this though it seems it will take at least another year. In the meantime: the planet is weakened and there are forces now taking advantage.

Zen: do the best that we can while we wait and watch. I stopped warning pals 2 years ago after being told I was 'nuts' more than once. One of my favorite lines: "Why should I pay attention to Dr. Gold: she is speaking to an evangelical group"..Boy oh boy.


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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"...if you search for Pfizer Covid trial data release, you won’t find a single legacy media piece since 2021."

That pretty much says it all when it comes to journalism these days.

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I am at a loss Jenna. I don't know why I continue trying.

The only people reading your articles aren't the folks who need to and in all honesty: They never will.

I sent the letter below to literally everyone I once knew, and every single relative who understands English...

Zero responses. As in: No one replied. No one ever will so I guess I'm done.

Here it is:


Florida Surgeon General Weighs in Again.


Perhaps only 6 million or so folks worldwide, who already know the score, will appreciate this interview.

Perhaps each one of them will make one final attempt to reach out to ONE person they know who might still be on the fence, or who hasn't really been paying much attention... (Or whose head is still buried in sand.)

And so on and so forth.

I have absolutely nothing to lose by giving this another try.

Bodies, hearts, minds & souls can be saved.

These past 4 years have been a rough ride. I'm still fighting the good fight over here though.

I have a new research challenge. A mission. Someone near and very dear to me needs help as he struggles with recently diagnosed serious health issues.

There is hope out there:


If you have any questions, I'm happy to respond.

I may be able to provide links to potentially helpful data which you can follow up on, if you so choose.

Data which may prove to be important. Now, or in future. For you or a loved one.

Honestly: What have you got to lose, right?

Why not hear these people out?



"5% of the people think; 10% of the people think they think; and the other 85% would rather die than think." Thomas Edison

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You can lead a sheep to knowledge, but you can't make him think. (Stealing my own line from a previous post.) There isn't a word that adequately describes how frustrating it all is... :(

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Yippers. As some Canuckistanian folk like to say...

"You can lead a horse to water but the horse has to be dehydrated and even then will question source of it." Is what I like to say.


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But wait. I thought the FDA told us we all were NOT a horse. It's all so confusing, ha ha!

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The propaganda is not safe but very effective, especially amongst the intellectuals.

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." -Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda

(No bad teeth, I promise: https://youtu.be/PwrSdlGHMGM)

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That sounds like someone trying to do The Artist Formerly Known as [weird symbol] at karaoke night!

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Send this to the normies:


This has gotten almost 15,000 views in less than an hour.

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It’s 35,000 views now! And one more share from me.😉

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Richard is quite the artist, isn’t he! 😂😂🤣

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“The findings in the new report come from the analysis of nearly 1,300 death certificates of Oregon residents ages 16 to 30 who died from any heart condition or unknown reasons between June 1, 2021, and Dec. 31, 2022”

One would think the fact that a whopping 1300 deaths in those aged 16-30 in just Oregon alone after the shots rolled out for that age group would tell you something is very wrong.

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Deniers and liars . Thanks Laura . Control and money 💰. Sickening

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

My half sister who lives in Hawaii has had at least 6 jabs. Her comment is…”well, I haven’t like grown 3 heads yet.”. 🤦‍♀️

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My 92 year old mother's comment, pushing an index finger into her arm after her 3rd:

Mum: "Why don't you (pokes her arm)? It doesn't hurt!"

Me: "Yet."

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Apr 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Well, THAT aged well!

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