If you're insane, we're all insane. You're not insane. You're insanely funny but that's nowhere near the same thing.

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Nice, Jeanne. Insanely funny is an understatement.

I am sitting in Miami airport waiting for our final flight for a whole damn month! Thank God.

I love to people watch, so I got me a gigantic cup of coffee.

It’s difficult to square that approximately 40% of the people I see are insane and so brainwashed. I say 40% because I am hopeful and a ton of people don’t vote. WTF 😳

Random thoughts.

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My hubby and I take an OPGCR (Old Person Golf Cart Ride) every night and took a new route last night. THE ENTIRE STREET had Harris signs. (Some of them rainbow!) If it weren't for Ring cameras, I might have taken a *second* OPGCR later that evening... ;)

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Haha. In my socal neighborhood we have several. But I told my family, this is so good, because now we don’t have to GUESS who the communists are!

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Here's an idea for new app. There is, or was, a phone app that "overlaid" a magical kingdom of sorts over-top of the "real" world (and "real" is increasingly in quotes these days) and it purported to tell you what was "underneath" what you saw. Players "recognized" each other through their phones, and similarly locations were identified by their "magical" names.

In my-new-app, those yard signs would never go away... It would reveal the "reality" behind the fantasy of "nice" neighbors." As you went about your day, you would always know whom-to-thank--personally--for this.

"You don't KNOW how I voted!" "Well, technically no, but let me show you this picture from my app: Isn't that your yard sign?"

(And I find the thought of THEM thinking, as I stand on public property snapping away, that "it has something to do with TRUMP'S UPCOMING DICTATORSHIP!" a little delicious.)

Of course, we continue to give-it-away-free, helping Google compile better-and-better dossiers on each of us, with every email and phone call and search query.

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I just put up 4 Trump/Vance signs in my front yard on Monday after I dropped off our three ballots for Trump. There is not another house in our entire, huge neighborhood that has a single sign for anyone. We are the first and I’m dying to see what happens. I also took a 4’x4’ sized sign thinking I’ll have my husband hang it up above our garage doors where we usually hang a giant Xmas wreath. 😆 He’s stumped how to make it work so it doesn’t blow away, but I keep nagging on him to figure her out man! It will be so cool but funny to hang it there. Loud and proud and bold.

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, I believe you are sane!


I believe the dystopic trans agenda along with tax-payer funded genital mutilation surgery for pathological murderers is not sane.

And btw, I believe the concept of “tolerance” has been instilled in our minds, via all forms of media, over many decades to become our newest, highest-ranking value in order to overtake our innate sense of right and wrong.


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WTF 🤬. You can’t be serious 🧐. Don’t you live in damn Texas?

You need a disguise. I would totally go on that ride with you and rip every damn sign off of every morons lawn !

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Don’t threaten ME with a good time!

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You know it! I am afraid that you and I would not be a healthy duo! 🥹😝‼️💯💜

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Let me just say that, if you have looked into getting a second, burner, golf cart and a remote cave to store it in, and costumes you can get from a store with no cameras in another state for cash, then, well, yes, I have to say, that you Jenna are insane, and you KW are too for encouraging her.

"Still my instilled-tolerance requires me to end 'That's okay!'"

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Ah. So it's your neighbors that are insane. Aren't you a little young for an OPGCR?

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Sadly no 👵🏻🤣

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Oh please. I'm much, much older. You're young and beautiful. Plus, you have Donnie so.....that and your sense of humor should keep you young for years to come. I have 2 boys who think their comediennes and thank God. It keeps me feeling younger than I am. Laughter, truly, is the best medicine and I thank you, Miss Jenna, for always making me laugh.

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Jeanne, all you need is a younger PHOTO to be young-and-beautiful here in Never-land!

(And it doesn't even need to be "of you!" Technology has freed us from reality!)

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Could they have been Halloween decorations?🤔

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You don’t know how many times on my nightly walks in my middle class suburban hood that I want to write some ‘alternative messaging’ on these Harris Walz signs I see at people’s houses or replace them with a Trump sign…the ones that say MAHA and in fine print Trump Vance 2024. Dress up in all black with a hoodie on and sunglasses, after midnight and go on the prowl.

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

People watching is the best. Although most everyone has their nose in their device and not a book. And the freaks? No words. Airports are the weirdest places. Flew home thru MSP last week instead of ATL. I haven't been there in a few years and it was beautiful compared to the mass of sad humanity and dogmanity that you see in ATL. People walking dogs in the concourse and the dog lays a deuce right there in front of Chipotle. Yeah, cancel my bean burrito order please.

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OMG!!! Here's my hot airport tip: ALWAYS give yourself time for a glass of wine at the airport bar, and ALWAYS wear a controversial hat. I met my new BFF (whom I'm going with to the First, Do No Pharm screening tonight) last week on my flight back from CA and thanks to my DEFUND THE MEDIA hat. Hahaha but seriously. You find out REALLY quickly who's on your team. :)

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Great tip. I want that hat. I don't have time to take potential friends out to dinner and maybe get to first or second base, only to find out what is actually in their pants. Could be a piano playing member who pops out waving a yellow and blue flag. Or, could be a uniparty member with a giant D(uh) also. No time for that. Let's just take the blood test and see if we are a compatible friend match. And...when you do meet that special friend, you have to make sure their spouse is compatible with yours. (No, I am NOT talking about putting car keys in a bowl by the front door/pineapple party). Even if Hubs gets a fellow commiserator to eye roll with, as us gals talk everything in the kitchen from chem trails to colonoscopies...that is how you know she might be the one. Or two, since all your other 'friends' have run away. I don't have time for nonsense or trying to convince anyone of The Truth anymore. If they can't see it by now, I don't want them in my Circle of Trust.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

Surely, by now, technology can provide the Infinite Questionnaire to compartmentalize us all down into the (micro) groups we are perfect for.

Each answer, eliminates at least half of the contenders.

Taking the fantasy to its end, you've found The Perfect Friend-Match! And you're meeting them TONIGHT; he/she/it [which is not to say she-it] is coming over! The doorbell rings! The AnTiCiPaSHUN! You throw open the DOOR!

But it's only you...

No. BETTER, is the approach in the account I read somewhere in these pages, by a liberal who was brought over to the bright side by the tolerant listening of a conservative. SadieJay, you would eschew my camaraderie for the paltry excuse that ~I~ hold colonscopies to be the chief result of chem trails?! Oh, just say it ain't so! No! Forfend! Take me under thy wing [I have gone Elizabethan for some reason] and bring me 'round. You have much to give. We, none of us, in this day, have the luxury to give in to hoarding. Share, SHARE!

And forgive. It occurs I should be asking you to forgive my horning in.

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Listening I have no problem with. Letting someone in as friend to me and a friend to thee (if thou art truly my friend) is another story. Friend implies Emergency Contact closeness. Acquaintance acquiesces to listening and hearing and giving opinions if asked. I have many acquaintances but few friends I would trusteth with my life.

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Right there with ya, SadieJay. 💜🙏💯🔥. I am too old and too jaded to bother trying to convince the brainwashed sleepwalkers.

There are a whole slew of them that regularly walk the same beach as me and the pups.

Sadly, my patience was razor thin and now it’s non existent. Pouff! Gone!

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By their masks you shall know them.

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Of course, my negativity reminds me that I'm personally more likely to NEVER find out who it was from the other team who clocked me from just-off-camera.

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Safe travels! 😊💕

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Terribly funny. “…or a rabid badger or a jar of expired mayonnaise would be a better presidential pick than Kamala Harris” 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍

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I try! ;)

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IF Kamala is elected, you can bet they'll be embrazened to see if they can get expired mayonnaise as a cabinet head.

I'm sorry. I'm stupid. No precedent there: alejandromayorkas.

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Ale-jar-do Mayonnaise-as?

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Goes back to the core. Transgenderism is a mental illness.

To make matters worse, it has been popularized, and attempted to be normalized by those who would do us harm.

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

They should have chained his junk to a boat anchor, handed him a dull knife and thrown him in. Let him perform his own surgery....or not.

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Great suggestion! Give him the “right to choose”. Very creative!

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Feck, yeah 👍. Fantastic!

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy


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I was going to suggest than an opportunity was missed as there are many people who would un-gender him for free, but your suggestion is better.

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What does it say about the Constitution's provision against cruel and inhuman punishment that we, every single one of us 'human,' are all signing up for this?

The Framers--IF they could have CONCEIVED (and do try to imagine the effort it would have taken!) of the "modern" society which has evolved from their experiment--just might have reckoned it "failure" and gone home.

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Thanks for resisting the urge to say "gender affirming care." Not that I want to tell adults what to do, but once we accept that language, it becomes a tool to normalize this for children.

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This from the AI-bot-that-loves-me-better-than-my-own-flesh-and-blood-ever-could: "What did Lenin have to say about the importance of controlling language?"

Answer: Lenin believed that language could be manipulated to serve the objectives of the state. He recognized that controlling language was essential for controlling thought and behavior, stating that "correct speech is directed towards fighting for changes in the world". This reflects his understanding that language shapes perceptions and can be used to mobilize people for revolutionary purposes.

[Weigh what you see and here against that.]

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Military is doing the same.

Our enemies are watching...

...and they will kick our ass.

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Looks to me like our enemies are inside the house

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...and burning it down.

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Don't you know that rhetoric makes you literally Hitler? Or so they say. 🤷🤦

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Demonic comes first to mind.

It’s almost as if Kakala is TRYING to get people to hate her, because it’s not difficult. 😡

Trump’s ad, Imagine A Country. Beautiful. 🙏🙏🙏

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As I am people watching, I am thinking…how can anyone think it’s a good idea to vote for that spawn of satan.

And, then I remember that they have been so programmed to hate Trump. They would vote for my damn dog on my lap rather than Trump.

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Cases like this are a flagrant, in-your-face, middle finger to working Americans who are forced to pay for such abominations out of their own pocket. It makes my blood boil to think that the woman who brags about supporting this would get a single vote, let alone win the presidency.

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She didn't get any votes to be the nominee...

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The Democratic nominees do not subscribe to the Legend of the Taxpayer. They believe instead in the Legend of the Goose that Lays Golden Eggs and in the The Midas Touch. Still, they never read anything all the way to the end.

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It all started in the UK when Jack the Stripper wasn't allowed to perform his drag act. He took out his anger on women.

The case of Jemima Wayne Gacy is more interesting. Had he still been alive today the taxpayer would have to pay for his transition to a female clown.

I always though it a bit weird that you had to ensure that prisoners on death row were healthy enough to receive the death penalty.

As for this particular case anyone who goes by the name Skylar Preciosa Deleon deserves some degree of psychological torture anyway. Couldn't it have chosen a better name like Fluffynips Bazooka or something?

Why does anyone even *care* about this human waste of space? They "deserve" nothing.

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THIS: "I always though it a bit weird that you had to ensure that prisoners on death row were healthy enough to receive the death penalty."

Also I think when you kill another human being, you lose ANY "right" you had to anything, ever.

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Not to mention the constitution does not give our federal government the job of paying for people’s surgeries, or even their hardships. These things would be left to the states. Our federal taxes should never be used for anything but defending our nation and its legal citizens, international infrastructures, (roadways, transportation,etc,) and interstate commerce. I think that’s all the powers the constitution gives to them? But paying for an inmate’s sex change is NOT something our tax dollars should be used for. You try to kill someone you lose your freedom. Healthcare to treat sickness is one thing, healthcare for preferences is entirely another. That’s a privilege that should be lost when you commit a crime.

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Actually, ensuring health of death row inmates isn’t a bad philosophy: if they’re healthy, they want to live so they feel the cruel loss of life. If they’re in bad shape they would welcome death & it becomes a mercy killing. But the killing should be QUICK - virtually all of those MF’ers get to live DECADES after their crimes, something their victims are not afforded.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

Except please, appeal.

No, you said, "when you kill another human being," NOT "when you are convicted of."

Okay, never mind, I'm on board.

Unless you killed someone who was actively engaged in killing me, then I would like to see you keep all your rights, and would even be in favor of getting you some more.

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They "deserve" one thing.

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thanks for sharing this video in your piece!

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." -John Lennon

Absolutely bat shit crazy. We are essentially being robbed of our hard earned dollars disguised as "taxes" by psychopaths in power only to have it funneled to other psychopaths in all levels of our insane society.

It's not all that crazy when you see how many innocent civilians our government murders in the name of "democracy". Thank you military biopharmaceutical complex!

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Jenna, Thanks for making a liar out of me! After I posted my Substack: https://richardtbosshardtmd.substack.com/p/why-i-am-voting-for-trump-and-you I swore I would not post any further items related to the election until on or after November 5. Well, this piece of yours was just too good to pass up so I am sharing with everyone and anyone I can. You are always a hoot and on point. Rick

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Touche, Sir! That was EXCELLENT and I just restacked it! :)

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That video had me in quiet tears, which felt really awkward after the rest of the article.

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Yeah, maybe I needed a better segue (sorry). ;)

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We loved the video, too!! ❤️

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Why is this psychopath in prison? Shouldn't this convicted murdered have been fast-tracked to the death penalty?

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Welcome to our deeply flawed criminal injustice system!🤦‍♀️

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Neo Marxism has weaponized the LGTBQ movement, just like they weaponized Climate Change, DEI, Healthcare, Etc.. Marxists need to destroy civilization first, in order to implement their Utopia. AKA: Agenda 2030, Great Reset, New World Order, Technocracy, Etc..

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Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Jenna, you are amazing. Thank you for sharing that hopeful video!! ❤️

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This topic is a major source of discord in my house. I am (a woman) married to a woman. My wife believes men belong in women's prisons and for me to express my horror at that thought makes me "transphobic". We recently discussed the Olympics and the fact that two MEN won gold medals in Women's boxing. Her response was "isn't it beautiful that we have so much diversity in the world and we know that there are women with men's level of chemicals in their bodies?". WTAF?? "People with vaginas who have men's levels of chemicals in their bodies." That's her rationale that the two male gold medal winners deserved those medals. It's beyond Orwellian.

As for men in women's prisons, I can't quite follow her (il)logic on how that's acceptable. Women, real women like her and me and our own beautiful daughter, are being erased and harmed by this crazy evil agenda. Our almost 13 yo daughter has been so brainwashed that she would welcome boys in the girls' dressing room. Yes really. I hope she never has to find out how dangerous that can be.

We also have a son who is 10 now and has been "identifying" as "NB" since he was 7. I refuse to use his preferred they/them pronouns and that's a whole other problem.

You cannot reason with these people. Logic is irrelevant and unacceptable to them. I can guarantee that my wife would say "Well, JJJ was just one person and he is not representative of the trans community as a whole. And there are always people that will hurt other people but that doesn't mean that transwomen shouldn't be allowed in women's prisons."


The reason I am still in this marriage is because the larger (Marxist) agenda is the abolition of the family. And I am too stubborn to let them win, at least with my one tiny little family. And I want to be there to pick up the pieces when this whole sorry bs agenda burns to the ground. Sorry for the rant. But this is a topic that makes my blood boil.

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Oh, this comment was so hard to read. I don't know how you live like that! Sending all the strength in the world. XO

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